Beatdown Patrol

Sud wrote:

There are very few ways to abuse the agreement sufficiently to have your right to a Ranked Server revoked, and with how this whole issue has been portrayed, I am pretty confident that EA wouldn't revoke in this case.
I had assumed that acts of stat padding violated the EULA. I know for a fact that a lot of the "knife only" servers got their ranked status canned. I will need to do more research to see what it allows and what it does not.

I consider many administrator functions, used wrongfully, are worthy of being called stat padding. If you kick someone who's good in chopper, for example, you are stat padding - you're preventing many deaths from the enemy team, as well as denying that player kills and adding a kick onto their permanent record (kicks and bans are public info that can be used against you). As far as I know they also have the ability to interrupt rounds such that the server does not transmit data - something they may do if they themselves are having a poor round for example.
EA is too busy making money to get into the business of trying to police every single incident that happens on a server.  If you check out and go down to CONDUCT, you will see the following:

>> Q. Are there rules of conduct to be observed?

A. We are not here to police this community. However, no cheating or abusive behavior by the gamers who have purchased this service or the members of their clan, team, squad, guild, etc. will be tolerated. We expect gamers from the to be honorable in conduct and in sportsmanship.

All customers are expected to abide by EA's Terms of Service at all times. <<

If you go check out the Terms of Service, it is the standard blahblahblah rules of just about every ToS in existance.  In otherwords, no specifics on server or game management since the term "abusive" can be left up to a lot of open interpretation.  I definitely would not call booting Captain Pad-tastic for spawn raping a form of cheating.

The crackdown on "knife only" servers is nothing more than EA/DICE taking the easy way out due to their crappy programming and weakly thought-out statistic system.  There are puhleeeeenty of ways that they can prevent people from boosting stats through more extensive programming and rules, but instead...they would rather take a more nebulous and draconian route.  Personally, if people want to create a server where only pistols are used, then damn it...why freakin' NOT?!?!  Wanna set rules for just sniper rifles?  Freakin' go for it.  It ain't like EA is giving away a free Ferarri for the no-life with the best stats.

On the flip side, having only one option of gameplay like 'capture the flag' is so so lazy.  How about some REAL objectives, like having one side have to take back some stolen explosives while the other side defends?  One side has to destroy a top secret plane or a radio tower or a nuclear plant while the other side must defend.  If they don't want people to be "creative" then give them something else to do but hoisting flags up and down.

- Beatdown

Last edited by Beatdown Patrol (2005-12-04 20:54:17)

Wow some really good points of view. I enjoy reading this stuff.
Hello Again!!!

you get banned/kicked for being a little weener,
just read over this topic , the stuff you posted.
you will understand why you get kicked/banned from servers....

maybe you should wait till your an adult to play online games like these ones,
your just a little kid.
would you still just circle uncapable bases if there where no points given in the game
Fantasma Parastasie
Unbeatable, I know your pain very well (scroll down the list of topics in complaints and read my thread) But to say that you're "very good" with jets by baseraping is just lame. You cannot claim to be good by simply destroying anything that spawns. I barely ever baserape, but if I do nothing ever leaves the ground again. It's simple, easy, and not a challenge at all. Not to mention annoying as hell to the other team and you don't increase your skills at all. On the other hand, if you're not breaking any rules, be it server or ROE, you cannot be kicked or banned. As for choppers, many people are completely incapable of even hitting a mountain with TV-guided missles, so when one of the few players who can use them properly comes along people get suspicuous. Find a decent server and stick to it, it's your only real solution.

And rookie, please, try being a little more mature in the future, eh? especially when you're insulting others of being little kids.
Jo Barf Creepy

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

EVERY DAMN night I get kicked and banned from servers that say I cheat. All I do is rape with Helos and Jets. I normally go like 10:1 K/D ratio so by the end my score is over 100 with about 50-70 kills and less that 10 deaths. I get kicked out of AT LEAST 2-3 a night. It gets really frustrating working hard to get better and when I get there... I get booted. They also say I have a TV missle hack cause with 8 missles I hit my target 7 times. I practiced and I got REALLY good with TV. GRRRRRRRRR

Any ideas? I mean if I really hacked I would be banned by EA for good.... Who do clan members/leaders think they are for banning me? While we all know they ban due to envy.

Game Name >> "Fear [TvC]Unbe@table"

Any and all suggestions appreciated
Suggestion - Grow some hair on your sack and try infantry. Too many airborne pussies these days that cannot hold there own in infantry battles.

ValentijnR wrote:

would you still just circle uncapable bases if there where no points given in the game
Hell yes, anything for my team to win!
The Lazy Genius
+14|6578|USA, CA

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

Ok guys keep to the topic at hand here... age is nothing of significance. I know a 14 year old who would rape anyone at any game. Anyway...

I have read all posts with some "I agree" and "I disagree" thoughts...

I have a hard time with seeming to be the only beef against myself. "I rape uncappable flags."

Ok here it is... WE ALL DO IT? If I dont... then THEY WILL! My job as a jet pilot is to keep the helos and jets outta the air, RIGHT? And as a Chopper pilot I must keep the other helos and tanks rare to see, RIGHT?

Now if skills are based upon that, then I will win most of the time... But if someone on the other team just kicks the crap outta me, then what is he going to do? NOT LET ME TAKE OFF! Cap the derelect choppers and jets.. He wants easier kills and wants his team to capture flags without hovering choppers shooting at them..

I guess its a matter of opinion...Grand master players say that it sucks being kicked and that all is fair in love and war. While the less talented players say that I should stop camping/base raping and that its of players like me that make the game less fun..

My reply to that is, GUESS what kids, I used to get my arse handed to me by helos and jets... I practiced, Practiced and practiced more on single player and empty servers to perfect my skills so that I can defend myself when I am under attack from Helos/jets. And now? the only way to kill me outta the air is to ram me! Yes if flown properly the helo cannot be shot down by jet missles and using guns is very difficult for the oposing pilots. I get it all the time .. Rammed that is... sucks.

Well keep the posts going?

I am still looking for something to whom I can report noob admins who ban because of superior skills...

A certain amount of Uncap raping is acceptable, but not over and over again and not while there taking off, mainly that just shows that you cant fight off the other jets when there in teh air. Example: Wake: Bomb the air field every three passes on the carrier.  The over and over shit gets old quick and can kill a server. But to say never hit the uncap then your crazy, this is war. However, when you look at the f35 V J10 the f35 should take every chance to shoot the j10 on take off, becuase its is extremly weak! 

To every one that doesn;t like the amoun tof vehciles in BF2 and the Plane warfare then go play something else!
+1|6668|Mount Vernon, WA

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

Do you think that during the Iraq war, Saddam was thinking to himself...

FU** YOU BUSH!!! Youre taking the fun outta war by bombing my uncappable flag! Its no fun for me now!! I will just hide in a hole for a week. DA**IT!



Then the USMC pilots said.. DA**IT I cant get in the air!!! SADDAM WILL YOU BAN THE PILOTS??!!?? PLEASE??!!?? THey are taking the fun out of this war!! DA**IT!!
Oh crap, I forgot this was REAL WAR!!!! I always thought this was a game..... Which if it WERE a game it would be about sportsmanship, not absolute domination by unfair tactics.....

I've been on a big commander buzz lately, and considering this is REAL WAR, EA should make the artty available as soon as you become commander that way you can base-rape the uncaps before the other team has a chance to choose their kits....

My suggestion, play single-player and base-rape all you want, don't come into a gaming community where people like to have FUN playing a GAME bitching that you don't like being kicked/banned by people who are out to have FUN, and not get spawn-camped or base-raped....

You know, you're probably the guy who was camped on the end of the Carrier last night on the server I was playing on, (note I was playing, I don't get combat pay for BF2) just sitting there waiting for people to spawn so he could rape us.... Get real skill, base-raping isn't skill.....
I knife Generals
+278|6579|Search Whore killing fields
ewww old post gross

dan500 wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

Kicking and banning someone because they are better then you is not right. I hope EA starts cracking down on some of the rules and silly stuff going on by the admins of some of the servers.
They are, one clan has had there sever took of them because they kicked people cos they was gonna come first second or third and they was gonna miss out getting a medal.
if your not good enuf to take a fav out of there don't get mad at him there is nothing wrong with spawn camping/raping

i don't know if this has been said yet i'm not going to read 4 pages
+0|6565|Scarborough, UK

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

ValentijnR wrote:

would you still just circle uncapable bases if there where no points given in the game
Hell yes, anything for my team to win!
I think not. If there's nothing in it for u, u wouldn't do it. Your telling us that u would spawn kill, get no points for it and keep doing it for the good of the team. Bull!!
You wouldn't have a K/D of 70/80 to 10 then would you. It would be 0/10 seeing as you would get no points and you say you hardly ever get shot down.
The ppl who want to win for the "good of the team" are those ppl who join squads, work as a unit and do as the commander asks. I doubt you fall into that category, unless the commander asks you to rape bases and spawn points! and that's unlikely.

Lengoron wrote:

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

Do you think that during the Iraq war, Saddam was thinking to himself...

FU** YOU BUSH!!! Youre taking the fun outta war by bombing my uncappable flag! Its no fun for me now!! I will just hide in a hole for a week. DA**IT!



Then the USMC pilots said.. DA**IT I cant get in the air!!! SADDAM WILL YOU BAN THE PILOTS??!!?? PLEASE??!!?? THey are taking the fun out of this war!! DA**IT!!
Oh crap, I forgot this was REAL WAR!!!! I always thought this was a game..... Which if it WERE a game it would be about sportsmanship, not absolute domination by unfair tactics.....

I've been on a big commander buzz lately, and considering this is REAL WAR, EA should make the artty available as soon as you become commander that way you can base-rape the uncaps before the other team has a chance to choose their kits....

My suggestion, play single-player and base-rape all you want, don't come into a gaming community where people like to have FUN playing a GAME bitching that you don't like being kicked/banned by people who are out to have FUN, and not get spawn-camped or base-raped....

You know, you're probably the guy who was camped on the end of the Carrier last night on the server I was playing on, (note I was playing, I don't get combat pay for BF2) just sitting there waiting for people to spawn so he could rape us.... Get real skill, base-raping isn't skill.....
Did you know Gullible IS NOT IN THE DICTIONARY?????
That was a joke smacktard...

cc//kazuma wrote:

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

ValentijnR wrote:

would you still just circle uncapable bases if there where no points given in the game
Hell yes, anything for my team to win!
I think not. If there's nothing in it for u, u wouldn't do it. Your telling us that u would spawn kill, get no points for it and keep doing it for the good of the team. Bull!!
You wouldn't have a K/D of 70/80 to 10 then would you. It would be 0/10 seeing as you would get no points and you say you hardly ever get shot down.
The ppl who want to win for the "good of the team" are those ppl who join squads, work as a unit and do as the commander asks. I doubt you fall into that category, unless the commander asks you to rape bases and spawn points! and that's unlikely.
Your post there just tells me and the viewing eye that all you care about is your precious POINTS! LAMER!
BF2s Frat Brother

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

cc//kazuma wrote:

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

Hell yes, anything for my team to win!
I think not. If there's nothing in it for u, u wouldn't do it. Your telling us that u would spawn kill, get no points for it and keep doing it for the good of the team. Bull!!
You wouldn't have a K/D of 70/80 to 10 then would you. It would be 0/10 seeing as you would get no points and you say you hardly ever get shot down.
The ppl who want to win for the "good of the team" are those ppl who join squads, work as a unit and do as the commander asks. I doubt you fall into that category, unless the commander asks you to rape bases and spawn points! and that's unlikely.
Your post there just tells me and the viewing eye that all you care about is your precious POINTS! LAMER!
A wins a win, and this is war, so who cares.  You gotta do what you gotta do to win because second place is just another name for
+1|6668|Mount Vernon, WA

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

Lengoron wrote:

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

Do you think that during the Iraq war, Saddam was thinking to himself...

FU** YOU BUSH!!! Youre taking the fun outta war by bombing my uncappable flag! Its no fun for me now!! I will just hide in a hole for a week. DA**IT!



Then the USMC pilots said.. DA**IT I cant get in the air!!! SADDAM WILL YOU BAN THE PILOTS??!!?? PLEASE??!!?? THey are taking the fun out of this war!! DA**IT!!
Oh crap, I forgot this was REAL WAR!!!! I always thought this was a game..... Which if it WERE a game it would be about sportsmanship, not absolute domination by unfair tactics.....

I've been on a big commander buzz lately, and considering this is REAL WAR, EA should make the artty available as soon as you become commander that way you can base-rape the uncaps before the other team has a chance to choose their kits....

My suggestion, play single-player and base-rape all you want, don't come into a gaming community where people like to have FUN playing a GAME bitching that you don't like being kicked/banned by people who are out to have FUN, and not get spawn-camped or base-raped....

You know, you're probably the guy who was camped on the end of the Carrier last night on the server I was playing on, (note I was playing, I don't get combat pay for BF2) just sitting there waiting for people to spawn so he could rape us.... Get real skill, base-raping isn't skill.....
Did you know Gullible IS NOT IN THE DICTIONARY?????
That was a joke smacktard...
wow, great comeback, you really burned me....

smacktard.... a word that doesn't offend because I've got a real life, but if it makes you feel good, you can pretend that I cried and wet myself..... oh, and other words that hurt my feelings, are, "Lamer" "Noob" and "Asshole" so get your fill.
Mod Incarnate
Enough. This thread is over 6 months old anyway, I don't see why it was revived to begin with.

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