Check your AA alarm...
+82|6948|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Barrett "Light Fifty" M82A1 M82A2 M82A3 (USA)

M82A1 rifle displayed next to M16A2 rifle for size comparison
(image source: book by A. G. Williams "Rapid Firepower", Airlife books, UK, 2000)

There you have it.  Here is the link for the webpage on it -

Last edited by PFCStenzel (2006-06-09 11:36:07)


KeeblerEOD wrote:

=DBD=TITAN126 wrote:

That's because the Seahawk is the helicopter used by the Marines.

The Army uses the Blackhawk. I don't know why they called it the Blackhawk.
The helicopters in the Army are nicknamed after different Indian tribes, Blackhawk, Apache, Cobra, Chinook, Iriquois, etc... The Navy and Marine Corp took the design of the Blackhawk and made some modifications to it to make it able to withstand the tough enviroment of carrier life. That is why, if you look at a real blackhawk and seahawk, you can see that the rear landing gear is closer to the front on the seahawk so that they can get it crammed onto the flightdeck of the carrier. I hope this helps you out.

And yes that is the M82A1 .50 cal Barrett sniper rifle. It is a semi-automatic, 10 round magazine weapon. It is a lot of fun to fire. It WILL stop a vehicle dead in its tracks when shot through the engine. And I dont care who you are, if you get shot with this, you WILL NOT be doing anything but yelling "MEDIC!!!!!" for the next 15 seconds of your life. Then and only then, will you have the opportunity to return to life back at one of your favorite spawn points saying to yourself, "I'm going to get that SOB". And just about the time you get that out, you will be down on the ground yelling "MEDIC!!!!" and the whole process will repeat itself, again and again and again.
The Cobra is a marine chopper (besides, it isn't native american).  Yeah, semi auto .50 cal would be unbalanced.
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings

=DBD=TITAN126 wrote:

That's because the Seahawk is the helicopter used by the Marines.

The Army uses the Blackhawk. I don't know why they called it the Blackhawk.
+1 for the truth
actually the Navy uses the HH-60H Seahawk, the Marines use the CH-46 Sea Knight and the CH-53E Super Stallion
+18|6794|I Fight for Bush !!

irenicus999 wrote:

KeeblerEOD wrote:

=DBD=TITAN126 wrote:

That's because the Seahawk is the helicopter used by the Marines.

The Army uses the Blackhawk. I don't know why they called it the Blackhawk.
The helicopters in the Army are nicknamed after different Indian tribes, Blackhawk, Apache, Cobra, Chinook, Iriquois, etc... The Navy and Marine Corp took the design of the Blackhawk and made some modifications to it to make it able to withstand the tough enviroment of carrier life. That is why, if you look at a real blackhawk and seahawk, you can see that the rear landing gear is closer to the front on the seahawk so that they can get it crammed onto the flightdeck of the carrier. I hope this helps you out.

And yes that is the M82A1 .50 cal Barrett sniper rifle. It is a semi-automatic, 10 round magazine weapon. It is a lot of fun to fire. It WILL stop a vehicle dead in its tracks when shot through the engine. And I dont care who you are, if you get shot with this, you WILL NOT be doing anything but yelling "MEDIC!!!!!" for the next 15 seconds of your life. Then and only then, will you have the opportunity to return to life back at one of your favorite spawn points saying to yourself, "I'm going to get that SOB". And just about the time you get that out, you will be down on the ground yelling "MEDIC!!!!" and the whole process will repeat itself, again and again and again.
The Cobra is a marine chopper (besides, it isn't native american).  Yeah, semi auto .50 cal would be unbalanced.
The Bell AH-1 Cobra was initially designed and designated as a US Army Platform. Derived from the Bell model 209 it was first delivered to the US Army in Vietnam in 1967 as the AH-1G and it was not until 1971 that Marine Corp AH-1J twin engine "SEA COBRA" were fielded in South Vietnam in very limited numbers. What may confuse some though is that the Army gave control of 38 AH-1G model to the Marines in 1969 as a stop gap until their twin engine variants could be manufactured. The US Marine Corps had definitely taken the AH-1 airframe much farther than the Army, in fact the Army had abandoned it while the Marines have modernized it culminating in the AH-1Z model (version used in BF2) which has the new composite 4 blade rotor system (VS traditional AH-1 2 blade teetering system) and advanced tow capabilities. The Marines plan to upgrade 180 AH-1W Super Cobras to the AH-1Z standard and use them through 2020.
+18|6794|I Fight for Bush !!

SpectreGunship wrote:

actually the Navy uses the HH-60H Seahawk, the Marines use the CH-46 Sea Knight and the CH-53E Super Stallion
Dont forget though that the US Marine Corps loves their hueys (UH-1Y to start production very soon) and they are replacing all CH-46 Phrogs with the MV-22 Osprey

Exactly.. here is a list of all known H-60 Variants that made it to some level of production

UH-60A - Standard US Army Blackhawk
SH-60B - Standard US Navy Anti-Sub SeaHawk
MH-60D - USAF NightHawk - never produced, just prototypes
SH-60F - Navy Version - Anti-Sub for Carriers
HH/MH-60G PaveHawk - US Air Force Special Ops / Combat Rescue
HH-60H Navy Special Ops
HH-60J US Coast Guard Rescue
EH-60A/L US Army Intel
MH-60L/K US Army Special Ops
CH-60 US Navy Vrep
Ch-60M US Army Multi-Purpose
VH-60N USMC VIP (Presidential Support)
HH-60Q US Army Medi-Vac
SH-60R US Navy Multi-Role
S70C Firehawk - used by California and Oregon Army National Guard as well as some county fire departments

only 1 USMC version, and it is for presidential support

I have not added any export models or the new SLEP UH-60M which kicks ass BTW

Last edited by agwood (2006-06-09 12:29:58)

you missed out the rangers they use blackhawks
+18|6794|I Fight for Bush !!

Chillin&killin wrote:

you missed out the rangers they use blackhawks
I wasnt being specific on WHO uses each variant, just which service and its intended role

Last edited by agwood (2006-06-09 12:18:34)

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