+783|7098|Reykjavík, Iceland.
I don't have anything at all against America.

I hate the American goverment as it is today.

...performing headshots!
+46|6839|Hamburg / Germany
I really really would like to know what Mr. Bush brought to you Americans, and what of these things were positiv.
Me as an European guy just can't believe how stupid and simple minded some of you Americans are. Go on, eat your Nachos in front of the TV, and let your sons die in the sand of foreign countries. By the way have you found Osama, yet?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6804|Southeastern USA
*a housing market boom that the labor market had a hard time keeping up with, as did the Fed Reserve Board in their attempts to reign in inflation
*2,000,000+ jobs in two and a half years
*32 straight months of job growth
*several world record stock market closings
*action against a threat that was ignored attack after attack by Clinton
*recovery from a recession that actually started 2 quarters before he took office (many people claim the stock market fell before he took office because the votes had been counted and investors knew he was going to be inaugurated, but 2 quarters before inauguration the primaries hadn't even been decided yet)
*current unemployment is 4.6%, Clinton's golden age average was 5.1 (i think, I'm at work with a low bandwidth and will have to wait til i get home to look, someone else feel free to correct me, but I do remember that Bush's average is lower than Clinton's)
* no attacks since he overhauled Clinton's Intel policies
*first black female sec of state
*first hispanic supreme court nominee

this is all I can pull off the top of my head, he spends a little too much and is pussyfooting around the illegal immigrant issue, but that's about it.....

*everyone is basing "the economy sux" on the fact that gasoline is getting expensive, while the DNC is blocking attempts to drill our own oil reserves, at least one of which spans the US and Canada and holds 3 time the oil in Saudi Arabia, as well as blocking genetically engineered corn bred specifically for higher production of Ethanol
*when adjusted for inflation, Jimmy Carter had the highest oil prices ever
*since when has the price of ANYTHING, oil or otherwise gone down?
Yes yes yes, hear that all you Bush and America hating ass hats, he does do good, and he has helped this country out, greatly. Americans and the world just never hear about any of the good things about this adminsitration because of all the Liberal ran new networks, who have a vandeta against Bush and the Republican party.

Kr@cker the gas prices point is a good one, and Ill add to it a bit. I was in Germany last summer, do you know what the gas prices were there? Almost 2 euro's a liter, that calculates to what about $6-7 a gallon? So all you American complaning about paying $2.80-$3.20 a gallon right now, just be thankful we're kicking ass in the mid-east so we have our prices this low. That's not the goal of us being there, but it is a result.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6929|Canberra, AUS

sheff1597 wrote:

Ok just so all of you know where im comming from. Im an American, 18 years ols, I graduate High School in 2 days. My political stance is that of a moderate repbulican, I like alot of bushes domestic policies, and some of his foreign ones. I was born here, then me and my family moved to SAUDI ARABIA for 7 years, now im back in america, and I have been for the past 8 years. Now nobody tell me I have no right to say anything about america because Ive seen alot more shit than most of you.

Now im going to answer each of your questions raph[BOSS], and im going to light up your world (Toby Keith).

1. You may not know this, but American children are required by law to attend school untill they're 18 years old. Once they legally become adults, they can fuck up their lives as they see fit. You can also choose to enlist in the military at that time, which some do. Now an incentive to join the military is FREE MONEY FOR COLLEGE. So after those people serve their time, they can go to college basically for free, or with alot of it paid for. So this statement is void. Oh and if your quoting the statistics of american school children vs. other european countries, for example Germany, those are also void. I have taken 3 years of german in school, and I visited there for 3 weeks last summer. They have 3 levels of school, the lowest being the kids who will grow up to be ditch diggers, the second is for kids who will be blue collar workers, and mabey go to college, and the 3rd and highest is the Gymnasium, these are the doctors, lawyrs, scientists, etc, all of whom will go to college. The statistics are taken from their highest level students. Now here in America, everone is equal when it comes to school. So our statistics are the average of everyone, while Germany's for example is the statistics from the smartest of the smart there. Its an unfair and void arguement.

2.Really, we're psychos? Thats why we're the becon of freedom and equality in the world? Thats why Americans are some of the most patriotic people in the world? Thats why we send the most aid money to all the people in need in the world? And thats why we do the most of any other country in the world to spread equal and fair rights in the world hugh? Yes we are the only country to have used nuclear weapons in the world, twice. But do you know what Japan's planns were for the US west coast? If we hadent stoped them, and if they had got carriers within range of the west coast, they were making biological weapons to use. Those bombs carried millions of flea's that carried the plague, you likley being a european should know what that does, considering far more than 50% of your contenent died from it. They wanted to infect America with a horrible, slow, painful, death. Yes the cancer and radiation poisoning from our bombs did the same thing to those japanese who survived the blasts, but it was a far far less amount of people that died that way then would have been if they carried out their plan. Oh and when the surrendered, we went in and helped those people, and we helped them them re-build those cities, along with all of europe.

Now as for making people live and be governed the "American Way" I agree with you to a degree. But im sorry, the way it was in Iraq, and Afganastan was in humane. A democracy like we have in America would never work there, It cant. But what ever they get, if we follow through and its done right, will fit their country and culture, and be 110% better than what they had before.

3.Because we're not an unstable country controlled my a psychotic government who might use them in the name of genocide. Hey mabey we should also attack you should attack Russia, England, France, China, India, Pakastan, Isreal, North Korea, soon Iran. I'll bet money your from one of those countries, mabey I should attack you?

4.Nope, Its American policy. Im not saying that nothing violating that policy has never happened, because it has. But do we beat and torture our prisionrs daily? Do we give them enough food and water to barely live? Do we put 20 dying people in a 10x10 concrete cell? Do our prisiors not see day light for years at a time? You really should just shut up because your an idiot.

5.I dont really understand your bad grammer, so ill just generalize about the UN. The UN is worthless, it once had power, and today it still does give us a place to have countries talk and make some decisions in a democratic way. But it really has no power anymore. Oh and where is the headquarters? New York City, USA. What country is the single largest  contrubuter of money and military hardware to it? The US. Shut your damn mouth.

6.HAHAHAHAHAHA, this makes me laugh out loud. Because if there was a global embargo aginst the US the world economy would shut down. There would be almost no comercal launches into space (communications satilites and such) Countries would'nt have new airplanes, excpt for Air Bus since there located in France I believe, but that would take out Boing, Lockheed Martin, MacDonald Douglass, the list goes on and on. I really could go on for pages but I wont.

7.This is true, but he actually didnt kill anyone. Yes he ordered the war, and thus is responsible. But answer this, is it possible for really anyone not sin according to christian beliefs? I mean the second your born there something aginst you. It really is a bit riddiclous. So everyone is going to hell. I mean ive cured a few times here, so im going to hell right now. You are too for your speech. Thats what repentment is for. You repent your sins to God and Jesus, and he takes them for you and forgives you so that you may go to heaven. He dosnent discriminate aginst people, as long as you do what is required to repent, and if you've lived a good life in general, which most peole do.

I hope i've enlightend you a little, since you really have no arguement. All of what you said is void, have a nice fucking day. Oh and you can kiss my big fat, SUV driving (yes I have one), polluting, godless (alot of the world thinks this, but its false), American ass.
I think you missed the point. The guy you were answering was clearly a very young ideologue who has little background knowledge and quite a big mouth - so he probably won't listen to you anyway.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6929|Canberra, AUS

sheff1597 wrote:

Yes yes yes, hear that all you Bush and America hating ass hats, he does do good, and he has helped this country out, greatly. Americans and the world just never hear about any of the good things about this adminsitration because of all the Liberal ran new networks, who have a vandeta against Bush and the Republican party.

Kr@cker the gas prices point is a good one, and Ill add to it a bit. I was in Germany last summer, do you know what the gas prices were there? Almost 2 euro's a liter, that calculates to what about $6-7 a gallon? So all you American complaning about paying $2.80-$3.20 a gallon right now, just be thankful we're kicking ass in the mid-east so we have our prices this low. That's not the goal of us being there, but it is a result.
On the other hand, if you weren't so, erm, pressing towards Iran then we'd have a lot less tension.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+255|6891|Westminster, California

Mackaronen wrote:

I'm Swedish and like to send a hug and a thank you to America, even though i do not agree with you always. I think it is good in the long run that Saddam was taken down. I just do not understand why all those terrorist can see that. I would not mind if Sweden would send troops to aid the allies in Iraq, but it will probably never happen though we Swed's are a very peace loving people.
I'm American and I'd like to thank Sweden for sending all those hot, eager to learn young au pair chicks.
Hmmm...( remembering 19 year old Annica, didn't speak hardly a lick of English but she was willing to learn a lick or two...)
The thing with Iran is this. The UN and EU have only been giving "carrots" to Iran. These are religious radicals that are in charge of this country. The leaders are psychotic, and arnt fit to run a country, especially one that is on the fast track to being nuclear. You cant argue that with me, they are insane. They wont listen to the carrots the european countries are giving them. They know only war and death, its part of their beliefs, and its what their lives are. They will only listen to force and nothing else. Since America, along with Isreal, and Great Britian are really the only 3  free countries in this world with any balls to what needs to be done, we're going to do what we do well, give sticks. Now this is a definate problem, with American and coallition forces in Afganastan and Iraq, along with all the other dozons of places in the world. We just dont have enough man power to really do anything with Iran. Also occupation would not work in Iran. So basically the only thing that we can do is use our multi billion dollar stragic stealth bombers and take out their nuclear facilities before the come fully operational and capable of producing weapons. This would in affect start off alot more shit in the mid east. So basically we're fucked ether way, wether we were "pressing" or not towards Iran.
Commander God
+41|6910|Denver, CO
I am an American and former Police Officer.  I am ashamed of our country's corruption.  I am not going to go off on some rambbling about any "consiracy theorys" or anything but from my personal experience more and more people in power here in America are lacking integrity and ethics.

Whenever you have 1 Hour and 21 Minutes, check out this video: … ose+Change

Don't get me wrong, I love the prinicples America was founded on.  I just don't believe those principles are in practice today.

GermanLegionaire wrote:

I really really would like to know what Mr. Bush brought to you Americans, and what of these things were positiv.
Me as an European guy just can't believe how stupid and simple minded some of you Americans are. Go on, eat your Nachos in front of the TV, and let your sons die in the sand of foreign countries. By the way have you found Osama, yet?
I'm not a GW fan.  I can't really think of anything positive to be honest.  But....

We may be simple-minded, but we haven't gassed anyone.

I like nacho's in front of the tv.  Doesn't make much sense eating behind the tv.

If it wasn't for us and several other countries Europe would not be what it is today.  Were we stupid then?

We do not "let" our sons and daughters die.  We agonize over the losses we have incurred.  As for the losses of our allies.  It's easy for you sitting where you're at to be critical of us.   Have you lived here, have you been involved in our political system?  Do you even vote in your own country?

I'll grant you we are not perfect and we have made mistakes.  But what you'll find with us is we will own up to those mistakes and as in the past will pay for them.. Either in reputation or with currency.  Who do you think rebuilt your country?  We may have been stupid then!!!!
The Lazy Genius
+14|6790|USA, CA
Basically it comes down to this kiss my american ass!! Why? Because without us it would be a different world!! The world might hate us, but who cares! You wouldn't even be able to make these posts if it wasn't for america!! Internet started here!!!!  Think also that if we didnt step in, during world War II then there could be a huge german empire!!! And what we get for that, nothing no credit no thank you!

As far our policy, its fucked!! But so is the majority of every country that has ever exsisted!! People are just pissed off that they don't live in a country like America so they bitch and whine saying i hate america cuz they did this, or they did that! We donate more money, time and energy into this world then any other country. The good people that live here honestly care about there fellow human beings! A war can't take that away from us! BTw our gas is cheap compared to rest of the world, i wonder why maybe becuase we consume more we get a discount!!

I really dont mean any direct insult here but, please enlighten me! Why does a german have any say against America, youre lucky we didn't level the whole country for what hitler did!! Not the germans fault but dont go pointing the blame! The british they can hate us, we kicked their ass 230 years ago and they have never gotten over it, the people with pitch forks won!!!

I have been to 34 countries in my short 21 years on the earth. England, Ireland kicked ass the poeple where awesome (I was only called a yank once) and i could live there no problem ( Except the Weather) Scandinavia Kicks ass enough said. Germany were by far one of the most rude crude and socially unexceptable people i have ever encountered in my life, and before you say it was my attiude; remeber that during my visit to france i never once ran into someone that was mean or rude! But no matter how nice i was to the germans they were still rude as shit!! Italians kick ass, you gotta love italy, the greeks and turks same nice accomdating people!! Mexico and the 15 countries below, that i have visited no problem, the people are nice. I have Seen many parts of the world and have seen the people that make it great!! You people seem to focus on the bad, and really only mention one adminstraion as proof for why they hate america!!

Well as i see it, keep hating us, and one day we might forget you exisit and cut the funding!

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