I'm 29, and I know that when 3 entire states' highway and interstate systems are covered with trees, and 20 minute drives are turned into 3 hour trips, that getting a pizza from the shop down the street can be a huge problem, much less several thousand tons of supplies from several different time zones, and no they can't be airlifted in if the damn airstrips are screwed.
*FEMA's guideline state repeatedly that it is not a first responder organization and states should not expect help for 48-96 hours,
*Local authorites ARE the first responder in this situation
*the mostly black police force didn't show up for work, most of them choosing to run off with their families instead of returning to re-establish order in the city even after their families had found shelter
*national guard is the second line of response, initiated by the states governor
* NOAA warned the mayor and governor (both DNC) of the impending danger,
*The levy authorities were all staffed by Dems, mostly black
*Bush made repeated requests to Gov Mary Landreau to declare a state of emergency, as this is the only legal way in the US for a federal takeover of the operations of a state, especially if there is intent to use any element of the US military
*Landreau did not do so until the second day of the flood, after he pulled her sorry ass into his private office on Air Force One and lost a boot in it
*Mayor Nagin ignored the hurricane center's and NOAA advising him to evacuate the city
*he stated afterward that they didnt have the means to since most of the people in the ghettoes didn't own cars, and he became know as "School bus" Nagin after pictures of hundreds of unused buses sitting in flood waters were released
* all the other states in our area were on evac alert, just waiting for the final notice on where landfall would be, this is a decision made by the governor
*I'm at work on a low bandwidth and can't surf much now, but the death toll was nowhere near what was being hyped at the time of the flood, I'll try to post before and afters later, but you can dig on your own b4 i can get to it
*my entire extended family lives in "hurricane alley", from Miami to Louisiana, we know what happens in hurricanes
*anyone with an IQ above room temperature can figure out these things, if not then they are stupid AND naive
*the pilgrims were not american
*the KKK was originally an organization formed after the civil war to oppose federalism, it's founder, Nathan Bedford Forrest, disbanded it when it became centered on race instead, it has reformed since and promotes racism
*segregation was enforced by the DNC governors, for those internationals reading, the DNC is the party that opposes Bush
*ethnic cleansing has filled mass graves in Europe in all of our lifetimes, and there are still factions carrying it out today, albeit in a much more limited scope, Milosovec anyone?
Last edited by kr@cker (18 years, 7 months ago)