fikraag7 wrote:
Wowzors, j0 n0obs aught ta |\|o7 be su<H d|_|mb@$$es...
Yeah. While the above is way too common, this site is a forum. Most of these kids don't even know where the USA is on a map (50% of high school seniors cannot identify the US on a map), so why do you expect them to write in grammatically correct sentences on a website? That's asking a bit much, methinks.
Hmmm, I do believe your kinda over-exampling (if there ever is such a word
). The USA is not the only place where they speak English, and I still have to meet the first 12 year old that cannot point out the USA on a world map and say Texas is the capital city.
Nah, what I think CMDR_Dave meant is, that if your capable of typing some English, make it as comprehendible as possible, to help your potential readers. Moreover, it can help to re-read your post before submitting it. Especially if your native language is blimy Enlgish from the bloody English school of Cairo.
Ascii-constructions (this is hardly a sentences) like “Wowzors, j0 n0obs aught ta |\|o7 be su<H d|_|mb@$$es...” are pretty aggravating…
@Scorpion0x17 Aah that's what you mean... Ok, let's place some anti-linguist-say-more's...
@fikraag7: And I honestly admit I pretty stupid
Last edited by =Robin-Hood= (2005-11-06 16:15:37)