
How much do you love/hate the USA? (I am a(n)...)

American who unapologetically loves America30%30% - 100
American who loves america, just not American policy17%17% - 56
non-American who is sympathetic to Americans14%14% - 47
American who has become disillusioned by America5%5% - 17
American who would leave if it weren't a hassle to.3%3% - 10
non-American who hates Americans.17%17% - 59
American or American't...makes no difference to me11%11% - 39
Total: 328
Say wat!?
This is definatly my last post here so dont quote me coz im not going to replying.

You americans need to stop thinking everone is envious of you:

1. My schooling is superior to yours.
2. My police force is superior to yours.
3. My nation is less hated than yours across the world.
4. I can eat health food here easily and cheaply.
5. Im not a fat ass.
6. My country which is small is controlled by one person, your country which is huge is controlled by one person which is thee most rediculus idea ever, that is why you have some of your problems, if you spilt your country up it would be governed alot better.
7. I have lots of nearby countried that have completly different cultures i can enjoy.
8. My country is a member of the EU.
9. My country has a long history that i can enjoy rather than a short 300 year old one.
10. This is just a theory but it would explain why Europe is a nicer place, we sent all our rejects to america.

thank you let the -karma roll in from you americans with not explaination other than OMFG STFU.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6858|Southeastern USA
Other than the schooling the rest is just opinion, and merits no comment,  I hate American public schools, but the private ones kick ass, on a university level I'd  say Uk/US are about the same. As for us thinking we are superior, if you will note most of the statements regarding such are made in defense against myopic attacks like yours, you would do the same. We don't think we are better, just different, good and bad in all cultures. Funny how the rejects kicked royal ass (couldn't resist, really I love England).
Say wat!?

kr@cker wrote:

Other than the schooling the rest is just opinion, and merits no comment,  I hate American public schools, but the private ones kick ass, on a university level I'd  say Uk/US are about the same. As for us thinking we are superior, if you will note most of the statements regarding such are made in defense against myopic attacks like yours, you would do the same. We don't think we are better, just different, good and bad in all cultures. Funny how the rejects kicked royal ass (couldn't resist, really I love England).
fair enough you arent one of the americans on this forum that dont think they are superior to everyone else you say they are in defense but that isnt defense offering some proof would be superior, you won the war of independance due to the fact that you had abit of euro help from englands rivals and english supply lines were huge and the generals on the english side kinda sucked.

well actullay point 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 are my opinions, my country is smaller and thus more easily governed, my country does have more nearby different cultures, my country IS a member of the EU, my country DOES have a long history.

JohnnyBlanco wrote:

Vilham wrote:

yerded wrote:

Jealousy breeds a lot of hate.
thats the exact reason people get anoyed by yanks, they are just so superior in their thinking.
Cha-ching! First prize!
Not for nothing, but that's the exact same feeling people over here get (Yanks) when they see you guys. A bunch of pompus asses who still march around in funny hats saying "God save the Queen" thorugh a mouth full of bad teeth kicking a soccer ball eating fish and chips.

I've met enough of you to know it's not the truth, but hey, it's still funny.
GunSlinger OIF II

Vilham wrote:

This is definatly my last post here so dont quote me coz im not going to replying.

You americans need to stop thinking everone is envious of you:

1. My schooling is superior to yours.
2. My police force is superior to yours.
3. My nation is less hated than yours across the world.
4. I can eat health food here easily and cheaply.
5. Im not a fat ass.
6. My country which is small is controlled by one person, your country which is huge is controlled by one person which is thee most rediculus idea ever, that is why you have some of your problems, if you spilt your country up it would be governed alot better.
7. I have lots of nearby countried that have completly different cultures i can enjoy.
8. My country is a member of the EU.
9. My country has a long history that i can enjoy rather than a short 300 year old one.
10. This is just a theory but it would explain why Europe is a nicer place, we sent all our rejects to america.

thank you let the -karma roll in from you americans with not explaination other than OMFG STFU.
my country has never ever ever been controlled by one person iun its history.  get that through your head
+32|6976|Edinburgh, Scotland

yerded wrote:

Jealousy breeds a lot of hate.
Fear does the same.
Moving Target

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

my country has never ever ever been controlled by one person iun its history.  get that through your head
Don't let the potentates of the Masonic Lodge here you say that, they will sick the Illuminati on you.[/joke]
Ticked the "non-American who is sympathetic to Americans" option. All democracies should stick together.
Sometimes I wonder if America should've held the isolationist idea until AFTER Hitler had overrun all of mainland Europe, not to mention we should've NOT sent so much equipment before even getting involved. Has it only taken 60 years for the Europeans to forget our sacrafice in metal and meat to save thier countries from the jackboot?

Funny thing is that a friend who was recently visitng in England had a warm welcome, maybe some folks just can't get over the fact that America does it better than anyone else...and twice on Sundays.
Say wat!?

-F8-Scotch wrote:

maybe some folks just can't get over the fact that America does it better than anyone else...and twice on Sundays.
and you shoot yourself in the foot again...
+3,135|7047|The Hague, Netherlands

Vilham wrote:

-F8-Scotch wrote:

maybe some folks just can't get over the fact that America does it better than anyone else...and twice on Sundays.
and you shoot yourself in the foot again...
Indeed he made the same mistake again...........
+191|6936|The Netherlands
i like america becose there are a lots of things that are origine of holland
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6988|Broadlands, VA
The main problem here is that it's all opinion.  For example:

Fact (I think): Man for man the U.S. has the most powerful fighting force in the world.
Opinion: And uses it properly.

The first statement can probably be proved (or disproved) mathmatically.  The second must be prefaced with: IMHO.

Don't forget: Opinions are like butt-holes.  Everyone has'em and they ALL stink.

I support my Men & Women in Uniform
I pledge to obey the Laws of the U.S.
I reserve the right to disagree with the policies set by our politicians

And I won't get carted off to jain for saying it.
Friendly fire isn't
I like America because they brighten my day with stats like these

+488|6879|Portland, OR, USA

cailuc wrote:

I like America because they brighten my day with stats like these

lol awesome link never seen that +1
+488|6879|Portland, OR, USA

Vilham wrote:

This is definatly my last post here so dont quote me coz im not going to replying.

You americans need to stop thinking everone is envious of you:

1. My schooling is superior to yours.
2. My police force is superior to yours.
3. My nation is less hated than yours across the world.
4. I can eat health food here easily and cheaply.
5. Im not a fat ass.
6. My country which is small is controlled by one person, your country which is huge is controlled by one person which is thee most rediculus idea ever, that is why you have some of your problems, if you spilt your country up it would be governed alot better.
7. I have lots of nearby countried that have completly different cultures i can enjoy.
8. My country is a member of the EU.
9. My country has a long history that i can enjoy rather than a short 300 year old one.
10. This is just a theory but it would explain why Europe is a nicer place, we sent all our rejects to america.

thank you let the -karma roll in from you americans with not explaination other than OMFG STFU.
1. your schooling may in fact be better, but a lot of the kids at my school are stoners/dont give a shit about school... and i go to one of the best schools in my state..
2. ....? congrats...
3. lol yeah...
4. wouldnt know
5. I'm not a fatass either and  that's stereotypical.. but there are a hell of a lot of fat americans, probably has to do with the laziness/stupidity i tried to express in number 1
6. our government does suck... a lot.. and needs reform before we crash and burn.
7. Canada is awesome, mexico is a poop chute, which is really sad considering we can and probably should be helping them. maybe? idk
8. My country is a member of the UN, eh eh?
9. my country has a history longer then 300 years, the euros arrived hear in 1492 didnt they, so thats like 500+, but there is another history which we will never learn.. the 'indian's' history.. but we did a pretty good job of killing them off so..
10. i could go on for a while but its late and i'm tired so i'm just going to say i disagree.

so i was guna try to bash you but it turns out i agree on most points... +1

Last edited by CommieChipmunk (2006-06-05 23:16:16)


Vilham wrote:

This is definatly my last post here so dont quote me coz im not going to replying.

You americans need to stop thinking everone is envious of you:

1. My schooling is superior to yours.
2. My police force is superior to yours.
3. My nation is less hated than yours across the world.
4. I can eat health food here easily and cheaply.
5. Im not a fat ass.
6. My country which is small is controlled by one person, your country which is huge is controlled by one person which is thee most rediculus idea ever, that is why you have some of your problems, if you spilt your country up it would be governed alot better.
7. I have lots of nearby countried that have completly different cultures i can enjoy.
8. My country is a member of the EU.
9. My country has a long history that i can enjoy rather than a short 300 year old one.
10. This is just a theory but it would explain why Europe is a nicer place, we sent all our rejects to america.

thank you let the -karma roll in from you americans with not explaination other than OMFG STFU.
1. My schooling is superior to yours. You base that on?
2. My police force is superior to yours. You base that on?
3. My nation is less hated than yours across the world. True...
4. I can eat health food here easily and cheaply. Maybe
5. Im not a fat ass. Neither am I, but I live in the US
6. My country which is small is controlled by one person, your country which is huge is controlled by one person which is thee most rediculus idea ever, that is why you have some of your problems, if you spilt your country up it would be governed alot better. It's not run by one person, idiot. Why don't you study up before you open your yap.
7. I have lots of nearby countried that have completly different cultures i can enjoy. We have that IN the US.
8. My country is a member of the EU. Ok...
9. My country has a long history that i can enjoy rather than a short 300 year old one. Okay...
10. This is just a theory but it would explain why Europe is a nicer place, we sent all our rejects to america. Yes, you sent rejects that broke off from you, and beat you in the Revolution, and made their own country...Rejects. hah.

I just get pissed, sorry if I offended anyone... when people say shit like this, most people from other countries profile the US as idiodic, every other country hating, fat assed, retard yanks.

[/anger] Lost the happy, but the HAPPYS BACK!
Say wat!?

cailuc wrote:

I like America because they brighten my day with stats like these

you know whats funny, the majority of the kerry states are the ones that didnt want to break away from england.

my point about governing is that your country is too large to be governed effectively because the east side is different hugely to the west side.

You broke away from england thanks to other europians that didnt like england. some of the english generals were retards anyway. anyway tbh that wasnt a war with england, that was a war between americans, north and south on side just happened to want to stay connected to england's governing, this was an envitable break up anyway the distances are just too great. even with our ownage navy.
Jack Bauer
WWJD - What Would Jack Do
I like living in America.  I haven't ever lived in a different country though, so maybe I would be happier somewhere else.  The only thing that bothers me right now is that I don't know where we're headed as a society.  It seems like corporations control everything because money controls everything.  Democracy and respecting peoples constitutional RIGHTS doesn't seem to be on any of the politicians agenda anymore.

So, all in all, not impressed with the current state of politics, but I am generally content for the moment.


Jack Bauer
+129|6876|Bristol UK
I just want to say i love america, its i wonderful place and has a great culture and i get to visit it a few times each year, In the UK we get a lot of flak because the uk and america are quite close in political views, So stand fast guys ignore all the crap.

I have been to America 3 times and loved its ppl as a whole (lived in the mission in SF with mexicans) and the fact I can get clothes and shoes that fit me!! Wohoho
I only explored the two coasts, but the further I went inland the less impressed I was. It all got abit biblical and right wing. I was impressed with the hookers in Nevada though, but not the Nazi like police force there. In all I liked the people but not the obvious gap between the have and have nots. I haven't seen poverty and opulence in such extremes.
That said, I do however hate the American foreign policy and government for their constant medaling in world affairs thinly disguised as liberation, freedom........ ahhh you all know the buzz words by now.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6859|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

Kaosdad008 wrote:

The main problem here is that it's all opinion.  For example:

Fact (I think): Man for man the U.S. has the most powerful fighting force in the world.
Opinion: And uses it properly.

The first statement can probably be proved (or disproved) mathmatically.  The second must be prefaced with: IMHO.
I disagree with that unless I'm reading it wrong.  I would say "Army for Army", the U.S has the most powerful fighting force in the world due to shear numbers, technology and wealth but "man for man" (i.e if every army had the same equipment/finace/troop numbers etc) I would probably say the Gurkhas.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurkha).

The American army is very good at standing at a distance, bombing anything and everything but I refuse to believe that when it comes to pure infantry tactics the Americans come anywhere close to being the best.  For a start the Americans have never been able to fight in jungle warefare, Vitenam is proof of this (a war which the Americans lost within the last 30 years and yet all I'm hearing is about a victory that the Dutch and French won for you hundreds of years ago, hmm strange).

Now I know I'm gonna get flamed for this but some of the interviews I've seen with US troops is shocking.  Of course, it would be dumb of me to label them all the same but you do have some people in your army that wouldn't get past the gates of most Western militaries.  One guy, in his interview simply said about his role in Iraq, "I just wanna shoot people, ha ha". 

You also said they did there jobs properly and I hope you were being sarcastic.  Even an eternal optimist would have to concede that the US army has made some diabolical mistakes in its time.  During Gulf War 1, it seemed they had shot down one of their own choppers every week and the recent massacring of 20 odd innocents in Haditha does sound like doing a job properly.

This is further eveidenced by the attitudes of the people they are "protecting".  Now, I don't want to further the US vs UK thing but I can only go by what I know and when you look into what is happening in Iraq, or any other conflict for that matter, the US troops tend to leave the people resentful/distrustful of them whereas the British Army is more often than not liked by the people (I'm not talking about insurgents but the peaceful Iraqi public).  The images of our boys playing football with the Iraqi kids was enlightening.  I urge you to research the public opinion of both armies in Iraq and you'd be suprised considering we're on the same side.....

P.S To the 2 or 3 posts that mentioned how grateful Europe should be for winning WW2 for us, you really need to start looking past you American "cherry-picked" history classes. 

Anyone who says 'without the US, Europe would be speaking German' knows nothing about history or the conflict.  Sure, it ensured an end to the war a lot earlier but even without the US, the war would have still be won, just at a much later date  (the equivelent of the Nazis being a terminally ill patient with the US simply turning off their life support is a good anology).  Also, I find it funny how Americans are quick to boast about their belated entry in the War but seem to forget that their forefathers were highly against it!  USA did not want to go to war and did not want to help Europe, FACT!  Your president even had to tempt Japan into bombing Pearl Harbor just to swing public opinion and even then Roosevelt only when in for economic gain, FACT! 

To those "we saved your ass" guys, look into it properly and you'll soon learn yourself something...

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2006-06-06 02:50:11)

GunSlinger OIF II

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

Kaosdad008 wrote:

The main problem here is that it's all opinion.  For example:

Fact (I think): Man for man the U.S. has the most powerful fighting force in the world.
Opinion: And uses it properly.

The first statement can probably be proved (or disproved) mathmatically.  The second must be prefaced with: IMHO.
I disagree with that unless I'm reading it wrong.  I would say "Army for Army", the U.S has the most powerful fighting force in the world due to shear numbers, technology and wealth but "man for man" (i.e if every army had the same equipment/finace/troop numbers etc) I would probably say the Gurkhas.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurkha).

The American army is very good at standing at a distance, bombing anything and everything but I refuse to believe that when it comes to pure infantry tactics the Americans come anywhere close to being the best.  For a start the Americans have never been able to fight in jungle warefare, Vitenam is proof of this (a war which the Americans lost within the last 30 years and yet all I'm hearing is about a victory that the Dutch and French won for you hundreds of years ago, hmm strange).

Now I know I'm gonna get flamed for this but some of the interviews I've seen with US troops is shocking.  Of course, it would be dumb of me to label them all the same but you do have some people in your army that wouldn't get past the gates of most Western militaries.  One guy, in his interview simply said about his role in Iraq, "I just wanna shoot people, ha ha". 

You also said they did there jobs properly and I hope you were being sarcastic.  Even an eternal optimist would have to concede that the US army has made some diabolical mistakes in its time.  During Gulf War 1, it seemed they had shot down one of their own choppers every week and the recent massacring of 20 odd innocents in Haditha does sound like doing a job properly.

This is further eveidenced by the attitudes of the people they are "protecting".  Now, I don't want to further the US vs UK thing but I can only go by what I know and when you look into what is happening in Iraq, or any other conflict for that matter, the US troops tend to leave the people resentful/distrustful of them whereas the British Army is more often than not liked by the people (I'm not talking about insurgents but the peaceful Iraqi public).  The images of our boys playing football with the Iraqi kids was enlightening.  I urge you to research the public opinion of both armies in Iraq and you'd be suprised considering we're on the same side.....

P.S To the 2 or 3 posts that mentioned how grateful Europe should be for winning WW2 for us, you really need to start looking past you American "cherry-picked" history classes. 

Anyone who says 'without the US, Europe would be speaking German' knows nothing about history or the conflict.  Sure, it ensured an end to the war a lot earlier but even without the US, the war would have still be won, just at a much later date  (the equivelent of the Nazis being a terminally ill patient with the US simply turning off their life support is a good anology).  Also, I find it funny how Americans are quick to boast about their belated entry in the War but seem to forget that their forefathers were highly against it!  USA did not want to go to war and did not want to help Europe, FACT!  Your president even had to tempt Japan into bombing Pearl Harbor just to swing public opinion and even then Roosevelt only when in for economic gain, FACT! 

To those "we saved your ass" guys, look into it properly and you'll soon learn yourself something...
who made you an expert about my Unites States Army?  you dont know wtf your talking about, now sit back down. 

Marines = Haditha

if you cant even tell the difference between the branch of service, why should anyone care to read what your OPINIONS are about the US Army

so I guess Great Britain was on verge of crushing germany in 1917. HAHAHAHAHA!?!?!?!? you need to read your history bub

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-06-06 07:32:02)

I disagree with the title of the original post because it seems to insinuate that people expressing disdain for the policies of the current US adminstration are 'anti-american'. I am not 'anti-american'. Criticism of certain aspects of a countries politics, government or even their culture does not equate to unreserved hatred of that country. Surely you americans that have a persecution complex should be more forgiving of 'free speech' given that you constantly espouse it.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-06-06 07:53:07)

=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6859|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Marines = Haditha

if you cant even tell the difference between the branch of service, why should anyone care to read what your OPINIONS are about the US Army

so I guess Great Britain was on verge of crushing germany in 1917. HAHAHAHAHA!?!?!?!? you need to read your history bub
I'm sorry if you don't understand syntax Gunslinger, when I said "army" I mean the whole army, every spect including the Marines.  If you followed along properly you would have seen I was answering whether "man for man" the US had the best FIGHTING FORCE........

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