With all the tinkering with the server browser that EA/Dice has done in recent patches, it is my fervent opinion that they need to move the 'Play Now' button from it's current position of the lower right corner to someplace a little more harmless. It doesn't happen terribly often, but every now and again when disconnecting from a server, the browser gets unresponsive or I accidentally double-click the disconnect button only to have it record the extra click and initiate 'Play Now'. This mysterious search for a server sends my computer into BF2 limbo for what seems like forever and is very annoying. My general solution when this happens is to shut down and reboot.
Has anybody else had this experience and share this frustration?
Has anybody else had this experience and share this frustration?
Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2006-06-05 07:17:00)