I think there should be a zone around vehicle spawns that if you get tked in then the person just dies.
+0|6795|Vancouver, WA - USA

buzz4god wrote:

Mastermatt, the replay of tks is a bad idea, i would hate it and demand that ea take it out of the game. Maybe as an option for admin it would be nice, but other then that... no.
I agree that a replay system would suck because it would slow the game down too much. I was simply trying, to illustrate that this technique would be the most fair way to deal with TK's, not the most efficient or fun for gameplay.

I just thought I should clarify.
+0|6793|qucanada, quebec
what if the TKer could only shoot the enemy team but not at his own team.but both teams cpuld shoot him?

SrA_Shady wrote:

Potential Problems:

The problem that could arise from this is that people could abuse it. They would team kill just to be flagged as a traitor so that they could shoot at both sides.  A way to remedy this would be if they continued to kill the team they are assigned to, they would THEN be kicked or kicked and banned, etc. like normal.

Another problem would be people would GET themselves TKed by people they dont like just so they could shoot them.  I have no rememdy to this problem, ;p

So what do you guys think? Fire away

Nice Idea!!!  This is a myg0t wet dream. Please forward to EA....GO, GO, GO
+23|6794|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL
My problem is how often an idiot runs in front of a vehicle, sometimes on purpose to keep someone from taking the vehicle. If you continue forward (or, more often, can't stop quickly enough), you get punished for an alternative method, currently used, to TKing? That seems wrong to me.

I can't tell you how often I have people run in front of fast-moving armor and then punishing...happens at least once a day and it's almost always someone who is angry that THEY didn't get to drive...or they're just stupid.

I have a problem being labeled because of idiocy...

Last edited by [1stSSF]=Nuka= (2005-11-04 14:47:31)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6796|Toronto, ON
The easiest solution yawn:

If someone steps into a claymore, the victim gets -24.  Claymores should only explode on players that have been respawned for at least 30 seconds (prevents claymore spawn tking, the victims have enough time to run).

If someone goes onto a mine, the victim gets -24.

If someone gets run over by teammate, both get -4.

If player shoots another teammate causing death (including C4, vehicle guns, jet cannons etc etc), the shooter gets -24 and is automatically killed.

No punishing system btw.

And you should be able to lose ranks and unlocks too by losing points.  Continuous TKing gets a 1 week cd key ban.

See? Problem solved. Both sides are too scared to do anything now. pwn.
Alpha as fuck.
wont ever happen
Raiders of the Lost Bear

And how about jackasses who stand in front of your jet when you wanna take off? I can only wait so long. I usually apply commander and do it in the jet but my patience is quickly wearing thin. How does it solve the problem of helo pilots wanting to fly with their mates, and when you refuse to bail out, just crash you somewhere?
Better yet, here is the solution to all your problems:

Set the server to boot after 3 tk's OR just turn FF off.

Simple.  All these "ideas" (ohh make it where if dey tk us den space aliens come down an raped dem in da butt, roflmfaobbq!111one) are never going to happen.  You have a better chance of getting someones attention by running into a Wal_Mart and screaming "FIX THE STINGER TK GLITCH" over the intercom than you do talking about it online.

1.EA/DICE doesnt care.
2.They never will.
3.Arguing that fact is futile.

I rest my case.

polarbearz wrote:

How does it solve the problem of helo pilots wanting to fly with their mates, and when you refuse to bail out, just crash you somewhere?
As much as we want to think that its our helo because we have been using it for the whole map, if someone gets in there first, they have every right to use that seat. Now... If they suck then just pretend you suck at flying. Then on acident after a short run, go get repairs at base, cry "lag!" then bail out as the chopper crashes. You land next to the chopper spawn, get in and try again.

Or maybe thats not a good idea?

Last edited by buzz4god (2005-11-07 23:54:28)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

it always amuses me when people complain about punishment. EA actually put the option in to forgive so that not all TK's would be punished, and now they are taking 10 times the flak. i think EA should take out the punish option, and make *all* TK's automatic deduction, purposefull or not....no, not really.

there really are 2 different problems here. you have people that TK for vehicles. punish them horridly, go ahead. then you have people that TK accidently, and get punished. you shouldnt punish them. now you need some way to tell the difference.

there isnt one. not without a human-in-the-loop. and that human-in-the-loop is the freaking punish button.

the problem is, there is no problem. there are problem *players*. no matter the system, there will always be people that abuse it somehow.
]305[ Charlton
hey about cod i used to play but this game owns so much more. i like the way cod does the team shootin thing works thats how ea should do it.
Grrr now its enough... I played on a Server today at mashturr city...There was a f.... god damn kiddie called Evilash1980 who teamkilled everyone who want to take "his" Blackhawk ..He got 2 ways first he put C4 on the heli or he shoot the teammates down... He said the Blackhawk is his own but he fly´s like a horse can drive a car ...So i always punished him and at the end he got something like -34 points ...What else you can do to this guys ??
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|6789|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
A system that takes what number in the round that tk is and squares it and divides it by 2., and thats the points off you get. But it doesnt count over 1 tk at a time. So the ritualistic tker's start getting -18 after 6 tk's, 25 for 7, 
32 for 8, etc. This could be badly abbused by the mentioned people who get themselves tked on purpose because you beat them to THEIR plane.

Another thing- the old system from bf1942, where your spawn time is proportional to your tk's. Say you accidentally tk 6  people at once, you get another 5 seconds on your spawn time. It would only count each group  though. So if you run around noobtoobing and kill 5 friendlies in a row, then you get a 40 second spawn time. If your missile goes AWOL and kills a full friendly BH, you only get a 20 second spawn time.

And one other thing that would really work. If you punish a tk, you get minus 1 or 2 points. This way, you will only punish the real asshats out there.

Last edited by n1nj41c l337ne55 (2005-12-11 10:20:17)

Horseman 77
It would be cool if they Respawned Naked and  unarmed in the enemies main so the could chase you and get easy knife kills. lol thats the only way I would get a knife kill
+1,716|6776|St. Andrews / Oslo

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

Your idea is absolutely horrible. Why not just put an invisible radius around vehicals like a flag, except larger or smaller radiuses for certain vehicals or areas (Aircraft Carrier) where TK is off within that area?
If you do that, people can just drive around TK'ing in vehicles without getting punnished...

The original idea is great. How about doing it like this:

1st Flag - Be killed once
2nd Flag - 5 minutes or something
3rd Flag - Flagged for the rest of the round

Additinal TKs after this results in 7 points taken from your score or something like that...
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
I dont mind any of it. If I tk and they punish, its my duty to learn to play better and not
teamkill. The only TKs I punish for are, Intentional: obviously. And C4 teamkills. I think
Spec ops players are often too brazen and over zealous with their charges and more frequently
then not, dont give a rats ass about anyone else then themselves.  Example: Spec ops places charges
on friendly occupied flag. They run off and do their own thing, waiting for the flag to go neutral.
I in an attempt to defend said flag, run in as its on its way neutral, and sure enough, Mr. Spec Ops
on the other side of the map detonates the charges, thereby murdering my entire squad. Punished.

I like most of the ideas Ive read here but still my favorite, was the one about increased teamwork and
collaboration. The VoiceComm would be useful, but its inherently flawed by not allowing inter-squad
communication. Joining a servers Teamspeak or ventrilo is a great start.
sounds like an awesome idea if they do a shitload of tk's i duno whats reasonable ..  5-6? maybe if they did like 3-4 turn hem red once and you can get a kill for them then they turn back but if they tk 2-3 times more then they permanent red ..theyd prolly leave anyhow .. but make it so if they kill anyone on your team its a tk

i played some gay lame rpg for a little and if you tk'd a few guys your name would turn red and if other people killed you your items and shit would drop .. so when some really high level dude would tk a lot of people he would get an entire town of people chasing him hoping to take his stuff .. was pretty funny but the game sucked bad
What if the punishment for TK#1 is no stamina and half health for the rest of the round?  #2 will be no stamina and half health and cannot punish others for teamkills for the rest of the round.  #3 automatically banned.

I think this would discourage TK's and wouldn't hurt the players out there who are trying to raise their score.

I don't think they should punish your stats for TK cause I have only killed 1 team mate(on accident) knowingly, because i shot too soon, but all others have always been for running over a teamate that ran in front of my tank or car......One time i was punished because i got to a plane first and the guy got underneath(on purpose) the rear and as i pointed skyward to take off the carrier he was killed and i got punished.  He was even shooting at me as I neared the plane.

In fact, how hard would it be to all together do away with teamkills that are from being ran over anyway?  I mean really, it's kinda hard to kill a certain team mate on purpose by running them over.  The programers would have had to go an exstra step in order for the game to recognize a team kill from being ran over in a vehicle, they should just take that out.
. . .

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

Your idea is absolutely horrible. Why not just put an invisible radius around vehicals like a flag, except larger or smaller radiuses for certain vehicals or areas (Aircraft Carrier) where TK is off within that area?
GREAT Idea! More or less, except . . .

Coordinate-proximatey is a problem; they [vehicle-hording-jerks] will probably TK you as you approach the vehicle. . . kill you before you the enter a safe zone radius around the vehicle.

I think a server could calculate the relationship of TIME of TK to the TIME a vehicle is entered. Time proximatey ON [as a server option] would replace him! with you - and he'd be the dead one - as soon as he entered the/a/any strategic-type vehicle.

This way if you teamkill someone by accident/or/on purpose - you'll know you CANNOT enter a strategic type vehicle: Plane, chopper, tank, apc for the next 5 minutes. . . but you can get in a jeep and drive back to the action.


If you're already in a vehicle accidental TK's have nothing to do with this rule. The TK had to have happened before you entered a vehicle.

But sadly there is still a TON of jerkey "VEHICLE I WANT IT!" behavior this would have no effect on!

Last edited by topal63 (2005-12-12 16:52:03)

+2|6726|King's Island
Or how about this?:

If a player teamkills he cannot enter a tank, APC, helo or jet until he has respawned twice.

That way, the incentive to tk for powerful vehicles is removed. The two-spawn wait is to get at guys that would kamikaze C4 the vehicle if it was leaving/taking of with other players.

If you are not a "tk for vehicles" kind of player, it's not that much of a punishment. You can still fight for your squad and team, use the lighter vehicles and so on.

But Ipso Presto: the tk-ing <vehicle> whores would have to find some other game to destroy.

Also, I think vehicles should respawn significantly faster than players, not the other way around. Or so slowly that the whores lose a minute of play time every time they sit around waiting for their favourite toy. The way it is now, defeated vehicle crews usually respawn at the vehicle spawn point, run there and wait a few seconds for a bright and shiny new chariot. I'm all for the best tanker in a team using the tank, the best fly-boy using the jet and so on. But if the crew is any good, they should be able to stay alive longer than other players having a go, so they would still log more <vehicle> time than other players.

An added benefit: If the same Chinese pilot is spawnraping the carrier in Wake (not that hard to do), backed up by constant artillery  barrages on said ship, the USMC have a very hard time getting anywhere. 2-3 (there could be 2 spawnrapists flying) PLA guys killing gazillions of USMC, while the rest of the team are on beach defense and attacking the arty island. Shooting the pilots down gains nothing: they were going home to rearm anyway. OK, we've all seen this happen. With different or random spawn times for vehicles destroying one would have greater impact on the flow of play. In the Wake spawnrape scenario, the US would get a chance to get off the carrier with some hardware every time a PLA jet is downed. With 2 manned Phalanxes it's not such a hard feat.

+3|6876|U S A
Well heres my idea I think there should be a zone around spawning vehicles kinda like the flag capture zone.  If for instance it is a single seat jet the first in the zone gets priority.  If while in that zone he is team killed the person doing the tk has an instant bann from that server.  Five banns  and he is banned from any ranked server.   Im sure EA could do this because the first person into a flag capture zone gets the capture points while those that enter the zone later only get assist points, so the game knows already who is in the zone first.

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