Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6774|Little Bentcock

Vilham wrote:

Rexxy40 wrote:

yeah, they need to be keel hauled.......

next time someone see this. they shoould get a whole squad to take them out, they just keep laying c4 and claymores in the building and keep killing them when they go there again....

"Bring on the HUNT".....
keel hauling might be a bit harsh lol
+11|6776|Just the other side of Reality

Vilham wrote:

Rexxy40 wrote:

yeah, they need to be keel hauled.......

next time someone see this. they shoould get a whole squad to take them out, they just keep laying c4 and claymores in the building and keep killing them when they go there again....

"Bring on the HUNT".....
keel hauling might be a bit harsh lol
Harsh but fair. In my opinion they should be dragged outside and flogged in public.
+917|6770|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I just skipped down the page and didnt read everything so dont flame me if this ahs already been said but can bfroe or whatever uit is called do anything about glitchers?
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
I love [fiSh]

Kmal1 wrote:

I just skipped down the page and didnt read everything so dont flame me if this ahs already been said but can bfroe or whatever uit is called do anything about glitchers?
Yes, of course...
mostly afk
+480|6702|CH/BR - in UK

Kmal1 wrote:

I just skipped down the page and didnt read everything so dont flame me if this ahs already been said but can bfroe or whatever uit is called do anything about glitchers?
I would answer...but...I didn't get what you wrote... Could you maybe edit your spelling? I'll come back to you on it as soon as I can if you do.
PHPR Hunter
It's not just Noobers doing this.  I got screen shots of a Lt. Colonel doing it today.  He didn't even mind that everyone knew.
tiga tiga tiga tiga tiga woods ya'll
I heard people say that they go into free spectate mode and then get them on FRAPS that way.
What do i have to push or click to get into free spectate mode?
Yup, I found this guy doing it too.  Joined his squad, screenshot then teamkilled him.   If somebody wants to send it in to EA that's fine with me.  I checked his stats and they weren't impressive. LOL
Some months ago I saw a similar glitch... again in Karkand, there was a sniper in one of the guard towers on the bridge that cross the river. Judging from the flash of his rifle visible THRU the wall, he was shooting while PRONE... Very sad indeed.
PHPR Hunter
The Lt. Colonel I caught was Hanswurst 1984.  He was flying an eSpSoS tag in front of his name.  He was 45 kills and 0 deaths when I left.  I don't really give a rip if he has to cheat to overcome his inadequacies, but not when it is at my expense.
Honestly I don't care what people do in this game as long as it don't ruin the fun, Exploiters? Who cares, What are they getting out of it? A rank that don't mean shit? I made it to the rank with the one solid bar (don't care what it is called) and stopped playing ranked bf2 servers. Ranking is a waste of my time that I could be actually enjoying. I mean, WTF is so sacred about rank? It is gay. Almost as gay as the fags that run around screaming Noob, nOOb, nub. I think it is some kind of trend for homos. I jumped on one time recently to experience the lame playing style of the thousands of "stat whores" and then went back to the mods. People are real lame to even give a flying damn about what others do in this GAME. The only peeps that I know that really affect my play style is EA/Dice by keep making me change the way I play due to winers. F%^& the patches!!! MODS FTW!!!!!
Check me out on the ranks to see my activity recently on "ranked servers" then ask me if I really care.


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