Karma -1 :
"Your a fucking moron. You live in Canada and listen to the bullshit liberal media. Go enjoy your socialist healthcare. "  -Anonymous as expected

while your government is doing this
^^ this is still going, after the feasibility exercise

and building these

to be used in 'Garden Plot' the new emergency 'population CONTROL incentive' (sounds like a place to bury a body)
http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti … arden_Plot

for those of you who can't be bothered to look, they are talking about mass population control and concentration camps.  This is where you'll go if you question the government, this is where all 'terrorists' will go.  The US government now has the power to call you a terrorist with NO PROBABLE CAUSE.  You'll be taken to these camps.
Is this getting your attention?  Get used to this notion you may end up in one of these places.

We all love fascism here

And thanks, I do enjoy my healthcare, jealous?

Open your fucking eyes, man.  Something big is about to happen, and they know it's gonna piss ALOT of people off.  Enough to build 2 million man detention camps?!?
Can you say NAZI???

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-06-04 01:26:40)

smells like wee wee
To the tossers who -1 karma'd me for my post

comments: "This is all bs" & "your retarded"

Wake up, get your head out of the sand. Governments are the most corrupt collection of people in the world.

Tell me what you know about all the topics I raised there. Do you know anything about them at all?

Cognitive dissonance is a lovely state of mind.

BTW its spelt YOU'RE. You fuckwit.
Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center 'Conspiracy Theory' is a Conspiracy Fact
http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_la … bombs.html

By Randy Lavello

By now the misinformation and ignored findings surrounding the September 11, 2001 attacks have evaporated the official version into the land of fiction. Didn't it seem strange that we learned everything of the government version by the next day? Much has been learned about the attacks, yet the official version has never changed; it seems as though our government thinks the point moot since it used this excuse to pass unconstitutional laws and wage wars resulting in oil profits. The time has come to admit the sorry truth as a nation, so that we can move on - as a nation.

The planes did not bring those towers down; bombs did. So why use planes? It seems they were a diversionary tactic- a grand spectacle. Who would want to divert our attention from the real cause of the collapse of those towers? It must be those who benefited most from these attacks. Let's recount some facts of that dreadful day.

Any time an aircraft deviates from it's course, the air traffic controller requests a military intercept according to military response code 7610-4J. This was the first time interceptors were not sent up in the history of this policy. The intercept pilots are trained to make a visual check of the cockpit. could this be the reason these interceptors were intercepted? Planes were sent to the New York area, after unprecedented delay, from Falmouth, Massachusetts rather than nearby Ft. Dix or Laguardia. Of course, they didn't arrive in time - there was no visual scan of the cockpits.

Captain Kent Hill, retired from the Air Force, explained that the U.S. had flown unmanned aircraft, similar in size to a Boeing 737, on preprogrammed flight paths from Edwards Air Force Base, California to Australia on several occasions. He believes the airliners used in the attacks had their on board computers knocked out and were subsequently choreographed by an Airborne Warning and Control System. Along side Captain Hill, an Air Force officer with more than 100 sorties in Vietnam stated, 'Those birds either had a crack fighter pilot in the left seat, or they were being maneuvered by remote control.' We know that the technology exists to fly hijacked commercial airliners by remote control - it's called 'Globalhawk.' We also know that the military has had an unmanned drone aircraft known as the 'Predator,' since 1994. A saboteur would merely have to reprogram the controls to switch from manual to remote; those airliners practically fly themselves already with the autopilot. This would require electronic security codes. acquisition of electronic codes would also explain the lapse of interceptor response due to sabotage. Furthermore, it's a fact that Air Force One codes were known and punched in by a rogue source on 9/11, proving the presence of an inside, subversive element.

As usual, it's not a good conspiracy, if it doesn't involve a Bush! Introducing Marvin Bush - brother of George Jr. Marvin is a substantial shareholder and was on the Board of Directors until 2000 of a security company aptly named Securacom. This is not an ordinary security force with canvas badges and walkie-talkies; it's an electronic security company, which was 'coincidentally' involved with Dulles Airport until 1998. Handling electronic security at Dulles seems like an excellent way to gain access to Air Traffic Control communication codes with NORAD, which is in charge of intercept missions. According to CEO Barry McDaniel, the company 'handled some of the security at the World Trade Center up to the day the buildings fell down.' How convenient, huh? Bombs were in those towers. Bush's presidency was saved by these attacks - just something to think about.

Five of the twenty 'suicide hijackers' are alive and well according to the BBC and they want their names cleared. So who was flying those planes? We may never know exactly what happened with those jets; what we do know is that the official version crumbles under scrutiny. These planes were merely a diversion, as proven by the presence of bombs. that's right, PROVEN!

Before beginning this article, I met Auxiliary Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr. at the World Trade Center Memorial. Paul, along with many other firemen, is very upset about the obvious cover-up and he is on a crusade for answers and justice. He was stationed at Engine 10, across the street from the World Trade Center in 1998 and 99; Engine 10 was entirely wiped out in the destruction of the towers. He explained to me that, "many other firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they're afraid for their jobs to admit it because the 'higher-ups' forbid discussion of this fact." Paul further elaborated that former CIA director Robert Woolsey, as the Fire Department's Anti-terrorism Consultant, is sending a gag order down the ranks. "There were definitely bombs in those buildings," he told me. He explained to me that, if the building had 'pancaked' as it's been called, the falling floors would have met great resistance from the steel support columns, which would have sent debris flying outward into the surrounding blocks. I asked him about the trusses, and quoted the history channel's 'don't trust a truss' explanation for the collapses. He responded in disbelief, and told me, "You could never build a truss building that high. A slight wind would knock it over! Those buildings were supported by reinforced steel. Building don't just implode like that; this was a demolition."

Just after the disaster, Firefighter Louie Cacchioli said, "We think there were bombs set in the building." Notice he said 'we'. At 9:04, just after flight 175 collided with the South Tower, a huge explosion shot 550 feet into the air from the U.S. Customs House known as WTC 6. A huge crater scars the ground where this building once stood. Something blew up WTC 6 - it wasn't a plane; it must have been a bomb of some sort.

The seismic record from Columbia University's observatory in Palisades, NY (21 miles away) provides indisputable proof that massive explosions brought down those towers. At the precise moment the South Tower began collapsing, a 2.1 earthquake registered on the seismograph. At the precise moment the North Tower began collapsing, a 2.3 earthquake registered; however, as the buildings started to crumble these waves disappeared. The two 'spikes'on the seismograph, which both occurred at the exact instants the collapses began, are twenty times the amplitude, or more than 100 times the force of the other waves. If the buildings had simply collapsed, the largest jolts would have occurred when the massive debris struck the earth, not at the beginnings of the collapses. Seismologist Arthur Lerner-Lam of Columbia University stated, "Only a small fraction of the energy from the collapsing towers was converted into ground motion. The ground shaking that resulted from the collapse of the towers was extremely small." In other words, the collapsing did not cause 2.1 and 2.3 magnitude earthquakes. Furthermore, a 'sharp spike of short duration' is how underground nuclear explosions register on seismographs. Underground explosions, where the steel columns meet Manhattans granite would account for both the demolition-style implosions and these 'spikes' on the seismograph. Another seismologist at the Palisades observatory, Won Young Kim said the 1993 truck bomb did not even register on their seismographs because the explosion was 'not coupled' to the ground. Imagine the magnitude of explosions it would take to register the two earthquakes, when the truck bomb didn't even show up.

The American Free Press reported that in the basements of the collapsed towers, where 47 central support columns (per building) connected with the bedrock, hot spots of 'literally molten steel' were discovered more than a month after the attack. There is only one explanation for this: An explosion of unprecedented magnitude destroyed the bases of the columns, then the massive structures buried the impact points, trapping the intense heat below for all that time.

The tower which was struck second suffered less damage from the plane because it was a less direct hit and most of the jet fuel was seen ignited outside the structure. yet this tower collapsed first. Just before this collapse, the firefighters were up on the burning levels and were heard saying, "Battalion seven. Ladder fifteen, we've got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able to knock it down with two lines." How could two isolated pockets of fire destroy the bases of the support columns causing the buildings to implode? Paul Isaac told me, "Based on video footage of the collapse of the South Tower, the structural collapse is not consistent with the angle the building was struck."

Why was no investigation permitted of the debris? Dr W. Gene Corley headed the FEMA sponsored engineering assessment of the World Trade Center collapse, which performed no tests on the steel for traces of explosives. When asked about this process known as 'twinning,' he responded, "I am not a metallurgist." Dr. Corley also 'investigated' the debris at Waco and Oklahoma City. and we all know how thoroughly those 'investigations' were performed.

No government agency performed forensic examinations of the rubble; no effort was made to validate their official story. The rubble was quickly =
loaded onto ships and delivered to China for smelting. These are the action=
s of criminals disposing of evidence! By these actions, FEMA proves itself =
to be a subversive element in our government!

Former Deputy Director of the FBI, John P. O'Neil stated, "The main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it." Can you think of anyone (Bush) linked to both wealthy Saudi Arabians and U.S. corporate oil? John O'Neil resigned from the FBI after 31 years of service after Barbara Bodine, currently part of the Iraqi transition team, barred him from following up his investigation of the attack on the U.S.S Cole. He took a job heading security at the World Trade Center. his first day of work - September 11, 2001. John O'Neil received the job from Jerome Howard, Former Director of the New York Office of Emergency Management, who happened to have the day off on 9/11. We may only speculate on the case of Mr. O'Neil, but he does seem to be a person which U.S. oil corporate interests would want out of the way. especially during these wars for oil and power in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The top FBI officials in Minneapolis called off investigations of Zacarais Moussaoui, causing bitter resentment among field agents. The man who made the decision not to investigate was promoted! Israeli intelligence agents lived next to the alleged hijackers in Hollywood, Florida. The 'hijackers' were trained at U.S. government flight schools. Insider training on Uni=
ted Airlines leads to the conclusion that there was foreknowledge of these attacks; it also establishes that those with this foreknowledge are, at least, relatively wealthy. Another suspicious finding is that the World Trade Center was sold to Vornado Realty Trust in February, seven months prior to the attacks for 3.25 billion dollars. this doesn't prove anything, it's merely suspicious.

Who gained the most from the attacks of September 11th? Who had the motive? An Israeli expert on terrorism at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Ehud Sprinzak said, "From the perspective of Jews, it is the most important public relations act ever committed in our favor." David Stern, an expert on Israeli intelligence operations stated, "This attack required a high l=
evel of military precision and the resources of an advanced intelligence agency. In addition, the attackers would have needed to be extremely familiar with both Air Force One flight operations, civil airline flight paths, and aerial assault tactics on sensitive U.S. cities like Washington." He elaborated that the attacks "serve no Arab group or nation's interest, but their timing came in the midst of international condemnation of Israel." He goes on to claim "A U.S. military intelligence report revealed details of an international intelligence memo linking Mossad to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. The memo was in circulation three weeks before the attacks."

Furthering the suspicion of Mossad involvement, five Israelis were seen atop a van smiling and celebrating, while taking videos of the disaster from across the Hudson River. These five were arrested by the FBI and detained for two months before being deported back to Israel. Two of these men were positively identified as Israeli intelligence agents. Eighty-one nations are represented among the World Trade Center's dead - Israel is not one of these nations even though approximately 1200 of its citizens worked there. As if that wasn't enough, an instant messaging firm in Israel, named Odigo, received warnings about the towers two hours before the attacks. Everyone who points out the wrongdoings of Israel is immediately labeled 'anti-Semitic'. well, the truth knows no race or religion - it's just the truth. These aren't Jews carrying out these plans; it's merely sick animals who hide behind the Jews! =

WorldTradeCenter.com describes David Rockefeller as the 'Visionary behind the World Trade Center.' He pushed the construction of these towers through major opposition with the aid of his brother, then governor, Nelson Rockefeller. David has been quoted as saying, "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." Was this the 'right major crisis' to advance the aims of a global government?

There is overwhelming evidence to support the findings that these alleged Arab terrorists were merely scapegoats used to advance the World Government agend. During the attacks, 'President' George Jr. was reading a book with school children about goats! (Scapegoats?) Arab terrorists did not carry out these attacks which were detrimental to the Muslim world.

All evidence points to elements inside, high atop the governments of Israel and the United States. Those wishing to implement their world government through their control over finance, media and militaries are guilty of these most heinous crimes. This atrocity is proving to advance the domestic police state agendas and consolidate the Middle East's oil reserves. The people who most benefited from these attacks are the wealthiest, most privileged and powerful men on earth who feel they will finally be able to hold dominion over the nations of the world through their New World Order. For some of these globalists, these attacks were merely a means to an end - a huge step toward ruling a world socialist system. But for others, likely the planners of such a vile crime, this was a mass sacrifice to themselves. This mass ritual sacrifice of the vulnerable and the heroes who tried to save them was perpetrated by power crazed freaks who are simply - satanic.

The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism

Permission to reprint this article is granted providing the original author is cited and a link to PRISON PLANET.com is included. The views expressed in this article may not necessarily be those of Alex Jones or Paul Joseph Watson.
"It's Recharging!"
lol alex jones is a twat

I guess we got an alex jones cock sucker on these boards:

Today 04:53:29      -1      America again      You had to edit that? Did you spell "a" incorrectly?

LOL! Thanks for the laugh.

Last edited by Ryan_Mercury (2006-06-04 01:54:56)

+27|7030|Atlanta, GA USA
well, I got neg karma for my sig.  I think somebody is just neg karmaing people for no reason.
Karma -1:   "   "
Karma -1:   " Fuck your long post "

sorry for making you read, sincerely, you can go back to your KFC and Dr. Phil now
smells like wee wee

Spumantiii wrote:

Karma -1:   "   "
Karma -1:   " Fuck your long post "

sorry for making you read, sincerely, you can go back to your KFC and Dr. Phil now
Some klassic karma here

"All you conspiracy theorists are piles of dogshit; get a fuckin' job you hobo. Btw, all you can do is critique everyones spelling."

These right wing nut bags crack me up. I have never mentioned anything about a conspiracy. Just topics that you apologists avoid like the plague.

Karma is a source of entertainment. You can see the “quality” of comments I get. Nobody addresses the issues just abuse. I don’t think the IQ police would have any trouble with this lot.

BTW I am not critiquing spelling, I am CORRECTING! Don’t get into a battle of wits with me because you will only lose.
I went to law school so at least I can hope what I'm saying has some proof behind it. 
Most of the piles of dogshit on here couldn't put 2 and 2 together from preschool on so it doesn't bother me.
Who are you likely to take credibly, someone with information or some bozo who blindly protects his status quo because he's too scared to face the reality of what's going on today?

Come back and talk to me once you finish high school people.  Or, you can participate in socratic debate, where questions are asked, and answers lead to more questions.  That is how people learn.

NOTE all this bs karma is coming at us WITHOUT the return of any kind of argument.  They know shit is happening, and hate it so badly that people know it, that they trash talk it in the privacy of the karma box.  Since they cxan't argue they must see some logic in some of it, and must actually be angry at themselves for not having an argument to protect what they so blindly believe.

I have a job, what do you do?
If you have no job, your job is to be informed

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-06-04 16:13:40)

I urge the next 'pile of dogshit'
to come up with some information.
+6|6949|Great Plains (USA)
Picking a fight, alright I'll bite.  It should be noted I haven't watched the video yet since I'm at work so I'll just focus on one of your earlier comments.

Hitler bombed the Reichstadt as well, to get elected.  Then he set up laws (patriot act) to take peoples freedoms, then he formed a band of thugs to do his bidding (Homeland Security, under the foolish guise that they want to stop 'terrorism') The patriot act says you can be called a terrorist and taken away forever, having NO rights, NO trial, NO speck of DUST to prove you were ever removed.  All you have to do is speak up and they will label you a terrorist.  Your freedom of speech is going going nearly gone.  You are being tracked.  Ever read Brave New World, ever read 1984?

Despite how I feel about Canadians critiquing my country, this Nazi connection really takes the cake.

First off here is a principle to remember, History DOES NOT repeat itself.  It may have similarities, but never exact.  Aye, I won’t disagree with your short summary of Hitler’s rise to power but that has nothing to do with events happening within the USA.  You forget what had happened in Europe that allowed for a loss of faith in Germany’s old government (the War to end all Wars).  The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to claim responsibility for World War I, and hence nearly drove the country to the ground.  However, with the growth of fascism (Nazism) Germany had bounced back so to speak and became a viable power once again.  (The only true problem lay in their leader Hitler as he had grand schemes focused outside of Germany’s borders). 

Now yes events look somewhat similar (you are wrong on your order though; Hitler’s band of thugs came first and was called Storm troopers they would be wiped out once Hitler came to power).  But the political and social arena in America is much different from post-World War I Germany.  Technology, education levels, prosperity, a multitude of factors that you seem to ignore.  Furthermore, the American political system of checks and balances is much different from Germany’s government (pre and post WW II).  Now with these factors in mind and with the correlation you just gave, I would NEVER put Bush on the same level as Hitler as it makes no logical sense. 

However, I guess the true test for my last sentence will come in two years with the next presidential election. 

Out of curiosity, from the way you keep going on are you expecting an American version of Louis Riel?

Free speech hasn’t been taken away in the United States, where do you even get that idea?  Furthermore, what parts of the states have you even visited?

I’ve read both the Brave New World and 1984 and I’m not seeing the connection.  Perhaps, it is my classic American upbringing that raised me to distrust governments and to fight back once REAL freedoms are taken away.
Horseman 77
Safe place for tough Talk and you see so much of it here, its sad really.

I always think ,  Big mouth = Little jimmy.
smells like wee wee

Horseman 77 wrote:

Safe place for tough Talk and you see so much of it here, its sad really.

I always think ,  Big mouth = Little jimmy.
Wasn't his name Jimmy Little?
GunSlinger OIF II

BN wrote:

To the tossers who -1 karma'd me for my post

comments: "This is all bs" & "your retarded"

Wake up, get your head out of the sand. Governments are the most corrupt collection of people in the world.

Tell me what you know about all the topics I raised there. Do you know anything about them at all?

Cognitive dissonance is a lovely state of mind.

BTW its spelt YOU'RE. You fuckwit.
I guess you believe in anarchy, which means I cant possibly read anything you write without taking it with a grain of salt.  How else do you expect nations to evolve and advance without government
The man makes some points (Hey dont judge me because I watched it!!) but imo he has no credibility.
A few months ago he featured in a shit documentary on "Sky 1" and scared me with his crazed rants about the Illuminati/New World Order (Hows it new its supposed to be hundreds of years old?).

That doesn't mean I dont believe that some recent "events" are a bit odd and coincidental, its just that guys a bit loco!


PS: If you want to hear about the Illuminati play Deus Ex (One not two, it was crap!), well it may not be the truth but the you'll have a lot more fun!
+110|6847|United States of America
Its funny how the whole world thinks we should give up our guns because of what the criminal element does.  Then they tell us that our Government is out to take away all of our rights and put us in Concentration Camps if we speak up and disagree.  People our founding fathers gave us the 2nd amendment to stop this very thing.
If something like this ever happens in America we will be the first to rise up and take our Country Back.  I see that most of the people that believe in this seem to be from other countries besides the USA.  This is not ment to blow anyones candle out for I have only made one argument and that is for " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"
smells like wee wee

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

BN wrote:

To the tossers who -1 karma'd me for my post

comments: "This is all bs" & "your retarded"

Wake up, get your head out of the sand. Governments are the most corrupt collection of people in the world.

Tell me what you know about all the topics I raised there. Do you know anything about them at all?

Cognitive dissonance is a lovely state of mind.

BTW its spelt YOU'RE. You fuckwit.
I guess you believe in anarchy, which means I cant possibly read anything you write without taking it with a grain of salt.  How else do you expect nations to evolve and advance without government
When did I say I was against government or all for anarchy? Have you read anything here?

My topics for concern were NSA surveillance, RFID chips, email spying, warrentless arrests/searches, the pentagon not being able to account for $2.3 trillion, free speech zones, 250,000 homeless veterans, valerie plame, $9 trillion debt ceiling, rendition flights, tower 7 being demolished, vote fraud, etc. I am all for government but it has to be good government and they have to be held accountable and not operate outside the law.
+255|6895|Westminster, California

Spumantiii wrote:

Something big is about to happen, and they know it's gonna piss ALOT of people off.  Enough to build 2 million man detention camps?!?
Can you say NAZI???
GunSlinger OIF II

BN wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

BN wrote:

To the tossers who -1 karma'd me for my post

comments: "This is all bs" & "your retarded"

Wake up, get your head out of the sand. Governments are the most corrupt collection of people in the world.

Tell me what you know about all the topics I raised there. Do you know anything about them at all?

Cognitive dissonance is a lovely state of mind.

BTW its spelt YOU'RE. You fuckwit.
I guess you believe in anarchy, which means I cant possibly read anything you write without taking it with a grain of salt.  How else do you expect nations to evolve and advance without government
When did I say I was against government or all for anarchy? Have you read anything here?
"Wake up, get your head out of the sand. Governments are the most corrupt collection of people in the world."

umm i the only one that read that sentence
smells like wee wee

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

BN wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I guess you believe in anarchy, which means I cant possibly read anything you write without taking it with a grain of salt.  How else do you expect nations to evolve and advance without government
When did I say I was against government or all for anarchy? Have you read anything here?
"Wake up, get your head out of the sand. Governments are the most corrupt collection of people in the world."

umm i the only one that read that sentence
And you concluded from that that I was an anarchist?
GunSlinger OIF II
I dont think I was wrong to make that assumption given that statement you made, but if im mistaken please feel free to correct me
smells like wee wee

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I dont think I was wrong to make that assumption given that statement you made, but if im mistaken please feel free to correct me
Consider yourself corrected
GunSlinger OIF II
and Im standing
GunSlinger OIF II
stand fast...never realized how stupid those two words sounded together

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-06-05 21:14:17)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6808|Southeastern USA
stand down
GunSlinger OIF II
another gem.  how you gonna be down if your standing

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