Well its me again, REDRAGON, and i am sooo mad!!! Today i got kicked 2 times from different severs. One time i was playin surge. I was doing great( i am pretty good at this game ) I thnk i was 19 and 0 in the Heli and then the Admin kicked me for "UNKNOWN" reasons... So i guess i was just to good for them. Then me and my buddy were playing Dragon vally we were in Jets and we had all the bases so we were attacking the Carrier and then i got kicked for base camping.I guess we should just have let them take a base! I hate thoses no skill foolish blockheaded admins that are sooo stupid!!!! Tell me what you think!

Enemy Bush Spotted!
+18|6755|asshole of the planet, NM, USA
being on the reveving end of the base rape because all the caps are gone, I can understand why they kicked you.  Don't agree with it... but I know how they feel.  As for the heli one... perhaps another admin needed in and you were the first one they kicked 'cause you were being cocky in the game, or just generally annoying... I dont' know, I wasn't there.  Just makin an observation.
Well about the base camping me and my friend worked hard to take back the bases. We died alot but in the end we took all the bases and then got jets so they just sucked i guess.

REDRAGON12345 wrote:

Well about the base camping me and my friend worked hard to take back the bases. We died alot but in the end we took all the bases and then got jets so they just sucked i guess.
It really all depends on the server rules...if base camping was allowed I'm with you all the way, if it wasn't, I'm with the admins.

REDRAGON12345 wrote:

Well about the base camping me and my friend worked hard to take back the bases. We died alot but in the end we took all the bases and then got jets so they just sucked i guess.
I understand how you feel but I also see it from the other side.
I know how frustrating it is to be on the end of a raping and yes i mean base raping. Particularly on Wake island as the USMC. We'd managed to take all but on e base then an admin appeared. Lets just say he was awesome in a plane and it was all the chinese needed to turn the tide. Then the raping happened. As he was first in his jet (and another admin on the Chinese side joined him in a helicopter) it was a route. We had been in the lead by twice their number of tickets. Their helicopter hovered just in range to keep pummelling the forward island whilst their fighter jets bombed the living hell out of the carrier.
This was extrememly annoying and dis-heartnening as we (the USMC) had worked damn hard on that map and were almost assured of victory.
But then that is the game and as there were no server rules broken and, more importantly, I know this is just a game, I accept it. In all likelyhood those that kicked you were whiny 12 year old bitches with too much money and time on their hands (hence owning their own server), so I say the moral victory is ours. I know it is just a game as do you by the sounds of you original complaint.  There's nothing we can do but get on with the game and hold our heads up high, and know that we are at least old enough to drink and get laid.
I know guys that base camping is annoying and i hate it BUT, i am good at this game and i work hard to take all the bases and then what just LET THE OTHER TEAM TAKE A BASE?!?!?!?!?!? Man if they suck enough then they should die by base camping.

You were kicked from our DV server because you were attacking the carrier, an uncapturable base, this is against our server rules. The rules are clearly stated and scoll on the main screen every minute or so.  You were also warned not to attack the carrier before you were kicked.
We pay the bills and we make the rules, so if you cannot abid by them, or don't like them, then play elsewhere. There are 20,000 other players out there, of which 75 % will respect the rules that servers have, so thruthfully we really dont need those who have little respect, and cant follow simple rules.
If you return to our server, abid by our rules, if not, you will be warned, kicked, and then banned if the action continues.

Server is 24/7 Dragon Valley + More (DFH Crew)


PS: Your childish rantings about how foolish admins are, is not even worthy of a response.

Last edited by ALT-F4 (2006-06-03 10:59:20)


REDRAGON12345 wrote:

I know guys that base camping is annoying and i hate it BUT, i am good at this game and i work hard to take all the bases and then what just LET THE OTHER TEAM TAKE A BASE?!?!?!?!?!? Man if they suck enough then they should die by base camping.
Lol. You are indeed strong with the dark side and i kinda like your thinking. You are right to say you shouldn't give a base back. But it doesn't mean that you have to sit at their base blowing 7 shades of shit out of 'em. But then this is a game and if i were a real marine that would be exactly what I would do.
I think in your case they (admins) shouldn't be whiny bitching n00bs. Fair play to you
FOOL!!! YOU NEVER WARNED ME!!!!!!!!!!! I swear i was cheking to see if the admin warned me but you never did!!! You have a stupid server and a no skill little low ranked clan that has no skill!!!!!!!!!

ALT-F4 wrote:


You were kicked from our DV server because you were attacking the carrier, an uncapturable base, this is against our server rules. The rules are clearly stated and scoll on the main screen every minute or so.  You were also warned not to attack the carrier before you were kicked. We pay the bills and we make the rules, so if you cannot abid by them, then play elsewhere. There are 20,000 other players out there, of which 75 % will respect the rules that servers have. You may return and play on our server, provided that you abid by our rules, if not, you will be warned, kicked, and then banned if the action continues.

Server is 24/7 Dragon Valley + More (DFH Crew)

And I bet you punish for obviously accidental TKs. Pussy.

REDRAGON12345 wrote:

FOOL!!! YOU NEVER WARNED ME!!!!!!!!!!! I swear i was cheking to see if the admin warned me but you never did!!! You have a stupid server and a no skill little low ranked clan that has no skill!!!!!!!!!
Red, (May I call you Red?) don't rise to him. His twelve year old cotton wool rapped pansy ass ain't worth the finger strain!
Right just walk away....I know i am right anyways...
LOL you can call me red bro!!!!!!!

REDRAGON12345 wrote:

Right just walk away....I know i am right anyways...
Good man.
Just think... He'll probably never know rug burn... Unless he's on fire.
Actually, no ur not in the right.
The rules are clearly posted, u did'nt follow them.... so u got kicked. Deal with it boy.

ALT-F4 wrote:

Actually, no ur not in the right.
The rules are clearly posted, u did'nt follow them.... so u got kicked. Deal with it boy.
To play devils advocate... any battlecorder evidence? That would settle the arguement once and for all.
sissy admins have no skill so they have to kick people!!!! I am reporting you to ea!
I love base raping, I do it as much as I can.
I love to see you all get mad because you suck and don't know how to play a game that is this easy.
And if you suck so much that you are being base raped, then you do deserve to be base raped.
Mr. Red, you were 19 and 0? That's all, seriously? When me and myke get in a chopper my score is more like 50 - 0 with the best piolt in the game, myke.
And two server kicks? OH NO GOD FORBID
Server Kicks:      48
Server Bans:     8

Come in our server, and I'll show you how it's done
Go right ahead and report whatever you want. The simple facts are:

1) Our rules state that u cannot do it
2) You did not follow the rules on our server, which we pay for
3) You were kicked for not follwing the rules

If you can't deal with that then tough, go play somewhere else.
And also, there is no argument to settle, either play by the rules or dont play. I really could care less what u think of our server or our rules, but while you & ur buddies are in there, u will follow them or u will not play... very simple.

Last edited by ALT-F4 (2006-06-03 14:15:02)


lordgeno wrote:

being on the reveving end of the base rape because all the caps are gone, I can understand why they kicked you.  Don't agree with it... but I know how they feel.  As for the heli one... perhaps another admin needed in and you were the first one they kicked 'cause you were being cocky in the game, or just generally annoying... I dont' know, I wasn't there.  Just makin an observation.
War is an unfair game, STFU and deal with it.

ALT-F4 wrote:

Go right ahead and report whatever you want. The simple facts are:

1) Our rules state that u cannot do it
2) You did not follow the rules on our server, which we pay for
3) You were kicked for not follwing the rules

If you can't deal with that then tough, go play somewhere else.
Server admins like you piss me off. It's a fucking game, you shouldn't take it so seriously. Who cares if someone baserapes. Sure it's happened to me, and fair play to the other team. If my team fuck up we deserve to be raped that's all their is to it.

-=]DeatH1337[=- wrote:

lordgeno wrote:

being on the reveving end of the base rape because all the caps are gone, I can understand why they kicked you.  Don't agree with it... but I know how they feel.  As for the heli one... perhaps another admin needed in and you were the first one they kicked 'cause you were being cocky in the game, or just generally annoying... I dont' know, I wasn't there.  Just makin an observation.
War is an unfair game, STFU and deal with it.
BF2 isn't war.

Edit: And, concerning your other post, why do YOU take it so "fucking seriously"? If the admins piss you off, DISCONNECT AND GO TO ANOTHER FUCKING SERVER! NOT HARD!

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-06-03 14:20:46)

Yes it is a game, it is not real war, and it supposed to be fun for everyone..... thats why there are rules on servers so that everyone can enjoy themselves.   Ei.... is it fun (do u enjoy) to die over and over... every time u spawn with no hope of getting out of the base because someone is just sitting there spawn camping ur base ? No... hence the rules on alot servers to deal with this.
Btw. I was not playing on our server when this reddragon 1234 guy got kicked....... I just happened by chance to come across his post here, and then I went back and looked at the BF2CC logs. I would have ended stopped posting responses, but he just keeps coming back for more... word of advice: If you dont like servers with rules THEN DONT PLAY ON THEM

-=]DeatH1337[=- wrote:

ALT-F4 wrote:

Go right ahead and report whatever you want. The simple facts are:

1) Our rules state that u cannot do it
2) You did not follow the rules on our server, which we pay for
3) You were kicked for not follwing the rules

If you can't deal with that then tough, go play somewhere else.
Server admins like you piss me off. It's a fucking game, you shouldn't take it so seriously. Who cares if someone baserapes. Sure it's happened to me, and fair play to the other team. If my team fuck up we deserve to be raped that's all their is to it.
kinda have to disagree with the no baserape rule. i dont think that rule should be enforced at all. the only time ive seen a team get baseraped (meaning the other team had capped all flags except the uncapable) is teams that dont use teamwork. teams that dont make squads or have like 6 squads and only 1 person per squad. or half the team is sniper and no one is capping flags. to me i feel if you get base raped you deserve it. that means your team has to do better teamwork.

and i agree with red. if you hold all the flags what are you suppose to do? turn your head and let them cap a flag. not on my watch. alot of times the team with the uncapable is suppose to be the team on offense. meaning the other team is on defense. but sometimes a good defense is a strong offense. know what i mean.

Last edited by Souljah (2006-06-03 15:01:22)

Frosties > Cornflakes

Isnt it I.e?  Anyway, ummm, im sort of with the admin, they run the server and as they state, they pay for it, I would imagen they make all welcome?  But on a map where the usmc only has the uncap base left, the only people scoring points really are the guys doing the raping.  I dunno what size ur server is but lets say a 52 player, not only are the 25 fuckers on usmc sitting being raped, you team mates, are sitting where ever getin fa points also.  The game is to be fun for all, not just the two pilots, I my self base rape when the server allows, yah guilty, but as the admin states, server rules are there to be followed, if you don't like...Go elsewhere


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