jax wrote:
i have noticed this but on some severs it differs for instance on xtra severs everyone gets a problem with there conection at the same time and after this happens about 5 times the sever crashes.
On internode everyone gets a problem with their conection about 2 times a round but there are only ever a couple of disconections followed by a large bitch from both teams complaining about lag, wondering who else just got some major lag and how EA/Dice fucked up which i totaly agree with although i have to admit there are some bonuses to 1.3
jax, I've noticed this too, particularly on the internode servers. Yesterday, all I wanted to do was kill kill kill, and the (*@&#($*&@#$@#$ servers would spit every 20 minutes or so. I have a screenshot of a beautiful 1-shot-1-kill headshot.... marred by the "there is a problem with your network" message. AAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I spent most of yesterday wanting to punch the monitor, punch the PC, but most of all, punch every damn programmer at EA!