+312|6631|selby, n. yorkshire, UK
leave me alone

dont_be_ss wrote:

leave me alone
Sorry, do you want the image of when I killed you at the crashed airplane? I always prefer to know afterwards where I got shot from, where I don't know where it came from.

TrueArchon, it's Half-Life 2 Episode 1. In the UK it gets unlocked on Steam at 6pm today.
take it you had an off monent ss dont take the saying let the enemy close in on you too literaly
Claymore ftw.

Seriously, the only reason I'd EVER play sniper is to get the basic/vet badges so I don't have to worry about First Sarge/Master Sarge/Brig General/Maj General.
You know, as I look thru the stats of different snipers.  I can see why folk bash'em.  Heres one whos played as a sniper 200 somethin hours but has less than 100 caps.  I know my stats suck, so don't start that, but if ya look at least I get out and cap flags, along with several other "Professional" snipers out there.  It ain't our job to sit around and pop off rnds at the bad guys, to me our job is to sneak back and start takin flags at the backside of the map.  The Mec factory flag on Karkand is a good example.  I understand that if a sniper sits on his ass and just pops headshots, he ain't worth much, but don't blame all of us.  Yeah, If my team has the majority of the flags, I'll set back on defense, but if we're behind, I'll damn sure get out and try to cap somethin (the reason my frag sucks)  And whoo hoo....I'm 146th in accuracy. (Sorry, that was bad, had to throw that in there).  And as for us "Claymore fags" thats the job of the defend, whether its a flag, or a snipers backside.  Quit runnin and gunnin and learn to look for'em.  The guys runnin tanks had to learn to watch for AT mines, infantry has to do the same with claymores.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6632|Las Vegas, NV USA
Are there snipers out there that don't capture flags?  Sure, there are.  Are there snipers out there that DO capture flags?  There sure are!

All that aside, a lot of people don't take into consideration that the way matches are won in BF2 is not strictly through flag capture.  The way matches are won is through the depletion of tickets.  Two ways to deplete tickets is:  1.  Flag capture.  2.  Killing the enemy.

If you're doing one of the above two items, you're doing your part to winning the match for yourself, and your team.  Otherwise, if the sole argument of snipers being worthless is based upon this train of thought of flag capture, everyone better start bashing:

1.  Fighter pilots.
2.  Spec-ops who destroy enemy equipment.
3.  Most chopper pilots.
4.  Commanders who sit back from the action commanding.
5.  About a quarter, to a half, of armor drivers.

Is it sensible to bash these roles?  Absolutely not.

Now, people should realize that there are snipers out there that DO make flag captures, and for simplicity sake, I'll use my own stats as an example, and that of one of my victims (Roffneck).

I currently have the following:
Total Time-  444:48:11
Sniper Time-  183:15:14
Captured CPs-  2582
Capture Assists-  1877
Total Flag Captures-  4459

Roffneck currently has the following:
Total Time-  473:34:27
Assault Time-  155:37:29
Captured CPs-  3623
Capture Assists-  2687
Total Flag Captures-  6310

Now, both of us have spent a large amount of time "ground-pounding."  If I continue to capture flags as I have in the past, I will have an estimated 4727 flag captures by the time I am about the equivalent to Roffneck in total time.  Not too shabby for a sniper, who I know, supports in flag capture by spotting out potential enemies, and laying down cover fire for his teammates.

Considering that Roffneck has a slightly higher SPM than I do, I have a slightly higher KDR than he does, and we both have about the equivalent KPM (.600 vs .591), I'd just about say that we are roughly equivalent in player skill.  I think he should have just not went after me with a sniper rifle the day he earned me as a Worst Enemy.    However, we fill both the roles of reducing ticket totals (I do it by kills and not dying, he does it by taking more flags)

With a comparison between two ground-pounders, filling two very different roles, I would almost completely bet that if we could find a dedicated fighter pilot, with about the same comparable hours as us, he'd probably have a largely lower flag capture total than us.  Does this mean the fighter pilot is worthless?  Not in the very least.  He's just filling another, different, role designed into the game.

To EvilMonkeySlayer:  Ah, I see...  Yeah, I'm just not too familiar with other video games out there.

EDIT:  Argh, grammar!

Last edited by TrueArchon (2006-06-01 19:22:33)

+1,153|6668|Washington, DC

Being a sniper is easy. Being a good, effective sniper isn't.

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