Airborne Clan
I believe that there should not be just silenced sniper rifles or assault rifles just for the hell of it... I believe silencers should be unlockable. For example, it can be run like a badge requirement:

45 Assault Rifle kills in a round.
75 Hours using Assault Rifle.

If requirements were met, you could use a second unlock button right below or next to the normal one (preferrably a different color) and you can add or subtract the silencer. Obviously there would be balancing factors (different ammunition is needed for some weapons to use silencers (sub-sonic), so it could be weaker).

Imagine you're going through class unlocks that are entirely different weapons, such as the G36K on the Special Ops class. The unlock is a carbine, however, so switching your unlock to that one will "gray out" the silencer button. This should also hold true between the MP7 and the Jackhammer (because most shotguns obviously can't handle a silencer).

So if you're skilled with a weapon, you earn a silencer. Imagine you could get the requirements for a silenced FN F2000 and silenced Beretta M92FS, and you could instantly become Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell!

I don't believe that Special Forces teams would go in on a night-time op without considering silencers, so this award-esque idea of earning your silencer would add a whole new dimension to SF, as well as a whole new line of realism, as I think it's extremely unrealistic to have silencers on select pistols on a game about Special Forces operations.
fire at will!!!
+76|7021|Leiden, Holland for the n00bs
like it
+163|6955|Odessa, Ukraine
DICE & EA will never do it , I personally think that specops needs one unlock carbine with silencer , thats all . No other silencers .
Airborne Clan
Well I'm not saying that they will do it. I'm sure they never will. But still, it would be an outstanding idea.
It sounds good but if the reason is realism that's overrated and I don't think most players of BF2 would really want much greater realism in the game; and this could easily throw the balance off.

The spirit of the unlocks is that they're not truly better guns, just different; "alternatives" is the word they use if memory serves. It can be hard enough figuring out where fire is coming from as it is at times for a couple of reasons! Not everyone who'd have them would be superior players of course if the requirements were just total number of kills and time served, but for those that are this would give them an additional leg-up. This is why I think the decision to make the unlocks not inherently superior in all respects was a good one.
+163|6955|Odessa, Ukraine
I cannot imagine AK101 with silencer , or M16A2... carbine(s) is(are) ok , but no assault rifles...
Waste Kid
I (l) That idea.
Airborne Clan
It is actually entirely possible for an M16A2 or an AK101 to have a silencer. I have seen soldiers test-firing silenced AK74s, so I'm sure an AK-101 could be silenced.
+163|6955|Odessa, Ukraine
I know it may be silenced , but neither AK74 nor M16A2 were created to use silencer . They are standart assault rifles , and troops who carry them doesn't need silenced guns . US army has silenced G36C's , M4's , MP5 SD4(5,6) . Russian army has AS VAL (AS = SOAR , special ops assault rifle ), which is assault rifle variant of VSS , sniper rifle with integrated silencer .
No need in using silencer in M16A2 or AK's in real life ... so no need in BF2.
I support only idea about silenced carbine , it would be realistic and would make specops more "special" than it is now

Last edited by Longbow (2006-05-14 14:11:27)

Airborne Clan
Mmmm... VSS Vintorez... would be the perfect unlock, lol.

And I agree with you about certain weapons not having silencers. But maybe for specialized weapons, like the F2000, where you can have a silencer? Ever play Splinter Cell? Lol, would be hilarious to zipline down into the Terminal on Night Flight, silencer-kill some guy with a pistol, and spray down another two guys with a silenced F2000. Sam Fisher for teh win!

And a silenced MP5A3 would make this game into hardcore Rainbow 6... I'm loving this idea more and more.

Last edited by 0mikr0n (2006-05-14 14:13:31)

you would want a weaker gun because........to look cool?
Airborne Clan

dannydee223 wrote:

you would want a weaker gun because........to look cool?
No. Silencers don't make it "look cool". Sometimes you don't want to be heard when you're firing.

And I would like a silenced MP5A3 because I enjoy using it in BF2, but it would make stealth insertions so much easier. It's a given that if you kill a guy in a large building full of enemies, they will flock to you and pretty much crush you. Danny, when you hear a PKM* go off, how do you tell where the bloody tard is? By his smell? No, people hear him. So it would be more logical to kill that person silently, as opposed to firing wildly while you're in the center of ten angry Special Ops troops.

* = If DICE reads this thread and takes my silencer idea and gives a silencer to the PKM, I'm never playing BF2 again.
+3|6934|Denver, Co
An unlock system like you described is being tested for Battlefield 2142 but I doubt EA would implement anything like it into BF2.
+163|6955|Odessa, Ukraine
Ever play Splinter Cell?
Only demo and i didn't like it .

Giving silencer to F2000 may be cool idea , but imagine F2000-Silenced camping like with L85A1 now ...btw , in BF2 F2000 suck hard complaining to defoult assault weapons , maybe silencer wouldn't be so pwnage on this gun . But it may ruin balance , while giving silencer to specops won't have so badly effect on balance , on my opinion .
Im super serial
I like the idea, have you played the operation peace keeper mod? That has a silenced rifle in it and it owns.
+271|7064|United States of America

0mikr0n wrote:

* = If DICE reads this thread and takes my silencer idea and gives a silencer to the PKM, I'm never playing BF2 again.
It's entirely possible to silence an M16 to the point where you can basically hear only the firing pin, i.e. if you hold the bold closed, and with it that quiet you can really hear the noises the bullet makes by traveling through the air, and the impact report of the bullet more than you hear the gun.

If it's a semi-auto and you don't lock the bolt, you can hear the bolt sliding and the reload process more than the actual firing.  That's with sub-sonic ammo, though, but modern suppressors can still have a huge impact on the way a supersonic shot sounds.  With sub-sonic bullets in a small caliber gun like the M16 you basically end up with a bullet that's of similar power to a regular 'ol .22.  Obviously, it's not so good for armor, but a shot to the face should still screw the target up pretty good.

I'd really like, as a special-ops player, to actually be able to remove and attach a silencer to my weapons, in game, depending on what situation I was in.  For sake of game-play balance, it would make sense to make silenced shots do a bit less damage, especially to the torso area of players wearing body armor.  Make it take a second or two to attach/remove, just like reloading, and it would be very balanced.  To use it effectively you'd have to be a better shot, i.e. get headshots often (which would rule-out noobs spamming from long distance) and it would be best used when you need to stealthily take someone out without alerting a whole squad to your presense--kinda like the silenced pistols but more deadly.

I'd also be in favor of a silenced sniper weapon unlock, preferably a semi-auto one like the PSG-1.  It would go by the same rule: silenced shots do less damage, but can still headshot kill.  It kind of sucks that only the MEC and PLC forces have access to a semi-auto sniper rifle, because they are useful in certian circumstances, like when you're within 50 yards of an enemy, and it would be fun to be really stealthy about it.
Airborne Clan

Longbow wrote:

Ever play Splinter Cell?
Only demo and i didn't like it .

Giving silencer to F2000 may be cool idea , but imagine F2000-Silenced camping like with L85A1 now ...btw , in BF2 F2000 suck hard complaining to defoult assault weapons , maybe silencer wouldn't be so pwnage on this gun . But it may ruin balance , while giving silencer to specops won't have so badly effect on balance , on my opinion .
The F2000 is a mixed blessing; on one hand, it has high stopping-power (damage), and is very accurate. On the other hand, the ironsights aren't all that great and don't meet up properly. It's a mix of an L85A1 and an AK47.

The only real gripe I have on ironsights, though, is that when you're sniping, you can nudge your mouse even a half millimeter in either direction and it won't meet up directly on your target's head; you have to tap left or right to center it properly. Other than that, the F2000 ironsights don't bother me all that much.

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