SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The people who post all in emojis are annoying.

I don't know what each emoji represents. It is like hieroglyphics.
yeah, they're coded very differently between generations. some emojis or ways of texting are specifically millennial-coded at this point. it's all very confusing. apparently using certain emojis 'gives the ick' or signals you as being hopelessly uncool.

i actually resisted using emojis at all for the first few years. i have caved in now though. my poet forefathers are judging me from the stony silence of their corner at westminster abbey.

aren't 'ate' and 'the tea' getting on in years now? pre-covid stuff. do people still say either of those?

two 30s bemoaning yesterday's mannerisms, bf2s's oldest dustfarts would probably be laughing their asses off rn at the whippersnappers of bf2 checking urbandic or wikihow for a guide on when and why to mash 👏 and 🙏.

emojis are best avoided imo unless you Know What You're Doing. imagine being a boomer innocently texting someone an eggplant only to realize later. oof! should've asked for that sub sandwich topping with your words! there's a point though, where leaving that stuff for the generations that had smartphones in their hands while they were still absorbing their native language, is the better part of valor.

sometimes my phone suggests one. i may consider it briefly, and then just use my words instead. sometimes i'm just texting on a phone, not chatting on discord?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-03-04 07:45:01)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
👍 is seen by millennials as confirmation. Gen Z see it as sarcasm.

❤️ Symbol is confusing too and I wonder if it leads to some misunderstandings. Like if you put a ❤️ on a selfie I posted I am going to take that as interest. But some people just leave it on everything.

I hate being one of those old people complaining about youth but a lot of the terminally online Zoomer stuff is annoying and confusing. Like I mentioned before about people sharing intimate details of their sex life or being showy but then getting mad at people showing interest. I mostly see that among Zoomers. "Don't post sexual images of Billie Ellish!" The sexual image is B.E. playing with her tits in a selfie video.

Age gaps are another weird thing. Apparently there are levels to being an adult. A 22 year old dating a 18 year is grooming. A 30 years old dating a 24 year old is grooming. Etc.


I understand I am not the best example of responsible sexual practices but when the rules change and shift so much eventually you just stop caring.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

👍 is seen by millennials as confirmation. Gen Z see it as sarcasm.
confirm, sarcastically

SuperJail Warden wrote:

❤️ Symbol is confusing too and I wonder if it leads to some misunderstandings. Like if you put a ❤️ on a selfie I posted I am going to take that as interest. But some people just leave it on everything.
😍 is probably used a lot on reactions to minecraft builds.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-03-04 07:36:12)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I thought the 🙏 symbol was two people high fiving. Turns out it is prayer lol

I still haven't changed the default race of my emoji man. The emoji guy is still the default yellow.

i look at age gaps (beyond the more obviously chronological dubiousness like that one actor who was in wolf of wall street) in terms of if you have to study to communicate with them In 'Their Language', they're either too old or too young for you. fold that into other facets of balance of power.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-03-04 07:47:50)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

i look at age gaps (beyond the more obviously chronological dubiousness) in terms of if you have to study to communicate effectively with them, they're either too old or too young for you. fold that into other facets of balance of power.
I think that a guy who is 12 years into his career dating a girl in her sophomore year in college is a serious mismatch in priorities and life experience. But that mismatch doesn't necessarily mean the experience for the girl would be negative or exploitative. The older guy could give the 21 year old experiences and opportunities that guys her age can't. An older guy who doesn't hit her would obviously be better than a 21 year old who would post her nudes to a group chat. But people look at the outside without thinking of the relationship dynamics.


I also noticed there is a big uptick in white women dating outside of their race. At least in my area. And there are power dynamics to that too. I think a lot of those women either consciously or subconsciously have this feeling that "white guys are entitled. The brown guy would be grateful.


What I am basically saying is that the stuff about power dynamics isn't all one way in favor of the men. Women can be as exploitative and domineering as men. The sketchy things I have gotten married and engaged women to do...

lol you went right to "women do it too" even before i added the bit about leo.

full disclosure between partners, making sure what you're getting into is what you want and isn't unduly influenced by societal pressures, ultimately people exercising their adult liberties to be their own adults: all good to keep in mind, no?

side note: i think a short but mostly happy marriage is preferable to a long and miserable one, especially one where a party is practically kept (financial) prisoner.

side-side note: i cannot believe some of the women who are voting to go back to having their lives run for them on the basis of nostalgia for their great-grandma's tradlife or something; stuff their vaunted elders fought their way out of. who wants to be in a situation where the significant other has total control over stuff like finances, and your influence in the relationship is ambiguous at best. sucks for you when things go sour.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-03-04 08:16:51)


SuperJail Warden wrote:

Age gaps are another weird thing. Apparently there are levels to being an adult. A 22 year old dating a 18 year is grooming. A 30 years old dating a 24 year old is grooming. Etc.
i saw an insane story where, like, a group of students tried to 'to catch a predator' on a guy attempting to date someone in their accommodation or shared sorority house or whatever. the guy was like 22 or 21. barely out of college. they got into trouble for physically assaulting this guy as if was a serious sexual predator. what the fuck is that generation doing?

agree with the comments that anyone over, say, 25 doesn't really have anything in common with a college-aged person. those relationships can work though and be positive and healthy. they can also be abusive and one-sided. it really depends on so many things. some people grow up very quickly in their 20s; others don't mature at all.

i get more red flags about imbalances in power and status. bosses dating subordinates, supervisors dating graduate students, etc. then the dynamics are ripe for abuse.

this rabbit hole brings us to US laws. wyoming has a part about when one or more minors are homeless.

wyoming wrote:

With both parental or guardian and judicial consent conditions, a person can marry at either 16 or 17. If two 16- or 17-year-olds wish to marry and are both legally emancipated and/or homeless, they can marry without consent and authorization.

mississippi wrote:

girls below 15 can marry with judicial approval and parental consent.[46][40][63]
ewwwww … ted_States
the age of consent in japan was 13 as recently as 2023.

i'm still undecided whether it's better to handle sexuality totally out in the open, as they do (e.g. titty-mags uncovered in every convenience store, no shame about visiting porno cinemas or indulging in schoolgirl-maid fantasies, etc.), or whether it's better to be morally censorious as we are in the west and to drive all that stuff into the creepy-crawly underworld. it's not as if certain men in the west aren't evidently lusting after 14 year olds, whether it's pedos or all sorts of sexual abuse in institutions (church, school, etc.)

i feel like it's a mixed bag for an american to judge what's best for japan in terms of japanese culture and law (i do recall that pressure for change on the 13 thing did not come from a vacuum, though). but i can more confidently make sweeping judgments about the united states.

for instance, the last republican presidential candidate to lose in wyoming was barry goldwater. i am not surprised that there is an allowance for homeless children in wyoming marriage law. i'm aware this is a lazy connection. it's just that american conservatism, 'concern' about young people, hypocrisies, all that stuff about 'groomers,' yada yada. why are homeless 16yos a thing in a country with plural, private space programs. there might as well be a law for allowance of centaur/mermaid relationships for all such a thing should ever be relevant.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-03-04 08:59:29)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Age gaps are another weird thing. Apparently there are levels to being an adult. A 22 year old dating a 18 year is grooming. A 30 years old dating a 24 year old is grooming. Etc.
i saw an insane story where, like, a group of students tried to 'to catch a predator' on a guy attempting to date someone in their accommodation or shared sorority house or whatever. the guy was like 22 or 21. barely out of college. they got into trouble for physically assaulting this guy as if was a serious sexual predator. what the fuck is that generation doing?
That story was the first time I had noticed how crazy it had gotten.

I think young people have less of a distinction between real life and the internet. So being part of a "to catch a predator" thing seems fun and a great way to maybe become famous like the Hawk Tuah or whatever girl. You just need one viral moment to become an influencer and then scam your fans with a crypto coin.


I feel sketchy even discussing some of this stuff. I think it should be noted that older guys marrying adult girls just out of high school was a normal thing for a long time in society. Liberals complain about "you can't have a family on one income anymore" but that one income was often from a local middle class man in his 30s who married a local 20 year old lady family friend with no job prospects. And the ladies back then were often grateful for getting married into that sort of situation. People forget the context of the social situation at the time.


My girlfriend has pulled a "Mr. Macbeth could I stay after class" thing in bed before. I shut it down. The stuff is gross. And the guys and gal teachers who get into trouble like that are predators and strange.

Teachers are notorious for sleeping with each other. Every building has plenty of guy teachers who are willing to nail a young lady teacher. The lady teachers who get into trouble are just as much predators as men.
The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

I'm still undecided whether it's better to handle sexuality totally out in the open, as they do (e.g. titty-mags uncovered in every convenience store, no shame about visiting porno cinemas or indulging in schoolgirl-maid fantasies, etc.), or whether it's better to be morally censorious as we are in the west and to drive all that stuff into the creepy-crawly underworld. it's not as if certain men in the west aren't evidently lusting after 14 year olds, whether it's pedos or all sorts of sexual abuse in institutions (church, school, etc.)
Tricky one, there are going to be a lot of paedos using the cover of 'just a bit pervy', if its tolerated, to carry on in plain sight.

Actual paedophilia is more about causing harm than anything sexual, they don't care about the age, they'll abuse anyone who is vulnerable - its just that children are easier. They'll go after the sick, retarded etc just as readily.

Is misdirected interest in 14 year old schoolgirls actual paedophilia though?
Any 'schoolgirl kink' can be assumed to be suspicious, there's nothing close to normal about it, the Japanese thing is very weird.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX
Achieved my third road-rage incident in 20 years in Aus, is there a badge for this or is it at five?

Making a simple left turn (right turn for americans) out of a slip lane at a crossroads, biker on a chopper thought he was going to whizz down the right hand side (left hand side for americans) of all the traffic slip in the slip lane and cut across in front of me as I was pulling onto the road.
Very nearly flicked him onto the other side of the road but managed to avoid him.
For some reason he was very angry that I'd not killed him.

This is the most apt pic I can find to describe his bike geometry.

I've always thought people who wear this kind of helmet are stupid and this is further evidence.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2025-03-05 05:42:02)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

I'm still undecided whether it's better to handle sexuality totally out in the open, as they do (e.g. titty-mags uncovered in every convenience store, no shame about visiting porno cinemas or indulging in schoolgirl-maid fantasies, etc.), or whether it's better to be morally censorious as we are in the west and to drive all that stuff into the creepy-crawly underworld. it's not as if certain men in the west aren't evidently lusting after 14 year olds, whether it's pedos or all sorts of sexual abuse in institutions (church, school, etc.)
Tricky one, there are going to be a lot of paedos using the cover of 'just a bit pervy', if its tolerated, to carry on in plain sight.

Actual paedophilia is more about causing harm than anything sexual, they don't care about the age, they'll abuse anyone who is vulnerable - its just that children are easier. They'll go after the sick, retarded etc just as readily.

Is misdirected interest in 14 year old schoolgirls actual paedophilia though?
Any 'schoolgirl kink' can be assumed to be suspicious, there's nothing close to normal about it, the Japanese thing is very weird.
it is absolutely weird and in no ways would i partake in it or feel comfortable seeing it in my own culture. but every single culture has these recrudescences, in some form or another, expressions of the seething collective unconscious and outlets of all that excess libidinal energy that isn’t tapped or commodified by capitalism, etc.

(there’s a serious line of thought which claims that things like kawaii and the aesthetics of cuteness in japan are all a form of fallout after the imperial-militarist ruling ideology was forcibly put to a stop by american occupation; the men were disallowed their martial culture and became emasculated. comic-consuming simps.)

anyway i don’t give it too much thought. the obsession with schoolgirls is like a broader theme about youth, which can be seen in the west too. we idealize it and put pre-teens in some special halo’d category.

by all accounts a lot of this stuff is just symptoms of chronically lonely people. life in a late-stage post-industrial civilisation, the anomie of life in the neon-drenched canyons, yada yada. a lot of the men who go to maid cafés or who slavishly follow ‘idol culture’ and spend all their disposable income on cheering for teen singers at pop gigs are basically looking for a nurturing dynamic rather than an overtly sexualised one. (on the other hand, yes there’s lots of people who are simply perverts too.)

japan and korea are extremely patriarchal societies and their widespread acceptance of things like sex work or the acceptance of public expressions of male lust are all part of that. unfortunately for the right-wing westerners who would chide the ‘depraved’ japanese salaryman, the only real fix is through more of their much-derided feminism.

Last edited by uziq (2025-03-05 13:04:02)


SuperJail Warden wrote:

I think young people have less of a distinction between real life and the internet.
this translates into pre-internet taking of tabloid headlines and gossip as printed fact (being always online probably doesn't help). i feel like we do this a lot. you say a thing that young people do bad, and i point out that old people do/have also done the bad or bad like it.

neither the first, nor last time some vigilante flash mob gives someone a bad day.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Making a simple left turn (right turn for americans) out of a slip lane at a crossroads, biker on a chopper thought he was going to whizz down the right hand side (left hand side for americans) of all the traffic slip in the slip lane and cut across in front of me as I was pulling onto the road.
Very nearly flicked him onto the other side of the road but managed to avoid him.
For some reason he was very angry that I'd not killed him.
Trying to visualise. Was he turning with you to cut in front, or going straight? If he was on your right wouldn't you be turning left away from him?

Probably a good idea to do a mirror check even on your perfectly normal turns, even in slip lanes.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
An old person backed into my car. I ain't even mad.
Just treating it as karma for all of the things I have done. Small price to pay.
I am all that is MOD!

New car? Fuck them boomers!

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