I oughta be in totality when it happens, too. Now we'll just see if the skies are clear, though.pirana6 wrote:
Anybody doing anything for the eclipse?
I'm flying to New Hampshire cause that's where the pops live and we'll drive up to the far north part where there's totality
Went to northern Vermont for it, was very awesome.
Stuck in traffic for 12+ hours to go ~75 miles was very much NOT awesome
Stuck in traffic for 12+ hours to go ~75 miles was very much NOT awesome
Used FreeTaxUSA for the first time this year instead of Turbotax and, in comparing the two, found Turbotax had my tax burden as $32 less than the FreeTax. However, based on the actual IRS tables, it looks like the latter is more accurate. Turbotax is shortchanging the T-Man, in addition to their shady lobbying.
You have to pay taxes back? I got back $3000. I feel like we are both fucking up our holdings.

The above was purely based on the tax burden calculated as my AGI was the same in both systems. I had to pay like $200 federal and got a $100 refund from state. If you got $3000 back, it sure does feel like something is outta whack for ya.
I had to pay $1500
If you're getting $3k back and there were some falsities... the IRS will find you and they will remove your testicles. … 22c5653250
If you're getting $3k back and there were some falsities... the IRS will find you and they will remove your testicles. … 22c5653250
I pay HR Block to do my taxes after I do it myself. They usually come out to a little more back than when I do it.
"It is an interest free loan to the government!" Yeah well I was going to blow the money on drugs and Tinder girls anyway. It is better I get it all at once.
"It is an interest free loan to the government!" Yeah well I was going to blow the money on drugs and Tinder girls anyway. It is better I get it all at once.

I paid more in taxes this year than I made total the year I joined bf2s
Hi Burnzy!

In NYC for my cousin's wedding. Not my first choice, especially on memorial day weekend but I'll down some pizza
Hi Mac (behind me, I think?)
Hi Mac (behind me, I think?)

"Lance Armstrong" was riding his bike in my girlfriend's neighborhood. We were trying to make a right hand turn and be just stood there. He delayed my trip by 15 seconds on purpose.
And I know why. He wanted us to hit him. Every biker wants to get hit by a car at least once in their life. That way they can be the victim. This will give them rep in the biker and/or disabled community.
And I know why. He wanted us to hit him. Every biker wants to get hit by a car at least once in their life. That way they can be the victim. This will give them rep in the biker and/or disabled community.

Same with motorcyclists "I cut in front of this car and engine-braked hard and he hit me! Why are car drivers so stupid?"
Fuck Israel
Came back from Mexico with a jellyfish sting and food poisoning. Good times
I thought people went to Mexico to get food poisoning
Fuck Israel
and murdered while surfing
Fairly sure more people get food poisoning (or Mantazuma's) in mexico than sunburns. It's just a thing
Do you know what they call food poisoning in Mexico?
El Food-Poisoning
El Food-Poisoning
Fuck Israel
I had food poisoning in the US a month before too. Almost to the day
My firstborn starts school tomorrow. What the fuck.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.