The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

RTHKI wrote:

China has the moral high ground how?
America is so far from the high ground its neck deep in the swamp standing on tiptoe and tilting its head back to keep its nostrils above the fetid slime.

China has the high ground by default, even if it did nothing.

On the plus side

China is deeply concerned over the current escalation of tensions and violence between Palestine and Israel. We call on relevant parties to remain calm, exercise restraint and immediately end the hostilities to protect civilians and avoid further deterioration of the situation.

The recurrence of the conflict shows once again that the protracted standstill of the peace process cannot go on. The fundamental way out of the conflict lies in implementing the two-state solution and establishing an independent State of Palestine. The international community needs to act with greater urgency, step up input into the Palestinian question, facilitate the early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel, and find a way to bring about enduring peace. China will continue to work relentlessly with the international community towards that end.
https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/xwfw_6 … 57299.html

The current Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused heavy civilian casualties and a serious humanitarian disaster. It is a grave concern of the international community. President Xi Jinping stated China’s principled position on the current Palestinian-Israeli situation on a number of occasions. He stressed the need for an immediate ceasefire and ending the fighting, ensuring that the humanitarian corridors are safe and unimpeded, and preventing the expansion of the conflict. He pointed out that the fundamental way out of this lies in the two-state solution, building international consensus for peace, and working toward a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question at an early date.

Pursuant to the Charter of the United Nations, the Security Council shoulders primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and should thus play an active and constructive role on the question of Palestine. In this connection, China offers the following proposals:

1. Implementing a comprehensive ceasefire and ending the fighting. Parties to the conflict should truly implement the relevant UNGA and UNSC resolutions and immediately realize a durable and sustained humanitarian truce. Building on UNSC Resolution 2712, the Security Council, in response to the calls of the international community, should explicitly demand a comprehensive ceasefire and end of the fighting, work for deescalation of the conflict, and cool down the situation as soon as possible.

2. Protecting civilians effectively. The UNSC resolution demands in explicit terms that all parties comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law, notably with regard to the protection of civilians. It is imperative to stop any violent attacks against civilians and violations of international humanitarian law, and avoid attacks on civilian facilities. The Security Council should further send a clear message on opposing forced transfer of the Palestinian civilian population, preventing the displacement of Palestinian civilians, and calling for the release of all civilians and hostages held captive as soon as possible.

3. Ensuring humanitarian assistance. All relevant parties must, as per requirements of the UNSC resolution, refrain from depriving the civilian population in Gaza of supplies and services indispensable to their survival, set up humanitarian corridors in Gaza to enable rapid, safe, unhindered and sustainable humanitarian access, and avoid a humanitarian disaster of even greater gravity. The Security Council should encourage the international community to ramp up humanitarian assistance, improve the humanitarian situation on the ground, and support the coordinating role of the United Nations as well as the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in humanitarian assistance, and prepare the international community for supporting post-conflict reconstruction in Gaza.

4. Enhancing diplomatic mediation. The Security Council should leverage its role in facilitating peace as mandated in the UN Charter to demand that parties to the conflict exercise restraint to prevent the conflict from widening and uphold peace and stability in the Middle East. The Security Council should value the role of regional countries and organizations, support the good offices of the UN Secretary General and the Secretariat, and encourage countries with influence on parties to the conflict to uphold an objective and just position so as to jointly play a constructive role in deescalating the crisis.

5. Seeking political settlement. According to relevant UNSC resolutions and international consensus, the fundamental settlement of the question of Palestine lies in the implementation of the two-state solution, restoration of the legitimate national rights of Palestine, and the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 border and with east Jerusalem as its capital. The Security Council should help restore the two-state solution. A more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference led and organized by the UN should be held as soon as possible to formulate a concrete timetable and roadmap for the implementation of the two-state solution and facilitate a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine. Any arrangement on the future of Gaza must respect the will and independent choice of the Palestinian people, and must not be imposed upon them.
https://www.mfa.gov.cn/eng/wjbxw/202311 … 89405.html
Fuck Israel
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
Shouldn't China support the way Israel is cleansing a region of people it doesn't like.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Let he who doesn't want to cleanse their region of Muslims cast the first stone.

The Jews and the Muslims should both convert and celebrate Christmas here with my family and me.
or else
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
U.S. approves $147.5 million sale of artillery ammunition and gear to Israel
Secretary of State Antony Blinken approved the sale of 155 mm artillery shells and related equipment to Israel by invoking an emergency authority that bypasses the standard congressional review for arms sales, the Biden administration said on Friday.

Josh Paul, a former State Department arms expert who resigned in protest in October, told The Washington Post that Blinken’s decision to rush these unguided munitions enables Israel to continue the type of operations in Gaza that have “led to so many Palestinian civilian deaths.”
“This is shameful, craven, and should frankly turn the stomach of any decent human being,” he said.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/national … l-blinken/

Honestly what the fuck is Blinken doing?

For one thing this has been running three months, plenty of time to go through congress.

For another these weapons are completely unsuitable for the 'pinpoint strikes' Israel is supposedly using against Hamas, but ideal for slaughtering civilians by the thousand and destroying infrastructure.

I'll bet in the end Blinken will get his grave on the Mount of Olives, maybe Biden too.

Its really fucking bad having a Zionist as US President.

"I got in trouble many times for saying you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist. I make no apologies for that. That’s a reality. "

And really fucking bad having one who's on firendly terms with a corrupt butcher like Netanyahu

"And I’ve known Bibi for 50 years. There’s a photograph he keeps on his desk — at least when I’m there, he puts it on the desk — (laughter) — and it’s 8.5 by 11. It’s a picture where he — he was a young member of the Israeli office in Washington and — ambassadorship — and I was a young senator. And I — it was 8.5 by 11, and I wrote in the top. I said, “Bibi, I love you, but I don’t agree with a damn thing you have to say.” (Laughter.)"

https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing...n … ston-ma-2/
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There are a lot of hot Arab girls but getting them into bed is a challenge compared to White, Asians, and Hispanics.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

One person on reddit mentioned that the new anti-Israel protest in the U.S. have been way more blatantly antisemitic. Like the new generation of protesters will openly question Jewish rights to the land or how the country is fundamentally organized. Etc. "Why is a existence of a Jewish state something I should care about? World War 2?"
That isn't actually anti-semitism though is it?

For me I felt like Israel supporters were bullying people into silence and mandatory supporting of Israel. I did not like how Jewish business owners started using their economic power to get people, mostly black and brown people, fired and blacklisted.
Careful there chap, suggesting the global jewish diaspora cancel people for criticising Israel is anti-semitism - the global jewish diaspora will cancel you for much less than that.

Would it be antisemitic to point out that wealthy Jewish business owners using their economic power to silence opposition to Israel promotes antisemitic conspiracy theories
Everything is anti-semitism now - thats why its now meaningless.
A cloud floats across the sky - thats anti-semitism

My Uber receipt for New Year's. 1:30 AM Brooklyn to Bayonne. 25 miles. 45 minutes.
Trip fare    $98.59

Subtotal    $98.59
Verrazano Bridge (Toll + Driver’s Return Toll)     $13.88
Bayonne Bridge Eastbound     $20.00
Out of Town Surcharge    $2.50
NY State Black Car Fund     $3.71
This was also the first time I had Uber drivers refuse to pick me up. 3 Uber drivers cancelled on my way to Brooklyn.
This is exactly the sort of thing which happens if you forget to condemn Hamas.

Is there a way to condemn Hamas when you book an uber?
I'm expecting a 'condemn Hamas' button or something.
Claiming you "don't care about the existence of Israel or a Jewish homeland" has always been antisemitic. At least I have always been told such. I think the younger generation hasn't gotten that programming. I feel like there has been an implicit carve out for Israel that other nations don't receive and the arguments about why that exists isn't registering anymore.

I think a big part of it has also been the demographic change taking place across the U.S. The democrat party is made up of mostly minorities and Israel's leader was not only disrespectful to the first minority president but Israel/Jews living in the west enjoyed their white privilege when convenient while also promoting their own separate communities.

For example, Orthodox Jews took over a mostly black and brown school district, defunded it, and then directed the funding to their private Orthodox schools. Big scandal and debate around that.
A school board composed mostly of Orthodox Jewish parents has favored students in private religious schools over mostly black and Latino students in public schools, civil rights groups have alleged in federal court.

Since 2005, the East Ramapo school board, which covers a few small towns an hour’s drive north-west of New York City, has been controlled by members who represent private yeshivas, or Jewish religious schools, according to a report by the New York state education department. The vast majority of the 26,500 children who attend private schools in the district are white. In contrast, 91% of the 9,000 or so children enrolled in public schools are black and Latino.

In 2009, the board began gutting the public-school system, the report states. Between 2009 and 2014, the board fired over 450 staff, including 160 teachers, three guidance counselors and all social workers. It also cut budgets for athletic and extracurricular activities in half.
After learning about that I would understand hostility towards Orthodox communities starting near you or allowing Orthodox people positions of power over non-Orthodox. Why are they even there? Doesn't a Jewish homeland exist for them?


Most Arabs living in America are actually Christians from Lebanon or Egypt. I am very supportive of Arabs and other Muslims converting to Christianity when living in western countries. Same for all minorities. The idea is to reduce the amount of cultural friction between different racial and ethnic communities. Why should Jews be exempt from the same standards I hold my own community to?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Claiming you "don't care about the existence of Israel or a Jewish homeland" has always been antisemitic. At least I have always been told such. I think the younger generation hasn't gotten that programming. I feel like there has been an implicit carve out for Israel that other nations don't receive and the arguments about why that exists isn't registering anymore.
Its always been stupid and a double standard, people have woken up to it, 'young people of today' are much more inclined to question.
Maybe the Nazis were entitled to the third reich and their lebensraum - to say otherwise would be anti-nazism.
The jews are just one of many groups which have a claim on Palestine, and theirs isn't even particularly strong.

For example, Orthodox Jews took over a mostly black and brown school district, defunded it, and then directed the funding to their private Orthodox schools. Big scandal and debate around that.
A school board composed mostly of Orthodox Jewish parents has favored students in private religious schools over mostly black and Latino students in public schools, civil rights groups have alleged in federal court.

Since 2005, the East Ramapo school board, which covers a few small towns an hour’s drive north-west of New York City, has been controlled by members who represent private yeshivas, or Jewish religious schools, according to a report by the New York state education department. The vast majority of the 26,500 children who attend private schools in the district are white. In contrast, 91% of the 9,000 or so children enrolled in public schools are black and Latino.

In 2009, the board began gutting the public-school system, the report states. Between 2009 and 2014, the board fired over 450 staff, including 160 teachers, three guidance counselors and all social workers. It also cut budgets for athletic and extracurricular activities in half.
After learning about that I would understand hostility towards Orthodox communities starting near you or allowing Orthodox people positions of power over non-Orthodox. Why are they even there? Doesn't a Jewish homeland exist for them?


Most Arabs living in America are actually Christians from Lebanon or Egypt. I am very supportive of Arabs and other Muslims converting to Christianity when living in western countries. Same for all minorities. The idea is to reduce the amount of cultural friction between different racial and ethnic communities. Why should Jews be exempt from the same standards I hold my own community to?
Jews don't assimilate, they do worse, they set themselves above everyone else and try to push everyone else out.
This is why historically they have been pushed out of most places they've migrated into.


For one thing diaspora jews shouldn't be allowed to serve in the IDF, its a double loyalty - in fact its one loyalty really.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Illegal secret tunnels under a synagogue in Brooklyn.

https://twitter.com/frumtiktok/status/1 … 6etfiCnSRQ


https://x.com/FrumTikTok/status/1744521 … 54482?s=20

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2024-01-08 20:02:10)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
^ Should drop a JDAM on it, you can't be too careful

Who could have imagined it would be South Africa to provide the world with a moral backbone in the face of a genocide?

Is America going to continue supporting and arming the Israelis to perpetuate it?
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The guy coming out of the sewer is now a meme. We will see that meme for the rest of our lives
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Its part of the gestation process.

The presentation to the ICJ was good.

I'm assuming Israel's response is going to be gibberish.

If Israel's genocide of the Palestinians is judged to be a genocide are Biden and Blinken going to continue supporting Israel and sending them weapons?
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The guy coming out of the sewer is now a meme. We will see that meme for the rest of our lives
I think it should have about 20 tons of liquid explosive pumped into it and set off, then we'll see where the exits are.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
IDF says 21 soldiers killed in the worst incident in Gaza since October 7

Hamas terrorists fire anti-tank missile at buildings rigged with explosives near border with Israel ahead of demolition in efforts to clear area from threats to Israeli communities; fire triggers mass explosion, killing troops
Clear the threats with a small nuke?

Israel is tracking the casualties of their battle. They aren't so tough when they aren't dropping bombs from the sky.

https://www.gov.il/en/departments/news/ … casualties
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The new girl at work is Israeli. Like she came to America as a child around 6. She is fluent in English but counts and curses in Hebrew.

We spent Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning in a cafe in NYC chatting for hours during the field trip. There was also a reception where we had a glass of wine together. She didn't mention if she was single or seeing anyone. We are excitedly planning our next field trip together to Washington D.C., or NYC. She wants to go to Poland too.

She is really cool. We are working on a work project together and she said to let her know when the next work party will happen so we could have a drink together.

I hope I am not reading too much into her just being friendly. She wants to collaborate on a lot of things together.

The reason why I posted this here is to let you know that I support Israel drinking the blood of every man, woman, and child in Gaza. But only if I get to date the Israeli girl.
I am all that is MOD!

My coworker talks to me. Does this mean she wants to fuck?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire

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