
Trying to lever with something like "a significant amount of these people" when you have a history of anti-semitic (etc) comments sort of takes the wind out of whatever point you were trying to make. "A significant number of these people," being among a people you already dislike.

It's the usual backstep from "The Jews," "all jews" or coy hints of that wide brush, isn't it? "Well, a significant number of jews. Time and time again of being called out and argued down to "not all jews," it always eventually snaps back to "The Jews." Repeat cycle.

Dilbert_X wrote:

they elected
conflation of israelis, jews.


Stalking was one of the things the diplomat guy was arrested for.

Imagine being so bored and petty that you have nothing better to do than go serial-threaten the hot dog guy like jay in an internet argument.


Stuart Seldowitz, 64, pleaded not guilty Thursday to two counts of fourth-degree hate crime/stalking and one count of second-degree aggravated harassment, court records show.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

It's the usual backstep from "The Jews," "all jews" or coy hints of that wide brush, isn't it? "Well, a significant number of jews. Time and time again of being called out and argued down to "not all jews," it always eventually snaps back to "The Jews." Repeat cycle.

Dilbert_X wrote:

they elected
conflation of israelis, jews.
I think I've been perfectly reasonable and used fair definitions at every step.

Every NY jew has a right to live in Israel - more right than the average Palestinian, no doubt many of them will be dual citizens already and would have voted in the election which put Netanyahu and a gaggle of extremist zionists/settlers into power.

Once again, why would a NY jew be so rabidly anti-Palestinian he'd like to see more of their children die?
What does Israel/Palestine have to do with him?

The fact is the jews themselves conflate judaism and Israel at every step but object when its stated publicly.
Fuck Israel

you're placing the burden of israeli war crimes on the shoulders of jews worldwide just because israel wants them to immigrate there? that's kind of messed up.

and again, let's not forget about non-jew support of israel. what interest does a tennessean baptist have in the juggernaut of israeli settlement expansion? not long ago here on bf2s i was called out for saying israel should show some restraint. why was that? is anyone here a right-wing israeli that i don't know about?

the new york guy isn't really a good example of just any rando on the street, considering his former positions in government. but i think we can both agree that he's a massive dickhead. he could have probably walked 20 feet to a kosher hot dog stand, but noOOo.

we can also probably both agree with your video's sentiment that questions should be raised about how his attitudes may have affected the government, during his time in government. perhaps also, how ongoing individual biases of people in positions of power continue to be harmful?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-11-25 05:17:34)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The IDF smoked two children in the West Bank.
https://www.reddit.com/r/MajorityReport … utm_term=2
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Jewish student I have is being bullied by a Muslim student.
They used to be best friends but the Jewish girl got a boyfriend and the Muslim girl got jealous and things have degenerated from there.
Back in September the Muslim girl convinced a bunch of the black girls in the class that the Jewish girl was taking advantage of her boyfriend. "She makes him pay for everything!" I didn't have the heart to tell her that is the natural order of things. Guys must pay for their girlfriends.
I had to walk the Muslim girl over to her case worker and introduced the two. The case worker told the kid where the counselor and social worker are if she ever wants to talk to them. This was back in September before the war in Gaza even started.
The Muslim student has now become even more angry and frankly openly antisemitic. Yesterday she told the Jewish girl "You are ugly and have a big nose. You are Jewish which is why your dad left you and your mom. I hope none of your wishes come true and you die on your birthday." This made the Jewish girl cry hysterically.
An aide took the Jewish girl to a guidance counselor who made her write a report. Later they took the Muslim girl and asked her what happened. The Muslim girl denied everything and said "I am not writing a report because there is nothing to report." Which is frankly a ballsy thing to say. The kid didn't crack under questioning. Frankly impressed by that since I have seen supposedly tougher kids crack under pressure.
I think the Muslim girl is umm a little disturbed. The same day this happened she was talking and being nice to the Jewish girl like nothing had happened.

The refusal to acknowledge she did anything wrong, the venomous comments, and then the friendliness later all makes me think this kid is kind of off her shit.
The teacher I share a classroom with, the creepy poster guy, talked to both of them individually to try to get them to be nice to each other. He is half Jewish but is a liberal Jew. Really cool dude. So we are just hoping things are calmed down or else I will have to write a report about the Jewish student being admittedly bullied.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

A blueprint reviewed by The Times laid out the attack in detail. Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings.
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/worl … gence.html

So either they were wildly complacent or they wanted the attack to happen so they'd have an excuse to purge Gaza and the West Bank, I beleive it was the latter.

Meanwhile Biden is shipping $320million worth of more bombs to help the slaughter.

WASHINGTON, Nov 6 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden's administration has informed the U.S. Congress that it is planning a $320 million transfer of precision bombs for Israel, a source familiar with the plan said on Monday.

https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-ea … 023-11-06/
Fuck Israel
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
I'll be honest I don't give a shit about gaza

So why am I posting here. Dunno
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
This is a fight between the Jews and the Muslims. Catholics like you and I when I cosplay as one have no stake in it.

That is the thing that really upset and annoyed me about all of this. The Israel supporters demanded Americans of all faiths to publicly side with them under threat of firing, exclusion, and harassment. I feel like I was given an ultimatum.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Meanwhile Biden is shipping $320million worth of more bombs to help the slaughter.

WASHINGTON, Nov 6 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden's administration has informed the U.S. Congress that it is planning a $320 million transfer of precision bombs for Israel, a source familiar with the plan said on Monday.

https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-ea … 023-11-06/
i think americans wouldn't mind money going into things like rocket interception, but i think the mood is swinging away from supporting stuff like "precision" carpet bombing.

sympathies were dropping even during the trump administration.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
If you give them the means to shut down rockets, it frees up resources for them to build and buy bombs to drop on people.

We shouldn't give either side support. No weapons for Israel. No aid to Gaza.

israel has said it wants financial independence.

that way i guess they can fund their own genocides against their neighbors.

it's at that point when uncle sam will wipe away a tear in nostalgia for our own sordid history. "that's my boy!"
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think there will be a time where Israel just goes mask off regarding Gaza and the West Bank. They take control of the area and more openly and aggressively push out the Palestinians.

Perhaps it comes at the cost of the blank cheque the U.S. gives them but they can weather it. I mean there are so many CEOs with their blacklist who will support them anyway.

And what can Israel's neighbors do about any of it?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I think there will be a time where Israel just goes mask off regarding Gaza and the West Bank. They take control of the area and more openly and aggressively push out the Palestinians.
Why do you think the mask isn't off now?

They're killing and terrorising the Palestinians as hard as they can without forcing Biden to stop turning a blind eye.

Destroying hospitals is lesson one in how to commit a genocide.

Soon Gaza will be completely flattened and the argument will be that Egypt should take them.

This was all long planned and they were waiting for a pretext to enact it.
From 2009
Now, suddenly, I found myself meeting Israelis committed to the creation of a greater Israel embracing the West Bank, who were utterly heedless of the fate of its inhabitants. The Palestinians were perceived as losers, a mere incidental impediment to the fulfilment of Israel's historic territorial destiny. By a curious quirk, that young Israeli whom I heard enthuse about emptying the West Bank of Arabs was Binyamin Netanyahu, today his country's prime minister.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr … x-hastings

From 2014
Israel’s people deserve a less unworthy leader than Benjamin Netanyahu, and a higher vision than that of reducing Gaza to rubble. This can breed only a new generation of alienated, embittered Palestinian radicals, who will sustain their desperate struggle through decades to come.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti … heart.html

Danon has advocated for punitive attacks against Palestinian civilians and infrastructure, including a suggestion that Israel "delete" one neighborhood in Gaza in response for every rocket launched by Hamas.[59]

In July 2014, Danon advocated cutting off all electricity and fuel supplies to Gaza to induce Hamas to request a cease-fire.[60][61] Subsequently, on August 1, 2014, after the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier, Danon was quoted as saying "If we don't get the soldier back within a few hours we should start levelling Gaza."
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
The US veto is a disgrace.

Now the Chinese hold the moral high ground.

Well done chaps.
Fuck Israel

hang on, my one ballot of write-ins will certainly change who's in power. /s

the point made that hamas would just regroup and repeat an attack is a valid concern. my concern is that israel isn't so much concerned about ending hamas as they are exterminating a populace. the notion that hamas is an important bogeyman for israel in the country's expansionist ambitions is admittedly compelling, if maybe oversimple.

uk abstained.

russia angling for a moralistic dressing down during their rape of ukraine is deeply ironic.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-12-08 23:38:49)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Yeah, if the US could have just kept up the daily body count they could have beaten the Viet Cong.
Fuck Israel

even kissinger flipped pessimistic about the whole affair.

read about operation linebacker ii for a facepalm.

maybe things have changed (mac could tell us), but vietnam was one of the most sanitized *ahem* "wars" in sanitized school textbooks. overly abridged and quite barren of information considering the war's duration and wordcounts dedicated briefer or imo less pivotal parts of us history.

cynical take: i suppose if this stuff was talked about more, at least with high school kids, americans might develop less of an appetite for it. can't have that!

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-12-09 03:40:54)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
merica needs to stop sending bombs and shells to Israel.

Biden bypasses Congress to sell tank shells to Israel amid further fighting in Khan Younis
The Biden administration has used an emergency authority to allow the sale of about 14,000 tank shells to Israel without congressional review, the Pentagon said on Saturday.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...r … lls-israel

Honestly what the fuck?
Fuck Israel

re: wtf

us-israel relations has many years of momentum. it's hard to envision congress determining to definitively break ties without more complete and active public disillusionment with the country.

the state department provided reasons pertaining to emergency, commitments, and national interests. hardly an unprecedented occurrence (see recently, pompeo to saudi arabia). whatever arguments against those, i don't know if it can be called much of a coup against congress.

a government staffed and shaped in part by the kind of people who even publicly admit belief that 4,000 dead palestinian children aren't enough.

e: turns out, there's actually a thread this stuff could go into:


Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-12-10 09:41:39)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The president of the University of Pennsylvania, M. Elizabeth Magill, resigned on Saturday, four days after she appeared before Congress and appeared to evade the question of whether students who called for the genocide of Jews should be punished.

Support for Ms. Magill, already shaken in recent months over her approach to a Palestinian literary conference and the university’s initial response to the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7, unraveled after her testimony. Influential graduates questioned her leadership, wealthy contributors moved to withdraw donations, and public officials besieged the university to oust its president.

By Saturday evening, a day before Penn’s board of trustees was expected to meet, Ms. Magill said that she would quit. Scott L. Bok, the board’s chairman, said in an email to the Penn community that Ms. Magill had “voluntarily tendered her resignation.”

Less than an hour later, Mr. Bok announced that he, too, had resigned, deepening the turmoil at one of the nation’s most prestigious universities.

Ms. Magill is the first university president to step down in connection with the uproars that have engulfed campuses since the Hamas attack and Israel’s subsequent invasion of Gaza. Other presidents remain under pressure. On Friday, more than 70 members of Congress called for the firings of Ms. Magill and two presidents who appeared alongside her in Washington on Tuesday, Claudine Gay of Harvard and Sally Kornbluth of M.I.T.
Israel supporters collecting more scalps. Flexing their economic power. Winning hearts and minds.

now for the people who call for the genocide of palestinians.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
IRT to the college presidents...It feels like a lot of Israel supporters are trying to paint anyone and everyone as antisemitic in order justify some masochistic fetish. It is like some supporters of Israel are purposefully going around trying to cause drama for social media clout.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

now for the people who call for the genocide of palestinians.
Well its funny

Its OK for the jews to campaign for the 'return' of the land they left , its fine and honourable to be a Zionist - Zionism being a campaign for the genocide of the Palestinians, and its OK to call for Israel's borders to be expanded to 'Eretz Israel' - wherever those borders may be and they are ever changing.

But its not OK for the Palestinians to call for the return of their land - which they were terrorised out of in living memory, or call for Palestine to be reinstated "from the river to the sea" - because that would be a de facto genocide of the jews, or call for the borders to be reinstated to their 1967 positions because that wouldn't fit with where the borders are in the torah.

I think people have figured out these double standards and double-speak, the holocaust card has been played so many times its worn out and no-one cares, the world wants Israel to shut up and stay within its borders - which need to be moved back to where they should be - and stop causing trouble.
Fuck Israel

It's endlessly befuddling seeing things like "living memory" and historical grievances pointed out by a dilbert post.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
These are facts though, and you don't need to be a woke, tenured, freedom-hating, liberal Professor to know facts.
Fuck Israel

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