The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Currently the company I'm in is going through the process of making everything measurable and only spending $ on what will deliver a result.

This will annoy the creative and effective people, in 2-5 years the company will be a shell and the suits will be knifing each other over the smouldering wreckage.

The former GM related a discussion he had with one of the founders back in the day.

"How much will this project cost?"
"I don't know, just do it"
"What will the outcome be?"
"I don't know either, get on with it"
Fuck Israel

re: "kys"

the bicycle cat guy says he's being told to "kys" by internet people.

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/h … 47165.html

imagine being so petty that you want a person to lose their pet or even die just because of stupid internet fame.

the cat seems to enjoy being out and about like that and is fortunate to have a person facilitate that.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I get hassled at work for not giving my suppliers a hard time. I don't care, project deadlines are all artificial and if marketing and planning didn't do such a shit job engineering and manufacturing - and by extension contract manufacturers wouldn't be under endless pressure to 'make things happen'.
it shouldn't really be marketing's job to do any kind of job at engineering and manufacturing. their job should be to market. the people people at a company like that, management, should be facilitating healthy communication between the departments.

i don't have a business degree, but smooth operation sounds like a healthy business sort of thing. unless your goal is to predate your own company, i suppose.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
'Marketing' is actually a small part of Marketing's function.

Most of it is to plan what products a company needs to develop and give engineering enough time get them to the market at the right time.

"Well we hummed and hahed about this product for three years NOW YOU HAVE TO DELIVER IT IN SIX MONTHS OR THE COMPANY IS SUNK"
Not my problem really.
Fuck Israel

I mean, yeah but they're usually not the ones who are going to be making the stuff unless they're wearing multiple hats. If they're making promises (marketing) their company can't deliver, that's on them and/or the people who put their feet to the fire.

Good thing for you that your job is a hobby these days more than a stressor.

Remember that Fable guy who made all kinds of unfulfilled promises about his games?
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

If they're making promises (marketing) their company can't deliver
Its not so much that, they need to predict the market years ahead.

Obviously there's plenty of incompetence to go around.
The project I'm working on has been floundering for 2-3 years with $1m spent on external designers for no obvious reason and no useful output.
Now its 2-3 years late and we're about three months past square one.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-11-16 05:08:43)

Fuck Israel

Well your original comment was about marketing doing a shit job of engineering? It helps knowing how to talk about the thing, but their job is connecting with buyers, not engineering a product? Easy to dig your way into a hole if there's an incompetency bottleneck in the company..
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Engineer at work brags about this "automated" audit app he has us use now..

He has to copy a template for each new one
Has to manually print a report which looks like shit
Can't be used offline and the wifi they gave us is crap

It's literally just a worse surveymonkey or something
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Well your original comment was about marketing doing a shit job of engineering? It helps knowing how to talk about the thing, but their job is connecting with buyers, not engineering a product? Easy to dig your way into a hole if there's an incompetency bottleneck in the company..
OK, I constructed my sentence a little poorly

" if marketing and planning didn't do such a shit job engineering and manufacturing - and by extension contract manufacturers wouldn't be under endless pressure to 'make things happen'."


" if marketing and planning didn't do such a shit job THEN engineering and manufacturing - and by extension contract manufacturers wouldn't be under endless pressure to 'make things happen'."

Marketing do need to do the research and plan at least 2-3 years ahead - and they do get the big bucks so they should be on top of the game.

"Yeah uh a competitor has brought out a better product so uh yeah we're going to need you to work nights and weekends to catch up - I still deserve 200k and my bonus" doesn't cut it.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-11-17 00:40:01)

Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

RTHKI wrote:

Engineer at work brags about this "automated" audit app he has us use now..

He has to copy a template for each new one
Has to manually print a report which looks like shit
Can't be used offline and the wifi they gave us is crap

It's literally just a worse surveymonkey or something
I had to submit an approval to be able to connect a thumbdrive to the network, a thumbdrive which has previously been approved.
This went through a whole new system which auto-generated a whole new set of faulty notifications, emails and launched a new part of teams I never knew existed - could literally have been one email.

Also my teams and sharepoint syncing to onedrive has gone spectactularly fucked.
Last time I tried to fix it I wiped a complete server, this time I let the IT guy fuck it up.
Fuck Israel

You shouldn't even be doing IT's work.

I say as I do IT work outside of my admittedly flexible job description.

So much floundering can be solved with google-fu.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
It's actually worse than surveymonkey or whatever.

And I quote
"Don't hit the orange box that will delete everything"
Referring to the whole area, not just answers
Why is that possible lmao

If you absolutely need to put in a button like that, nest confirmation in like 2 or 3 dialog boxes? I remember that stuff in some older programs that trusted users with more power.

[are you sure?] -> y -> [are you really sure?] -> y -> [are you really, really sure?] y -> (do the thing)

Wasn't foolproof because people blast through dialog boxes like they're the worst annoyance in their lives, but better than a nuke without a safety.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I really don't get how the app is supposed to work.
You can't create a template file. So the guy is just copy pasting a blank form. Which means anyone can change anything when they fill it out.

Maybe if I filled one out completely wrong on purpose they'd try to fix that.
mmmf mmmf mmmf

A process engineer disagreed with some data a consultant pulled and I have now verified.
They "felt" it was wrong. When it is objectively right.
I am all that is MOD!

Did you tell them that facts don't care about their feelings?

Side note: when you have to hire consultants to analyze data that's readily available but hard to mine, that's a key indicator that your systems (probs ERP) aren't being used the way they should be.

Garbage in, garbage out!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Last day of school before Thanksgiving break. I just finished the Mario movie for my class. I am thinking about showing the Barbie movie (PG-13) next. My students are 14+.

I don't want to offend any conservative parents though. Maybe I should show Dunkirk (PG-13) instead? It is better that the kids get bored to death watching a movie about checks notes death than having to write an email explaining the Barbie movie is PG-13 to a conservative parent.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I went with Dunkirk. I told a small group of students I was going to show the Barbie movie and a girl made the argument that the movie is mean to men and she didn't want to watch it again. She said the movie was a 7/10 but since she heard people say it is bad to men she doesn't want to watch it now.
mmmf mmmf mmmf


Did you tell them that facts don't care about their feelings?

Side note: when you have to hire consultants to analyze data that's readily available but hard to mine, that's a key indicator that your systems (probs ERP) aren't being used the way they should be.

Garbage in, garbage out!
We don't have something anyone here would call ERP. It wants to be but isn't. Basically they started with an inventory system and built it into a shitty ERP.
I am all that is MOD!


That's an interesting evolution. Usually ERPs are driven by finance/accounting needs.

You should have them check out Odoo if they are interested and open to changing. It's a pretty cheap and customizable suite of business management software. When I was leading a project to select a new ERP at my old company, Odoo was the best solution.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I went with Dunkirk. I told a small group of students I was going to show the Barbie movie and a girl made the argument that the movie is mean to men and she didn't want to watch it again. She said the movie was a 7/10 but since she heard people say it is bad to men she doesn't want to watch it now.
I remember some teachers would give students a form to get signed before watching a not purely educational movie in class. Rating wasn't really a factor in this. The form went out, regardless. The ones without parental consent would be sent to the library. I assume some of these old teachers of mine have been stung before, or maybe the 90s was just more of a hypersensitive helicopter boomer parent time where a soft curse could land someone in a lot of trouble, mister! Now I guess it's the millennials who are the karens with a hand in all the minutiae of their children's lives.

The girl who called Barbie mean to men should write a report on it and submit it to the film teacher. I wonder if that's really her opinion, or just the sentiment she's surrounded by.

I'm not sure how Barbie is supposed to be mean to men. I haven't seen it, so looked up some of the criticisms again. WSJ called it "grumpier than a women's studies course." NR called it "a product for a vengeful generation" (which generation, exactly?). Literally selling the movie they supposedly hate, but it gets the clicks.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I went with Dunkirk.
"Rated PG-13 for intense war experience and some" *checks notes* "language."

How "intense war experience" gets rated PG-13 is beyond me. Are we getting the next generation ready for the next American vanity war?

I'm not entirely sure what the point to all that currently is. Imagine checking a teenager's age before showing them a PG-13 war movie in 2023. I imagine a good chunk of your class have watched videos of people actually dying. Meanwhile, websites exist to provide more in-depth content advisories than these obsolete ratings could ever supply.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Movex, an offshoot of AS400. At least with how it was used here it sounds like it started as inventory/shipping then expanded to be a total ERP with manufacturing added, poorly. My plant finally moved to it a couple months ago, it took literally 20+ years. And somehow we had so many issues with rollout I don't know how they weren't caught before cause most of the system should have been plug and play for us since others had been using it in the same capacity for years...

I remember coming across Odoo when looking for a cheap interim inventory system. Eventually chose Quickbase, well I didn't choose it just built.
They made an ERP search team 2 years ago. Once it ended they fired them all cause they decided moving was too expensive, they've spend millions going to movex.

Frankly every IT project I've not been involved in has been pretty shit here. Coincidence? Maybe

Last edited by RTHKI (2023-11-22 10:52:22)


IT is a confusing, frustrating job in that people in different departments simultaneously think they know better than you, and coming to you for help when 3 hours on tech support or that gizmo or service you told them not to buy without due diligence doesn't work.

IT people themselves, perhaps justifiably stereotyped as inconsiderate, rude, and difficult to work with, but sometimes not without reason (above). Vicious circle.

I could easily get back into doing that full time, but I really don't want it as a primary job function. Had my fill.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Technically my title is Inventory Control Clerk. It was changed back to that idk why I found it a bit insulting and basically did F all IT work for a few weeks. Then they ask why and like, its not in that job description.

And now I'm modifying a bunch of Excel based production trackers. Kinda fun.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I went with Dunkirk. I told a small group of students I was going to show the Barbie movie and a girl made the argument that the movie is mean to men and she didn't want to watch it again. She said the movie was a 7/10 but since she heard people say it is bad to men she doesn't want to watch it now.
I remember some teachers would give students a form to get signed before watching a not purely educational movie in class. Rating wasn't really a factor in this. The form went out, regardless. The ones without parental consent would be sent to the library. I assume some of these old teachers of mine have been stung before, or maybe the 90s was just more of a hypersensitive helicopter boomer parent time where a soft curse could land someone in a lot of trouble, mister! Now I guess it's the millennials who are the karens with a hand in all the minutiae of their children's lives.

The girl who called Barbie mean to men should write a report on it and submit it to the film teacher. I wonder if that's really her opinion, or just the sentiment she's surrounded by.

I'm not sure how Barbie is supposed to be mean to men. I haven't seen it, so looked up some of the criticisms again. WSJ called it "grumpier than a women's studies course." NR called it "a product for a vengeful generation" (which generation, exactly?). Literally selling the movie they supposedly hate, but it gets the clicks.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I went with Dunkirk.
"Rated PG-13 for intense war experience and some" *checks notes* "language."

How "intense war experience" gets rated PG-13 is beyond me. Are we getting the next generation ready for the next American vanity war?

I'm not entirely sure what the point to all that currently is. Imagine checking a teenager's age before showing them a PG-13 war movie in 2023. I imagine a good chunk of your class have watched videos of people actually dying. Meanwhile, websites exist to provide more in-depth content advisories than these obsolete ratings could ever supply.
The social studies departments screened a movie about a famous black soldier in an auditorium. The movie had the n-word in it. IIRC the only way you got to see the movie if you opted in and returned a permission slip. The movie was rated PG-13 too.

I wouldn't force any students to watch something they don't want to.

National Review did run an article that was titled something like "Conservatives shouldn't be down on Barbie." It was suggesting that conservatives don't self marginalize and reject a movie that the majority of Americans like. Most of the comments were still stupid.

I don't mind conservatives that at least are cool about mainstream culture.

I don't doubt that most of the kids have seen worse stuff on their cellphones. The kids still expect a certain level of professionalism though. They don't expect us to curse so the few times I have had to yell "damn" at kid it was effective because it is unexpected. They would justifiably be weirded out if I screened some drone drop videos. One of my students admitted he watches those online when he saw the flag of Ukraine I have. We both laughed at that. He failed with a 64 but I curved his grade to a 70 this marking period.

conservatives mock "trigger warnings" as the product of a snowflake generation, but movie ratings were Serious Business.

i think people might raise an eyebrow at grade-bending for motivators like that, but honestly sweet-talking is a practical life skill. may as well reward it.

the last of the grade-benders.

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