
War Man wrote:

inconsistency of restrictions and general ignorance firearms in general.
I agree on that point to the extent that laws and regulations should be consistent, predictable, evidence-supported, and clearly/accurately defined. There shouldn't be any room for surprises or confusion.

Probably going to remain an uphill battle getting even good laws past the gun lobby.

Take the Street Sweeper shotgun in late 80's , early 90's

It is considered a destructive device despite not really being good and reloading is slow as you have to individualyl load shells. Capacity is 10 rounds. Meanwhile I can acquire a saiga semi auto with a detachable drum that can hold 30 rounds and that is perfectly fine and legal, nevermind the greater destruction I can potentially cause with the saiga, yet the Street Sweeper is a destructive device under the NFA. Can you explain why? It makes no sense.
I love that the name is so clearly evocative of mass chaos and destruction and people are wondering why it got an extra helping of negative attention. "Why did my Mass Disembowler 4001 patent get me put on a watchlist?" grouses suburban psychopath. "I could do so much more damage with my hunting rifle!"

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
When the Street Sweaper was made were there commercially available semiautomatic shotguns in the U.S.?
Go Cougs!
+691|6464|Washington St.
However, a suppressor which quiets the weapon a little ( does not get rid of the sonic boom )
"It can only be used for good and not for bad. There's literally no way anybody can use a suppressor in a negative way except to save hearing. How in the world is it hard to buy?"

Take 2 seconds to consider how someone can take something that's illegal and use it against you, that's why it's illegal. Not because you think you can use it in a non-illegal way.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6887|Purplicious Wisconsin

SuperJail Warden wrote:

When the Street Sweaper was made were there commercially available semiautomatic shotguns in the U.S.?
Yes, Benellis, Beretta, Franchis like Spas-12 (kind of 15, there was a period of importation ban), various American brands, etc.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

"Why this but not that?" The answer you'll usually find on r/"pick-a-gun-subreddit" is that gun laws are dumb and all need to be repealed. I don't really think Americans should be heavily armed with *checks notes* classes of weapons designed with stuff like "riot control" in mind. Does the Street Sweeper even have a valid "sporting" purpose? Exactly how many canned pigeon bodies would someone need to stack before they're satisfied for the afternoon?

Someone saying they could do more damage with something like their ar-15 is just a red flag against those as well.

"it costs 400,000 dollars to fire this weapon for 12 seconds."
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Watching a Livestream of the Gaza skyline at night. Really intense fighting.

I am lying here super stoned in bed. I have had some good experiences these last few years. Made me think how utterly unfair it is that people are dying in their teens and younger over this nonsense.

Hobbyism is literally the worst defense of gun ownership. Read a book or play video games instead. I can understand if you think you need guns to overthrow the government or you are a farmer.

Do people in Gaza need a 2nd Amendment?

we need guns in case of orcs

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

War Man wrote:

inconsistency of restrictions and general ignorance in general.
Also much of it is due to arbitrary restrictions being arbitrary.

Why is the speed limit 70mph? Not 65, not 75.

"But speed limits were set in the 60s when cars had cross-ply tyres, my car can go much faster more safely"
So get a bill through congress or stop whining.

Riot control pistol grip shotguns are probably something the average person shouldn't be owning, but should they be able to own a 12 shot duck gun?
I don't know really, I'm sure ducks would have something to say though.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
We should resettle as many children from Gaza in the U.S. as we can. The kids would have the amazing opportunity to get murdered by a mass shooter instead of blown up by a bomb.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Is it just me or is it a strange coincidence that the one place Israelis carry boxes into is the one place they 'find' a trove of Hamas equipment?

The hospital needs truckloads of eqpt, and more importantly electricity and water.

Also very odd that they are marked in english.

Also pretty strange that Israel's top press spokesman is now suddenly a frontline infantryman.


Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-11-16 02:16:22)

Fuck Israel

paraphrased, "we investigated ourselves and found nothing amiss" energy
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Washington Post has a big story today about mass shootings. Someone on Reddit grabbed a bunch of the images from Robb elementary and rehosted them on reddit.

No visible dead bodies but the first image in the collection is heavy.

https://old.reddit.com/r/masskillers/co … ry_school/

This is the stuff people dismiss as "the price of liberty"

stay safe mac
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/i … co_ar-15_1

Here is the full WaPo article that includes unseen pictures from all of the "big name" attacks. They used freedom of information act request to get them.

Hard to put my feelings into words. It is funny, not haha funny, but cruelly ironic how people can be accepting of these things happening. Imagine how it must feel to lose someone you care about it such a way. It is very unfair people will have their lives cut short these ways. Kids never get the chance to fall in love, have a beer, go to a concert, drive a car fast etc. because some of some people's gun fetish.

Also, this is going to sound racist but it is how I feel...I blame conservative white people. Yeah, the blacks shoot each other in the streets all the time. But the political superstructure that makes gun easily accessible was built and is maintained by conservative white people. If anyone has to lose their children or have their lives cut short...you know which group of people I hope it happens to.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Its funny how many rich white christians are so full of hate.
Having money and being close to god doesn't make them happy?

The 'christian' guy at my workplace drives around with a spike in the back of his car in place of the towbar.
Such a decent thing to do, I'm sure it makes jesus happy.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-11-17 00:37:45)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

The 'christian' guy at my workplace drives around with a spike in the back of his car in place of the towbar.
Such a decent thing to do, I'm sure it makes jesus happy.
What, to do more damage to someone who rear ends him? Discourage tailgating? Puncture cars who creep too close at an intersection? How visible is it even?

I'm sure that would violate a law or two in my state. Practically a booby trap.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

The 'christian' guy at my workplace drives around with a spike in the back of his car in place of the towbar.
Such a decent thing to do, I'm sure it makes jesus happy.
What, to do more damage to someone who rear ends him? Discourage tailgating? Puncture cars who creep too close at an intersection? How visible is it even?
Presumably, there is a subset of people here who do this for some reason.
Normally it would have a towball, but people remove them and drive around like this.
Fuck Israel

Angle makes it look like a cheap, flipped drop hitch with the ball missing. Hard to tell with res though.

Some people put crazy hitch covers on to protect their bumpers from prevent lousy parkers. Doing that kind of thing could backfire in some situations if it's successfully argued that your plan was damage. Just park where there's less lot traffic so you don't get door dings.

I'm not sure why someone would remove the ball and not the whole unit unless they're doing maintenance or replacement? Theft? Put the whole thing in your trunk. Rust? Put the whole thing in your trunk. License plate obstruction? Again, trunk.

put the whole thing in your trunk

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-11-17 08:44:39)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Just get a bumper badger.
Though I don't know why you would want to protect the paint so bad if you can't see it.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Its a normal removable tow bar for a Commodore - which is a normal sedan so the tow bar is flipped up - but with the ball removed


Question is - why would anyone do that? Unless they want someone to punch through their radiator?

Like I said, there is a subset of people who do this.
I have seen someone rear-end a normal towbar, lose his coolant and drive off as if nothing happened.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-11-18 00:38:26)

Fuck Israel

That's what I figured, but it still makes no sense to me outside of having a "spike" as you called it, in an area where the hitch ball obscuring the license plate would draw scrutiny (but you could just like flip the thing)?

It's far more convenient to remove the whole unit and toss it somewhere inside your vehicle than remove the hitch ball, and yet I've also seen this done. You don't even need a wrench. Just unpin, slide it out, done. Less worry about exposure to elements or theft for the whole thing.

One of those mysteries. Ask on a pickup forum I guess.

I've towed trailers. Spray the tip safety orange so it's more visible and less of a shin-eater. I don't know why these things are always painted black.

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