
After its abject failure to intercept a giant attack, Israeli intelligence suddenly up to such snuff that it could sniff out a couple of "terrorists" hiding out in a mosque.

ya ok
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Since the Oct 7 attack they've also killed 90 random west bank Palestinians.
Seems like they're trying to provoke trouble - you can't really get more provocative than bombing a mosque.
They've been steadily ratcheting up the provocations.
https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/ … qsa-mosque

On the actual attack, either its the most colossal intelligence failure in their history, or they wanted an attack to happen so they'd have a pretext for something else.
Seems like it wasn't an intelligence failure
https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/13/poli … index.html

Seems like the something else is the nuking of Iran.
Bad luck for the kibbutzim who had to die, its for the greater good of greater israel.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-10-22 04:03:38)

Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Great, something else to thank boomers for.

With luck Israel will collapse under the weight of its citizens who do nothing but study the Torah, and all the outside supporters will die off.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I asked a Jewish coworker if they wanted to do a t-shirt fundraiser for the victims in Israel. I also asked a Muslim coworker if they wanted to do one for the victims in Gaza.

I don't plan to buy either shirt.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Doing research on the conflict

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Today I learned the secretary general of the UN is a raving anti-semite.

Anti-semites are everywhere.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am sick of the anti-Palestinian bigotry on Reddit. The longer the bombardment of Gaza goes on the more likely public opinion will swing towards the Palestinians. Machiavelli wrote that sometimes it is okay to use "terror" to fulfill your goals but the terror must not escalate or get dragged out. People will get tired of prolonged terror but accept short and swift terror. Hamas attack was short and swift.

Also, I frankly do not care about the wellbeing of Jewish people. At least not more so than anyone else. I really resent people trying to convince me I need to care about the survival of the Jewish state or making sure they have a safe place.
I do not like the fact that Jewish organizations are targeting Americans for cancellation because of their views on Israel. It is fair to cancel someone because of shit they do or say that is relevant to us. Don't cancel people over something overseas. That is too much and will cause anti-Semitism.

"now's not the time," mac, or is it the time now?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
We can talk about it right meow
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Also, I frankly do not care about the wellbeing of Jewish people. At least not more so than anyone else. I really resent people trying to convince me I need to care about the survival of the Jewish state or making sure they have a safe place.
But if we pander to the jews jesus will make his second coming. So what if brown people have to watch their children die.

The jews are the one group of people who want their own exclusive space - and thats weird by itself - and they don't care how many people have to lose theirs or die to make it happen.
I think the Merchant of Venice was apt - they want their pound of flesh and if someone else has to die so they can have it then too bad.

Causing people to die by dehdyration seems to be a consistent sadisitic trope too, its what they did to the Palestinians in 1948, its what they're doing now.

I do not like the fact that Jewish organizations are targeting Americans for cancellation because of their views on Israel. It is fair to cancel someone because of shit they do or say that is relevant to us. Don't cancel people over something overseas. That is too much and will cause anti-Semitism.
Stop being anti-semitic.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Hmm I don't know about "the Jews" but the sort of explicit "Jewish State" stuff seems very racist. I think a good measure of how much you should support a country is by how you would be treated there. And I have a feeling I wouldn't get the same level of respect in Israel that I get here in the NYC area. I assume a lot of Americans make the same calculation which is why the younger generation has very low approval of supporting Israel. Then again a gay or woman might come to a different answer if they ran the math.


Speaking of math, the New York Times reported that the U.S. government doesn't think a ground invasion of Gaza is going to go well for Israel. The quote was something like "doesn't have achievable military goal."

The recent Battle of Mosul was used as a counter example to what Israel will have to face.

Mosul had a population of 600,000 less people than Gaza has. It was defended by about 10,000 Islamic State fighters. And the Islamic State has 2 years to prepare for the battle.

Meanwhile Hamas had 15 years to prepare, and 40,000 fighters in just their group nevermind smaller Islamist groups in the city too. The population is also going to be way more hostile to Israeli soldiers than people in Mosul were to the Iraqi soldiers.

Israel will either have to accept a tremendous amount of casualties or commit to sieging the place in a way shockingly reminiscent of what the Germans did on the Eastern Front. Saudi Arabia is also warning that the entire region could be destabilized by such an event. Hezbollah, Iran, the West Bank and Syria could also all become problematic at this moment. Etc.

All in all though, an interesting final quarter of this season.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why are people putting up posters of kidnapped Israelis everywhere? Do I have to be on the lookout for kidnapped Israelis in NJ?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't think we should support either side. No aid for either the Israelis or Palestinians.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Hmm I don't know about "the Jews" but the sort of explicit "Jewish State" stuff seems very racist. I think a good measure of how much you should support a country is by how you would be treated there. And I have a feeling I wouldn't get the same level of respect in Israel that I get here in the NYC area. I assume a lot of Americans make the same calculation which is why the younger generation has very low approval of supporting Israel. Then again a gay or woman might come to a different answer if they ran the math.
Not sure what you mean, they've defined themselves as "The Jewish State"

Speaking of math, the New York Times reported that the U.S. government doesn't think a ground invasion of Gaza is going to go well for Israel. The quote was something like "doesn't have achievable military goal."
Well they don't, the goal is to flatten the place and inflict more misery on the Palestinians - creating a new generation of militants so the Israelis can justify their eternal victm status.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I don't think we should support either side. No aid for either the Israelis or Palestinians.
Its amazing how America thinks - they can dictate who is allowed to support whom while themselves supporting whoever they like.

"No-one is allowed to supply arms to Russia, or Iran, or the Palestinians, but we can supply all the arms we want to Ukraine and Israel"
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
IAF strikes 150 Hamas tunnels, bunkers
https://www.timesofisrael.com/warplanes … hern-gaza/

Hang on a minute, I thought the hostages were in the tunnels.

Seems like Israel doesn't give a shit about them.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am sick of being bullied by Israel. Stop throwing your grief at me.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Israel is killing the hostages.
Fuck Israel

As an aside from its other immediately alarming, horrendous activities and sustained war crimes, Israel destroyed a landmark horse sculpture built out of the scrap of an ambulance it previously destroyed like 20 years ago. Not like with a stray missile that missed its target, either. You can't make up how petty that is.

Perhaps the operator thought he saw an American protester hiding under it.

e: if anyone remembers the journalist Shireen Abu Akleh who was murdered in the area by Israel while she was wearing a press vest, her memorial was also bulldozed.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-10-30 12:09:30)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There was a college student with an opinion hiding within the horse.

I really don't care about who wins this war or the death toll. I just think it is bizarre that Americans are being asked to support an explicitly "Jewish State." The concept is blatantly racist.

i still rebel at the idea that a person can be "racist" against jews. bigoted, sure, but not racist. however, a racist can still be bigoted against jews, with or without understanding what exactly they're biased against. imo, "jews" can't be nailed down to the social construct of race any more than can catholics or baptists (blah blah blah - https://www.chabad.org/library/article_ … Status.htm).

we're told that hamas are evil terrorists. that's not hard to accept. what's hard to accept is being told that what israel is doing is "better" and that we shouldn't feel sympathy for people just trying to live their lives. been informed by a hate-reader that nasty sentiment's all over fox comments. personally, i'd rather not give them the traffic.

reminder, 3 weeks ago:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The videos coming out of Israel are eye watering. Israel is going to level Gaza.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I understand the post-9/11 yadda yadda about over reacting.

But it is super tone deaf to lecture Israel about restraint after such a terrible attack.
went from that to sheer apathy


is this the half-life of reddit snuff enjoyers' attention spans, or are you doing a bit?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The supporters of Israel went overboard very quickly. I feel like they dragged everyone else into this and demanded we side with them or else.

The canceling of college students, the demanded loyalty, and other stuff was all too much. I support cancelling people as a concept but to cancel a bunch of people over here for their opinions about stuff over there is too much.

There is just way too much historical abuse going on too. I think Dilbert is right about how the arguments in support of Israel would be considered racist if they were made by white people in regards to the U.S. or Australia. I don't like the idea that some Italian or Irish person could lay claim to my stuff based on their ancestors being in NJ a century and a half ago.

Also, I actually saw very little of the gore from the attacks. It was all scrubbed from reddit and other places very quickly.

I brought up the concept of a Jewish State being racist on reddit and got down voted into the triple digits. I expected that. What is funny about it is that there were a lot of Jewish people who were quick to claim that America is a Christian State in order to justify Israel being a Jewish one. Lol

recent news you're probably aware of, a bunch of jews i guess going to court after they protested against israel. granted, the location of their protest is a factor. but the content of protests does seem to have an impact on consequences, and Israel Is Our Friend.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
The jews pretty much are a race, its very hard to be considered jewish if your mother wasn't, they've made Israel into a monoracial theocracy and thoroughly brutalised anyone else.

Its complicated, if you mother wasn't jewish you're in trouble, Israel only allows a few hundred conversions a year, so it is pretty much a race.
https://www.myjewishlearning.com/articl … al-issues/

They have a thing for bulldozing stuff, its part of erasing any trace of Paelstinians.
Its also part of the endless provocation which they've been doing for about a hundred years.
Endless petty and serious provocations, eventually the Palestinians snap and respond and they're cast as terrorists.
Currently they're trying very hard to provoke a new intifada in the west bank and lebanon - so they can say they're being 'attacked' from all sides and they must nuke Iran.

More than 100 Palestinians killed in West Bank amid Gaza war
https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/2 … d-gaza-war

People in black neighbourhoods in the US riot over one occasional police-involved death, what would they do if police were shooting black people at random daily, and white supremacists were roaming around with assault rifles shooting black people with the full protection of the police?
The Tulsa massacre was a serious event for the last 100 years of the US, thats not an atypical month in Palestine.

This is all deliberate on the part of Israel and with the tacit approval and direct support of the US.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-10-31 02:18:37)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

The jews pretty much are a race, its very hard to be considered jewish if your mother wasn't, they've made Israel into a monoracial theocracy and thoroughly brutalised anyone else.
A common response to what I mentioned about a Jewish State being a racist concept is "20% of Israelis are Arab and have equal rights."

Meanwhile, 15% of America is black and also have equal rights. And they complain bitterly about discrimination. I find it hard to believe that they face no discrimination at all and are happy living in an explicitly "not them" state.

Israelis get very offended when you compare their system to an apartheid state. But all an apartheid state is is a more extreme force of racism. Every place in the world has racism to some degree and the features of Israel are exceptionally racist. Maybe they need a new word to more accurately describe what they are. But they certainly aren't where we are in terms tolerance.

I think the reason why so many young Americans do not like Israel is because they compare our situation here with Israel and Israel comes off looking incredibly bad.

That said, I totally accept a racist state existing. Everyone is a little racist...myself included. But accepting Israel for what it is is very different than forcing Americans to support it with our wealth and thoughts and prayers.

Poseidon wrote:

Why don't you criticize Arabs and Palestinians for their racism?
Because I so plainly reject their world view that I don't need to go into detail about it. Their supporters also aren't using their well earned economic power to silence opposition.

It also isn't just Americans who look at the situation and see disturbing parallels. The NYT had an article about how people in China also are looking at the situation and coming to similar conclusions in absence of cancel culture.

NYT wrote:

As China Looks to Broker Gaza Peace, Antisemitism Surges Online

China’s state-run media has blamed the United States for deepening the crisis, while perpetuating tropes of Jewish control of American politics.

A Chinese state broadcaster recently hosted a discussion page on Weibo stating that Jews controlled a disproportionate amount of U.S. wealth. Many of the responses were replete with antisemitic stereotypes and comments downplaying the horrors of the Holocaust.
Jewish people definitely own a disproportionate but well earned amount of wealth and political power. It is what it is but some people act like you are stupid if you acknowledge it.

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