The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
People who want to be unnaturally thin - Mental illness and they must be treated

People who want to be unnaturally a different sex - Perfectly normal and we should help them on their journey
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Neither bulimia nor anorexia are people "wanting to be unnaturally thin," dilbert.

Both people exhibiting signs of bulimia and those exhibiting signs of gender dysphoria should seek help, but of course the treatments will be different depending on diagnosis. If you're still confused about it even with all the resources online, write to a psychologist or something.

misc reading:

Gender Identity and Eating Disorders
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog … -disorders

Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Eating Disorders
https://www.verywellmind.com/body-dysmo … rs-1138186

Dysphoria vs Dysmorphia: The Difference Between Gender and Body
https://www.talkspace.com/blog/body-dys … ysmorphia/ (GD vs BDD)

The differences between dysphoria vs. dysmorphia comes down to the following.

Gender dysphoria means someone feels the body they were born into doesn’t reflect their true self or who they are or identify with in terms of their gender.

Body dysmorphia is a disorder that results in someone perceiving a major flaw or problem with their own body, even if that perception is not based in reality. They see themselves, or a certain aspect of themselves, as “distorted” or “ugly.”

Though gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia are two different things, it’s very possible to experience both disorders, sometimes at the same time. For example, someone who has gender dysphoria may also become preoccupied with breast size. Gender identity is often linked to self or body image and can often lead to mental disorders like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression, and anxiety.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-09-19 08:17:27)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire
Im surprised they don't wander off the path since they're focusing on the book.
Also looks like the path also goes over the cliff.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Nothing wrong has ever been written in a book.

Granted, doesn't take into account changing knowledge and procedure. There should be additional bookcases along the windy path for volume updates. But the point still stands. People are often more comfortable with short answers regardless of validity. Expanding on that, familiar answers, or the way they first learned things even if they don't checksum with current understandings.

Have you ever seen a boomer lose their shit over Pluto being redefined? I have. I think there is a sour combination of core belief defensiveness and a certain conditioning that wrong answers are undesired, contemptible, and punished thing rather than learning opportunities. I have a few anecdotes of being referred to decades-old texts on changing subjects with an air of discussion-ending finality, even though the same referrers on other occasions talked to me about how knowledge changes.

It's probably any psychiatrist's guess where, in the future, psychoanalytical opinion will sit, and how or what hypothetical breakthroughs in medicine will steer them. Meanwhile, proceed with best understanding in the most helpful directions to diminish human suffering blah blah blah etc.

fw: re: possible liability,
It shouldn't be a government institution's and educators' jobs to out (minors' sexual orientations or gender identities) to their parents, especially considering the risks involved in certain social environments. A better child-protective apparatus should to be in place if needed in situations that call for further steps taken, and (properly confidential) licensed counselling should be provided at every public school.
Things should be handled with caution. I imagine the last thing a lot of administrators would want is the feeling they made a student homeless and disowned or even got them murdered because they felt they had to, or were required to, unilaterally out them to unsympathetic parents.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-09-19 10:19:10)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Speaking of homeless...I have a student who lives in a motel. I noticed today only because a case worker noticed it in her file when we were talking about some unrelated nonsense. The kid is very quiet and withdrawn. I now understand why. Christ, you think you have problems?

Depressingly frequent. Scant comfort that at least it's a motel and not beneath an overpass, but what are we doing as a country.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Colorado Public School Surveys Students on Preferred Pronouns, Without Parental Consent
https://www.nationalreview.com/news/col … l-consent/
This made me so angry when I read it.
At least one teacher in a Colorado public school required their students to state their preferred names and pronouns on a classroom survey, a recent public-records request revealed.

Distributed by a teacher at Heritage High School, the survey obtained by Parents Defending Education asks students their “preferred name,” their “legal name,” and their “preferred pronouns,” and specifies that, “There are no right or wrong answers and no judgement, so please answer honestly and completely.” Parents were not notified of the survey before it was conducted.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I had been having one problem with this one Hispanic student with ADHD. He is argumentative and disruptive. There could be 15 kids in the class just sitting there quietly and he will be there making cow noises to annoy me.

I told him I was going to switch his seat the next day. He said "we will see about that." So after that period I went and called his mom on her cellphone. She was polite and understood that he is a pain since she said "we have had to have a talk with him about his behavior at home."

I switched his seat today and he briefly argued with me before complying. Later in the class I told him to stop being disruptive. He told me "who do you think you are?"
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire
He's right you know. You're wild Macb
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am a nice guy just trying to make it through life.

“Expecting every student to provide their pronouns as a condition of being in a class is a sign that gender ideology has made its way into the classroom,” Erika Sanzi, PDE’s director of outreach, said.
As opposed to what kind of ideology, I wonder? The about page for Parents Defending Education seems to be trying for a carefully neutral vibe calling for critical thought in schools, but I'm reading some unsaid conditions and conservatism in between the lines.

Scroll further down and yep: Cato institute, Federalist Society. How delightfully snake-ish of them! I bet they think Reagan was neat. One of the great foes of education.

“Students have no obligation to participate in a teacher’s belief system.”
I wonder if they have any obligation to participate in Christian religion or token nationalism? Someone should email and ask.

They do like to say very little:
We’ve all seen the videos of fights in school: student vs. student, student vs. teacher. The incidents have increased in number since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading many parents to ask, “is my child safe at school?” and more teachers to worry about their own safety at school.

But what has led to this increase in violence and disruptions in schools? Many seem to be looking for one simple answer and the most common one seems to be school closures during COVID. And that certainly is a significant factor but it’s unlikely that lockdowns alone are to blame for the collapse of basic social and behavioral norms in our schools.

There has to be more to the story…

Below you’ll find what you need to know about school discipline. From new terms like “restorative justice,” questions to ask your school if things are getting out of hand in your child’s classroom, and groups pushing discipline policies that are having a negative effect on classroom order.

There is not a one-size-fits-all solution for discipline in k-12, but parents need to be informed in order to effect positive change in their local schools.

"There is no one-size-fits-all solution!" Very innocuous. Is it time to reintroduce the bible, I wonder?

This approach is a bit tiresome. I think it's fair to ask them to say what they really mean, instead of wording things in a way that you look like an "radical" for raising a solitary eyebrow.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It is weird somebody would make a political identity around checks notes punishing children. Who do these people think they are?

Imagine waking up in the morning and seeing alamy plastered all over your face in the mirror. What a strange epidemic that would be.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

Anyway, a christian education has been the foundation of society for at least 5,000 years.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have a big bag of cheap wired headphones that I buy in bulk from China. I give them out to the students all the time. "I don't mind if you listen to music as long as you get the work done."

I gave a pair to one student today. After class the homeless student came up to me and meekly asked for a pair. I gave her two. "Here is an extra if you lose it."
I am all that is MOD!

Do you only give them out to some students? Why did the homeless student have to ask you for a pair?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't give them out to everyone at the start of the year. I give kids pairs if they are done with their work or need help concentrating or ignoring a kid having a meltdown or being too chatty etc.

Kids lose pairs all the time and I go through a bag of 50 a year just using the system I have above.
I just bought a set of this.
There is one student with ADHD and a mild intellectual disability. She was annoying the rest of the class with her chatty nonsense today. So I bought the set above and will put it into a basket on my desk. Once kids finish their work, they could tinker with it.

Hellraiser has taught me to not accept puzzle boxes from random people.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A good student of mine was found with a vape, probably marijuana, in school. They suspended him 7 days. Since he didn't take a drug test within 24 hours with an approved doctor they suspended him an extra 10 days.

In total, the kid was suspended for 17 days for getting sparked up between classes. Seems excessive especially since the kid is pleasant and does my assignments. He even will pay attention. Shame.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire
Now it's only between classes but eventually he'll do it before operating heavy equipment and roger rabbit someone
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
That sounds oddly specific. I bet you have problems with your factory workers smoking meth on their lunch breaks to get through the rest of the day at the dildo factory.

With mac on this.

I think reality has long shown that the punitive attitude towards drug use isn't very helpful in getting people off drugs or at least into better moderation. We want to have this stuff as a part of media and popular culture, yet come down on people for getting into it. It's disjointed.

Anyone who thinks isolating them like that away from their peers and education opportunities will help with substance abuse issues is probably an idiot. Like, spare me the crocodile tears shed over children "ruining" their lives while simultaneously pushing them away from an institution perfectly situated in a teen's day-to-day to staff more people who can help them out.

What's the school going to do next, send them to a scared straight where a bunch of fat deputies or whatever can feel them up? Gross.

RTHKI wrote:

Now it's only between classes but eventually he'll do it before operating heavy equipment and roger rabbit someone
Or it'll give him the fortitude needed to survive Amazon culture when they buy out everything else.

Did you know they have a mascot?

i thought it was the onion.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-10-27 19:00:42)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't think they care about whether or not this kid gets substance abuse treatment or not. I think they just don't want the vaping done on campus and want a strong deterrent.

Also, this reminds me of that time I caught those students vaping and let them go. I thought I buried that memory.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire
what the fuck is that orange blob

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