
i find myself doubtful that the nr people are exactly concerned about spreading racial segregation. that's something its readers are probably going to want more of. they should write an article blowing wide open the blatant gerrymandering and organized voter intimidation by race.

old people not wanting ac in schools is like old people not wanting minimum wage increased to living wage. more of the same sort of thing, ignoring or not caring that environments are changing.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The racial thing is definitely concern trolling. It seems like the guy is still in the 80's. Racial segregation isn't really a thing talked about really among minorities when we talk about stuff like this. Increased access to resources and respect is more important. The thinking has moved away from "Being the token in whatever institution" to "creating institutions of our own." I can explain further if you want but have some stuff to do at the moment.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I just don't like how new harsh punishments are going to be used a tool to entrench the leadership of a white minority that already has disproportionate power relative to their numbers.
Thats an insidious thing to say isn't it?

If white kids make up 10% of the population why not pull them out and let the black kids education be funded by taxing black businesses?
Then they really can watch tik-toks and fantasise about a basketball career all day and literally no-one will give a fuck.
Fuck Israel

It's an insidious situation. Disproportionate punishments and meting punishments out unequally are both problematic and unfair. Racial targeting adds another problem on top of those. The Heavy Hand of the Law and likewise tough guy dispositions, let alone when riddled with corruption, will not instill respect for authority and society. And, for instance, it's a really bad look historically for a white administrator to lay down that kind of law in a minority school, specifically targeting minorities. People should be free from that kind of stress, and especially schoolchildren.

It sounds like pandering at the expense of defenseless, unrepresented students.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-09-10 08:13:29)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
What is the complaint exactly?

Black kids are going to be disproportionately punished for the same infractions?

Black kids are going to commit more and more serious infractions and are going to be punished more - which "isn't fair"?
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

What is the complaint exactly?

Black kids are going to be disproportionately punished for the same infractions?
Yeah, that is the complaint.

I get that is just a fundamental part of life in America but we don't need to make it worse. And we definitely don't need to make it worse in order to promote a new principal who isn't representative of the community.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
OK, so hire a black principal who will disproportionately punish the black kids.

If you have any other problems which need solving just let me know.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

Black kids are going to commit more and more serious infractions and are going to be punished more - which "isn't fair"?
Yes, it really isn't fair that a whole demographic gets smeared as a consequence of being unfairly punished for the same things other demographics get away with. Glad we're on the same page.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
If this were really happening wouldn't the alt-woke have sued the hell out of the school by now?
Fuck Israel

Not necessarily. Turning to even more egregious injustices that people in power and with resources get away with, just look at how much an insurance company here needs to turn down a claim.

Mac's new principal almost certainly has a contingent of locals cheering him on.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

If this were really happening wouldn't the alt-woke have sued the hell out of the school by now?
It might end up that way. I said it in the original post I made.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

And I sense this will all end badly. I think it will be ugly when someone is willing to publicly say what many are thinking.
One of the parents online said something I liked. It was a long post that had a "I don't understand how some people here be parents but want to punish kids so harshly." I suspect a good amount of the "the kids are out of control" people online aren't even parents.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
So a school district in California wanted to make it policy for the school to alert parents if their kid wanted to changed pronouns. California State responded by passing a law that said schools cannot out students.

The whole thing is bizarre.

Liability clashing with parental rights? Parents may want to be kept in the loop, but what happens if a school outs a student and harm comes to said student because of it?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
If the kid were taking drugs presumably the parents would have a right to know.
Fuck Israel

Apples to oranges. The matter of teens procuring illegal narcotics, and narcotics illegally, is a tad different, no?

Though some states may want it, I believe it's not illegal anywhere in America (or presumably Australia?) to be gay or transgender. Instead, bigots fight them in other ways, such as pro-harassment legislation, what I'd call passive harassments (such as attacks on libraries and sex ed), ostracism by family/community, psychological abuse, threats and terror, assault, and murder.

It's probably unavoidable that the parents, as legal guardians, be in the loop before a teen achieves medical treatment in the form of something like puberty blockers (opening another can of worms in the form of CPS if there's a danger). Socially, it's probably none of their business. I trust teens to be more in tune with their parents' possible foul reactions than a detached administrator.

e: That said, (among other reasons) with the pressure on transgender people in the country to "pass," or else, the puberty blockers are probably not a horrible idea. And it's not like this stuff is just candy for doctors to freely pass around? From mayo:

In most cases, to begin using puberty blockers, an individual needs to:

  • Show a lasting pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria.
  • Have gender dysphoria that began or worsened at the start of puberty.
  • Address any psychological, medical or social problems that could interfere with the treatment.
  • Be able to understand the treatment and agree to have it. This is called informed consent.

Puberty blockers are not recommended for children who have not started puberty.

In most cases, youth aren't old enough to get medical treatment without a parent, guardian or other caregiver's permission. This is called medical consent. For those who haven't reached the age of medical consent, a parent, guardian or caregiver often needs to agree to the use of puberty blockers. Parent and family support and encouragement also has been shown to be an important part of boosting mental health and well-being throughout this treatment.
That said, "gender nonconformity" seems dubious criteria, as a point of discussion. There are way more masculine cis women, or effeminate cis men, than many of their transgender counterparts. For instance, considering it improper for a transgender man to go to a salon, or a transgender woman to go play airsoft, feels deeply sexist and dated, and suggests a highly insecure society.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-09-16 05:25:27)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
This is this generation's emo phase, many of whom have gone on to become productive members of society, Hollis for example.

Bit hard to grow out of it when you've radically changed your body.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

This is this generation's emo phase, many of whom have gone on to become productive members of society, Hollis for example.

Bit hard to grow out of it when you've radically changed your body.
very hard to get hormone therapy in aus as a kid. need both parents to consent and medical doctor etc etc. in the past it required judicial approval but that got changed in a case this year. but if there is one parent that objects, then it needs judicial approval.

dilbs wrote:

Bit hard to grow out of it when you've radically changed your body.
It's being made into a more pressing, existential crisis "for the soul of nations" than it is. Transgender people are rare, and people among their number who express regret for medical intervention are rarer still. Surveys suggest that something around 1% of Americans (for instance) identify as trans, for instance.

Using your what-if, how many people abuse narcotics? Including alcohol and tobacco? The numbers among youth? How about the harmful effects of recreational drug use and abuse? Bit hard to grow out of severe liver damage and a smoker's lung. What are the percentages on all this? Naw, let's instead zoom in on a fraction of a percent of a nation's people for the purposes of this argument. "The Chinese are going to eat you!" lmao

This is this generation's emo phase,
The word "phase" has got to be one of the most abused terms when it comes to kids..

many of whom have gone on to become productive members of society,

Hollis for example.
What are police great producers of? Incarcerations?

I thought hollis was like your age or something.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-09-16 11:05:02)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Do you see many adult emos?
I don't see many, I guess it was a phase teenagers went through when they were confused and daunted by the future.

I'm sure the actual number of real trans people is well under 1%.

I'm also sure the remaining non-trains teenagers bombarded with "trans is good" propaganda are finding this confusing, and where they might have gone emo, goth or furry they're now doing gender reassignment.
Fuck Israel

I think the term you're looking for between those two things is "false equivalence."

If transgenderism was something people get over like any other "teen phase," why do so many transgender people finally come out later in life after they can't take it anymore? Do people do that for emo stuff? Should we expect a wave of septuagenarians with cheap-dyed bangs over their eyes sometime in the future? "I always wanted to do emo, but I was afraid I'd be disowned by my family, excommunicated from my home town, and murdered while sleeping at a bus stop. Wanna trade myspace contacts?" Side note, emo returned as a throwback style not too long ago.

It's always something with the bigots, isn't it. Transgenders are willing to upend their lives, alter their bodies, and endure scorn and hate just so:

a) They (specifically transwomen) can ogle your dear elderly aunt in the restroom or perv in women's locker rooms.
b) They (specifically transwomen) can gain a medically dubious advantage in sporting.
c) Only because someone on the internet told them it's neat, and the process is oh-so-accessible (/s) too.

One of my favorites is when the gate kept is moved from birth certificates to the goal post of something like "functional reproductive organs." Tough deal for birth defects, injuries, and 'ectomies.

"Propaganda," lmao. That's rich.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Aren't bulimics people though?

If people want to be unhealthily stick thin isn't that their choice?

Shouldn't people be supported in their life choices?
Fuck Israel

An eating disorder vs. a gender identity non-disorder. Two very similar things no doubt.

Shouldn't you be supported in your life choice to consume copious amounts of booze?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Gender dysphoria isn't a disorder?

Bulimia isn't about not eating, its about being thin.

Just as drinking isn't about drinking, its about not being comfortable with the reality you're in and seeking to change it.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-09-18 06:38:38)

Fuck Israel

Gender dysphoria is a problem summarized as a discomfort. GID has been flushed from diagnosis for like a decade. Bulimia nervosa is literally an eating disorder. Drinking is also about addiction and dependence. Very light touch on your description, that.

https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-con … c-20369243
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK5 … buse.tab9/
https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/ … etween-dsm

It shouldn't be a government institution's and educators' jobs to out minors to their parents, especially considering the risks involved in certain social environments. A better child-protective apparatus should to be in place if needed in situations that call for further steps taken, and (properly confidential) licensed counselling should be provided at every public school.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-09-18 08:46:24)

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