mmmf mmmf mmmf
rthki 4 mod

youtube comments are a visual mess. everyone's usernames has the @ prefix, whether there or in their profile. when addressing another user in a reply, they have the @ prefix as well.

lorem ipsum

it doesn't look good. what is even the point? whenever someone comments they're @ing themselves? why? my eyes …
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Then you'd really hate Jira and Confluence

Another stupid system and burden, it might make sense if it meant other stupid burdensome systems could be retired but no.
Fuck Israel

Confluence and Jira are powerful tools on their own. Together, they transform the way that your team collaborates on projects, builds software, tracks key decisions, and more. There are many ways to integrate Confluence and Jira, and here's how you can get started.
Are you saying this is overselling it?
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
There is a need for a good project management, communication and file management tool.

Jira and Confluence are not it, they are not one tool and they do not do project management, communication or file management well at all - if they even do.

If you want to spend your day jumping from window to window to window, swooshing little boxes from one zone to another, creating ever more 'views' of the same thing like a kid with ADHD let loose with a sharpie and 20 different coloured packs of post-its and an instant camera and achieving nothing productive at all, while bombarded endlessly with irrelevant updates "Someone just edited a file you viewed a month ago!" then sure Jira and Confluence are what you want.

These days all you really need to run a project are excel, word, a folder and some focus and discipline.
But why do that when you can impose another stupid system on people?
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

tl;dr oversimplification

The two feel more interlinked than I normally hear discussion of. It seems like sometimes people ignore other variables to conflate good economics directly with "growth," which may not translate to a better life for people in a society or even long term economic stability. People should feel secure in their finances with a reasonable amount of labor if they're able, and backed up by a healthy network of social safety nets (that don't punish people who get that 50 cent raise lol) and public services, and not have to desperately ration things like food, medicine, and shelter against the other. It seems to me like this would be a greater boon for a healthy economy than bailout-sponge companies habitually reporting profit increases and celebrating with executive bonuses and worker layoffs.

A country enabling the rich and the powerful to hoard ever increasing amounts of wealth and resources among an ever decreasing number of individuals instead of focusing on nation building and quality of life sounds like a good way to collapse.

I don't really want to hear Republicans chastising Americans to go out and buy more to save the economy when Americans can't even afford bare necessities.
Rich people hoarding money isn't actually a huge problem. There aren't many of them and they don't really hoard that much.

$1bn = $3 per American. Would society be dramatically changed if every American were given $3?

Most billionaires aren't even that, its tied up in companies which would be devalued to nothing if they ever tried to sell, even if they have the cash its in a bank being loaned out to someone else so its still productive.

The bigger structural problem is many companies, and rich people, paying pretty well no tax. If they paid their fair share of tax they'd be encouraged to invest more - not hoard offshore, and the govt would get more tax.

The next biggerest problem is companies paying a pittance for the once-only natural resources they're pillaging. These are assets which belong to the nation and the people and shouldn't be given away in return for vague promises of jobs and piffling levels of corporation tax - which they avoid anyway. Not forgetting the environmental destruction.

In summary - Give me total power and I will solve  the fiscal and environmental problems facing the world.
You might not enjoy it but I will. Isn't that reward enough?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

There is a need for a good project management, communication and file management tool.

Jira and Confluence are not it, they are not one tool and they do not do project management, communication or file management well at all - if they even do.

If you want to spend your day jumping from window to window to window, swooshing little boxes from one zone to another, creating ever more 'views' of the same thing like a kid with ADHD let loose with a sharpie and 20 different coloured packs of post-its and an instant camera and achieving nothing productive at all, while bombarded endlessly with irrelevant updates "Someone just edited a file you viewed a month ago!" then sure Jira and Confluence are what you want.

These days all you really need to run a project are excel, word, a folder and some focus and discipline.
But why do that when you can impose another stupid system on people?
older people than us would probably toss the our systems out the window and go back to paper records and bringing in messy boxes of receipts into the accountants for sorting.

i love using folders for my personal projects, but there are downsides. windows folders could be great, but indexing and metadata kind of suck. it also sucks having like fifty revisions to a file spread across 8 different computers in three different locations around the state, with no guarantee that a file will be compatible from ms word to ms word.

"send me the file?"
"do you want revision b from jan 5 2011, revision b (1) from jan 5 2011, or version 3 (2 parts) from jan 7 2011?"
"the one you emailed me in may."

file found, file sent. is wrong file because the client got another copy in february, made some alterations, then sent them back to another person.

i haven't used any of the boxy draggy organization softwares, but it probably makes sense to people who were trained in that sort of project management. software still has to be non-glitchy though. if i had to do project management in something as reliable to premier pro, i'd go to pen and paper. even now if i'm in a rush to leave the building, i'll just snap a photo of some information on my screen before taking off.

if i got back into playing with game development, i'm sure i'd run into boxy-draggy. i'm always seeing it on dev videos.

dilbs wrote:

Rich people hoarding money isn't actually a huge problem. There aren't many of them and they don't really hoard that much.
greedy hoarding bastards and the sheer cost of participating in that society contributed to the decline of sparta.

seems an ill omen for a society when nation building begins to matter less than wealth being gobbled up by the few.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

i love using folders for my personal projects, but there are downsides. windows folders could be great, but indexing and metadata kind of suck. it also sucks having like fifty revisions to a file spread across 8 different computers in three different locations around the state, with no guarantee that a file will be compatible from ms word to ms word.
Like I said, there is a need for a good file management tool.

But yeah, lets upload everything to the cloud, then when I'm working offline and resync then all someone else's work gets wiped because they forgot the difference between 'check out' and 'download' right before mine gets lost in a system update and we have to go scratching for old copies in the personal one-drive of someone who left the company but didn't have his laptop imaged to the server before he/she/it left but the file can't be used anyway because the metadata has an error and anti-virus locks it just to be safe.

if i got back into playing with game development, i'm sure i'd run into boxy-draggy. i'm always seeing it on dev videos.
OK good luck.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

dilbs wrote:

Rich people hoarding money isn't actually a huge problem. There aren't many of them and they don't really hoard that much.
greedy hoarding bastards and the sheer cost of participating in that society contributed to the decline of sparta.

seems an ill omen for a society when nation building begins to matter less than wealth being gobbled up by the few.
Well thats just envy.

I'll mail you the $3 if it makes you feel better.
Fuck Israel

redundancy has long been a factor in file integrity. multiple backups, on different mediums, just in case something goes wrong with one. i'd be loathe to trust an important file to just one method. i can see the value in clouds, but i would not care to rely just on them. i always want something local that's just there in case there's something wrong with remote storage.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I'll mail you the $3 if it makes you feel better.
get another park bench and dedicate it to a cat.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-08-21 04:53:25)


Dilbert_X wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

dilbs wrote:

Rich people hoarding money isn't actually a huge problem. There aren't many of them and they don't really hoard that much.
greedy hoarding bastards and the sheer cost of participating in that society contributed to the decline of sparta.

seems an ill omen for a society when nation building begins to matter less than wealth being gobbled up by the few.
Well thats just envy.
That's history.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Anyway, today I spent half the day trying to get the serial numbers of parts we've sent out out of SAP.
Apparently its impossible. They're there but apart from manually retyping while looking at a column of figures there's no way, can't even cut and paste.

Doesn't help that production don't use batches, and everything is put in a big box and pulled out at random.
So any lot sent out can have parts one day or one year old and everything in between.
Literally mind-boggling.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

redundancy has long been a factor in file integrity. multiple backups, on different mediums, just in case something goes wrong with one. i'd be loathe to trust an important file to just one method. i can see the value in clouds, but i would not care to rely just on them. i always want something local that's just there in case there's something wrong with remote storage.
Well thats another problem, no-one trusts these stupid systems, keeps their own backups, working copies etc which adds multiple layers of further confusion and fuck-uppery.

Literally might as well stick to a windows folder.

"Yeah but I've managed to sync my dropbox to teams and mirror it to my tablet via my phone, should have it done by monday assuming I can run sharefile on my Macbook"
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Anyway, today I spent half the day trying to get the serial numbers of parts we've sent out out of SAP.
Apparently its impossible. They're there but apart from manually retyping while looking at a column of figures there's no way, can't even cut and paste.

Doesn't help that production don't use batches, and everything is put in a big box and pulled out at random.
So any lot sent out can have parts one day or one year old and everything in between.
Literally mind-boggling.
i troubleshoot software for people in my company and most of the time, it's someone trying to use it in a way that isn't intended. a lot of the time it's just plain user error, but i attribute a lot of that to bad ui or unnecessary changes to it. having to relearn software because the mandatory update reshuffled all the buttons suuuucks. i could go off on a tangent about both of those things, but i've been there probably three times already, and i don't want to bother uzique wherever he is.

re: 'good luck,' i probably won't have time to actually make a game, but i do enjoy playing with the engines now and then and making simple mods. some of the software has that flowchart stuff built in, or things like it but for multimedia. modern tools are really good compared to what you could get like 20-30ya.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Well thats another problem, no-one trusts these stupid systems, keeps their own backups, working copies etc which adds multiple layers of further confusion and fuck-uppery.

Literally might as well stick to a windows folder.

"Yeah but I've managed to sync my dropbox to teams and mirror it to my tablet via my phone, should have it done by monday assuming I can run sharefile on my Macbook"
imo that's the fault of a company's management for not evaluating a new system for feasibility, or providing adequate training for confidence and trust in usage.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-08-21 05:11:33)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
No, its the fault of a company's management that they allowed five different parallel systems, means of communication and file storage to be set up without providing adequate training for confidence and trust in usage.

Come to think of it its more like seven, I don't even use the core system - which of course is bespoke, teetering along and may or may not get replaced by Jira/Confluence, or vice versa.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Dilbert is correct that the focus on the super wealthy isn't a solution. The hard truth is that we can't have a strong welfare state without hosing the upper middle class with taxes.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Is it though
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Don't you know anything from reddit Mac. The middle class no longer exists.

That chart may not be the best example for whatever this is, mac, with countries like Finland and Sweden near the top and USA and Mexico near the bottom. Looking at who profited bigly and who lost the most over the pandemic may be also be more telling than 2018.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

RTHKI wrote:

Don't you know anything from reddit Mac. The middle class no longer exists.
Oh I misunderstood what you were saying. Yeah, a lot of that dystopian talk you hear on reddit looks foolish once you get a small taste of success. It can be incredibly hard though and you should never take it for granted.

I understand why a lot of (white) middle class families would oppose more taxes on themselves in order to fund the development of blacks and Mexicans who will call them racist, and white genocide their grandkids.

I think when people toss around the term "middle class," people are still thinking like mid five figures like it's decades ago. It's probably not that anymore. Taxes shouldn't be raised on anyone struggling to afford the basics, let alone taxes on that stuff. If only there were a way to get at some of all the money being siphoned off so we could repair this crumbling country. A thing that would also benefit the wasp self-proclaimed 'middle class.' A thing that would even benefit rich people making use of the country's infrastructure and consumers.

re: building back the 'murican middle class, it's laughable when the tax value of a property begins to spiral wildly away from the condition of the depreciating house sitting on top of it to the point of forcing people to leave a town. "Don't you want your house to increase in value?" as if people would love nothing more than to commute 2 hours from the sticks each day, and then get pushed out of those too.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Ireland's GDP figures is generally very inaccurate due to megacorps dump their revenue into ireland for tax favourability, but the average irishmen makes nowhere as close.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I talked to CamPoe. He said you don't know what you are talking about.

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