mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6898|Oxferd Ohire
well they are only college players
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We're #10! We're #10!
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20-19 over our instate rivals. heysoos fuckin wept, at home even? a win is a win, and now i dont haveta wear blue, red FTW!
Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
Cougs lose yet again. Oh well we had last year. Maybe we can go through the pac12 handing out a few upsets
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i see wazoo as 2nd in the North, they're going bowling. They'll beat more south than north tho, and could possibly be in the conference championship.
Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
Even after two non-conf losses? Our defense looks like shit. Granted we get progressively better throughout the season, more so than other teams
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okay, you convinced me. when coach calls out the team for 'being lazy' maybe you need to ask coach where they got that from.

Utah wins the south.
Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
Congrats to UW and their fans for the recent success, but damn am I tired of hearing about it.

I've never lived in an area where I didn't support the local team so I guess I get to experience this for the first time. I see where people are coming from when they complain about it - or 'bandwagon fans'. Personally I don't get a shit about bandwagon fans. Every sports team in history gets them, it's human nature, so it doesn't bother me one way or another. But yeah I'm tired of listening to "greatest team of all time" over and over again the way the tv/radio here talks about them. Oh well.

Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
Pac12 sucks
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pirana6 wrote:

Pac12 sucks
ACC swallows, SEC teases, Big 12 shits the bed and Big 10 only farts, what exactly are you looking for? A Mountain West to go all the way? an independent to say "I do!"

it's not a romance, it's 11 sweaty men bigger than you beating on each other every Saturday, and broadcast in HD across the country so markets without a pro team can jizz too.
still https://goo.gl/Uhpnth
Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
Well...  I went to WSU so it's not a great day

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