SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

_j5689_ wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The sex part isn't the troubling part of sex addiction. Sex addiction is basically the result of low self esteem and the need for validation and attention leading you to seek out sexual encounters in order to feel good about yourself. I could sleep with only 1 new girl a month and still be addicted to the validation.
My brother & I have this same problem.  Our mommy issues cause us to seek validation from women, and the validation ends up being the best part about sex.

Lucky for him, he has it regularly.  I've only had it twice.
Have you ever found yourself in sketchy sexual situations? I got into some on Reddit and apps. I think I might actually be better off going to a strip club and paying women to let me feel them up.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
My career is literally the only thing stopping me from going down the reddit sex with strangers rabbit hole.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Good things that have happened in your life
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6784|Little Bentcock
My leave finally ended and I got to go back to work
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6878|Riva, MD

SuperJail Warden wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The sex part isn't the troubling part of sex addiction. Sex addiction is basically the result of low self esteem and the need for validation and attention leading you to seek out sexual encounters in order to feel good about yourself. I could sleep with only 1 new girl a month and still be addicted to the validation.
My brother & I have this same problem.  Our mommy issues cause us to seek validation from women, and the validation ends up being the best part about sex.

Lucky for him, he has it regularly.  I've only had it twice.
Have you ever found yourself in sketchy sexual situations? I got into some on Reddit and apps. I think I might actually be better off going to a strip club and paying women to let me feel them up.
Thankfully no sketchy situations, the worst part was just arguing with her before, sometimes during and then also after sex all in the first time, so that was the worst of it.

♪ Doesn’t matter, had sex ♪

Last edited by _j5689_ (2023-02-19 10:38:19)

Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6784|Little Bentcock

_j5689_ wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

My brother & I have this same problem.  Our mommy issues cause us to seek validation from women, and the validation ends up being the best part about sex.

Lucky for him, he has it regularly.  I've only had it twice.
Have you ever found yourself in sketchy sexual situations? I got into some on Reddit and apps. I think I might actually be better off going to a strip club and paying women to let me feel them up.
Thankfully no sketchy situations, the worst part was just arguing with her before, sometimes during and then also after sex all in the first time, so that was the worst of it.

♪ Doesn’t matter, had sex ♪
Is it because you kept touching her dreads?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

_j5689_ wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

My brother & I have this same problem.  Our mommy issues cause us to seek validation from women, and the validation ends up being the best part about sex.

Lucky for him, he has it regularly.  I've only had it twice.
Have you ever found yourself in sketchy sexual situations? I got into some on Reddit and apps. I think I might actually be better off going to a strip club and paying women to let me feel them up.
Thankfully no sketchy situations, the worst part was just arguing with her before, sometimes during and then also after sex all in the first time, so that was the worst of it.

♪ Doesn’t matter, had sex ♪
I don't think you have sex addiction if you only had sex like twice. I hate to gatekeep checks note addiction but sketchy situations are kind of required.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6878|Riva, MD
My hot black coworker accidentally flashed me in the parking lot today.  I think she was just trying to do some kind of tease and then somehow fucked up and did the whole thing.  I asked her again to flash me while we were talking about other stuff, and she obliged.  Very nice big boobs.  Last time I saw naked boobs in person was three years ago, it's been too long.

_j5689_ wrote:

My hot black coworker accidentally flashed me in the parking lot today.  I think she was just trying to do some kind of tease and then somehow fucked up and did the whole thing.  I asked her again to flash me while we were talking about other stuff, and she obliged.  Very nice big boobs.  Last time I saw naked boobs in person was three years ago, it's been too long.
very nice, now time to take it to the next level
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I was thinking of doing something diabolical to a coworker for slights or what I perceive to be slights. It also would have hurt his loved ones who I have some unsettled grudges against. I would have gotten away with it anonymously too. Wasn't illegal either.

But then the good lord intervened.

My 2023 work schedule came through. It is perfect. I am only teaching one subject and am in the same room all day. My room. Also, I hooked up with a new girl yesterday which is nice. So after all of that good stuff my desire for vengeance dissipated.

I will now give $20 to the Red Cross as penitence. I sinned in body and mind. I need to make it right.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire
That cheap?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I upped it to $40 when I did in fact feel like I was low-balling God
I am all that is MOD!

Donate it to a homeless charity instead
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I click the Red Cross box that says "Wherever it is needed most." I feel like anything else is vanity.

vox, 2017: … -interview

“We shouldn’t reflexively send $10 to the Red Cross”

excerpt wrote:

The easiest thing to do after a disaster strikes is to make a quick donation to the Red Cross. Millions of us have done it: You send a text, contribute $10 or $20, and imagine you’ve done a good deed.

But in an article last week for Slate, journalist Jonathan Katz urged readers to stop doing that. Katz, who was the Associated Press’s bureau chief in Haiti during the 2010 earthquake (and later wrote a book about it), argued that the Red Cross “has proven itself unequal to the task of massive disaster relief.”

The problem, as Katz sees it, is that the Red Cross is a dysfunctional organization that excels at raising money but has shown little evidence of its ability to spend that money wisely or meaningfully. The Red Cross takes in close to 3 billion annually, refuses to open its books to the public, and, according to Katz, has consistently failed to produce a useful breakdown of its spending after major disaster efforts.

They’re also limited in terms of what they can do on the ground. The Red Cross isn’t a development organization — they don’t rebuild schools or hospitals or infrastructure. They provide short-term relief — cots for people to sleep on, blankets to keep them warm, hygiene kits, etc. This kind of work is important, Katz says, but it doesn’t justify the enormous sums of money the Red Cross solicits from the public.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I bet they even sell the blood donations to vampires. Maybe it is vampires all the way down. Has anyone ever seen the CEO of the Red Cross in daylight? Why is the cross red too?
I am all that is MOD!

Red Cross is a fine charity to donate to, but there are definitely more immediate, local concerns that may have more direct impact.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Local more direct impact indirectly helps me. I am not looking to benefit beyond the spiritual cleansing of charity.

local also benefits your neighbors. there are worse impulses for a person to have than compulsive charity, but that dollar could probably do more spread out a bit.

ARC supplying vampires would actually be quite progressive and beneficial in reducing potential victims while helping out vampires who don't want to eat people. conservatives will say that being too soft on vampires just leads to more vampires, but how is it your fault if you're born a vampire, into a vampire family, or are raised in a vampire community? don't forget to donate to the charities working to cure vampirism. i heard one vaccine's on the way that will give you the rad superpowers with none of the parasitism. vampiric torpor would be a huge boon for interstellar space travel.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I used to hate vampires when I was younger and didn't know better. I used to watch movies like Blade and assumed it was real. Thank God that movie got cancelled. When my favorite cousin came out as a vampire I looked into it all and had a change of heart. I am ashamed I didn't say anything when all those vampires were being staked.

That said, I am still not 100% onboard with this whole werewolf thing. I can understand how someone could transform between wolf and human but why would you want to? I think we need to slow down on the whole werewolf thing.
I am all that is MOD!

I'm looking forward to your diatribe on werewolves in the military

The Germans did this in 1944 to costly effect, forcing the allies to switch to silver munitions. Also, Hitler had a hideout named Wolf's Lair. That's not to say that all modern werewolves are nazis.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Werewolves enlisting in the SS fits their historical pattern. They don't mention werewolves in the Old Testament for nothing. You ever notice how all of the places werewolves live are also shitholes? They would still be living in the woods if it wasn't for us.

That said, I treat every werewolf I meet with respect. I know plenty of werewolves that don't fit the stereotype. There's a difference between werewolves and "lycanthropes." Most werewolves are okay. Only some are lycanthropes and they ruin it for the others.

Werewolves are like other humans in wanting better living conditions, but are always crushed down by ever encroaching human civilization and the demands of magical bureaus. We won't even let them have the woods. The shanties that they are forced into are at the behest of humans are the result of oppressive economical and sociological conditions, unmeetable demands, and endless beratement and discrimination. A human can shoot a werewolf without punishment, but if a werewolf bites in self defense they're risking the safety of their whole colony. It's an extraordinarily difficult state to exist in considering no measures are in place to keep humans from wandering into werewolf territory. Of course, it doesn't help that a lot of government officials are in the pockets of vampires who have accumulated more than enough wealth over several lifetimes to practically buy misery for the werewolf demographics just so they can get their voyeuristic, antediluvian jollies.

The Nazis offered werewolf colonies an immediate reprieve and a place in society. We know now that the plan was to eventually do genocide on the werewolves as well after extensive unethical experimentation, but at the time the werewolves were starving, homeless, and desperate. Meanwhile, macbeth over here saying that werewolves enlisting in the SS fits their historical pattern. More, it fits the historical pattern of humans exploiting the conditions they've created for their own various cousins and offshoot subspecies.

That said, military service presented as a form of climbing the ladder of society is odiferous and profoundly American. We should be moving away from Heinlein realities, not towards them.

Addendum: to this date, there has never been a confirmed* werewolf in a significant position of power. It is however theorized that Himmler was actually a shadow ferret who was exiled from the changeling realm by the Unseelie Court for being Too Creepy. He probably played a major role in bringing desperate enclaves of werewolves into the fold.
*Hitler, for (previously-mentioned) example, made extensive use of wolf symbolism, but historians contend he was just a massive wannabe.

(actually had to dig for this gif. i think the bunker is being scrubbed from the internet)


Himmler (left), black-footed ferret (right)

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-07-21 12:22:05)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think don't think werewolves are human at all. I think we are closely related but we are separate species. Just look at a werewolf next to a person. Look at the shape of their snoot and the thickness of their fur. Obviously they still deserve to be treated with respect but we are different and I hate hearing about how we, werewolf, and vampire are all the same.

I also don't want to hear anymore complaining by werewolves about being poor. When my family came to this country, we settled down and started working hard. The werewolves though...they came to America and immediately started asking for handouts. We give them all this free stuff and they are still mauling each other in their communities. Then I'm the bad guy for locking my car doors when driving through their nest.

At least the vampires work hard and don't commit crimes. They are really successful in banking and Hollywood. It's not prejudice to point that out. I also believe it is a good thing to give the vampires their own country after what Hitler did to them in World War 2. It sucks that the elves had to be displaced from their magic castles but they didn't have to resort to attacking innocent vampire communities.

Maybe that is what the werewolves should do. If they don't like it so much they can return to the magical kingdom they came from.

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