That's a good point. Relative to mac, blah blah.
I get your point Dilbert. At least I have some forward momentum though.
There are a lot of guys on Reddit who complain about online dating not being fair to men. It is annoying hearing people not take responsibility for themselves IRT online dating, work, etc.
I offered to teach him to use online dating. There is an endless parade of girls on there. He could find something/anything to build up confidence and experience. But he just doesn't. Maybe fear of rejection. I told him he would do well.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
He'd have better luck if he stopped blaming other people, quit the nice guy grousing, and just kept looking. How hard is it to pass over a profile listing with a height requirement? It doesn't seem likely that he doesn't have preferences of his own, either. I feel like a lot of these guys were stifled as children.
There are a lot of guys on Reddit who complain about online dating not being fair to men. It is annoying hearing people not take responsibility for themselves IRT online dating, work, etc.

It seems obvious from some very basic head math that the odds of randomly stumbling into a relationship without trying are lower than if you actually put some goal-oriented legwork into it.
More bluntly: does he even want to be in a relationship, or does he just like complaining about other people, or complaining in general?
More bluntly: does he even want to be in a relationship, or does he just like complaining about other people, or complaining in general?
I think the problem is short men have unrealistic expectations about the sort of women who find short men attractive.
It must suck to be short, but I guess you fall over less thanks to the lower centre of gravity.
Being tall you tend to end up stooped as everything is made for people of average height. How is this fair?
It must suck to be short, but I guess you fall over less thanks to the lower centre of gravity.
Being tall you tend to end up stooped as everything is made for people of average height. How is this fair?
Fuck Israel
I mean, create other qualities for yourself and go from there. The short thing could be a mixed blessing. On one hand, slightly fewer matches. On the other, do you really want to hook up with a person you think has shallow preferences?
Being a short misogynist? Good luck, pal.
Being a short misogynist? Good luck, pal.
I feel like you can be short and still have preferences, does that make you a misogynist just because the people he has a preference for don't have a preference for him and it frustrates him? I think that just makes him stuck between a rock and a hard place.
At the point where someone's practically given up on women because "they're all the same and they all hate you because you're short," I think that's kind of creeping into incel territory. "I can have types, but you can't," unattractive energy regardless of gender.
Like, cultivate a better personality (one that isn't "I'm a nice guy, so you owe me sex").
Like, cultivate a better personality (one that isn't "I'm a nice guy, so you owe me sex").
Tomorrow I will be chairing a meeting in which the person who has taken it upon himself to be my nemesis will be grizzling and niggling and trying to make me look stupid.
What he doesn't know is I know I'm stupid and I couldn't care less.
I couldn't really care less about the job either, they need me more than I need them and I'm only going for the coffee and to get out of the house.
What he doesn't know is I know I'm stupid and I couldn't care less.
I couldn't really care less about the job either, they need me more than I need them and I'm only going for the coffee and to get out of the house.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-08-28 04:06:03)
Fuck Israel
For some reason I've been given an out of cycle pay rise, after tax its still enough for a week in a nice hotel, with company.
They must be desperate and understand the difficulty of replacing me, take no shit attitude notwithstanding.
This cuts both ways, on the one hand my team has to deal with me on a day to day basis, on the other hand my team is able to push back a lot harder when other teams try to give them shit since they've seen my example of taking no shit and pushing back.
I know they've been trying to recruit one or two more people for the team for about six months and come up with a total blank - which is to say a lot of Indians.
This is what happens when you offshore all your manufacturing - 20 years later you have no manufacturing engineers.
Amazing, literally no-one could have predicted this.
They must be desperate and understand the difficulty of replacing me, take no shit attitude notwithstanding.
This cuts both ways, on the one hand my team has to deal with me on a day to day basis, on the other hand my team is able to push back a lot harder when other teams try to give them shit since they've seen my example of taking no shit and pushing back.
I know they've been trying to recruit one or two more people for the team for about six months and come up with a total blank - which is to say a lot of Indians.
This is what happens when you offshore all your manufacturing - 20 years later you have no manufacturing engineers.
Amazing, literally no-one could have predicted this.
Fuck Israel
Our senior manufacturing engineer spends most of his time overseeing facility and Capex projects. Good use of resources
Sometimes you do need a manufacturing engineer to sign those things off, but that should be a facilities engineer.
Fuck Israel
More dumbness from work.
One of the admins sends this out daily, a make-work waste of everyone's time.
Of course you have to send her an email with your plans, generating reports from outlook or the leave system is too obvious.

Just keep your outlook calender up to date, my god.
One of the admins sends this out daily, a make-work waste of everyone's time.
Of course you have to send her an email with your plans, generating reports from outlook or the leave system is too obvious.

Just keep your outlook calender up to date, my god.
Fuck Israel
This is what I assume being a boss is like

dd/mm is an insanity and that legend is longer than the list of names.
i've worked with people like in the above clip. they put on the best dramatic performance when there's an audience.
i've worked with people like in the above clip. they put on the best dramatic performance when there's an audience.
Well, its what being my boss is like.SuperJail Warden wrote:
This is what I assume being a boss is like
Fuck Israel
unnamednewbie13 wrote:
dd/mm is an insanity

Every day begins with that stupid.and that legend is longer than the list of names.
Fuck Israel
dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd are both fine. mm/dd, dd/mm get ambiguous in the low numbers and mm/dd/yyyy is a bad habit people shouldn't've been taught.

What a chore. How often are they even reviewed? If only there were things called apps that could be programmed to allow people the responsibility of entering that data on their own in like 2 seconds each (not that they will, I suppose).Every day begins with that stupid.
I have three different career related obligations tomorrow that all overlap in time. I can't be in three places at once unfortunately. Same thing happened yesterday. Two different sets of obligations that overlapped.
I have to make hard choices about which ones to go with. Fallout New Jersey.
I have to make hard choices about which ones to go with. Fallout New Jersey.

Fuck people for writing the date how people speak it, amirite?unnamednewbie13 wrote:
... and mm/dd/yyyy is a bad habit people shouldn't've been taught.
Fuck people who say dates in non-chronological order
11th September - Its really not hard.
11th September - Its really not hard.
Fuck Israel
And fuck people who driving on one side of the road or the other, or who use a different measurement for weights, or volumes, or temperatures.
Are we really doing this guys? Aren't we all basically in our 50s?
Are we really doing this guys? Aren't we all basically in our 50s?
I don't like the messy haircuts of (black) teens.pirana6 wrote:
And fuck people who driving on one side of the road or the other, or who use a different measurement for weights, or volumes, or temperatures.
Are we really doing this guys? Aren't we all basically in our 50s?

Cut that messy shit low like Black Panther

It is an unfair situation, yes. But life is full of unfairness.Newbie wrote:
They shouldn't have to cut their hair a certain way.
It isn't fair that white people burn in the sun but that doesn't mean you don't put on sun tan lotion.

It also isn't fair that Asian girls don't fuck Asian guys. That doesn't mean you get to shoot up Virginia Tech

Elon Musk sycophant at work recently got a Model Y.
2 months later he is a former Musk sycophant and wants to return his car.
2 months later he is a former Musk sycophant and wants to return his car.
By your logic christians are jesus sycophants.
Musk is the messiah and will save us all.
Musk is the messiah and will save us all.
Fuck Israel
DesertFox- wrote:
Fuck people for writing the date how people speak it, amirite?unnamednewbie13 wrote:
... and mm/dd/yyyy is a bad habit people shouldn't've been taught.
Nobody speaks it like that. January 3, or 1st of March. If you're going to write it down, make sure there's no mistaking it so that people can read it, you know? It's beyond age. Interns in their 20s gripe about that stuff."What was the date on that document you sent earlier this year?"