
America: first world country.

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Is that a homeless camp or a chilli cook-off?
Fuck Israel

tl;dr unrelated, I got into this with a company someone yesterday, who was off on a Fox-esque rant about how we should round these people up (er…), get them off the streets (yay?), and put them into camps (uh…). Like I'm sorry, but wasn't I captive audience for an untold number of rants about how the government couldn't be trusted? And yet they can be trusted now with Ze Camps, regardless of the country's track records with such things? Did I miss something?

"Well, we gotta do something!" they say.

"Sure. We can have the wealthy pay their fair share--"

"We can't confiscate private property!"

Er, yes. Personal, private property. Sacred things even in meager quantities that would be respected even if a homeless person is in an internment camp, and would not outright tossed into dumpsters as is currently done.

This person talks to homeless people sometimes. They were practically homeless themselves at one point, but got a place before practically everything was six figures. The channels of empathy and sympathy are both often and sometimes expressed. Yet they went off yesterday on some sweeping generalization about how "these people are wandering around with no idea what's going on, like zombies!" when months prior I was treated to their story about some person they met who was the nicest ever, and just down on their luck. Should they get sent to Ze Camp as well, I wonder? Specifically, should the "liberal democrats" of Washington they despise so much be trusted to run Ze Camps?

Why does the answer have to be "round them all up"* instead of enabling people to afford a place to live?

It's impossible to argue with people like this who can't even consistently recollect their own ideas and quotes. One day, they'll be like "cops can't be trusted, they're not your friend, you have to protect yourself." Reasonable, but the next, they'll take a cop-sympathetic line like "police have a really difficult job, you know. And the liberal cities and Democrat governors make it impossible for them to do it."* Sometimes abrupt, sometimes over a long period of time, sometimes just in line with whatever conservative shit-heel's rant they absorbed last week.

They make this point on the trailing end of another point about how poor communities are in such dire straits because of overpolicing*. Or maybe it was the other way around. Er, the police aren't able to do their jobs but are overpolicing* poor communities? I'm sorry, but ??.jpg

I have a number of questions and counterpoints after a day of subconsciously stewing on it, with the added benefit of sleep, but have some trepidation about reopening it. My capital is better spent on winning arguments like "get your covid vaccine already" (victory) and company operation (ongoing victories) than figuring out why the rich should be allowed to continue plundering this country just because some golf courses are run by municipalities (?). Maybe I'll jot it down for a response to the next email I get from them about some political thing.

How do you argue with someone who, just because they don't like Inslee, will tick the box of any lunatic state Republicans roll out for governor?

post scheduled to mac, i suppose.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-06-14 03:28:21)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
There's literally no point in arguing with people who just parrot the last thing they heard.
Do not engage, just nod and say "uh-huh" but not enthusiastically enough that they'd want to talk to you again.
At best you get nothing out of it, at worst you could end up in a fist fight, except you're in America so it would be a gunfight.

There's no benefit at all to be "subconsciously stewing on it", its literally bad for your health

Can't you memorise some WH40K lore or something and bore them with that?
Or counterpoint bible stuff with Star Wars?
"So you're saying Jesus sacrificed himself for an ideal and rose from the dead, just like Obi-Wan before him?"
"You're making fun of my supernatural mythology by citing your supernatural mythology - how dare you"

I have to listen to all kinds of stupid stuff

"Its safer to just plough through an intersection full of cars than to attempt to stop a semi-trailer at a stop light"
Fuck Israel

Quite agree, but captive audience. On occasion, I would literally have to open the car door and roll out onto the highway to get away from it. And once it's been said, it can't be unsaid, and I'll poke and prod and turn it over until something else comes along, like the novel I couldn't just whip out and read while behind the wheel or at some other task.

I could go work for another company and take a dousing rod to the next set of x-er/boomer conservative mumbo jumbo. Or get a job like mac and have some extra college debt plus conservative parents who Object to presented material.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Its tempting to go more extreme and whip them into a frenzy but that can sometimes end badly too.

I have been tempted to just swerve into oncoming traffic to end inane 'conversations' and yet somehow I'm still here.

My experience of changing jobs is they're all the same, there's a 6-12 month honeymoon period then its back to avoiding people.
Fuck Israel

I do get lots of time to do what I want and submit work from wherever I want with minimal fuss. Gotta look at the positives too.

FWP: conservatives, even conservative office workers who actually enjoyed WFH and "got so much work done," here already forgotten how nice rush hour traffic was without the office crowd. Now it's a regurgitation of the "people just weren't working, companies had to bring them back in" line of corporate propaganda. Like office rats better hanging around the break room all day, rotating on their sit & spin, or watching youtube on the corner of their screen.

I bring this up because it expands the previous dump with another point about "traffic is so awful these days, we need to expand highways."

America would be better off not powering all the lights in a bunch of office buildings in their mostly vacant periods during each of 24 hours. That would probably be more effective than wasting time legislating 5W away from a specialty PC.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-06-14 04:11:56)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Pretty well everyone could WFH one day in five, a four day week or nine day fortnight is more efficient.

I can't work efficiently at home, I don't really work efficiently at work TBH.
Fuck Israel

Able to work without another person sticking their head in the room, "are you about to wrap this up, we have this conference room booked." Yes, Karen, we can wrap this up. In fact, we'd have been finished 2 hours ago if Linda hadn't monopolized the minutes.

Nobody actually says that. The person in charge of the meeting is staring at their lap during the whole monologue.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

tl;dr unrelated, I got into this with a company someone yesterday, who was off on a Fox-esque rant about how we should round these people up (er…), get them off the streets (yay?), and put them into camps (uh…). Like I'm sorry, but wasn't I captive audience for an untold number of rants about how the government couldn't be trusted? And yet they can be trusted now with Ze Camps, regardless of the country's track records with such things? Did I miss something?

"Well, we gotta do something!" they say.

"Sure. We can have the wealthy pay their fair share--"

"We can't confiscate private property!"

Er, yes. Personal, private property. Sacred things even in meager quantities that would be respected even if a homeless person is in an internment camp, and would not outright tossed into dumpsters as is currently done.

This person talks to homeless people sometimes. They were practically homeless themselves at one point, but got a place before practically everything was six figures. The channels of empathy and sympathy are both often and sometimes expressed. Yet they went off yesterday on some sweeping generalization about how "these people are wandering around with no idea what's going on, like zombies!" when months prior I was treated to their story about some person they met who was the nicest ever, and just down on their luck. Should they get sent to Ze Camp as well, I wonder? Specifically, should the "liberal democrats" of Washington they despise so much be trusted to run Ze Camps?

Why does the answer have to be "round them all up"* instead of enabling people to afford a place to live?

It's impossible to argue with people like this who can't even consistently recollect their own ideas and quotes. One day, they'll be like "cops can't be trusted, they're not your friend, you have to protect yourself." Reasonable, but the next, they'll take a cop-sympathetic line like "police have a really difficult job, you know. And the liberal cities and Democrat governors make it impossible for them to do it."* Sometimes abrupt, sometimes over a long period of time, sometimes just in line with whatever conservative shit-heel's rant they absorbed last week.

They make this point on the trailing end of another point about how poor communities are in such dire straits because of overpolicing*. Or maybe it was the other way around. Er, the police aren't able to do their jobs but are overpolicing* poor communities? I'm sorry, but ??.jpg

I have a number of questions and counterpoints after a day of subconsciously stewing on it, with the added benefit of sleep, but have some trepidation about reopening it. My capital is better spent on winning arguments like "get your covid vaccine already" (victory) and company operation (ongoing victories) than figuring out why the rich should be allowed to continue plundering this country just because some golf courses are run by municipalities (?). Maybe I'll jot it down for a response to the next email I get from them about some political thing.

How do you argue with someone who, just because they don't like Inslee, will tick the box of any lunatic state Republicans roll out for governor?

post scheduled to mac, i suppose.
Maybe you should try talking them into moving to Florida. I don't get hit with too many Republican talking points at work once I moved into education. I can't think of a single time anyone tried to recruit me into MAGA. It just doesn't exist in our area and I assume the right wingers look at me and assume I am not interested.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I do get lots of time to do what I want and submit work from wherever I want with minimal fuss. Gotta look at the positives too.

FWP: conservatives, even conservative office workers who actually enjoyed WFH and "got so much work done," here already forgotten how nice rush hour traffic was without the office crowd. Now it's a regurgitation of the "people just weren't working, companies had to bring them back in" line of corporate propaganda. Like office rats better hanging around the break room all day, rotating on their sit & spin, or watching youtube on the corner of their screen.

I bring this up because it expands the previous dump with another point about "traffic is so awful these days, we need to expand highways."

America would be better off not powering all the lights in a bunch of office buildings in their mostly vacant periods during each of 24 hours. That would probably be more effective than wasting time legislating 5W away from a specialty PC.
goldman sachs had record profits when everyone wfh.

goldman sachs now laying people off cos they brought everyone back to office.

coincidence? i think not.

I just noticed the "thanks" button when displayed on youtube videos replaces the function button for things like "watch later". If a video is asking for thanks, I can't add to "watch later." Not that I really peruse my own "watch later" list, but weird problem.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Have you tried the new Steam? I haven't played around with it yet.

I haven't really read the notes or formed much of an opinion on it. Steam was never a looker. Honestly they could do whatever they like with aesthetics like font and colors as long as each major change comes with better performance. If I can manage my screenshots from the platform instead of a browser without things chugging, it gets my thumbs up.

e: yule log still isn't broadcasting. 0/10

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-06-16 07:27:41)


Speaking of UI:


You heard it from Bezos. $0.06 is important. Never let it be said otherwise. I'd be a fool to leave this money on the table.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Speaking of UI.

Why do devs suck so much at it now
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
What we have now is the ADHD generation designing UIs, systems etc.

These use to be resource constrained and had to be carefully designed, now any moron can jump on an ipad and have a UI knocked out in minutes.
Who cares if its 5kb or 5Gb?

Latest ipod UI is complete shit, I'm probably going to have to absorb two Atlassian systems at work and my god they're bad.
Just the fact that its two interlinked systems is a terrible start, and they interlink and sync to multiple other systems.

So now we have this many systems for messaging and communicating, all interlinked and syncing and fuck knows what

SAP Add-on
Atlassian system 1
Atlassian system 2

Plus about another 6+ systems for file storage, file-sharing, file vaulting etc etc

Last week's training session went something like this:

"So you launch this, this triggers that, you right click here which syncs to something else, jump out of this system to trigger that system, the something else then updates and triggers a complete resync and a cascade of emails - assuming you go your entry in that system right, instant messages and blog posts to everyone who subscribes to that topic

Oh and I've noticed people are spending too much time walking around talking to each other, they need to be at their desks waiting for the system to deliver a task and then get right on it, and be sure to update your blog every 5 mins so admins can keep on top of progress or that will trigger an alert which will trigger your manager to initiate a contact which will be logged on the system and appear in the daily reporting feed and you'll have to log in and write an explanation and ..."

Anyhoo, thank fuck I couldn't care less.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-06-17 03:48:30)

Fuck Israel

Sounds like micromanagement from hell to me. At that point, just put the stuff onto a flash drive and toss it onto my desk, I don't have time to spend 3 hours straightening out conflicting softwares every time there's an update. You'll know if I'm doing work if the thing is done and the emails go out.

I can't think of a particular line where UIs started being "more awful" as new generations entered into development. I've seen horrible stuff as far back as DOS. Could you imagine getting this stuff to work back then without all the convenience of various plug and play systems? All the boomer office dads would bring in their typewriters just so they could get things done.
Go Cougs!
+696|6608|Washington St.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

pirana6 wrote:

It is like that with us too. It all makes sense since there isn't a single platform that can do everything and do it well.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

pirana6 wrote:

Well thats literally it.
I'm sure the average aerohead raised on Fortnite loves jumping from stupid app to stupid app but no-one else does.
Most of the problem I'm sure is kids these days live to create apps, not do actual work.

Besides normal work management there is procurement, payroll, HR etc, all with wildly different systems.
For an actual employee trying to get actual work done its beyond tiresome.

I'm sure the systems put in place today will be defunct in 2-3 years, as the moron who championed them drifts off into something else, probably another company.


Then we'll be back in the realm of having to dig up files from obsolete systems to solve problems today.

"Yeah you're going to need to find a PC with Windows 9, a maximum of 16Gb of RAM and an IP address which starts with an even number and ends with an odd number to log into that system, then you can only view, you can't export, so you can either take a photo or write it down longhand"

I'm sure in about six months we'll be told they aren't working exactly as intended and the company needs to spend $20m getting some bespoke interface software written, shortly after that it'll be a steady slide and they'll eventually be binned.

Then there are our suppliers - our major supplier employs a bunch of chaotic 20 year olds who resent email and want everything direct to their phones thru whatsapp.
Of course IT policy blocks the whatsapp desktop version, won't supply company phones so we're expected to put whatsapp on our personal devices to conduct company business.
Naturally I send emails.

One of the best parts is all these systems are cloud based, and our business is very heavy on IP so nothing remotely sensitive can be put into these stupid systems - which means basically everything.
Even the fact that we are running a project on something is immensely market and security sensitive - so yeah lets put it all in the cloud - fucking genius.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-06-18 03:53:25)

Fuck Israel

Email is actually shit, and I hold no grudge against anyone who doesn't want to use it. After several decades it still has stoopid problems. "Oops, failed to send the message. Ooops, that jpg is greater than 2mb, try again. No more than 5 attachments pls. OOOOPS, our system had a malfunction, please wait 1 mandatory hour to log in again. Our support staff will be unable to bypass this." Bro, all I want to do is attach a 2 page PDF to send to this person who doesn't have the latest Office.

"Sent using Android." Who cares.
"Scanned with McAffee." Whoopty-doo.
"You accidentally sent an email without the attachment. This is the worst thing a person can ever do in the history of everything, and you are on final notice." First world problems.
"To WhOm It MaY cOnCeRn."

Formality roulette. Are you being too formal? Not formal enough? What about correspondance with this one person who likes to mix it up? Like a dozen lines to back up 1 line of useful information.


I sent the thing last Thursday. In case you missed it, an additional copy of the file is attached.

Chief Magician
Albion Transmissions Inc.
#4 Elm Street
Rivendell, Skyrim 98210
office hours: 1:27PM to 1:31PM PDT, Mon & Wed
off: 555-1234
cel: 222-1234
fax: 555-5678
Unmentioned, the other five times the same file was sent. This could be a text on whatsapp.

A phone call is even worse. Like 30 minutes of small talk and prevarication. 40 minutes of elevator music only to be disconnected. Barf. Boomers make fun of young people for not wanting to make a call, but I've never seen anyone more consistently angry on a phone than a boomer. If only there were a better way!

No, don't give your client my number, I don't know what to tell him about some project I haven't looked at that you two were cooking up. I'd just bounce him back to you.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-06-18 10:31:27)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, what is more efficient:

"Hi, I'm leaving a voicemail on your skype to remind you you have a whatsapp to check your kiteworks for a file to download"

"Hi, here is an email with the file"

Anyway, it begins



How is it possible to send login invites to users who can't login?
Is there no cross-check before this happens?
Pitifully bad.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
I'm coming to the conclusion The Simpsons was more prophetic than anyone could have realised.


Maybe I should watch all 30 seasons to see if there are any other gems in there.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
That reminds me of those annoying emails that tell you you have a new message but need to login to see it. Just tell me what it is over email.

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