America: first world country.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-06-14 03:28:21)
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-06-14 04:11:56)
Maybe you should try talking them into moving to Florida. I don't get hit with too many Republican talking points at work once I moved into education. I can't think of a single time anyone tried to recruit me into MAGA. It just doesn't exist in our area and I assume the right wingers look at me and assume I am not interested.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
tl;dr unrelated, I got into this with a company someone yesterday, who was off on a Fox-esque rant about how we should round these people up (er…), get them off the streets (yay?), and put them into camps (uh…). Like I'm sorry, but wasn't I captive audience for an untold number of rants about how the government couldn't be trusted? And yet they can be trusted now with Ze Camps, regardless of the country's track records with such things? Did I miss something?
"Well, we gotta do something!" they say.
"Sure. We can have the wealthy pay their fair share--"
"We can't confiscate private property!"
Er, yes. Personal, private property. Sacred things even in meager quantities that would be respected even if a homeless person is in an internment camp, and would not outright tossed into dumpsters as is currently done.
This person talks to homeless people sometimes. They were practically homeless themselves at one point, but got a place before practically everything was six figures. The channels of empathy and sympathy are both often and sometimes expressed. Yet they went off yesterday on some sweeping generalization about how "these people are wandering around with no idea what's going on, like zombies!" when months prior I was treated to their story about some person they met who was the nicest ever, and just down on their luck. Should they get sent to Ze Camp as well, I wonder? Specifically, should the "liberal democrats" of Washington they despise so much be trusted to run Ze Camps?
Why does the answer have to be "round them all up"* instead of enabling people to afford a place to live?
It's impossible to argue with people like this who can't even consistently recollect their own ideas and quotes. One day, they'll be like "cops can't be trusted, they're not your friend, you have to protect yourself." Reasonable, but the next, they'll take a cop-sympathetic line like "police have a really difficult job, you know. And the liberal cities and Democrat governors make it impossible for them to do it."* Sometimes abrupt, sometimes over a long period of time, sometimes just in line with whatever conservative shit-heel's rant they absorbed last week.
They make this point on the trailing end of another point about how poor communities are in such dire straits because of overpolicing*. Or maybe it was the other way around. Er, the police aren't able to do their jobs but are overpolicing* poor communities? I'm sorry, but ??.jpg
I have a number of questions and counterpoints after a day of subconsciously stewing on it, with the added benefit of sleep, but have some trepidation about reopening it. My capital is better spent on winning arguments like "get your covid vaccine already" (victory) and company operation (ongoing victories) than figuring out why the rich should be allowed to continue plundering this country just because some golf courses are run by municipalities (?). Maybe I'll jot it down for a response to the next email I get from them about some political thing.
How do you argue with someone who, just because they don't like Inslee, will tick the box of any lunatic state Republicans roll out for governor?
post scheduled to mac, i suppose.
goldman sachs had record profits when everyone wfh.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
I do get lots of time to do what I want and submit work from wherever I want with minimal fuss. Gotta look at the positives too.
FWP: conservatives, even conservative office workers who actually enjoyed WFH and "got so much work done," here already forgotten how nice rush hour traffic was without the office crowd. Now it's a regurgitation of the "people just weren't working, companies had to bring them back in" line of corporate propaganda. Like office rats better hanging around the break room all day, rotating on their sit & spin, or watching youtube on the corner of their screen.
I bring this up because it expands the previous dump with another point about "traffic is so awful these days, we need to expand highways."
America would be better off not powering all the lights in a bunch of office buildings in their mostly vacant periods during each of 24 hours. That would probably be more effective than wasting time legislating 5W away from a specialty PC.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-06-16 07:27:41)
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-06-17 03:48:30)
It is like that with us too. It all makes sense since there isn't a single platform that can do everything and do it well.pirana6 wrote:
Well thats literally it.pirana6 wrote:
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-06-18 03:53:25)
Unmentioned, the other five times the same file was sent. This could be a text on whatsapp.Karen,
I sent the thing last Thursday. In case you missed it, an additional copy of the file is attached.
Chief Magician
Albion Transmissions Inc.
#4 Elm Street
Rivendell, Skyrim 98210
office hours: 1:27PM to 1:31PM PDT, Mon & Wed
off: 555-1234
cel: 222-1234
fax: 555-5678
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-06-18 10:31:27)