16 more years
+877|6699|South Florida
On 12/26 my wife gave birth to our third baby. Another boy! Guess I’m starting a football team lol. He spent some time in the NICU for his low weight (cord was in a suboptimal place on the placenta) but he’s home now and happy. He is eating good and his big brothers are so excited to have him in the house. They are 3 and 4 so they don’t exactly understand that baby can’t play with Spider-Man toys lol…

Hope everyone is well.
15 more years! 15 more years!
all grown up now (its boring)
nothing ever happens
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I turned down an escort on Hinge. We agreed to $500 for a first date at my place. She offered me a blow job.

I did the right thing and unmatched her.
I am all that is MOD!

Was she an escort or did you proposition a hinge match?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am going to digitize my family albums.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2023-02-09 12:48:50)

Assuming your flash drive is even readable, or your descendants have anything to plug it into, or even bother. I dunno, how often do you go and dig out family photo albums? Some of mine are digitized and I don't bother. Whole bunch of people I never knew drinking and smoking, whoopie.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I will periodically upgrade the media storage then. I will leave a note saying the only copy of my will is on the drive and they have to find it.

I wonder what kind of legacy Benjamin Franklin would have left on a thumb drive.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I gave $100 to the Red Cross. I put "wherever it is needed most." I am hoping it goes to Turkey but to actually directly donate to that is vanity.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2023-02-11 00:05:24)
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
just hit the power button twice to bring up the camera without swiping
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The whole phone wouldn't respond at all. I thought I may have had to drain the whole battery before it could reset. I was about to give the lady my credit card to buy herself an Uber back to Staten Island
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6890|Riva, MD
I went to see Jerry Seinfeld's standup in DC last night.  Unfortunately that set seemed to be largely catered towards a 50+ audience, lots of jokes about marriage and how things used to be.  Mario Joyner was the opener for him though, and he was hilarious.

Seinfeld is a 60+ boomer. Not like "lol ok boomer" meme. He just is.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I seduced a new substitute teacher at work. Apparently one of the students saw me chatting her up and recorded it. I didn't touch her or do anything inappropriate other than having a giggly conversation. One of the students told me that another student had it on her phone.

It isn't a big deal but it is enough to make me not do that ever again. The student will forget about it in a few days and there was no victim to report or complain. But still a really bad feeling.

I gave $100 to the Red Cross as penance. I also am going back to therapy. Seek treatment for sex addiction. Sex addiction is a real thing. For me it is about seeking validation from women and getting past low self esteem.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
Are you really an addict
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I will try to sleep with every girl that I can so I can write short stories on Reddit. I slept with an Indonesian girl Friday and my Chinese Girlfriend Saturday. Yesterday, I seduced a substitute teacher.

The sex part isn't the troubling part of sex addiction. Sex addiction is basically the result of low self esteem and the need for validation and attention leading you to seek out sexual encounters in order to feel good about yourself. I could sleep with only 1 new girl a month and still be addicted to the validation.

Red Cross seems much the same as any other problematic company or organization. The CEO makes like $700k a year while workers hover around minimum wages, have poor working conditions, and are chronically understaffed. Maybe they get some help to people who need it, but is donating to them that much more of a redemptive coup than, say, a children's hospital.

Why would you DoNaTe $100 tO tHe ReD CrOsS because you were flirting with a woman at work, if there was nothing about it that should make you feel guilty?

It's still ill-advised, mind, and an abuse of posiitonal power balance (you, the teacher aiming for admin vs. her, the substitute). I don't think it's huge blackmail material since nobody was getting handsy, but it could be used to smear your character as a womanizer, or someone who can influence your promotion could argue that you were abusing your power. Maybe stop picking up women at work, my dude.

“When we’re working, we’re expected to work at 100%, but we never have 100% in return,” added Zebrowski. “We’re always forced to come into work no matter what, sick or not, we were expected to be there. Otherwise, we’d be fearing for our job because we’d be too worried about being written up for attendance.”
“The people they’ve hired since November are significantly making more money than the staff who have been here for years,” said Terrell. “That’s a major slap in the face to the current staff that have worked through this whole pandemic and not been offered anything but pizza.”

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-02-16 12:41:00)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The CEOs of large charities should be compensated well. They have to run huge organizations. There are people who run car dealerships who make more money than what the Red Cross CEO is doing.

I didn't just flirt with her. She gave me her number and we agreed to hang out outside of work on the weekends when her ex-husband has the kids. We were face timing after work yesterday while her kids were at the park.

I feel guilty and had to pay the Red Cross since I am going to try to sleep with this girl while I am balancing two other girls. And it eventually will go on Reddit and my hard drive. I was in my apartment yesterday high off an edible looking at the spot where I slept with two other girls this week and was like "that is where I am putting the sub soon."

It is awful and degenerate and I need help
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6858|United States of America
Had my annual review and apparently for the third time in my career, my position has been reevaluated and found to be underpaid, so I have a 15% raise to the base salary coming my way. I feel like Peter in Office Space being amazed when they want to give him more money.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The CEOs of large charities should be compensated well. They have to run huge organizations. There are people who run car dealerships who make more money than what the Red Cross CEO is doing.

I didn't just flirt with her. She gave me her number and we agreed to hang out outside of work on the weekends when her ex-husband has the kids. We were face timing after work yesterday while her kids were at the park.

I feel guilty and had to pay the Red Cross since I am going to try to sleep with this girl while I am balancing two other girls. And it eventually will go on Reddit and my hard drive. I was in my apartment yesterday high off an edible looking at the spot where I slept with two other girls this week and was like "that is where I am putting the sub soon."

It is awful and degenerate and I need help
You should probably distance yourself from the relentless guilt trip of religious morality. At the end of the day, it's still sex between two consenting adults. Hopefully though, they're all aware of the polyamory going on. That could suck, emotionally, finding out later.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
They have no idea about the polyamory or writing project.

I am not really having a religious guilt trip. It doesn't feel like "consenting adults" though when you tell them what they want to hear until you get your writing prompt. I appreciate you trying to make me feel better about this but I am aware that I am exploiting these women even if I am very kind and generous to them when we are together. Even after I wrote all of that stuff earlier I was chatting up the guidance counselor after work. It is compulsive.

The reason I give to the red Cross isn't because I believe there is a Catholic God who is disappointed but I feel like I need to balance out my actions or else the weight of my sins will all come down on me.

I dunno about that, a lot of evil men have died of old age. Maybe try wanting to be nice, rather than using it to wash away your petty sins for whatever reason. Psych yourself into it? I dunno, I'm just some random on the internet, not your therapist.

If you feel bad about deceiving women, try not doing it. You're probably not wanting to come fully clean to people, but maybe start only dating one woman (or man) at a time when your current flings run their course. Or don't, maybe you can continue as-is without becoming a social hashtag when things get out.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6890|Riva, MD

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The sex part isn't the troubling part of sex addiction. Sex addiction is basically the result of low self esteem and the need for validation and attention leading you to seek out sexual encounters in order to feel good about yourself. I could sleep with only 1 new girl a month and still be addicted to the validation.
My brother & I have this same problem.  Our mommy issues cause us to seek validation from women, and the validation ends up being the best part about sex.

Lucky for him, he has it regularly.  I've only had it twice.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2023-02-16 21:31:34)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
Good info

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