
Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

she has a PhD in physics but worked at bell labs, in applied science.
Exactly, not an engineer.
Are we really doing semantics on this? Very accomplished STEM person, large list of honors and distinctions, including Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. Served under two US presidents. But sure, just a mere physicist. Probably can't flip a light switch.

You can just withdraw your disdain.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-12-03 06:06:40)

dilbert the CAD lackey thinks that engineering breakthroughs rain down from heaven like manna. no, they come from physicists work in materials science and so on. like the black woman who trumps him.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
The point is she's not an engineer, she's a physicist who does materials science.
Of course there are black engineers.

The point is South Africa literally can't keep the lights on when they're literally sitting on piles of coal and gold - thats the future when white people are fully cancelled and black people are trying to run things.
Fuck Israel
yes let’s ignore every other majority black or african country who don’t have such issues. let’s choose one example.

did you hear that texas had power cuts last year? that’s what happens when you let whites run things! oMg!

and ‘the point is’, which you surely have missed, is that whilst you’re sat there spouting your smug and ugly claptrap about ‘racial intelligence’, here’s a black woman who could run rings around you with her knowledge of your field. she’s on a whole other level to you. what happened to your white genius?

maybe if you had spent half your energy on being a better scientist, rather than consuming and dribbling out quack racist pseudo-science, you’d have had a career like her instead of being silo’d in a side workshop tinkering with lathes your whole life.

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-03 19:05:19)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

here’s a black woman who could run rings around you with her knowledge of your field.
Nothing she has done is remotely related to my field.
instead of being silo’d in a side workshop tinkering with lathes your whole life.
You have literally no idea of what I do.
Fuck Israel
she is a world leader in her discipline and you would try and shit talk her because of her race. you are not a world leader in your discipline.

if she has the ‘racial IQ’ to get a PhD from MIT, i think you might need to revise your little crackpot theories over there, tinker man.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
You're not a world leader in your discipline, whats your point?
Fuck Israel
i’m not the one spouting racial hatred for people and judging their intelligence and ability because of their skin colour?

you’re really struggling today, aren’t you? i’m content. i’m not the one making horrible and mean spirited generalisations about entire groups of people. putting down an entire race’s intelligence. you shouldn’t be surprised when someone asks what exactly about you is so ‘superior’.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
If white people are racist and inferior why are white countries invariably the preferred destination for migrants?
Fuck Israel
you know, i really think you should read a book. it would do you a world of good, Hugh.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
How is me reading a book going to stop the flood of Albanians bringing diphtheria into Kent?



Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-12-04 01:56:23)

Fuck Israel
you might both buy hookers but i think that's where the comparison ends, to be frank. lol at you self-fancying yourself as hugh grant. christ alive.

Nobody here is calling white people inferior. What is that even a response to.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
White people are inferior to the Japanese. That is a well established fact.

race thread mac wrote:

Just placate them

euro thread mac wrote:

Appeasement doesn't work.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Black people are interesting

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2023-01-26 19:12:38)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
5 black cops beat a black man to death on video. Never a dull day on Earth.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
White supremacists....neo nazis....cultural racism....slavery

How do these people not know that BLACK Lives Matter?
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I saw the video. I have the same position as I did regarding the Floyd arrest: the cops should be fired but not charged. This is another case of some guy resisting arrest and getting killed for it. Don't fight the cops.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
From what I could see he was cooperating, the Police were amped up off their heads before they even opened his door, the Police were doing their usual thing - yelling orders and preventing him from complying so they could have an excuse to tase him.

Anyone with half a brain would try and get away from these morons.

Puts all the BLM stuff into perspective when its black police doing it though eh.
This is what happens when you put police on a pedastal and tell them they're gods.
Fuck Israel

That's a stretch. A bit on the same wavelength as "I have a black friend so I can't be racist." If a black cop beats up a black man, that doesn't absolve police of institutional racism, nor the confrontational attitude towards the public, bad attitudes in the force, problematic training. Documented, videotaped, recorded.

Sure, don't fight the cops, but that doesn't proof you against getting your shit kicked in or straight up murdered if they're in the mood.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Whats the actual takeaway though.

[ ] Cops are jerks
[ ] Everyone is racist
[ ] Police forces are institutionally jerks
[ ] Police forces are institutionally racist
[ ] Having to deal with people all day makes people hate people
[ ] Put people in a gang and tell them to act like a gang they will do it
[ ] Having to deal with black people all day makes people hate black people
[ ] All of the above
Fuck Israel

It's not really something that can be easily summed in a multiple choice. White supremacism, in whatever form or label you want to use for it, is part of the roots of American society, government, institution. Americans live and participate in the system as it has evolved. Removing or toppling (fake) legacy statues will do little to push us forward beyond improving local aesthetics. People are still going to be adverse to humoring The Conversation, and it's improbable that a way will be found to frame it which will please everyone.

Another group who has to deal with people all day are paramedics. While still an imperfect sort (who isn't), I think they probably don't shoot as many small dogs as police.

I have never felt like I had my life threatened by a cashier, a deliveryman, or a schoolteacher. None of these people are hovering their hands over a glock like paramilitary Yosemite Sam when interacting with the public. None of these people will decide to stalk me for a few blocks to see if I break any traffic rules. A clerk might strike up a conversation about a book I've bought. A cop might ask if I have any weapons in the car. That isn't a question I have to answer. But if I don't, or if I dodge it, or say I prefer not to answer, will I be making their day 'unpleasant?' Do I fib and get caught in a lie if they decide to search my vehicle? Do I tell the truth about the box cutter in the briefcase on the back seat and make them FeAr FoR tHeIr LiFe? Will I get to go home? Or will I die digging my wallet out of my pants pocket?

I don't think police should end in America, I just think things need to be rethought.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-01-30 02:06:00)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Much of it seems to be that everything has to be an 'interaction' which the Police have to escalate and win, and the more they escalate the more they have to win.

It would be perfectly easy to just stick a robot in a police car, put a camera on the front and email people their tickets.
But no, Police have to act like Robocop when robot cop would actually be a better Policeman and shoot a lot fewer people.

Police in my state seem pretty OK every time I've interacted with them, other states a few have been swaggering jerks.

Most Police chases end with the Police getting bored and leaving it the helicopter, then picking them up at their home a few hours later.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2023-01-30 02:25:36)

Fuck Israel

If they just gave you robo-tickets for speeding or slipping through a red light, they would be able to use neither as a pretext to get you for other stuff like leaving your new proof of insurance back at the office. Being able to eyeball the contents of your vehicle for anything else out of place helps them fulfil the CSI fantasy. Maybe they'll get moved to homicide after finding the corner of a laptop computer sticking out from under your back seat. Tsk tsk, distracted driving were we?

You don't actually have to speed or run a red light to get pulled over for it.


That's the neat part!

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