The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

defending the principle of a tolerant and inclusive society against ethnonationalists is not 'racist'.
Good, we can agree keeping muslims out of christian countries is something to strive for then.
Fuck Israel
far-right extremism and intolerance is a far more pressing problem than radical islam.

99% of the moroccan football fans at the world cup didn't create any trouble at all. french muslims.

grow up.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

defending the principle of a tolerant and inclusive society against ethnonationalists is not 'racist'.
Good, we can agree keeping muslims out of christian countries is something to strive for then.
Isn't it funny how "we're a Christian nation" is so often bandied about by Christians living in a country with no state religion? Far more pressing thatn the imminent "Islamic Conquest" of the west, I think would be the imposition and influence of Christofascism, and batshit televangelists being given official positions at the white house ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_White ).


Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-12-22 21:42:42)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

far-right extremism and intolerance is a far more pressing problem than radical islam.
Tell that to the people of Afghanistan.

newbie wrote:

Isn't it funny how "we're a Christian nation" is so often bandied about by Christians living in a country with no state religion?
We'll be an islamic nation if we're not careful.
Fuck Israel

I know it's just junk drawer chats, but since I mentioned Trump nutjobs, remember this guy? - https://www.reuters.com/investigates/sp … -clements/

Naw, what really concerns me is a handful of Moroccans shooting off firecrackers in Belgium. The true threat to western civilization lul.
you really must be so bored in your life, lmao.

dilbert, the loud atheist who hates all forms of organised religion, arguing to protect ... 'christian' countries.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I'd boot the christians out too, but we need them as a bulwark against the even nuttier religions.

Why don't you spend the next two years in Iran? Actually experience a different culture.
Fuck Israel
why don't you leave your parents' office room and get a life?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
You're the one who keeps droning on about experiencing cultures, you've spent two years in an American tributary.

If Islam is so great have two years experiencing it.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

I'd boot the christians out too, but we need them as a bulwark against the even nuttier religions.

Why don't you spend the next two years in Iran? Actually experience a different culture.
Boot them out to where? It's a Christian country lmao.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I would invade the holy land, boot everyone there into other countries, put the christians there.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

You're the one who keeps droning on about experiencing cultures, you've spent two years in an American tributary.

If Islam is so great have two years experiencing it.
i thought it’s a hermit monoculture?

most of the world is an ‘american tributary’, lol.

i do love that you’ve been accusing me of running away to a ‘pure’ culture untouched by liberal multiculturalism or whatever … and now suddenly i’ve just been hiding in a corner of america hidden in asia?

get a life my guy, i highly recommend it! you don’t need to spend your time making specious arguments on the internet! another way is possible!
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/ … ng-reports

amazing. larssen and dilbert spend two pages telling me how moroccans are the problem and we need to get rid of violent islamists.

less than a week after the football stories and a boomer french guy opens fire in a kurdish cultural centre. that threatening group, the kurds. our allies in the middle east. lol.

The French interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, said at the scene of Friday’s shooting that it was “not certain … the gunman was specifically targeting the Kurdish community”, but more likely “foreigners in general”.

now, again, repeat after me … i’ll say it very slowly: the far-right are a bigger threat to peace and civility in the west than moroccans or muslims.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
If the Moors weren't invading Europe there wouldn't be a far right.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

If the Moors weren't invading Europe there wouldn't be a far right.

Dilbert_X wrote:

If the Moors weren't invading Europe there wouldn't be a far right.
this is just abuser logic. the far-right are backed by billionaires and already occupy the positions of power. they are literally the majority forming around a minority.

‘if you didn’t act so annoying i wouldn’t have to beat you’.

do better.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, the far right are the product of billionaires. OK
Fuck Israel
erm, do you know anything about who are funding these movements in the US and europe?

brexit was funded by arron banks, perhaps not a billionaire but mega-rich nonetheless. plugged in the press by people like the lord rothermere or the barclay brothers, who again live on a private island in the channel islands and are billionaires. let's not pretend they're not kingmakers in UK politics – because they are. the proles vote the way the redtops tell them to. and who owns the red top tabloids? billionaire press barons.

rupert murdoch. do i even need to go into details on this one? billionaire.

steve bannon and the latter day 'christo-fascist' right-wing movement that has coalesced in the wake of their project are funded by people like the kochs, peter thiel, etc. literal billionaires. a tier below in the 'mega-rich' and 'mega-powerful' donors list are the de vos's, prince, friess, and mercer.

look at the shadowy networks of thinktanks and special interest lobbying groups that have surrounded recent 'populist' administrations in the UK and the US. many of them don't declare their funding, but it's not hard to follow the scent of money back to some seriously monied and established interests.

again, think harder and do better. punching down on moroccans and kurds, of all fucking people, makes you look like an idiot.

your 'if the moors didn't come here in the first place ...' rhetoric is particularly ironic in the case of the kurds. a dispossessed people who have been forced to vacate their homelands by overweening large, not to say fascist, states (post-ataturk turkey has behaved very often like israel, you know, with actual literal genocides to their name). how funny that you spend reams of posts here and litres of fake crocodile tears on the palestinians ... because your real fascination is the Jewz. but kurds, a comparable group of displaced refugees ... they get no sympathy from you when a 69-year-old french racist murders them.

you're a trivial little miser.

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-24 05:05:05)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
We're talking about the far-right, not Brexit.

uziq wrote:

The French interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, said at the scene of Friday’s shooting that it was “not certain … the gunman was specifically targeting the Kurdish community”, but more likely “foreigners in general”.
Fuck Israel
yes, how healthy and commendable, murdering people out of vague xenophobia and hatred of foreigners.

are you really going to try and defend that? grow the FUCK up man.

Dilbert_X wrote:

We're talking about the far-right, not Brexit.

uziq wrote:

The French interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, said at the scene of Friday’s shooting that it was “not certain … the gunman was specifically targeting the Kurdish community”, but more likely “foreigners in general”.
erm only 1 paragraph of my post was related to brexit. but it's still an example of how contemporary politics is controlled by big money and vested interests.

the far-right is a majoritarian and well-funded operation. you getting antsy over moroccans lighting fires after football is fucking pathetic. which group are more well-organised, well-funded, and bear the most dangerous intent?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Pretty sure the actual far-right - ie skin heads and neo-nazis - is a grass-roots thing.

Maybe you're thinking of the neo-liberals?

Since you're so keen to see western culture annihilated and replaced by some third world cultural crater why don't you go and experience it?
You could earn just as much money but live really cheaply in, say, Lagos, Mogadishu or Kabul?
Not some first world wannabee US asian industrial satellite.
Fuck Israel
lmao no, the movements described above are not neo-liberals.

clueless as per usual.

haha the far-right as skinheads. what decade are we talking about man? did you miss the proud boys and all the new militias who keep decamping outside drag bars and polling stations? imagine talking as much cocky shite as you do whilst thinking the far-right is still the english defence league and a bunch of skinheads shouting ‘oi!’

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-24 06:35:50)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

Since you're so keen to see western culture annihilated and replaced by some third world cultural crater why don't you go and experience it?
You could earn just as much money but live really cheaply in, say, Lagos, Mogadishu or Kabul?
Not some first world wannabee US asian industrial satellite.
Fuck Israel
how is that an argument? lmfao.

i’m arguing for the possibility of pluralist liberal democracy. the fact that the taliban exists doesn’t mean there can’t be any law-abiding muslims in the UK. jesus christ dilbert.

also you really undermine even these most fatuous of arguments when you flip-flop so erratically on my korea trip. when it suits you, i moved to a monoculture that has strictly protected itself from outside influences; then the next moment i moved to an american clone in the far east? lmao wat.

you’re a loser my guy! big L! yuuuuge!

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