+492|3614 … lLnYErrfEQ

argentinians burning an effigy of mbappé. on his birthday. they won the tournament already.

why are they like this? only moroccans burn stuff over football.
Uziq you are completely ignorant to the fact that there's a social mobilisation process occurring between the existence of grievances (justified or not) or economic malaise and group violence or rioting, what have you. Not my fault you're not that well read in this arena. Why are you so dumb?

Would it surprise you if I posited the notion that far right fascism/ultranationalism is a societal issue for us as well? And that the ideology seems conspicuously present in all communities? That moroccans who insisted on taking to the streets in belgium/france to throw fireworks at police while draped in morrocan flags may well subscribe to that same ideological framework? You just can't for the life of you acknowledge that and recognise it as an issue within their ethnic/national community as well, just like the far right dickheads are in ours.

I actually remember making a similar point about the Turkish immigrant community, their ultranationalist elements and overwhelming support for Erdogan but then you again went on a tirade about how I'm ignoring our own far right and that they should be allowed their national pride or something, lmao. I guess fascism is alright as long as your perception is that these are oppressed, benign and misunderstood minorities. Humans all the same uziq, with the same foul tendencies.

Last edited by Larssen (2022-12-21 09:36:21)

i didn’t read any of that.

you’ve been expending an awful lot of multiparagraph wheeze lately on ‘wokism’ and ‘identity politics’ and now you’re suddenly very concerned about moroccan migrants. a pretty conspicuous trend i’d say.
Ok carol baskin
oh god it hurts so much!!!
How petty do you have to be to write half an essay calling me out and then go TL:DR at a barely 3 paragraph reply, lmao. You're an insipid narcissist
how much of a crank do you have to be to claim that a few cases of antisocial behaviour after a few football games is a ‘social mobilisation’. lmao. yeah sure buddy. keep an eye on those dangerous nationalists! they’re plotting something big!

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-21 09:54:47)

Your small-minded idiocy is seeping out, barely masked by half decent prose. It seems that over the years Dilbert has ground you down to his level and you're now stooping to his 2-sentence retorts and instinctual rehashing of banal shit he read some 30 years ago.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Get him Larssen
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire

Larssen wrote:

Your small-minded idiocy is seeping out, barely masked by half decent prose. It seems that over the years Dilbert has ground you down to his level and you're now stooping to his 2-sentence retorts and instinctual rehashing of banal shit he read some 30 years ago.
again, you don’t post a peep here about actual social and political mobilisations on the far-right. you seemingly can’t even acknowledge that other football fans burn things and have a ruck with the police.

how am i ‘small minded’ here when i’m the one taking the wide view, that disorder after football matches certainly isn’t the special preserve of any one group? morocco did world-historically well in this tournament; probably the best of any team in the whole cup, relatively speaking; as an arab team in the first muslim-world cup, they had the best story arc; moroccans are the biggest immigrant group in francophone western europe: is it any surprise that a bunch of moroccan fans especially turn it up to 11 in the streets?

you buy straight into the tabloid rhetoric. ‘riots across europe’. ‘organised uprising’. it’s just so divisive and so predictable and so lame. meanwhile there are actual networks with wide political reach, infiltration deep into state structures, access to weapons, actively planning false flag and coup operations … you’ve never voluntarily spent a single drop of ink on this forums over the far-right or ‘dangerous nationalism’ by whites. you’ll always admit it in this air of ‘decent politick’, in your student debating society prose, when it’s raised; but it’s not what gets you excited and running to bf2s to clack clack away and write essays, is it? no. what exercises you is losing a job interview to a black person. turks. moroccans. verrrrrrry interesting.

i’ll wait to be corrected the next time there’s a terrorist attack or major incident in western europe involving turks or moroccans. so far as i can see, the street unrest over the world cup was epiphenomenal and pretty clearly terminated with the world cup. they’re not still taking to the streets, they’re not organised or making any sort of protest or demand, there’s no shadowy international network having its text messages intercepted by the intelligence services. a working-class migrant diaspora had a rare moment of sporting pride and a tiny subset of the same saw it as an occasion to express their frustration with the police/their lot/etc.

were morocco fans conspicuous this year in the street affray? of course. it’s the first time they’ve ever come out and done well at football! jesus christ it’s not complicated. considering that most western nations were taking a pious (and hypocritical) approach to the qatar tournament, cancelling big screen showings in public squares and so on, it’s not surprising that there wasn’t the same energy and ruckus from other teams. you take the right-wing rhetoric and narrative framing of it as some sort of concerted, europe-ride uprising a little too credulously. a few antisocial elements from a few ghettoised communities going out and opportunistically starting trouble, now their community is in the global spotlight … is not that hard to understand. never mind that the vast majority partook in the celebrations and festival atmosphere as law-abiding, peaceable dual-nationals. but no. you want to start An Adult Conversation about moroccans in europe. lmao.

meanwhile they’ve been burning effigies of mbappé in argentina and chanting all sorts of racist and violent hate about him for days now … and this is as part of their celebrations. and you and dilbert seriously try and play this innocent, naive, ‘tell me who else behaves this way over football? who else burns things in the street even when they win?’ stuff. every fandom has behaved badly over the football in their own time!

but okay. i’m the small-minded one. i’m racist against whites. i’m a woke lib identity politics carol baskin

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-21 20:02:43)


uziq wrote:

i didn’t read any of that.
Who am I going to discuss the far right with here? Dilbert? That's your hobby. You love to hammer on it because you're 100% English. It's in your veins - a cultural tradition - to punch down. Esp. on the less able. It's why Dilbert shits on low skill poor immigrants and why you shit on Dilbert. It's helped you both feel better about yourselves for a decade. Normal people find no enjoyment in eviscerating the already pathetic.

A continental European calling the English 'snooty' is kind of hilarious you have to admit.

Larssen wrote:

Who am I going to discuss the far right with here? Dilbert? That's your hobby. You love to hammer on it because you're 100% English. It's in your veins - a cultural tradition - to punch down. Esp. on the less able. It's why Dilbert shits on low skill poor immigrants and why you shit on Dilbert. It's helped you both feel better about yourselves for a decade. Normal people find no enjoyment in eviscerating the already pathetic.
criticising the far right is punching down? lmao what am i even reading.

didn’t a minor princeling just try to return germany to the kaiser?

uziq wrote:

Larssen wrote:

Who am I going to discuss the far right with here? Dilbert? That's your hobby. You love to hammer on it because you're 100% English. It's in your veins - a cultural tradition - to punch down. Esp. on the less able. It's why Dilbert shits on low skill poor immigrants and why you shit on Dilbert. It's helped you both feel better about yourselves for a decade. Normal people find no enjoyment in eviscerating the already pathetic.
criticising the far right is punching down? lmao what am i even reading.
yeah cos its not nice making fun of the mentally disabled.

uziq wrote:

but remember, pointing to huge criminal conspiracies and active extremist networks is 'scrambling to point fingers elsewhere'.

the real present danger is the way a tiny group decide to create a fracas at a once-every-4-years football tournament.
the other question is, why would elon and jared kushner embrace the qataris and saudis if theyre such bad people

uziq wrote:

Larssen wrote:

Who am I going to discuss the far right with here? Dilbert? That's your hobby. You love to hammer on it because you're 100% English. It's in your veins - a cultural tradition - to punch down. Esp. on the less able. It's why Dilbert shits on low skill poor immigrants and why you shit on Dilbert. It's helped you both feel better about yourselves for a decade. Normal people find no enjoyment in eviscerating the already pathetic.
criticising the far right is punching down? lmao what am i even reading.

didn’t a minor princeling just try to return germany to the kaiser?
Is Dilbert the far right now?

What discussions am I to have about the far right here lmao. Have you nod in silent agreement while the resident caveman shits on his keyboard again? That's no fun. Would it help your perceptions if I said I dealt with that issue professionally and that we've been warning about far right militants for years now?

Your arguments are so goddamn lazy. I make a point and you'll criticise me for the point I didn't make. You intentionally misconstrue posts I made in the past, not out of a lack of reading comprehension, but to put me in a bad light and allow for strawman arguments. Arguing with Dilbert all day hasn't really done much for your ability to debate anything.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

A continental European calling the English 'snooty' is kind of hilarious you have to admit.
They're the snootiest of all, world famous for it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Larssen wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

A continental European calling the English 'snooty' is kind of hilarious you have to admit.
They're the snootiest of all, world famous for it.
It is really deplorable the mods here constantly side with Uzique and his harassment of other users. This is not want Chuy envisioned. This is not what Tazz supports.

Er, I've exchanged sharp words aplenty. It's just that, well (*gestures broadly*):

Plenty of Europeans are snooty. This whole thing with Larssen and the Moroccans is sad. STEM master race attitudes are sad. The Cats movie was sad. Getting teary-emotional at comic book movies is sad. Being uninterested in why it affected you that way is sad. Being disdainful of "miserable" dramas as a "less-worthy cinematic venture" is sad. Racist pseudoscience is sad. An immigrant whining about immigrants to the very country he immigrated to, is sad. Elon Musk is a manbaby and even dilbert distanced himself. Editors make valuable contributions to works, readability and structure are important just for starters. That is not a woman's shoe. Work flings are minefields and inadvisable. Buying three-digit dollar jewelry for women you intend to dump is weird. Cucking people is probably inadvisable (and you still haven't written your cuck book yet, you bum).

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-12-22 13:22:45)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Er, I've exchanged sharp words aplenty. It's just that, well (*gestures broadly*):

Plenty of Europeans are snooty. This whole thing with Larssen and the Moroccans is sad. STEM master race attitudes are sad. The Cats movie was sad. Getting teary-emotional at comic book movies is sad. Being uninterested in why it affected you that way is sad. Being disdainful of "miserable" dramas as a "less-worthy cinematic venture" is sad. Racist pseudoscience is sad. An immigrant whining about immigrants to the very country he immigrated to, is sad. Elon Musk is a manbaby and even dilbert distanced himself. Editors make valuable contributions to works, readability and structure are important just for starters. That is not a woman's shoe. Work flings are minefields and inadvisable. Buying three-digit dollar jewelry for women you intend to dump is weird. Cucking people is probably inadvisable (and you still haven't written your cuck book yet, you bum).
Here is a video of Larssen's granddad applauding your writing.

The whole movie could have just been Christoph Waltz leering at people in that room and still been a hit.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

again, you don’t post a peep here about actual social and political mobilisations on the far-right. you seemingly can’t even acknowledge that other football fans burn things and have a ruck with the police.
Well its funny, whenever a white person does something you can't condemn them fast enough, when its a black person you roll out every conceivable excuse - they're oppressed, a realtive could have been a slave 200 years ago, etc etc

Meanwhile Israel has just elected a government whose racist, genocidal and expansionist policies would have made Hitler salivate, yet not so much as a peep out of you.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
it had been a few pages since you mentioned israel. well done.

i don't approve of israel? and i don't know why i have to condemn netanyahu in the process of discussing football fans' misbehaviour. lmao. you are are a crank.

what are you driving at with this 'racist against whites' thing? i'm not sure what actual concrete example(s) you have in mind. because i'm disparaging about brexiteer's and their poor decision making? that's the only thing i can think of when you say i'm 'against whites campaigning for what they want'.

otherwise, no, defending the principle of a tolerant and inclusive society against ethnonationalists is not 'racist'.

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