SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Kids giving teachers Christmas gifts is an old tradition. I am surprised you never did it. It is something especially at the lower grades.

Yeah but like, cheap tokens. Nobody just gave a 20 dollar gift certificate.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
My parents did $10. This kid's mother is also a teacher. The kid has great grades in my class because I took an interest in them and got a gift card from them.
I sent this email about them a week ago. This is also what I am up to besides trying to hook up with subordinates.

I often do these sorts of emails.
do you want us to give you a cookie for doing your job? i'm confused.

Texas AG Paxton Wants to Build A Registry Of Trans People, But He Won't Say Why … t-say-why/

he's making a list
and checking it … for research

photo used is on point:
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Registries are always good, nothing bad ever comes from registries.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

Registries are always good, nothing bad ever comes from registries.
He probably wants to know who's using what restroom. Think of what a 'tranny' might do to your aunt.
these people are normally always nonces.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

do you want us to give you a cookie for doing your job? i'm confused.
My job is to teach history. Writing emails to case managers and looking up student's grades in other classes so they get support is in fact beyond what I need to do at work. Look at the kid's grade in my class vs all their others. I did way more for the student than those other people did. And the universe acknowledged that with a gift card.

Also, I think you guys have the wrong idea about what I am up to at work all day.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I could have just curved the kid's grade to a 70 and called it a day.
we have the wrong idea? you’ve written here yourself multiple times that you spend half the day on your phone, so bored you’re all flirting and hitting on one another. this is your own description.

anyway i don’t care how hard you work. if you slack off and get paid, good for you. but i would have thought that keeping an eye on students’ performance and their behaviour in and out of class is part of the whole deal of teaching. you know, being in loco parentis and that. pastoral care and support. encouragement across the board. you’re not literally just there to plug them with data about ww2. that’s not what high-school-level education is about.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Uzique wrote:

i would have thought that keeping an eye on students’ performance and their behaviour in and out of class is part of the whole deal of teaching. you know, being in loco parentis and that. pastoral care and support. encouragement across the board. you’re not literally just there to plug them with data about ww2. that’s not what high-school-level education is about.
The "teacher as a community leader" ship sailed so long that I wonder if it ever really existed.

My job isn't providing emotional support and looking out for them. My job is in fact to pitch World War 2 facts. The people whose job it is to provide emotional support and like services have their own degrees, and pay scales. "Child Study Team Case Manager", "Guidance Counselor", "Social Worker". What I did basically made those better paid worker's job a little easier and that is not in my job description.

This one kid has all three.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2022-12-21 07:26:02)
american high-school education sounds shitty.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The high schools of your home country aren't anything to write home about either.
i mean, the international elite spend a small fortune to send their children to school here, but sure, go off. i'm sure mahwah, NJ sets the standard.

it certainly would have been entirely normal for a teacher at my school to check with other teachers how a student is doing, if they're dropping behind, if there's any extramural or pastoral issues, etc. 'not my job, call the guidance counsellor' it very much wasn't.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Who gives a shit about the international elite?  British schools also have junkie students, sex crimes, and tuned out teachers. Glass houses dude.
your mileage may vary. the difference between a good performing school and a struggling state is egregiously vast in the UK.

we are still hung on the point why you think you need a cookie for putting in a little extra at work. do people really hang around in that profession taking shit from unruly kids if they’re not in some way interested in the little ones’ success and well-being?

or are you really that motivated by giving two-bit summaries of ww2?

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-21 09:05:22)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
What have you done for anyone but yourself recently?
it’s your fucking job lmao. grow up.

i sat and listened to a stranger’s life problems for two hours last night. i gave her some advice. she seemed down over a ‘toxic friendship’. i invited ger along to our xmas dinner as she’s lonely in seoul over xmas.

aren’t i just bloody amazing? look mom!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Uzique wrote:

i sat and listened to a stranger’s life problems for two hours last night. i gave her some advice. she seemed down over a ‘toxic friendship’.
That's a typical Tuesday for me.

uziq wrote:

it’s your fucking job lmao. grow up.
It literally isn't. I mean nowhere in my contract does it say "emotional support personnel." I just go above and beyond and got a gift card for it.


You are just upset nobody is going to miss your editing skills if you dropped off the face of the Earth tomorrow. At least Dilbert has people that depend on him.
yeah high-school teachers … that rare commodity. i.e. the career path everyone without any clue what they want to actually do goes into after finishing college.

i suppose you’ll be extra-indispensable when you become an administrator?

That's a typical Tuesday for me.
i wasn’t referring to your manipulative line of attack on dating apps.

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-21 09:36:28)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Your job is going to be replaced by an AI bot someday. I am out here actually helping people. Like it or not, people who I helped and am nice to will remember me and what I did for them. Nobody is going remember you after you cut and run to South Korea to date Asian girls. Something I can do in NJ too any fucking way.
i’m glad those people will remember you … because it should be a part of your job. i have teachers i remember fondly too.

i’ve been helping to project manage the integration of machine learning and language AI to publishing. i’m sure you know the area intricately well. my job isn’t putting commas in the right place or rearranging broken syntax. i’m not concerned about it. AI will make my job easier.

i still work for the same department and still email the same colleagues every day. lol. ‘no one will remember you after you cut and run …’. i mean, to what extent does an average business or organisation give a shit about their employees after they’ve moved on and stopped being useful, anyway? are you expecting a plaque on the front lawn? ‘teacher macbeth: he was such a swell guy!’. you’ll really leave a legacy at that high school, i’m sure. are you that needy in your social life?

i could have dated asians in the UK too. i already met a korean in bristol. who, incidentally, remembered me, years after the fact, for the positive musical inspiration. i posted here about that, it was a neat anecdote. but congrats on your lothario skills at picking up suicidal girls. you’re killing it bro! every one can see your immense successes in the girl problems thread every day of the week. you’re a stud!

i would recommend you continue your grind in NJ, too. east asians are extremely colour biased and you will not do well out here. just a tip whilst you’re sailing so high on your confidence.

honestly what on the fuck are you even talking about at this point? it’s asinine.

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-21 10:19:50)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
look forward to your next 4 paragraph post about how you despair for your kids and don’t care about them. “i’m out here helping people”. you are seriously bipolar or manic or something.

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