SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
My girlfriend agreed to have sex with another couple if she can have a MMF with another guy of her choice and me. We both have a couple in mind.
I am all that is MOD!

The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX
How many threesomes do you need to do in one month to get the herpes badge, and what does it unlock?
Fuck Israel

Herpes. It unlocks herpes.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

How many threesomes do you need to do in one month to get the herpes badge, and what does it unlock?
You buy hookers. You are literally a statistical category. "Men who buy sex."
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7035|Riva, MD
I wish you could legally buy sex here, I had a female coworker today tell me I need to get laid because it would improve my confidence.  The advice was unsolicited but she had already been trying to recommend me some cologne earlier in the week so I guess it was relevant.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2022-12-02 19:47:18)


mmmf mmmf mmmf
it is really not hard to get laid. men who buy sex are in one of the lowest categories of the low. anyone with a little bit of effort and spritzing up can go to a bar and pick up a partner, even just for a one-night stand.

i suspect a lot of the venom and vituperation we see on this forum from certain members are because they so fundamentally struggle with the basics of being a man.
The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

venom and vituperation
Historically the bulk of the venom and vituperation on this forum has been from you.

You're on what, your third permanent ban?
Fuck Israel
a teenager getting banned (with a bunch of other teenagers) during the hey-day of computer gaming, forum personalities, and clan banter ... is not the same thing as you being a sad-sack piece of shit who has to pay women to even look twice at him, well into middle-age.

also, flaming a bunch of users on an internet forum from behind semi-anonymous masks ... is not the same thing as carrying toxic racist/sexist/misanthropist attitudes out into the real world, and letting such maladjusted values affect your workplace and social life. i might have said Nasty Words to you on a forum (oh noes!) but i'm not the one who is actually a racist, sexist, misanthropist piece of shit away from keyboard, am i?

"gg", as we used to say in the 24/7 karkand servers.

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-02 22:17:43)

The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i suspect a lot of the venom and vituperation we see on this forum from certain members

uziq wrote:

i'm not the one who is actually a racist, sexist, misanthropist piece of shit away from keyboard, am i
Fuck Israel
yes, you are a loser. gg get wrekt n00b.

if you honestly can’t see what a self-own it is to compare being a virulent racist and sexist, in real actual life … to trolling on a gaming forum, under a persona, during the febrile ‘00s … then i don’t know what to say to you.

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-03 01:50:41)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I broke up with my girlfriend because she hooked up with another guy before we were exclusive and then lied about it when we talked about what we were doing before we became exclusive. She told me about one hook up in August but didn't put the hookup with a different guy in September on the record.

The lying part is the upsetting part because I would have been genuinely happy to hear she got hers. But she didn't want to tell me about that hook up since it came right after I did something really sweet for her in September. She thought I would be really upset at the moment.

There was also something else she lied about that started this conversation that led to me finding out about her other hook ups. She lied about something an ex left in her car a few years ago, frankly I don't believe it was a few years ago and not a few days, but when I found it instead of acknowledging it was her ex's she instead tried to gaslight me and blamed her God daughter. Yeah she threw her 11 year old God daughter under the bus.

Anyway I broke up with her because of the lying. Because I can't trust her anymore. I was also kind of a dick. I berated her until she hysterically cried and had an asthma attack. I called her the next day to check on her and she is a total puddle right now. She said she thought about killing herself all last night. She mentioned she will start to retake her medication for depression. She never mentioned she had depression or took medication for it either.

She talked about killing herself on the phone quite a few times with me. In fact this very moment I am on the phone with her 2 hours and 18 minutes still listening to her cry.

Threatening suicide is emotional blackmail right? I told her a few times to talk to her friends about her suicidal feelings. I told her she would eventually get over the break up and to not hurt herself but I am not sitting here begging her to not hurt herself. I am playing Rome Total War Remastered. I don't know what to do at this point besides get a STD test. I am taking off from work Monday to go do it.
mmmf mmmf mmmf

macbeth: i just want to hook up with as many people as possible and just keep this girl as my pocket gf for backup. of course, i don’t mind if she does the exact same thing, i’m a fair person.

macbeth a week later: she SlePt wiTh sOmeOne Else!!!!111

face it, she gave you a taste of your own medicine. in that same time period you were trying to hit everything that moved, and she got out ahead of you in your own game. you never massaged the truth or acted diplomatic with the facts when you were juggling multiple women? come on.

i haven’t met a person your age with such low levels of emotional intelligence or sexual maturity. man, what is going on with you? one minute you want the open relationship and to sleep around, the next you’re emotionally committed and monogamous, the next you’re breaking up and getting upset over sleeping around. what a pointless rollercoaster lmao.

suicide threats over a relationship that’s barely past first term in its duration … you are both a nightmare to be honest. i advise disengaging and going about your next dalliance like a well-adjusted person.

macbeth: she wants a threesome with another guy! awsm! can’t wait to be packing meat and high fiving a random dating app stranger with my girl! this is just like those subreddit fantasies i have!

macbeth a week later: she slept with someone else!!!

her: iM goIng tO dIe.

it goes without saying my man that there is something manipulative and red flag’ish in your own behaviour. you have tried to manoeuvre and arrange everything regarding this girl for your optimum satisfaction and convenience. and as soon as she displayed her own sense of cynicism and trying to maximise her own pleasures, you blew up and tried to break her down. that’s obviously not cool, even if her own reaction is hysterical. one minute you’re love bombing with presents and the model boyfriend act, the next you’re reducing them to mental puddles on the phone? are you sure you’re into this thing for love and whatnot, or is it all about power and pursuing your desire?

i’m not even convinced this dating app spree has been the amazing journey of self-discovery and confidence-building that you say it has. getting entangled in torturous phone arguments and suicide threats is not how you do casual dating and hookups my guy.

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-04 18:39:51)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am learning. I have learned new things the last two days.

Anybody can learn something going on a brisk jog through a literal minefield.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I am learning. I have learned new things the last two days.
i can see that and don't mean to be too harsh.

but you kind of created this situation yourself. your 'acts of kindness' towards the girl, if not exactly emotionally confusing her, put her in an awkward situation with her own side-hustles and paramours. that's why she 'lied' to you: because you love-bombed her with a gift or special gesture or whatever. you are simultaneously going way too fast with her into relationship/couple-type behaviour, but also wanting to sexually explore.

no surprises, you burned your hand and quickly withdrew it.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7035|Riva, MD
Romantic relationships sound really really complicated
the funny thing is that they're really not. but you need to have a little self-knowledge first. macbeth in the last few months, post-dating apps, has resembled a kid in a candy store. you can't walk out with every treat in your hands!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I am learning. I have learned new things the last two days.
i can see that and don't mean to be too harsh.

but you kind of created this situation yourself. your 'acts of kindness' towards the girl, if not exactly emotionally confusing her, put her in an awkward situation with her own side-hustles and paramours. that's why she 'lied' to you: because you love-bombed her with a gift or special gesture or whatever. you are simultaneously going way too fast with her into relationship/couple-type behaviour, but also wanting to sexually explore.

no surprises, you burned your hand and quickly withdrew it.
I feel bad for making her cry and turning her into a puddle. She is taking this really badly. I am still texting to check up on her. I won't react the same way again. And I apologized for it even though I made it clear we won't ever ever ever get back together.

I don't consider my actions love bombing. It is just me being affectionate.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Didn't you guilt yourself into buying her a $300 piece of jewelry

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