Will have to wait and see what they can get him with. Hopefully he won't just be out in 6mo to go hunt her down, another stereotype of this sort of thing.
It is good that the federal government passed a bill for gay marriage. It is funny that the conservatives are fighting amongst themselves over it.
National Review editorial argued against gay marriage. The top comments were critical of the editor's position. Many realize it is a losing position. A lot of others are still supportive of "traditional marriages."
The not so funny thing is the framing of their position the "gay marriage is here to stay" conservatives. There is little recognition that gay people aren't a threat or dangerous. A lot of it is doomer loser talk about how American society is doomed blah blah blah. I am more annoyed by that than someone advocating "trad marriages." Just stick your gun in your mouth already if things are so bad.
National Review editorial argued against gay marriage. The top comments were critical of the editor's position. Many realize it is a losing position. A lot of others are still supportive of "traditional marriages."
The not so funny thing is the framing of their position the "gay marriage is here to stay" conservatives. There is little recognition that gay people aren't a threat or dangerous. A lot of it is doomer loser talk about how American society is doomed blah blah blah. I am more annoyed by that than someone advocating "trad marriages." Just stick your gun in your mouth already if things are so bad.

Blah blah blah sanctity of marriage preached from the pulpit of multiple divorces.
Once again people need to follow the Dilbert plan.
Civil unions, with no tax breaks or special rights, for everyone
Religious can 'marry' in church if they want to.
Everyone can shut up.
Civil unions, with no tax breaks or special rights, for everyone
Religious can 'marry' in church if they want to.
Everyone can shut up.
Fuck Israel
the tax breaks and financial-legal reasons are the entire purpose of marriage as an institution, religious or secular. and it’s in society’s own interests to perpetuate that.
you get mad at lesbians and fulminate about ‘great replacement’, but then you’re chafing at the foundations that encourage nuclear families and bourgeois domesticity? what?
what’s the point of getting married if there isn’t some ultimate financial incentive/security? without that substance, it’s just fiddling with semantics and switching labels … which sounds an awful lot like the complaints you make about pronouns thesedays. make u think
you get mad at lesbians and fulminate about ‘great replacement’, but then you’re chafing at the foundations that encourage nuclear families and bourgeois domesticity? what?
what’s the point of getting married if there isn’t some ultimate financial incentive/security? without that substance, it’s just fiddling with semantics and switching labels … which sounds an awful lot like the complaints you make about pronouns thesedays. make u think
Why should someone be subsidised out of my taxes just because they want to play house?
They get enough financial efficiencies over a single person as it it.
They get enough financial efficiencies over a single person as it it.
Fuck Israel
haven't you been living with your parents your whole life? don't talk about subsidies and dodging adult tax liabilities.
it's in society's interests for people to pair off and form little nuclear-bourgeois households. it's how society perpetuates its own norms and structures. and lord knows, you're someone who complains enough about the blurring of norms and the disappearance of 'civilisation'. marriages and forming domestic household units has been part of the game since time immemorial: that's its whole social function.
it's amazing that you're sanguine about billionaires not paying their taxes because 'we need to let geniuses get on with it', in fact you're very happy for all sorts of unequal accumulation at the top of the income pyramid, especially if it's from the vastly profitable fossil fuels industry, but you kvetch and moan about the tax breaks offered to working people for getting married. lmao.
as always, i suspect most of your 'politics' emanate from your own personal dissatisfactions and living situation. dilbert won't ever get married so he's mad that married people can cut their tax bills in ways he can't.
it's in society's interests for people to pair off and form little nuclear-bourgeois households. it's how society perpetuates its own norms and structures. and lord knows, you're someone who complains enough about the blurring of norms and the disappearance of 'civilisation'. marriages and forming domestic household units has been part of the game since time immemorial: that's its whole social function.
it's amazing that you're sanguine about billionaires not paying their taxes because 'we need to let geniuses get on with it', in fact you're very happy for all sorts of unequal accumulation at the top of the income pyramid, especially if it's from the vastly profitable fossil fuels industry, but you kvetch and moan about the tax breaks offered to working people for getting married. lmao.
as always, i suspect most of your 'politics' emanate from your own personal dissatisfactions and living situation. dilbert won't ever get married so he's mad that married people can cut their tax bills in ways he can't.
No?uziq wrote:
haven't you been living with your parents your whole life?
Fuck Israel
3 years for university don’t count.
why you’re getting all humbugged about married couples ‘saving efficiencies’ when you live at home is beyond me.
at some point you have to admit you are the highly abnormal exception, and mainstream society and its norms aren’t going to pay you much moment. tax breaks and financial security are the top practical reasons for marriage as an institution. you’ve made enormous savings specific to your own lifestyle elsewhere. suck it up.
why you’re getting all humbugged about married couples ‘saving efficiencies’ when you live at home is beyond me.
at some point you have to admit you are the highly abnormal exception, and mainstream society and its norms aren’t going to pay you much moment. tax breaks and financial security are the top practical reasons for marriage as an institution. you’ve made enormous savings specific to your own lifestyle elsewhere. suck it up.
But no tax breaksuziq wrote:
you’ve made enormous savings specific to your own lifestyle elsewhere.
Fuck Israel
You sidestepped the expense and work of raising children entirely. Being a parent, even a young parent, is a fundamental part of adulthood in society, and isn't a part of your lived experience. I don't think you really get to call it, er, "playing house." Not unless they're roleplaying some kink in bed or something.
is there anything more risible than a sexless, live-at-home man baby complaining that other human beings *checks notes* have the temerity to get married and have kids?
this is the same guy who justifies his poisonous worldview as ‘basically human instinct’.
hating indians and black people —> genetic!
having children and settling down —> weird behaviour!
this is the same guy who justifies his poisonous worldview as ‘basically human instinct’.
hating indians and black people —> genetic!
having children and settling down —> weird behaviour!
Stop bullying Dilbert or he will stop coming here.

Why should I have to pay for it.uziq wrote:
the temerity to get married and have kids
I'd like a J3 Cub, where's my handout.
Fuck Israel
Well they hate us.uziq wrote:
hating indians and black people —> genetic!
Fuck Israel
your swing into antisocial libertarianism in the strict pursuit of your own interests is depressing but unsurprising. you used to dunk on jay for just this narrow purview of thought.
maybe direct your anger at all the tax subsidies and breaks given to the super rich, fossil fuels and mining companies, etc. they’re deepening inequality, siphoning your national wealth into the hands of the few, and killing the planet.
you may not know this, as you’ve been insulated from real adult life seemingly for the last 20 years, but it really is just about the worst time in history to dunk on young married couples. the cost of living and ordinary rites of passage – you know, those things that sailed right by you because you’re a pathetic failure of a man – are way out of reach of even most average couples now. the first home. the first child. decent education and healthcare. the cost of everything, property specifically, is now way out of proportion to average earning power.
but you live at your parent’s house. with mumsy and dadda. ‘booo why should the state help young couples find a roof over their head! i want the fancy target pistol with the nicest accessories!!!’
grow up? get a life? just a thought.
maybe direct your anger at all the tax subsidies and breaks given to the super rich, fossil fuels and mining companies, etc. they’re deepening inequality, siphoning your national wealth into the hands of the few, and killing the planet.
you may not know this, as you’ve been insulated from real adult life seemingly for the last 20 years, but it really is just about the worst time in history to dunk on young married couples. the cost of living and ordinary rites of passage – you know, those things that sailed right by you because you’re a pathetic failure of a man – are way out of reach of even most average couples now. the first home. the first child. decent education and healthcare. the cost of everything, property specifically, is now way out of proportion to average earning power.
but you live at your parent’s house. with mumsy and dadda. ‘booo why should the state help young couples find a roof over their head! i want the fancy target pistol with the nicest accessories!!!’
grow up? get a life? just a thought.
erm, no they don’t? and who enslaved whom, anyway?Dilbert_X wrote:
Well they hate us.uziq wrote:
hating indians and black people —> genetic!
you hold things against these groups for doing much less than we ever visited upon them. truly a dipshit.
Jay just swallowed a world view he was spoon-fed, one after another, mine is carefully thought out.uziq wrote:
your swing into antisocial libertarianism in the strict pursuit of your own interests is depressing but unsurprising. you used to dunk on jay for just this narrow purview of thought.
Good, there are too many people in the world, we definitely need to put a crimp on people having kids, not subsidise them.it really is just about the worst time in history to dunk on young married couples. the cost of living and ordinary rites of passage the first child. decent education and healthcare. the cost of everything, property specifically, is now way out of proportion to average earning power.
You are the one who has not grown up, people like Jay have outstripped you in literally every aspect of adulting.grow up? get a life? just a thought.
Meanwhile you're still living and behaving like a fresher.
Fuck Israel
jay is a full generation older than me, good for him that he’s getting on in life.
how is moving to another country and living a fully independent life ‘living like a fresher’? freshers live in halls on loaned money lol. make sense, ya little cuck.
what if i told you … it’s normal for people in their 30s to have a social life and to go out? lol. you are owning yourself.
how is moving to another country and living a fully independent life ‘living like a fresher’? freshers live in halls on loaned money lol. make sense, ya little cuck.
what if i told you … it’s normal for people in their 30s to have a social life and to go out? lol. you are owning yourself.
Last edited by uziq (2022-12-03 20:18:18)
Er no, Jay is about 10 years older than you.
At your age he was set up with a wife and kids no?
At your age he was set up with a wife and kids no?
Fuck Israel
do you have any idea how much changes in a person’s life in 10 years? i mean an ordinary person, not a dysfunctional man child like you.
10 years ago i’d barely embarked on a career. i’m not sweating about the fact i don’t have a wife and kids at 32.
we both know that you’re in a much much weaker position with this argument. i’m enjoying my life and having new experiences. you’re an ingrown toenail. change tack, fella.
also, i’m pretty sure jay didn’t have a wife and kids 10 years ago, no.
10 years ago i’d barely embarked on a career. i’m not sweating about the fact i don’t have a wife and kids at 32.
we both know that you’re in a much much weaker position with this argument. i’m enjoying my life and having new experiences. you’re an ingrown toenail. change tack, fella.
also, i’m pretty sure jay didn’t have a wife and kids 10 years ago, no.
Last edited by uziq (2022-12-03 20:44:09)
Erm, you're the one making a being deal of family, do you have a wife and kids?
Fuck Israel
i am not making a big deal out of it at all. i’m saying you criticising people for getting married and having children is an aberrant view (i mean, fucking stating the obvious here).
‘it’s good that property is overpriced because everyone should be forced to abandon hopes of having children’ - what a highly normal view to have. good job chap.
‘it’s good that property is overpriced because everyone should be forced to abandon hopes of having children’ - what a highly normal view to have. good job chap.
OK, this is where we're heading

Fuck Israel