
Most of this. I'm really cautious about who I let into my online 'inner circles' these days. Having someone blow up like on you was unpleasant the first time around and was as deeply unpleasant the other day.

Moreover, we didn't talk toxic reddit gamer stuff. If that had come up before, "ew, girls in my Battlefield, icky-poo!" I'd have already distanced myself. Conversations were really lots of nostalgia trips, exchanging music, casually spitballing titles back and forth that might not even be multiplayer. We'd wish one another or our respective families well when someone was ill or feeling down. Sometimes got photos during changes of seasons when local parks were looking scenic. All over and done now.

I'd wanted to make amends and write everything off, bygones and all that, but that doesn't seem likely to happen. A day later, they said they reread the convo and doubled down, I guess giving me the opportunity to recant if I wanted. I did not, and after some hours of deliberation I guess they scrubbed me from all their social medias. Very casual message left on one before removing and blocking, "almost forgot this!"

I recently found a link to something a few hours ago and one of the first thoughts I had was "oh, you know who might enjoy this … oh, right." I should probably just feel like "good riddance," and is probably silly to grouse about elsewhere, but after so long it's still a very sour feeling. Not entirely unexpected if I'm to be honest, there was always an element of eggshell even some of my other friends pointed out that I couldn't disagree with.

These other online friendships that started with gaming have been stable for at least as long. If it came up, we'd all find the greasy gamer stereotype a weird and awkward pox on the hobby and poke fun at it for its eccentricities and alienating factor. The last time any of us wanted a neon computer was when that was the style at the time (/grandpasimpson.gif). Nobody wants the blinding lightshow anymore. If anyone has Strong Manosphere Reddit-Gamerbro Opinions, I haven't heard them.

I've been doing this since the 90s. Most of the time back then and in the bulk of the (early) aughts, we'd just move on to different games or hobbies and fall out of contact on ICQ, YIM, MSN Messenger, or whatever. No hard feelings at all. If something like Steam were a thing back then, I'd probably still have some on my list.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-11-25 05:38:04)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
buy bonestorm or go to hell newbie

Why did they never turn that into an actual game?

Or did they? I don't know all of the Simpsons games.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
What game was it, though?

Took me a sec, i have no idea how rthki remembers that. Really early Simpsons.

anyway i'm fairly confident the answer to 'aita' is a solid 'no.'

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-11-26 12:49:49)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
I still watch the old simpsons
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
I haven't watched it in years and still remember obscure lines. There's thousands of us with those syndication brain worms.

It just occurred to me that you probably meant that friend's game, not bonestorm. The new Dune game. Think I posted about it once here way back when it was announced. Nice environment, but the battles seem more engaging on the older ones. Not helping that it's apparently in an unbalanced state with stuff still to go in and no campaign? Yeah I was gonna wait before, but I think I'll pass.

How would you keep friends if you burn bridges every time they turn down a media recommendation? The last time something like this happened was a post-2142 Battlefield game, when I would have rather just booted up PR. Stung then too, but I got over it. Think ya know someone, blah blah blah. There's something to be said for the old way I suppose, where people just fell out of contact naturally.

Part of why I'm inclined to agree with zeek on this mostly. Especially if someone's bold enough to bring games up at work. Maybe they're a dickhead, maybe not, but still a red flag. Don't think I've ever been put in a position to chat about MMOs at a coffee shop though.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-11-26 20:14:15)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
One of my colleagues created a COD map of our workplace, and posted an image of him on a rooftop with a machine gun and all the faces from the office directory pasted onto figures in the courtyard.

Just a teeny red flag there.
Fuck Israel

That's a red flag factory.

Please tell me that was at least in the aughts while games were still shaking off their 90s adolescence.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Fuck Israel
mmmf mmmf mmmf
This conv has reminded me of a friend who convinced me and another to try project zomboid with him, played around 10hrs over a couple weeks. It's been now been 4 months since he's been on his pc. He's been on xbox playing battle royales though

Sounds fickle.

Also, still gonna be a solid yikes from me, dilbs.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
He's been unemployed from about that time.
Fuck Israel
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Bad news the lens was an inventory error, they don't have it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Olympics and World Cup should be available to stream online easily. The fact that I can't watch it online because I don't have cable TV makes me violently angry.

The memes surrounding the world cup at qatar are the best part of this whole irredeemable fiasco. I don't think FIFA's reputation could get much lower, but I've seen the bottom of the barrel broken through more than once on things.

I actually have a Sounders shirt I bought not long after they became a thing. Pretty much loungewear, but the first of any such merch I've gotten since I was a kid. I remember wanting a Sonics jacket back in school. Bullet dodged.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-11-29 11:38:37)

I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The Olympics and World Cup should be available to stream online easily. The fact that I can't watch it online because I don't have cable TV makes me violently angry.
Check discord.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Literally Google soccer streams

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The Olympics and World Cup should be available to stream online easily. The fact that I can't watch it online because I don't have cable TV makes me violently angry.
they're the biggest money-making sporting events in the world. pretty well the biggest public events of any type in the world. are you surprised that broadcasters, networks, sponsors, etc, are rubbing their hands once every 4 years and trying to take their cut? professional sports themselves are a creation of the broadcast media and major networks. that's where the money gets pumped in.

that said, it's trivially easy to find a stream? i'm in korea and i'm watching it on the BBC via a VPN that i've had on my laptop for years anyway.
I am all that is MOD!

Professional sports were definitely not a creation of broadcast media. Media rights for live sports really only became lucrative after the widespread availability and use of DVRs. Before then, ticket sales were what drove revenue.

Media rights is definitely what blew sports franchise valuations and spending through the roof, no doubt.
that is clearly what i meant. it's what took them into the global stratosphere. the world cup before broadcast media was nowhere near as big, and 'professional sports' were not as slick and streamlined. especially since the 90s and the advent of cable/satellite tv things like the english premiere league (via sky) are on an entirely different order. calm down babe ruth.

Last edited by uziq (2022-11-29 16:49:02)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I just think for both events there is a big contradiction regarding it being "world event" but also something I need to pay Comcast to watch.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
go to a bar

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I just think for both events there is a big contradiction regarding it being "world event" but also something I need to pay Comcast to watch.
move to europe then. it’s free to watch on state broadcasters. sucker.

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