The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Boris - let the bodies pile up - Johnson
Liz - burn the poor to warm the rich Truss

The pattern is obvious.
Fuck Israel
no, it's not. read a book.

lmfao at putting boris johnson and liz truss in the company of ... erm, hitler, stalin, and mao.

you sound even more hysterical than people who compared trump's administration to straight-up fascism (hint: it wasn't really even close either).
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I don't think you understand how history works.

Johnson was advised the covid death rate could be colossal, he sat back and did nothing.
Fuck Israel
i don't think you understand how morality, or the law, works.

negligence or idiocy are not the same things as prosecuting a fucking genocide based on a political or explicitly hateful ideology.

jesus christ dilbert. take some time out.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I read an interesting Atlantic article that argued that "social media" is a geriatric institution now. The biggest companies aren't as profitable anymore, userbase are either declining or stagnant, and arguably it isn't as creative and fun anymore. Too politicized and cultured war like everything else.

TikTok is still doing well despite the U.S. government's best efforts.
ditto with all the big venture capitalist funded servant apps. the good times are over on those. good riddance to the exploitative trash.

“Unprofitable “on-demand” services like someone bringing a coke to your door gave people a sense of affluence in a decade of stagnant wage growth. But they were subsidised by investors, and now the money is drying up.”


it’s not even as if social media is out of date and passé now — it’s actively harmful for grandma and uncle jimbob. we had a hot decade there of totally unregulated and toxic companies mainlining outrage for clicks and engagement.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I used UberEats a lot during my WFH phase because it was easier than getting dressed to go out to get a cup of coffee.
Now that everything is opened up again and every chain food place has an app with a "Deals" section, I don't use UE anymore.

The venture capitalists at Uber were hoping self driving electric cars became feasible enough to replace all of the drivers and balance the books. It could probably work now in an empty suburb but in the big cities, where the urbanite money is, you would end up with run over people and vandalism.

Speaking of urbanites...the cities are making a comeback. Companies are rolling back their remote work options. People want to go to concerts and clubs again. You could drop super COVID on Brooklyn and plenty of people would still be desperate to move. I want to live in Brooklyn.
my publishing house downsized to a smaller boutique office in some hipster regenerated brewery district. it was a giant plate glass corporate HQ before split over 3 entire floors.

people are working remotely 3/5 days of the week afaik. and there’s widespread talk of trialling a 4-day work week.

this is representative of lots of companies in the UK at the moment. offices are not returning in the way they were before. being in corporate real estate must be a drag right now. still, those ugly plate glass buildings would convert nicely to blocks of uglier studio apartments.
“Antibiotic-resistant strains of both [E. coli & S. aureus] were found in rivers adjacent to pig and chicken factory farms, as well as in slurry runoff from intensive dairy farms.”

remember when dilbert tried to make out it was only india who were sleepwalking into a superbug apocalypse because of lax regulations and poor management?

remember when i told him that the west was facing hospital superbugs and antibiotic resistance in the general population too?

‘the next global health emergency is going to come from indians infected with e. coli!’

yeah, that was pretty funny.

ok racist boomer.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Except India is one or two decades ahead and racing faster day by day
Fuck Israel
citation needed, otherwise you’re just making stuff up. we have superbug outbreaks in our hospitals all the time. quantify your bullshit.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
MRSA Developed in India in the 1960s
https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/poo … 54.article

Literally the epicentre for multiple infections.
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-heal … umps-10pc/
Fuck Israel
first isolates of MRSA were found in the UK. not that it matters because, you know, it’s a bug that develops in hospital settings the world over … using the exact same antibiotics.

india doesn’t have access to expensive or higher-tier antibiotics. it’s not some unique failing of their medical practice that they are particularly susceptible to superbugs. rich nations encountered the same problems in the 1960s too. the difference is we could pivot to novel treatments and lean on our multibillion dollar pharmaceutical conglomerates.

how are you so consistently wrong and malign in your interpretation of everything?

liking to bet that australia is ahead of india on the bovine or swine flu stats, eh?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
The fact is MRSA developed in India and was transmitted to the UK.

india doesn’t have access to expensive or higher-tier antibiotics
Good, hopefully this means they can't fuck them up.

Meanwhile India is well on track to deliver drug-proof TB to the world, highly contagious, fairly deadly and causes crippling injury.

We should wall them in now.
Fuck Israel

I don't understand why people don't want their land stolen and despoiled.

Canada's TC Energy has shut the Keystone pipeline after one of the largest onshore spills saw 14,000 barrels leak into a Kansas creek
https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets … r-AA155cJA

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I don't understand why people don't want their land stolen and despoiled.

Canada's TC Energy has shut the Keystone pipeline after one of the largest onshore spills saw 14,000 barrels leak into a Kansas creek
https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets … r-AA155cJA
why would joe biden do this

Musk's Fauci tweet angers medical Twitter
https://www.axios.com/2022/12/12/medica … auci-tweet

"Why are you guys so obsessed with Musk!" decry Musk fans and the incurious. The man slimes his way into a major social media platform to transform it into his personal vent, from which to float political ideas and apparently sow COVID skepticism. Nobody is allowed to say anything about it, apparently, without being called obsessed!

It's the Trump Derangement Syndrome all over again.
it’s funny how pro-science people like musk and dilbert totally rubbish and overlook the 3 years of mostly selfless, turbo-overtime work that virologists and epidemiologists did to deliver us from the worst consequences of a global pandemic. they spend most of their efforts fretting over detective thriller style conspiracy theories, vilifying individuals, muttering darkly about shadowy powers, and so on.

if they had any actual literacy or clue about the science behind this stuff, they’d be right behind the consensus of these scientists who have been working on the problem. but no. they’re more interested in calling for fauci to be tried by a grand jury, or in recycling piffle about ‘scientists being in on the grand cover-up about gain of function’.

it’s endlessly ironic that they’ve based their entire self-image out of being empiricists, men of reason, polymathic genii, even — and yet at the end of the day their rhetoric and its effects are no different from your standard, run-of-the-mill ignoramus bigot. may as well be a scientologist or a bible belt pastor with all this anti-science talk.

https://twitter.com/peterhotez/status/1 … Fq5HlQoing
prof peter hotez sums it up.

musk and his fans: he’s a genius CEO! he works 12 hours a day! he slept on the tesla factory floor! he’s illegally turned twitter HQ into live-in accommodation! hardcore! thank you so much billionaire boss daddy!

also musk and his fans: LoL the covid scientists who worked tirelessly around the clock for 3 years for zero real pay or recognition. they’re branch covidians LoL. cuckoo! get wrekt bitch and build us a cyber truck or flamethrower already.

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-13 17:09:16)

It’s the Trump Derangement Syndrome all over again.
you see the same pattern of self-aggrandisement in dilbert’s posturing. and it’s ultimately all about insecurity. everything he’s done in his life is quietly, if not loudly, heroic. endless sacrifice. unrecognised genius. he’s hardcore baby. those other people who stepped up? who served? nah, they’re compromised in some way. they are suspect. they couldn’t even invent a perfect vaccine that gives 100% protection. actually, they conspired to serve us a lie. they spread the pandemic on purpose. possibly with chinese help. did i mention there’s going to be a war with china? i told you so lock her up! lock them up! lock (((them))) up!

isn’t it weird that these individuals are all still being mummy’d well into middle-age, too? a real psychological type. the constant need to be the moral exemplar, the brilliant one, the hero in the fray, the one setting the world to rights (and how much more fun if said world is against them or they are unrecognised for it: they're all woke libs humanities hipsters anyway, and i know mummy will have my back forever and ever).

i also love the fact that the vagaries and accidents of the pandemic made musk and the other billionaire class immensely wealthy, for practically doing nothing, or doing nothing different to pre-pandemic anyway. meanwhile the real heroes and people who delivered humanity from mass death and lockdowns without end are struggling to win pay rises in keeping with the rate of inflation. the real people who serve the common good and work in ‘public service’.

and the ‘future leaders of humanity’, elon and his elohim, what have they done in this time? with their new riches? they sunk their money into VR headsets for online corporate meetings and NFT auction spaces. they built cock-shaped rockets to take star trek tourists into low earth orbit. they killed 16,000 chimps trying to put Siri and Alexa chips in their brains.

and they basically squandered all of the hundreds of billions of extra dollars in net worth that the pandemic served them on a plate. they’re fuckin’ GENIUSES! we need to give these guys more free rein to pursue their ends. check this, they even have their own philosophies now, ‘effective altruism’ and ‘longtermism’ … dig it, man! eugenics is hip again! we’ve just replaced aryan master race bunkum with engineering master race!

Last edited by uziq (2022-12-13 17:45:41)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

LoL the covid scientists who worked tirelessly around the clock for 3 years for zero real pay or recognition.
But some of them have done stupid things, and forgetting about them you can be sure the Chinese have been working to weaponise this.
Poor project management let the virus team get ahead of the vaccine team.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

you see the same pattern of self-aggrandisement in dilbert’s posturing. and it’s ultimately all about insecurity. everything he’s done in his life is quietly, if not loudly, heroic. endless sacrifice. unrecognised genius. he’s hardcore baby. those other people who stepped up? who served? nah, they’re compromised in some way. they are suspect. they couldn’t even invent a perfect vaccine that gives 100% protection. actually, they conspired to serve us a lie. they spread the pandemic on purpose. possibly with chinese help. did i mention there’s going to be a war with china? i told you so lock her up! lock them up! lock (((them))) up!

isn’t it weird that these individuals are all still being mummy’d well into middle-age, too? a real psychological type. the constant need to be the moral exemplar, the brilliant one, the hero in the fray, the one setting the world to rights (and how much more fun if said world is against them or they are unrecognised for it: they're all woke libs humanities hipsters anyway, and i know mummy will have my back forever and ever).

i also love the fact that the vagaries and accidents of the pandemic made musk and the other billionaire class immensely wealthy, for practically doing nothing, or doing nothing different to pre-pandemic anyway. meanwhile the real heroes and people who delivered humanity from mass death and lockdowns without end are struggling to win pay rises in keeping with the rate of inflation. the real people who serve the common good and work in ‘public service’.

and the ‘future leaders of humanity’, elon and his elohim, what have they done in this time? with their new riches? they sunk their money into VR headsets for online corporate meetings and NFT auction spaces. they built cock-shaped rockets to take star trek tourists into low earth orbit. they killed 16,000 chimps trying to put Siri and Alexa chips in their brains.

and they basically squandered all of the hundreds of billions of extra dollars in net worth that the pandemic served them on a plate. they’re fuckin’ GENIUSES! we need to give these guys more free rein to pursue their ends. check this, they even have their own philosophies now, ‘effective altruism’ and ‘longtermism’ … dig it, man! eugenics is hip again! we’ve just replaced aryan master race bunkum with engineering master race!
My god, you're actually obsessed with me.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

LoL the covid scientists who worked tirelessly around the clock for 3 years for zero real pay or recognition.
But some of them have done stupid things, and forgetting about them you can be sure the Chinese have been working to weaponise this.
Poor project management let the virus team get ahead of the vaccine team.
it took a concerted global effort the likes of which we basically never see. the global scientific community did well on this one, i'm sorry, there's just no other way around it. we had leading universities donating free vaccines, collaborations between turkish-german companies and mega-conglomerates, information and resource sharing across continents and geopolitical divides, etc. was it perfect? obviously not. did some derps drop the ball? undoubtedly. did some rogue actors even use it as an opportunity to boost their profile, make a pass at a prestigious award, enrich themselves personally? yep. we even had a retraction in the Lancet over dodgy research. exceptional circumstances involve these things.

but the net outcome is that we developed a vaccine faster than ever before, for a class of diseases hitherto thought to be vaccine-resistant or practically pointless to vaccinate against, in any case. the first few months of the pandemic were spelling all sorts of doom. science delivered us from that. people who focus on what fauci did or didn't do or did or didn't say are really hammering away at the wrong thing.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

you see the same pattern of self-aggrandisement in dilbert’s posturing. and it’s ultimately all about insecurity. everything he’s done in his life is quietly, if not loudly, heroic. endless sacrifice. unrecognised genius. he’s hardcore baby. those other people who stepped up? who served? nah, they’re compromised in some way. they are suspect. they couldn’t even invent a perfect vaccine that gives 100% protection. actually, they conspired to serve us a lie. they spread the pandemic on purpose. possibly with chinese help. did i mention there’s going to be a war with china? i told you so lock her up! lock them up! lock (((them))) up!

isn’t it weird that these individuals are all still being mummy’d well into middle-age, too? a real psychological type. the constant need to be the moral exemplar, the brilliant one, the hero in the fray, the one setting the world to rights (and how much more fun if said world is against them or they are unrecognised for it: they're all woke libs humanities hipsters anyway, and i know mummy will have my back forever and ever).

i also love the fact that the vagaries and accidents of the pandemic made musk and the other billionaire class immensely wealthy, for practically doing nothing, or doing nothing different to pre-pandemic anyway. meanwhile the real heroes and people who delivered humanity from mass death and lockdowns without end are struggling to win pay rises in keeping with the rate of inflation. the real people who serve the common good and work in ‘public service’.

and the ‘future leaders of humanity’, elon and his elohim, what have they done in this time? with their new riches? they sunk their money into VR headsets for online corporate meetings and NFT auction spaces. they built cock-shaped rockets to take star trek tourists into low earth orbit. they killed 16,000 chimps trying to put Siri and Alexa chips in their brains.

and they basically squandered all of the hundreds of billions of extra dollars in net worth that the pandemic served them on a plate. they’re fuckin’ GENIUSES! we need to give these guys more free rein to pursue their ends. check this, they even have their own philosophies now, ‘effective altruism’ and ‘longtermism’ … dig it, man! eugenics is hip again! we’ve just replaced aryan master race bunkum with engineering master race!
My god, you're actually obsessed with me.
i just think it's funny you've been making incoherent rantings about 'humanities graduates' for years, no matter the topic, and yet the whole world right now is getting a close-up in-depth investigation of the toxicity of certain 'engineering master race' types who would declare themselves philosopher-kings and representatives of humanity, if they could.

the whole silicon valley–tech billionaire–engineering STEM lord axis is currently in the limelight in multiple stories, and all of them are seen to be flailing. so of course it's great fun to rub this under your nose. it's funny how these can just be a few lone crazies, or 'jews', or 'elon now has a drug problem', but when it's BoJo or someone similar they are obviously stand-in representatives for the humanities as a whole.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Musk is taking a privately owned web portal down the plughole - I mean so what? Its just a collection of electrons on a glass plate somewhere.

Meanwhile the Yale and Oxford humanities elite are literally destroying people's lives, just like their arts enthusiast predecessors Hitler, Stalin, etc.
Fuck Israel
musk has far bigger ambitions than that, and he talked up twitter as being a central part of his 'vision' from the start. shame that, like zuckerberg's meta, he is deluded and surrounded by too many yes-men to tell him that his genius act is merely the acts of an overindulged baby.

what does yale have to do with this? can't think of the last person who went to yale who would draw your opprobrium. bush jnr? are you just randomly spitting out institutions and nouns now? is this the stage of your argument? do you have a prion disease?

i don't know about 'destroying people's lives', either. musk and the other silicon valley eggheads have led to lot of people losing their shirts and livelihoods. the thousands of staff he just laid off over the holidays might disagree with you. or the hundreds of thousands of investors who sunk money into tesla stock, which is currently heading off a cliff (musk is no longer the richest person in the world; but i guess the twitter side-show is irrelevant, right?)

it's kind of grimly ironic that your weird obsession with humanities runs so deep that you'll actually position yourself as a sympathiser to victims of the holocaust. you, noted anti-semite.

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