incredible take on history and politics there.

‘revolutionaries endorsed violence’.

australia was started by a bunch of criminal vagrants and genocidal racists, and yet you defend white civilisation as if it’s some noble high watermark of the species. make u think.

there’s literally an entire category of crimes in america for which you can’t post bail.

uziq wrote:

what the fuck lmao
It's been a real humdinger. Blake Masters, Nick Fuentes, and Donald Trump balled up in their grotesque orgy.

fuentes: … 9681342464 … democracy/

Republican operative Nick Fuentes reacts to GOP failures in the midterm elections: “We need a dictatorship. We need to take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe.” (from
masters dump:

"locked and loaded, 4 more days"


send help
it's kind of insane that blake masters was running against a candidate whose wife was shot in the head ... and his 'campaign advert' contains precisely 0 reference to policies or political visions at all. it's a 3 minute clip of the guy shooting a gun. making repeated fawning references to germans. stood next to his german car. that is bedecked with german badges and insignia. oh and he's fanboying over the gun that hitler used to kill himself.

totally normal. not even a little bit fashy.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

australia was started by a bunch of criminal vagrants and genocidal racists
We're talking about America though, and genocidal racism was normal mainstream thought back then, it is now really.

there’s literally an entire category of crimes in america for which you can’t post bail.
Not murder apparently

"The 26-year-old Combs was arrested a short time later while driving away from the shooting scene with his father.

His bond was set at $950,000 on suspicion of murder."

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-11-12 20:36:00)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

uziq wrote:

it's kind of insane that blake masters was running against a candidate whose wife was shot in the head ... and his 'campaign advert' contains precisely 0 reference to policies or political visions at all. it's a 3 minute clip of the guy shooting a gun. making repeated fawning references to germans. stood next to his german car. that is bedecked with german badges and insignia. oh and he's fanboying over the gun that hitler used to kill himself.

totally normal. not even a little bit fashy.
Trump-endorsed, folks.

Let's usher in an American monarchy. Trump family on the throne.

DesertFox- wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Shot multiple times. … r-AA13S2IP

Stakes aren't that low. People die because of our politics, and our policies tend to predict trends elsewhere.
Jesus Christ, the comments.
lmao, "it's not that I condone violence, but I understand the hate!"

hahahahaha, man

uziq wrote:

what the fuck lmao
I'd hasten to add that his bit about suppressors making ear protection unnecessary is a bit of nonsense. I think dilbert will back me up on this? Not all suppressors, or environments for shooting, are ear-safe. It's best to err (cough) on the side of caution.

Did Masters just see a youtube gun vid and with little prep or knowledge decide it would make a good ambiguous political ad? It doesn't make sense to me.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
.22 suppressors are completely effective, you'd make more noise spitting.

Other calibers - I'd imagine .25 and .32 would be pretty quiet. .45 can be effectively silenced.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

OK maybe for low caliber, but as a blanket statement it seems rather stupid. Wearing ear protection is not that uncomfortable. I forget it's there after long enough. Certainly better than developing tinnitus because some venture capitalist twit told you to was safe to go without.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, someone forgets to put subsonics in their silenced 9mm or someone pulls out an unsuppressed gun to 'join the fun'-> Permanent ear damage.

These days I don't set foot on a range without earplugs, one time I went in to put down my gear between matches and some moron just opened fire with no target up.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


Enough of a wave for Republicans to take a House majority.
Looks like a grand total of 3 seat majority in the House. The Democrats retain the Senate which is a big deal though so did Trump during his midterm. What is more interesting is how the governor and statehouses went. Democrats cleaned up down ballot.

"This is the first midterm cycle since 1998, where the non-incumbent party suffered net losses, and the first time since 1986 that the incumbent party net gained seats. Alaska remain undecided but Republicans lead." … _elections

The only way this could have worked out a little better if Democrats managed to win a handful of more races in NY. NY dropped the ball.

I'm still dissatisfied that it was even a contest. Some of these were really close, with some rather wingnutty Republicans running. Even if Trump goes away tomorrow, this bugbear hasn't been dealt with and it irks me to see Dems resting on their laurels.

Robert E. Lee: *linked to hundreds of thousands of American casualties*
The State of Georgia: Saturday voting forbidden during US Senate runoff due to former holiday dedicated to Robert E. Lee
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I really look forward to the inevitable day when Confederate iconography is mostly extinguished in the south.
didn't most of the trump-endorsed 'election was a steal'ers lose? sounds like the particularly pernicious parts of the party have been subdued. surely the republican machine is turning around on the next great hope and considering trump in general a bit of a loser. that has to be a good thing.

i know he and his populism have set the agenda for the repubs likely for the next decade to come or more, democracy certainly isn't out of the woods just yet, but it sounds like a lot of the american population mobilized to very explicitly shut that shit down.

the spreads of young women/gen-z voters in terms dems vs republicans really is something. something like 75% of all young women in certain constituencies voted for democrats. that's a pretty resounding message.

and the republicans response to politically conscientious youths and women/minorities seems to be: 'we need to raise the legal vote of ageing and make it harder for these minorities to get to the polls'. lol.

uziq wrote:

didn't most of the trump-endorsed 'election was a steal'ers lose? sounds like the particularly pernicious parts of the party have been subdued. surely the republican machine is turning around on the next great hope and considering trump in general a bit of a loser. that has to be a good thing.
you keep telling people your votes dont count and surprised pikachu your supporters dont go out and vote.
one political commentator's take on it, also, was that the really nutty MAGA wing at this point seem so far divorced from reality that they're actively helping the dems cause. a lot of swing voters or people who are lukewarm about the democratic parties' main platform are flocking to vote for them just because the republicans seem to be in danger of being captured by total christo-fascistic loonies. the louder they are, the more they're scaring people to the other side. pretty obvious downside of going so hard on the divisive culture wars stuff. a lot of people see the shit you're selling and go someplace else.

I'm still concerned about terroristic attacks from American ISIS, and rabble-rousing from Republicans who squeaked by. Strikes on the polls, assassination/kidnapping plots and attempts on government officials. This stuff needs to be thoroughly and firmly stamped out.

uziq wrote:

one political commentator's take on it, also, was that the really nutty MAGA wing at this point seem so far divorced from reality that they're actively helping the dems cause. .
dems are funding the extreme maga candidates as well. bold strategy cotton, it paid off this time.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

one political commentator's take on it, also, was that the really nutty MAGA wing at this point seem so far divorced from reality that they're actively helping the dems cause. a lot of swing voters or people who are lukewarm about the democratic parties' main platform are flocking to vote for them just because the republicans seem to be in danger of being captured by total christo-fascistic loonies. the louder they are, the more they're scaring people to the other side. pretty obvious downside of going so hard on the divisive culture wars stuff. a lot of people see the shit you're selling and go someplace else.
The whole situation is far worse than that. The Republican message about crime and inflation didn't work. Voters were not mobilized by it. Where does that leave Republicans going into '24 if the electorate doesn't buy into a "decline" narrative? Many of them want Ronnie D. to run but what will he run on if Americans don't take to heart the complaints about crime and inflation? What is left?
Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
They've also got 8 years left until their next gerrymander, so they've played that hand as well
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think 538 warned that the Republicans maxed their gerrymander a few years back to the point where they wouldn't be able to make gains and the districts they did gerrymander no longer were safe.

I checked the last 2 midterms that lost the Democrats the House. 2010 and 2022.

In 2010 the GOP got 51.7% of the vote and 242 seats. , … _elections
In 2022 the GOP got 50.8% of the vote and 218 seats. , … _elections

The 0.9% came out to a difference of 24 seats. 2010 was the highest percentage the GOP has gotten since olden times. In 2018, the Democrats got 53.4% and 235 seats. Which means, as everyone already knows, the Democrats have a higher ceiling even if structurally the way the house works favors the GOP.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am desperate to see a prime time GOP debate.

The blurb of the Mike Pence book not pulling any punches:

On January 6, 2021, as the president pressured him to overturn the election, a mob erected a gallows on Capitol Hill and its members chanted “Hang Mike Pence!” as they rampaged through the halls of Congress. The vice president refused to leave the Capitol, and once the riot was quelled, he reconvened Congress to complete the work of a peaceful transfer of power.
Titled "So Help Me God."


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