ever heard of a thing called a social life? how about a relationship? i recommend it. pip pip!
I just offer to buy people drinks when I'm around. It's a nice thing to do. Companies like Amazon I guess disagree.uziq wrote:
i think most companies offer free catering or at least hot drinks to their employees. it’s in their interest to have caffeinated and focused workers. well worth the occasional 15 minute break and water cooler chat.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
My company even had free drinks until someone began pilfering entire cases at a time. Like, chill out there, master thief. It's just some powerade.
I remember a story somewhere about wasteful catering. The big wigs would have like a full spread every day, but the peons weren't even allowed to come in and grab a sandwich after everyone "allowed" left. So much got thrown away. I don't know if it's true, but it does align with how some of these guys think.
iirc there have even been studies done on the availability of free coffee/tea in offices and its effects on the workforce. like it makes a measurable improvement in productivity. you don't even need to think of it as corporate altruism or a freebie or anything. it's in your own taskmaster's interests to supply you with a steady stream of psychogenic stimulants all day.
musk's first email to the entire company, after 3 weeks of chaos and 50% staff loss. he also called a company-wide 'hands up' meeting 2 days ago ... with an hour's notice. and he turned up 15 minutes late. and seemingly the only people to get the invite were engineering and product dev people. he didn't use a company-wide calendar or email invite or anything. those geniuses, they're just so QuIrKy!!!!
"sorry i scared away all of our major advertisers and rolled out a highly broken feature at my own behest, which will soon get us into trouble with the FTC. i guess you guys all need to come to the office right now and grind 40 hours minimum."
the funny thing about musk protesting that twitter is ‘broke’ and in ‘dire economic straits’ is that it’s very easy to pin all the blame for that on … the genius balding derp lord himself.
twitter is a publicly traded company. it's a matter of public record that as of the last day of 2021 it had $2.18 billion in cash equivalents and was only burning about $220 million a year. so how is it now on the verge of declaring bankruptcy?
this guy spent $44 billion dollars to run a multi-billion dollar venture into the ground in the space of 2.5 weeks. and his best idea to save it as a going concern is to target a '50% subscription rate' from its current userbase. which, it goes without saying, is totally unprecedented from any online subscription service, whether it's a paywalled newspaper or spotify or whatever. i think i read that USAtoday, for instance, have a 5-year-plan to get their subscriber numbers to 15% of the userbase by 2025. lmao.
he’s a genius! this will be studied in business textbooks for years.
can you imagine that some people want to trust this guy with running a colony on mars? can you imagine if this situation happened there? except instead of burning money, there’s a finite amount of oxygen and his piss-poor leadership means you’re all going to die instead of having a fun HR anecdote.
the musk fanboys like dilbert are basically making religious arguments at this point. trust in the lord! he moves in mysterious ways! not for us to reason why such a superior being does these seemingly idiotic things! there is a higher logic here that we can’t compass with our mortal minds!
"sorry i scared away all of our major advertisers and rolled out a highly broken feature at my own behest, which will soon get us into trouble with the FTC. i guess you guys all need to come to the office right now and grind 40 hours minimum."
the funny thing about musk protesting that twitter is ‘broke’ and in ‘dire economic straits’ is that it’s very easy to pin all the blame for that on … the genius balding derp lord himself.
twitter is a publicly traded company. it's a matter of public record that as of the last day of 2021 it had $2.18 billion in cash equivalents and was only burning about $220 million a year. so how is it now on the verge of declaring bankruptcy?
this guy spent $44 billion dollars to run a multi-billion dollar venture into the ground in the space of 2.5 weeks. and his best idea to save it as a going concern is to target a '50% subscription rate' from its current userbase. which, it goes without saying, is totally unprecedented from any online subscription service, whether it's a paywalled newspaper or spotify or whatever. i think i read that USAtoday, for instance, have a 5-year-plan to get their subscriber numbers to 15% of the userbase by 2025. lmao.
he’s a genius! this will be studied in business textbooks for years.
can you imagine that some people want to trust this guy with running a colony on mars? can you imagine if this situation happened there? except instead of burning money, there’s a finite amount of oxygen and his piss-poor leadership means you’re all going to die instead of having a fun HR anecdote.
the musk fanboys like dilbert are basically making religious arguments at this point. trust in the lord! he moves in mysterious ways! not for us to reason why such a superior being does these seemingly idiotic things! there is a higher logic here that we can’t compass with our mortal minds!
Last edited by uziq (2022-11-11 04:20:17)
Musk will save humanity, you'll see.
Collapsing twitter is part of the masterplan.
Collapsing twitter is part of the masterplan.
Fuck Israel
i just think it's highly ironic that you've been here saying that, if only we let engineering autistic godbrains run society, all of our woes could be fixed pronto.
and yet here we have musk, the posterchild of inventor-engineer autistic godbrain, disastrously mismanaging a social media company, with the entire world gawping in astonishment as it unfolds in real time. surely a company/platform like twitter is more apposite and relevant to your proposal of running society as a whole, rather than a car company or whatever? a social media company at least has some notional overlap with democratic issues, free speech, representation, censorship, truth and accountability, etc - all these nebulous ideas that STEM autists generally get impatient with and yet which are the 'thin blue line' of breathable atmosphere making the difference between a living democracy and a red, dead planet.
musk's style of running an organisation is atrocious. we had intimations of this from cowed and bullied engineers at tesla, but the NDAs and lawyers on retainers have generally kept that shtum. but here ... well. within the first month he has (mistakenly) fired half of his most important staff (and hastily tried to re-hire them). he has alienated all of the people in his organisation who are most valuable to its success. all those irritating, tedious 'legal experts' and their wearisome, detail-oriented briefs around persnickety issues like free speech laws and FTC compliance ... ohhh what a bore. rocket go boom! car go vroom! can't the whole world be like this? no, elon, it cannot.
it turns out elon has no skills for communications, no abilities for people management, no social talents whatsoever, really. all of which are absolutely crucial to running a large organisation, let alone democracy as a whole. negotiation, compromise, coalition-building: these are the essences of a functioning democratic society. twitter HQ is bereft of them right now.
it's amazing that you've said 'let us engineers deal with it' for 5 years and now we are all watching the idol of engineering goobers burn $44 billion dollars and earn the opprobrium of, well, everyone really.
really make u think. maybe you're wrong and have been talking shit for years?
and yet here we have musk, the posterchild of inventor-engineer autistic godbrain, disastrously mismanaging a social media company, with the entire world gawping in astonishment as it unfolds in real time. surely a company/platform like twitter is more apposite and relevant to your proposal of running society as a whole, rather than a car company or whatever? a social media company at least has some notional overlap with democratic issues, free speech, representation, censorship, truth and accountability, etc - all these nebulous ideas that STEM autists generally get impatient with and yet which are the 'thin blue line' of breathable atmosphere making the difference between a living democracy and a red, dead planet.
musk's style of running an organisation is atrocious. we had intimations of this from cowed and bullied engineers at tesla, but the NDAs and lawyers on retainers have generally kept that shtum. but here ... well. within the first month he has (mistakenly) fired half of his most important staff (and hastily tried to re-hire them). he has alienated all of the people in his organisation who are most valuable to its success. all those irritating, tedious 'legal experts' and their wearisome, detail-oriented briefs around persnickety issues like free speech laws and FTC compliance ... ohhh what a bore. rocket go boom! car go vroom! can't the whole world be like this? no, elon, it cannot.
it turns out elon has no skills for communications, no abilities for people management, no social talents whatsoever, really. all of which are absolutely crucial to running a large organisation, let alone democracy as a whole. negotiation, compromise, coalition-building: these are the essences of a functioning democratic society. twitter HQ is bereft of them right now.
it's amazing that you've said 'let us engineers deal with it' for 5 years and now we are all watching the idol of engineering goobers burn $44 billion dollars and earn the opprobrium of, well, everyone really.
really make u think. maybe you're wrong and have been talking shit for years?
"that twitter continues to appeal to advertisers," as if it hasn't lost its appeal already.
This has been a joke for awhile, but I think twitter drives the punchline home for many.can you imagine that some people want to trust this guy with running a colony on mars? can you imagine if this situation happened there? except instead of burning money, there’s a finite amount of oxygen and his piss-poor leadership means you’re all going to die instead of having a fun HR anecdote.
musk had a meeting with their major advertisers. as he was speaking they were literally pulling out their campaigns and money. during the meeting.
i don’t know how anyone can perform that badly. this is the world’s richest man. how bad do you have to be to scare off advertisers like that?
i don’t know how anyone can perform that badly. this is the world’s richest man. how bad do you have to be to scare off advertisers like that?
It shouldn't take a business genius to understand that maybe you should keep people on who understand the company and its infrastructure, to manage communications within the company. Especially useful during a precarious time like this? How is he continually failing so badly, so often, at Twitter?
I guess Dilbert said it. The Muskovites will call it an plan to intentionally bring Twitter down from within, I suppose.
I guess Dilbert said it. The Muskovites will call it an plan to intentionally bring Twitter down from within, I suppose.
Drugs, they turn your head into emmentaler.uziq wrote:
i just think it's highly ironic that you've been here saying that, if only we let engineering autistic godbrains run society, all of our woes could be fixed pronto.
and yet here we have musk, the posterchild of inventor-engineer autistic godbrain, disastrously mismanaging a social media company, with the entire world gawping in astonishment as it unfolds in real time. surely a company/platform like twitter is more apposite and relevant to your proposal of running society as a whole, rather than a car company or whatever? a social media company at least has some notional overlap with democratic issues, free speech, representation, censorship, truth and accountability, etc - all these nebulous ideas that STEM autists generally get impatient with and yet which are the 'thin blue line' of breathable atmosphere making the difference between a living democracy and a red, dead planet.
musk's style of running an organisation is atrocious. we had intimations of this from cowed and bullied engineers at tesla, but the NDAs and lawyers on retainers have generally kept that shtum. but here ... well. within the first month he has (mistakenly) fired half of his most important staff (and hastily tried to re-hire them). he has alienated all of the people in his organisation who are most valuable to its success. all those irritating, tedious 'legal experts' and their wearisome, detail-oriented briefs around persnickety issues like free speech laws and FTC compliance ... ohhh what a bore. rocket go boom! car go vroom! can't the whole world be like this? no, elon, it cannot.
it turns out elon has no skills for communications, no abilities for people management, no social talents whatsoever, really. all of which are absolutely crucial to running a large organisation, let alone democracy as a whole. negotiation, compromise, coalition-building: these are the essences of a functioning democratic society. twitter HQ is bereft of them right now.
it's amazing that you've said 'let us engineers deal with it' for 5 years and now we are all watching the idol of engineering goobers burn $44 billion dollars and earn the opprobrium of, well, everyone really.
really make u think. maybe you're wrong and have been talking shit for years?
Fuck Israel
alcohol is neurotoxic and causes brain damage, in any quantity, genius. maybe you should quit your consumption?Dilbert_X wrote:
Drugs, they turn your head into emmentaler.
maybe read some science once in a while? for a person who bases their entire identity around their IQ and 'rationality', you're weirdly impervious to facts that don't suit you.
but, yes, i also think it's very funny that musk basically bought twitter when on a 3-day drug bender and is now committed to one of the most costly mistakes ever made by a human being at any point in all history.
lord knows i've had some benders and made some questionable decisions, but i certainly never binged my way into leveraging immense debts with the saudis, russians, and chinese.
i guess a pertinent question is: if engineering STEM geniuses are so well-equipped to run society, how do they fall foul of such obvious human pitfalls? disappearing down the wormhole of drug abuse, really? what sort of genius leader-of-mankind engineer gets snared by that? not very smart!
Last edited by uziq (2022-11-11 19:57:57)
all of the people crucial to keeping twitter a legal and feasible proposition quit, en masse.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
LOL rip twitter blue https://twitter.com/MikeSington/status/ … 6033323009
musk's spitballed ideas and flip-flopping are hugely damaging to the company.
rolling out a feature, changing it on a whim (in response to a stephen king tweet, i mean WTF?), and then suddenly removing it altogether?
if this was a mom-and-pop restaurant and they changed the menu twice in a month, you'd immediately know it was an amateur operation.
this is one of the busiest websites on the internet. a multi-billion dollar company. being led almost exclusively by one guy acting on coke-binge hunches.
it's actually hilarious.
musk spent years on very expensive PR management to cultivate this image of a maverick genius. the 'quirky' man of greatness. that shine has been tarnished forever. this is sheer incompetence. you have to drink an awful lot of kool-aid to look at the events of the last month and still claim that musk is some superhuman intellect. he's a typical silicon valley blagger who has talked a lot of claptrap and delivered on only about 15% of it (largely thanks to the genuine efforts and intelligence of other people, of course).
Last edited by uziq (2022-11-11 20:08:01)
So according to bildert, the best man for the job of saving humanity is, er, a swiss cheese brained, drug-addled, loudmouthed mismanager who fumbles billions of dollars.
Imagine if his oil stocks crash because of some musk policy.
Imagine if his oil stocks crash because of some musk policy.
Musk should unban Trump.

Elon Musk clarifies that Donald Trump and other banned accounts won't be allowed back on Twitter before the midterm elections, if at all
BI - https://news.yahoo.com/elon-musk-clarif … 53151.html
On one hand, I supported twitter banning accounts for violating site policy. On the other, wellL:
It is kind of spooky in a way that a company can make of itself host to political discourse and official politician accounts at the presidential level, but still gets to decide who can and cannot contribute and what. In this case specifically around the time of a major election. Twitter, flexing its muscle on the midterms. It wants all of that traffic, but still wants to control comments and snipes between senators and congressmen.
I guess in a way, this was already a thing. The sheer amount of politicians in the pockets of private interests are already controlled in official government buildings.
BI - https://news.yahoo.com/elon-musk-clarif … 53151.html
On one hand, I supported twitter banning accounts for violating site policy. On the other, wellL:
It is kind of spooky in a way that a company can make of itself host to political discourse and official politician accounts at the presidential level, but still gets to decide who can and cannot contribute and what. In this case specifically around the time of a major election. Twitter, flexing its muscle on the midterms. It wants all of that traffic, but still wants to control comments and snipes between senators and congressmen.
I guess in a way, this was already a thing. The sheer amount of politicians in the pockets of private interests are already controlled in official government buildings.
that insulin tweet cost the company $17 billion in stock value.
from an $8 account.
elon musk is the smartest human being on the planet. wealth is really commensurate with intelligence. billionaires are that way because they're just on another level to the rest of us.
from an $8 account.
elon musk is the smartest human being on the planet. wealth is really commensurate with intelligence. billionaires are that way because they're just on another level to the rest of us.
this is honestly fucking priceless. the entire media and extended TED talk universe colluded in hyping this guy, making believe he was real-life Iron Man. everyone fooled themselves and bought into the very obvious myth-making.
and some of the most powerful corporations in the world are taking multi-billion dollar hits because of his impulsive, narcissistic behaviour. it’s like they created a golem. this is a frankensteins monster character arc.
whether it’s crypto pump-and-dumps or twitter meltdowns, so many people have lost their shirts over musk. bwahahahah.
I've seen the banana one around a lot, it's like a festival on imgur. The "social media" site that likes to pretend it's better than the others.
I nearly lost it at the Lockheed Martin tweet earlier. lmao
I nearly lost it at the Lockheed Martin tweet earlier. lmao
I love the troll dynamic that some of these troll accounts have. In order to correct misconceptions, some of these companies have to come onto twitter and say "actually no that wasn't us, we're still evil."
This is one of the reasons why I've made a decades long habit of not doing social media under my actual name. It would be hard to fake a post from me because, well, I don't really post and people in my circles know it. My facebook and linkedin are pretty barren. There's something a little gratifying about watching these companies burn because they just had to have a social media presence. Then along comes Musk's Twitter and nobody can tell the difference between a parody account and a sarcastic quip from Wendy's corporate.
e: I hope the class action against Twitter by former employees pans out.
e: I hope the class action against Twitter by former employees pans out.
the very idea that with $8 and 120 characters, posting from a mobile phone whilst sat on the toilet, can cause billions of dollars of damages/devaluations … is an amazingly pithy statement of late capitalist society in 2022.
His hipster girlfriend plied him with drugs.uziq wrote:
i guess a pertinent question is: if engineering STEM geniuses are so well-equipped to run society, how do they fall foul of such obvious human pitfalls? disappearing down the wormhole of drug abuse, really? what sort of genius leader-of-mankind engineer gets snared by that? not very smart!
Hipsters are the nexus of all evil.
Fuck Israel