also: which picture? i’m bemused by the idea you have ready access to one of my pictures.SuperJail Warden wrote:
I showed the Chinese girl a picture of Uzique
The what do you look like thread if full of them

you opened bf2s in front of a girl? can't decide if brave or suicidal.
Even more risky I didn't have my do not disturb on.

Well its funny, you've not given a shit about all the people who died gasping deaths over hours and days from covid - prioritising getting the world 'back to normal' ie socialising - over people's lives. In the same week in SK 149 people died of covid, did that slow you down at all?uziq wrote:
and fuck you if my language wasn't apropos or fine-tuned enough for you. i was posting on my phone at 5.30am after watching hell unfold for six hours. i spent 4 frantic hours on the phone to everyone i know here, trying to ascertain their whereabouts. trains were closed. taxis were unavailable. emergency buses had to be arranged. it was a clusterfuck.Dilbert_X wrote:
So what did that mean exactly? Sounds like a ski-bum following the weather TBHGTFO’ing this district in november....i don’t think this area will recover
i was half-drunken (no i didn't keep drinking once the events started to unfold) and in sheer shock. i watched people die from a rooftop! "following the weather", oh my god. is this the same guy who has spent the last 4 decades of his life continuously talking about how his depression before university and his family legal troubles have shadowed his entire life? talk about a shallow drip of a personality.
sorry if my phrasing seemed flippant or not considerate enough for your exacting moral standards. is being witness to a mass death event not deserving of any consideration or patience from you? there is honestly something gone-off in your personality. you're a sour little bastard.
Nor have you expressed any sympathy for the death and human misery in the trade which delivers your party powders - your fun comes first.
Did it actually take people dying in front of you to wake up and take notice that dying is bad?
You made four freudian slips in your posts, too late to take them back now.
Fuck Israel
That's not a fair accusation from you considering you buy into the shallowest COVID conspiracy theories and facebook science about vaccinology, virology, epidemiology (your cherry picking isn't even consistent). Very poor taste to be pressing it at this point anyway, "strike while the iron is hot," wow. You're acting every bit the embittered, tetchy narcissist you call uzique. Would fit right in with the Republicans, I don't know why you don't like Trump.
dilbert wrote:
'zeek doesn't care about the masses, but pardon me while I run air conditioners and take cars everywhere. Also did I ever tell you how much I hate Indians?
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-11-01 03:20:23)
dilbert, get help. you are seriously off the deep end. trying to guilt trip people for going out for drinks and enjoying their lives isn’t working for you. nobody but nobody thinks you’re making a point.
where did i lack sympathy for covid victims? i’m suddenly now heartless because i moved country and in the process went through one of the most surveilled and cautious covid regimes on the planet? i didn’t give anyone covid, dilbert, and my method of moving was about as low risk as could be outside of staying inside the house for 5 years.
at this point even centre-right voices of opinion like the economist mag is recommending in editorials that the US, colombia, etc., be bolder in their recent weed decriminalisation and to decriminalise cocaine. the war on drugs has failed but, again, i don’t know why i bear any great deal of responsibility for that? i haven’t taken cocaine in years at this point and the european supply line doesn’t cross into cartel land where all the narco violence takes place. do you know anything about the cocaine supply in europe? i guess not.
my biggest mistake is a ‘freudian slip’ (not sure you know what that means) but your mistake is in berating and trying to make the same tired, cucked little arguments, even to someone in shock and distress. and you’re trying to take some sort of moral high ground here?
you’re a very small man.
where did i lack sympathy for covid victims? i’m suddenly now heartless because i moved country and in the process went through one of the most surveilled and cautious covid regimes on the planet? i didn’t give anyone covid, dilbert, and my method of moving was about as low risk as could be outside of staying inside the house for 5 years.
at this point even centre-right voices of opinion like the economist mag is recommending in editorials that the US, colombia, etc., be bolder in their recent weed decriminalisation and to decriminalise cocaine. the war on drugs has failed but, again, i don’t know why i bear any great deal of responsibility for that? i haven’t taken cocaine in years at this point and the european supply line doesn’t cross into cartel land where all the narco violence takes place. do you know anything about the cocaine supply in europe? i guess not.
my biggest mistake is a ‘freudian slip’ (not sure you know what that means) but your mistake is in berating and trying to make the same tired, cucked little arguments, even to someone in shock and distress. and you’re trying to take some sort of moral high ground here?
you’re a very small man.
Side, side-note, some of the nicest people I remember from school were Indian (or otherwise from out of country). Meanwhile, the all-American kids were definitely the resident bullies. Imagine being from a poor family making fun of another kid for being from an even poorer family. Fig A, Fox-enjoyer in pupal stage.
Mocking the German kid's accent around the rough edges of your own speech impediment. Sel-fown.
/c s b
Mocking the German kid's accent around the rough edges of your own speech impediment. Sel-fown.
/c s b
i don’t know how i can be an embittered person in his view. it seems his problem with me is precisely that i’m out and enjoying my life — too much so, in his view. i get accused of being a hedonist and a selfish partier but i’m also bitter? make it make sense.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
That's not a fair accusation from you considering you buy into the shallowest COVID conspiracy theories and facebook science about vaccinology, virology, epidemiology (your cherry picking isn't even consistent). Very poor taste to be pressing it at this point anyway, "strike while the iron is hot," wow. You're acting every bit the embittered, tetchy narcissist you call uzique. Would fit right in with the Republicans, I don't know why you don't like Trump.dilbert wrote:
'zeek doesn't care about the masses, but pardon me while I run air conditioners and take cars everywhere. Also did I ever tell you how much I hate Indians?
jumping down someone’s throat because one of their reactions to a once in a generation public tragedy is to get the hell away from ground zero is really something. practicing self-care and trying to minimise one’s own sense of shock and trauma aren’t mutually exclusively of having respect and sympathies for the victims. i have taken plenty of time to think about them and their families:- there’s people constantly in the streets outside in very public mourning. it would be hard not to at this point.
‘thinking of your own partying lifestyle’. that central area of itaewon is full of pop and r&b bars for students. there’s a reason most of the victims were in their early 20s. it was never the centre of my version of seoul nightlife. rather, it’s the neighbourhood where i get coffee and food in the day, or meet friends/dates for a craft beer. a friend owns a rooftop ‘listening’ bar here where people hang out to hear and dance to vinyl records and take in the lovely view. and right now it’s all been turned into a giant site of mourning, with tv news crews on every corner and foreign reporters asking around for interviews and witness testimonies; the entire national conversation is turning and churning on it. that’s a heavy atmosphere to live in every day. i need to be able to get up and go outside my apartment to work, otherwise my own mental health will soon become shot.
it’s totally moronic and, indeed, bitter and sour beyond all measure to accuse someone who wants to stay away from the site of a tragedy to be ‘thinking about following the weather’. trying to navigate life solo in a foreign country can be challenging at the best of times and this is really a bit too much, way out of my ability to fully comprehend and deal with. but i should feel guilty for, uhm, not wanting to cross the site of the tragedy every single day? fuck you. is this the same guy who daily exhibits a sense of martyrdom over things that happened decades ago in his personal life? i’m sure you’re well-equipped to deal with such an emotionally distressing environment.
the problem is just that dilbert lets his own highly individual, and rather abnormal and atypical, really, experiences colour his entire perception of life. you see it time and time again. so because undergraduate was a big emotional ordeal and formative event for him, everyone must be equally profoundly set (and seemingly fixed forever) by their uni years. and there’s really nothing he hates so much as seeing young people enjoy a social life, or have a good time, or feel simply happy to be doing something. coming to korea was one of the best decisions i’ve made in the last 5 years of my life; i’ve escaped a lot of my own ignorance about a new region of the world and learned some valuable lessons about myself in the process, being able to navigate and live alone in a totally alien society not being an inconsiderable one of them (which is more than the martyr-hero can say for himself). i’m profoundly grateful to this country and its people for that.
but dilbert can’t accept that for 95% of people such an experience, taking such a step outside the comfort zone, works out as an uncomplicatedly positive thing. he’s thwarted and stuck at home like a stick in the mud, so of course everyone who goes abroad is a ‘selfish beach partier’ who is uniquely responsible for ‘murdering the climate’ or something. or that anyone who finds new friends or love partners in that place is a ‘scummy expat’ or ‘sex tourist’. it’s just pathetic. then the guy mentions freudian slips! you don’t need to be a fine-tuned psychiatrist to see why these certain recurring topics press his buttons and get him moaning, time and time again. if the worst thing i’ve done in my life is get on a plane at the agreement and approval of two separate governments, one with its own very strict covid policy in place for international arrivals; if my crime is enjoying drinks in new climes and naturally making friends and new relationships with the locals here; then i think i’m making out alright. i can live with such moral depravities. it says everything about him, that normal young people doing normal young people things is constantly such a source of irritation and offence to him.
Last edited by uziq (2022-11-01 04:53:45)
You're bitter because you think comic book movies are highly dorky, you dislike Elon Musk, and you're generally jealous of the engineer master race.
i genuinely don’t have anything against STEM types. basically the only ones i’ve met with a weird ingrown-insular worldview are the engineering corps. physicists have nerd humour but not, in my experience, some biting hatred of what other groups of people get up to and find intellectually stimulating. ‘pure’ scientists don’t have the same sort of bullying, ingratiating profession as engineers, i guess.
the only other group i know which hold their own jobs, training process, education, etc, in such high esteem are lawyers. and then it’s not so harmful and socially toxic. they all just compete with one another to brag about who works the longest hours or accepts the shittiest conditions, etc. it’s a sort of esprit de corps. and harmless insofar as they’re only celebrating their own exploitation and shitsandwiches.
arrogant engineers have been like a foreseeable meme of web2.0 nerd culture. but dilbert at this point resembles the japanese soldier who was shot down on a remote island and spent the last 15 years still waging war with no one, angrily shaking a stick at the contrails of planes in the sky. even reddit bros aren’t this libidinally invested anymore in the ‘master race’, omg humanities serving fries lel, stuff.
he’s a genuine drip, anyway. ‘i nearly joined the paras when i was a youth but my father talked me out of it’. ‘i signed up for the TA but they never invited me to training’. it’s almost as if by even thinking about it, 25 years ago, that he was nine-tenths into the regiment. practically stormed the falklands himself. whereas in reality, in terms of actual actions taken, i fairly reckon moving to a foreign country alone took more balls than any military LARP he’s had about the paras. prove me wrong, coward!
the only other group i know which hold their own jobs, training process, education, etc, in such high esteem are lawyers. and then it’s not so harmful and socially toxic. they all just compete with one another to brag about who works the longest hours or accepts the shittiest conditions, etc. it’s a sort of esprit de corps. and harmless insofar as they’re only celebrating their own exploitation and shitsandwiches.
arrogant engineers have been like a foreseeable meme of web2.0 nerd culture. but dilbert at this point resembles the japanese soldier who was shot down on a remote island and spent the last 15 years still waging war with no one, angrily shaking a stick at the contrails of planes in the sky. even reddit bros aren’t this libidinally invested anymore in the ‘master race’, omg humanities serving fries lel, stuff.
he’s a genuine drip, anyway. ‘i nearly joined the paras when i was a youth but my father talked me out of it’. ‘i signed up for the TA but they never invited me to training’. it’s almost as if by even thinking about it, 25 years ago, that he was nine-tenths into the regiment. practically stormed the falklands himself. whereas in reality, in terms of actual actions taken, i fairly reckon moving to a foreign country alone took more balls than any military LARP he’s had about the paras. prove me wrong, coward!
Last edited by uziq (2022-11-01 06:03:49)
A lot of (former) military people I know would rather just forget that part of their lives. Turning back the clock on retirees I knew, two teachers at my high school were high up enlisted and officers respectively. Both of them told kids to consider college first. Meanwhile, our own mac claims to steer kids at the military. Oof …
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-11-01 06:18:58)
The funny thing is both of my grandfathers were veterans of the Korean War. My father was in the army. When I finished high school my parents were like don't be stupid "go to college."unnamednewbie13 wrote:
A lot of (former) military people I know would rather just forget that part of their lives. Turning back the clock on retirees I knew, two teachers at my high school were high up enlisted and officers respectively. Both of them told kids to consider college first. Meanwhile, our own mac claims to steer kids at the military. Oof …
Unfortunately my students aren't college material. They could definitely drive a truck through the desert or Russian forest.

The Chinese girl was curious about our status after I got her the bracelet. I joked "I scored some boyfriend points today" after I bought the thing for her and she brought that up last night. The "b-word" she said. I couldn't hear her tone after texted "a gift is just a gift" but I don't know.
I know how I feel: I enjoy her company and time but I would like to still pursue other women in the meantime. I would start a relationship with her but only if I get a carve out to pursue other (younger) (hotter) women. I don't know how to have that conversation. I don't want to have that conversation until I have a backup ready to go either.
I know how I feel: I enjoy her company and time but I would like to still pursue other women in the meantime. I would start a relationship with her but only if I get a carve out to pursue other (younger) (hotter) women. I don't know how to have that conversation. I don't want to have that conversation until I have a backup ready to go either.

Aren't you frequently calling them special ed? Do we really need another round of "Macnamara's Morons," as it was viciously put, in this country?SuperJail Warden wrote:
The funny thing is both of my grandfathers were veterans of the Korean War. My father was in the army. When I finished high school my parents were like don't be stupid "go to college."
Unfortunately my students aren't college material. They could definitely drive a truck through the desert or Russian forest.
If only there were colleges that teach blue collar stuff.
e: we don't like talking about grandfathers on this forum, lol
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-11-01 07:16:35)
i would humbly suggest you don't buy girls gifts, jewellery especially, if you are also actively on the look-out to meet someone else. that's what the pros call 'leading them on'.
I want an open relationship.

sure, they're not beyond the pale for a lot of women nowadays, if you're clear about communicating that.
but buying women jewellery is kind of, you know, a time-tested demonstration of your commitment.
outside of birthdays, or taking it in turns to pay for dinner, or something, i am not buying any girls that i'm dating presents.
but buying women jewellery is kind of, you know, a time-tested demonstration of your commitment.
outside of birthdays, or taking it in turns to pay for dinner, or something, i am not buying any girls that i'm dating presents.
Last edited by uziq (2022-11-01 08:28:40)
I almost always pay for dinner, breakfast, and lunch. I have bought her little gifts before and something bigger for her birthday. I don't see that as special or a commitment. I am generous and like gift giving. That's not love bombing.

your mileage may vary. if a guy buys a girl gifts or flowers in korea, you are most definitely not just platonic friends.
and you kind of are love bombing, no? one girl berates you and makes you feel bad about yourself; you go out and act extra nice and giving to another. that's for your sake, not because you intrinsically love giving gifts.
and you kind of are love bombing, no? one girl berates you and makes you feel bad about yourself; you go out and act extra nice and giving to another. that's for your sake, not because you intrinsically love giving gifts.
Last edited by uziq (2022-11-01 09:21:51)
I am generous during Christmas too.

Macbeth you need psychological if not psychiatric help. Your behaviour as described on this forum is wildly erratic, manipulative, deeply selfish, besides holding incredibly weird views on many things. I feel sorry for the girl who's on the receiving end of that 'attention'.
I pay for our dates out. I buy them gifts. I don't yell at them or put them down. I am very supportive of them and a great listener. Altogether I am a great boyfriend. And all I really want in return is sex with many different people so I can write about it. I don't think that is asking for too much.Larssen wrote:
Macbeth you need psychological if not psychiatric help. Your behaviour as described on this forum is wildly erratic, manipulative, deeply selfish, besides holding incredibly weird views on many things. I feel sorry for the girl who's on the receiving end of that 'attention'.

i mean, i'm not making any judgments here at all because i'm not close-in to the detail and frankly couldn't care less, but a large number of textbook abusers and even pickup artists 'pay for dates out and buy girls things'.
flexing the CC and doing the nice-guy act can be extremely insidious if you don't have good and clearly communicated shared intentions.
flexing the CC and doing the nice-guy act can be extremely insidious if you don't have good and clearly communicated shared intentions.
Last edited by uziq (2022-11-01 11:47:11)
I don't emotionally or physically abuse them. I know that bar is on the ground but going by what women tell me alone, a lot of guys treat them way worse.
I am going to be more clear about my intentions with girls going forward since I am aware I could love bomb and dangle a potential relationship in front of a girl to get what I want (#Stories.) I would be unsurprised if a few girls are actually more interested in me once I have a partner.
I just need to think up a way to convince the girl I am with to let me indulge my sexual impulses in return for being a loving and caring partner.
How do I broach this conversation?
I am going to be more clear about my intentions with girls going forward since I am aware I could love bomb and dangle a potential relationship in front of a girl to get what I want (#Stories.) I would be unsurprised if a few girls are actually more interested in me once I have a partner.
I just need to think up a way to convince the girl I am with to let me indulge my sexual impulses in return for being a loving and caring partner.
How do I broach this conversation?