details matter. your simple explanations belie your stupidity and addiction to tabloid narratives – like your soft spot for narratives about declinism, or replacement theory, or neat racial hierarchies, or any dumb 2-bit idea you subscribe to, really.

just as many elections have taken place across europe which didn't elect a far-right leader to power. you get less excited about those, though, oddly, for a totally non-fascist person who isn't at all a lickspittle looking for an easy occasion to put the boot into an indian or pole.

as for 'not forgetting brexit', the latest opinion polls are now returning Labour on a commanding lead not seen since the 1990s. so, if the current weathervane is correct, the Tory's are on the way out and 'the People', in their infinite wisdom, are now turning once again to a broadly centrist, cosmopolitan and immigration-friendly party. weird how that goes, isn't it?

and the conservative party faithful just voted for dumb Liz Truss. part of whose entire plan involves upping immigration. woopsie. i guess they're 'sick of multiculturalism'.

generally, the observations you are making are not any different from what i said all along is entirely predictable, following the 2008 crash: populism rises, politics becomes polarized, people swing to the fringes, with the economically wounded middle typically rallying to the right in the interests of their own downward-sliding, propertied class. any historian of the 1930s or the great depression era could run this play-by-play by you easily. you're not making some genius insight here, that democratic politics are stressed by periods of major economic downturns.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-27 03:30:37)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Wait, rejection of the left in Italy was due to voter apathy and America.

Embracing of the left in the UK is because they're geniuses and have a great set of policies - which we just haven't seen yet.

Makes perfect sense.

Liz Truss didn't actually tell anyone she was going to let in a wave of migrants until after she was elected though.
Fuck Israel
starmer's labour are not left wing. i called them centrist, which they markedly are.

are we really going to do this conversation again? the left in italy was a revolutionary marxist-communist faction, that had major support following ww2. its extermination in 20th century politics is relevant to the concomitant survival of mussolini's fascism, yes.

read a fucking book man. you argue like a stubborn mule with about as much literacy.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Yes I'm sure the voters of Italy had Mussolini foremost in their minds when they went to the polls.
Fuck Israel
erm the woman who won the presidential election is an avowed follower of mussolini. her far-right party surround themselves with iconography and symbols of mussolini-era italy. they openly advertise to trying to recreate that glory. they use the roman salute. i can assure you that the 25% of voters who did opt for the neofascists were aware that they were voting for a neofascist party. you're just going to have to accept that unpalatable fact whilst cheering on the sort of people who are 'sick of multiculturalism'. they are your bedfellows: deal with it.

as i've mentioned, the main platform for their party – as with franco in spain – is 'church and family'. which is a weird thing for you to be in support of, a militant atheist who is basically so pessimistic about family life and children as to be anti-natalist. i swear the presence of brown or black refugees turns your mind to mush.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-27 03:38:15)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
When did I say I support them?
Fuck Israel
you rub your hands with glee every time a neofascist or populist knuckledragging party finds some electoral success, no matter how dysfunctional or poorly attended that electoral process is. you love to speak to the intuitive 'wisdom of the crowd' on the topic of multiculturalism – "they've had enough" – but without wanting to recognise the, er, quite obvious fact that the parties promoting this 'common sense' are neofascists. … eo-1588871

so do you sympathise with neofascists and populists or don't you? come on, you're tying yourself in knots today, furry boy.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-27 03:53:14)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
No I'm fine, and why do my personal lifestyle choice offend you so?
Fuck Israel
i don't care about your personal lifestyle choice, except insofar as fucking an animal is a nonconsensual act. if you think that's part of your 'religious freedoms', maybe turn down the volume a bit when accusing other people of domestic abuse. i've never forced sexual or romantic advances on a nonconsenting party before, cat fiddler.

and i only raised them because you seem to be very concerned, throughout your time here on bf2s, with gays, lesbians, transgender people, etc. but you want to talk about liberal tolerance and acceptance when it comes to furries? erm, don't you think homosexuality and transgenderism, transvestitism, hermaphroditism, etc, have just as long and ancient a past as, ehm, 'furrydom'? nevermind that animist shamans are not 'furries' and you are committing historical abuse as well as animal abuse.
+510|3765 … nnual-poll

The survey asked a range of questions around issues of Britishness, national pride, the economic and cultural effects of immigration, and attitudes over equal opportunities. Its findings included:

While most people had a strong sense of Britishness, more than half (54%) agreed it was not important to be born in Britain to be “truly British” – up from 25% in 2013. Similarly 34% agreed Britain is “a better country than most others”, down from 54% in 2013.

The proportion of people stating that immigration was “bad for the economy” fell from 42% in 2011 to 20% in 2021. Those saying it was good rose from 21% to 50%. There were similar shifts in views on whether immigrants enriched or undermined Britain’s cultural life.

There was growing public support for the proposition that equal rights “had not gone far enough” for black and Asian people (45%, up from 25% in 2000). In contrast, the proportion who felt race equality had gone too far fell from 35% in 2000 to 19% in 2021. About a third felt things were “about right.”.

73 % of people thought rights for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals “had not gone far enough” or were “about right”, compared with 62% who thought this in 2013.

About 64% of people thought rights for transgender people “had not gone far enough” or were “about right” compared with 33% who believed they had “gone too far”. The question had not been asked in previous years.
so much for your crypto-fash tendencies being the ‘norm’ for ‘the peepul’.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-27 08:25:37)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Maybe the fascist are right about some stuff. Maybe we do need a leader perhaps a Caudillo or Fuhrer or maybe even an El Duce to put things in line. A leader of some sort who can cut through the red tape to get things done.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
This is why America needs an "Executive" to rule through "Executive Orders"
First lawsuit is filed challenging Biden's costly, unfair student loan forgiveness plan
The Pacific Legal Foundation identified a group of taxpayers who will be unfairly hurt by student loan forgiveness. … frame.html

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i don't care about your personal lifestyle choice, except insofar as fucking an animal is a nonconsensual act. if you think that's part of your 'religious freedoms', maybe turn down the volume a bit when accusing other people of domestic abuse. i've never forced sexual or romantic advances on a nonconsenting party before, cat fiddler.

and i only raised them because you seem to be very concerned, throughout your time here on bf2s, with gays, lesbians, transgender people, etc. but you want to talk about liberal tolerance and acceptance when it comes to furries? erm, don't you think homosexuality and transgenderism, transvestitism, hermaphroditism, etc, have just as long and ancient a past as, ehm, 'furrydom'? nevermind that animist shamans are not 'furries' and you are committing historical abuse as well as animal abuse.
Er, literally no idea what you're talking about

Furrydom =/= Bestiality

I'm not a furry anyway

You've raised an interesting point though, children do instinctively identify as furries as evidenced in things like Sesame Street, the Muppets etc.
Nearly forgot the Wombles there.
Fuck Israel
there's a minority of furries who are into beastiality, i don't know why you'd even deny it. there's always been an 'erotic wing' of the furry subculture. i was on deviantart and tumblr when i was a teenager. i've had the misfortune to see some of the cartoons. don't play dumb with us, cat fiddler.

children play as animals and other genders, sure. so why are you trying to introduce so much reactionary right-wing fundamentalism into schools? let children be children and stop recycling this fucking tiresome culture wars guff about 'lesbians in schools'.

uziq wrote:

The survey asked a range of questions around issues of Britishness, national pride, the economic and cultural effects of immigration, and attitudes over equal opportunities. Its findings included:

While most people had a strong sense of Britishness, more than half (54%) agreed it was not important to be born in Britain to be “truly British” – up from 25% in 2013. Similarly 34% agreed Britain is “a better country than most others”, down from 54% in 2013.

The proportion of people stating that immigration was “bad for the economy” fell from 42% in 2011 to 20% in 2021. Those saying it was good rose from 21% to 50%. There were similar shifts in views on whether immigrants enriched or undermined Britain’s cultural life.

There was growing public support for the proposition that equal rights “had not gone far enough” for black and Asian people (45%, up from 25% in 2000). In contrast, the proportion who felt race equality had gone too far fell from 35% in 2000 to 19% in 2021. About a third felt things were “about right.”.

73 % of people thought rights for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals “had not gone far enough” or were “about right”, compared with 62% who thought this in 2013.

About 64% of people thought rights for transgender people “had not gone far enough” or were “about right” compared with 33% who believed they had “gone too far”. The question had not been asked in previous years.
so much for your crypto-fash tendencies being the ‘norm’ for ‘the peepul’.
also i'm waiting for you to debunk the methodology or accuse the survey taker of being in league with david nutt, or something.

because it seems that british attitudes are going in the opposite direction to what you've been triumphing and claiming as 'the voice of the people' in these last several years. attitudes are softening, if not reversing, on topics such as immigration, homosexuality, transgenderism, etc. it turns out the only people in europe who are clamouring about 'saving civilization' and 'the purity of the church and family' are neofascists and inept populists in the post-BoJo, post-ERG mould.

isn't it odd how much you gloat over this but yet want to distance yourself from the only two camps of people who share your views? that is, populists like trump and the utterly inept, intellectually vacant current Tory party, who you mock at, and the christian right, as in italy/poland, with whose superstitious folk beliefs you hardly want to associate.

you're a strange fella.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-28 04:24:03)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
But when it came to the crunch they voted for Brexit.
Fuck Israel
'crunch', funny term to use. i'd say after being subjected to 6 months of mendacious campaigning, false promises, and a concerted effort by the tabloid media ... then, yes. turkeys voting for christmas.

but since brexit, many people have reneged or recanted their stance. there are now more people who are critical of brexit than supportive of it. that's the special insanity of putting important decisions to easily manipulable plebiscites.

the survey takes a more longitudinal view and compares attitudes over a decades-long span. what's a better index of general feelings and attitudes, i wonder? a 'crunch' referendum vote with misinformation and noise on all sides, or in-depth surveys taken at repeated intervals?

too bad that the majority you so badly want to legitimate your ugly, pseudo-scientific racialist and bigoted worldviews is not so easily forthcoming. not to worry: there are lots of out-and-out neofascists in places like italy to keep you company.
shouldve had a backsies innit.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
People say lots of things in opinion polls then vote differently, and apparently the majority are 'economically left wing' yet elected the conservatives in a landslide

How have rights for gays etc "not gone far enough”?
What do they want next?

"73 % of people thought rights for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals “had not gone far enough” or were “about right”
Thats a fairly specious way of manipulating numbers, it could easily mean 72% thought things were about right, 1% thought they hadn't gone far enough, 27% thought they'd gone too far.
Fuck Israel
haha, bingo. fretting over the methodology as per usual.

it's an opinion poll, how specifically can you measure sentiments and opinions? next you'll be telling me the likert scale isn't well quantified enough.

regardless of how they semantically split that grouping, it's still a majority as against your ingrown bigoted little worldview, isn't it?

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-29 04:00:59)


this is insane. i actually think that kwarteng is an actively malevolent force in UK politics. the PM and the chancellor are both beholden to ayn rand, cult-like free-market libertarianism. they’re barely even small-c conservatives. they’re more influenced by Hayek and Friedman than anything out of the tory tradition.

cannot believe we are having to suffer under these intellectually vapid delusions again. even the City are shuddering at the prospect of trickle-down redux.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-29 05:29:44)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

cannot believe we are having to suffer under these intellectually vapid delusions again.
Oxford delivers again.
Fuck Israel

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