
Says the guy living in a prolific coal exporter.
only one of us here is financially invested in the continued success of fossil fuels.

it's funny how all these notable institutions and pension portfolios are divesting themselves of fossil fuels, recognising the problematic ethics and the toxicity of being seen to invest in an industry that is turning the planet into a fireball. and here we have dilbert, whose fragile ego depends on him always taking the moral high-ground and lecturing everybody else, keeping a beady eye on his petrol stocks.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Pretty sure my investments are mostly LNG, oil is a small fraction, whereas literally every aspect of your current life is powered by thermal coal, and you're enjoying living in a prosperous country thanks to coking coal.

My ego is just fine.
Fuck Israel
'every aspect of your current life'. my guy, my carbon footprint is about 1/5th of yours. we have been over this so many times before.

i don't drive, i live in a tiny studio with all of about 2 appliances and 1 AC unit that i run for 1 month of the year.

the idea that i'm personally a huge draw on korea's energy grid with my fraction of a fraction of a fractional use of cafes, public transport and common spaces, is laughable. you live one of the least sustainable lifestyles on the planet. the suburban sprawl model with 2.5 cars on the driveway and huge half-empty houses which require heating and cooling all year round is not exportable to even 15% of the globe's population. you should be thanking your lucky stars every single day that not every indian or nigerian has the same lifestyle and footprint as you.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
What does public transport run on in Korea?
Fuck Israel
the transport network i make use of is used by millions of people daily. i think my train line alone does 250,000 passengers in a morning.

what does your car run on, genius? i wonder which individual makes a higher dent: me on a 20-carriage subway train sharing energy use with a quarter of a million other passengers, or you in your boy's toy subaru driving 20km to get a pint of milk or pick your nose at the office?

Dilbert_X wrote:

you're enjoying living in a prosperous country thanks to coking coal.
Australia reaps the benefits of coal export. You guys are like #2 behind Indonesia as of a couple years ago. Top ten for cattle countries as well. Glass. Houses. ffs, I would lay off the coal angle.

Your own use of energy as a suburbanite is a well worn topic at this point.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
If people like uziq could stop buying coal that would be great.

Imagine if the coal emissions came directly from the train, not out of sight some distance away.

Fuck Israel

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

you're enjoying living in a prosperous country thanks to coking coal.
Australia reaps the benefits of coal export. You guys are like #2 behind Indonesia as of a couple years ago. Top ten for cattle countries as well. Glass. Houses. ffs, I would lay off the coal angle.

Your own use of energy as a suburbanite is a well worn topic at this point.
we also have senators that cosplay as cooal miners

Dilbert_X wrote:

If people like uziq could stop buying coal that would be great.

Imagine if the coal emissions came directly from the train, not out of sight some distance away.

there is literally no way for you to spin it dilbert.

using public transport is immensely more efficient than you driving your car everywhere.

250,000 people using the same train in the morning is a better scenario in every single way than 250,000 people getting into their solo-occupied vehicle. yours isn’t even an EV. the greater seoul area has 8 million daily journeys on the subway system. look at your antique train picture there and picture even 2 or 3 million more of those antiquated cars on the roads. moron.

you can be as mock-stupid on this subject as you like. my home energy footprint, transport footprint, and day-to-day carbon usage is a fraction of yours. about the only score you’ve got over me is that i eat meat a few times a week. lol well done.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-19 07:45:11)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why Do Some People in New Jersey Suddenly Have Bags and Bags of Bags?

A ban on single-use plastic and paper bags in grocery stores had an unintended effect: Delivery services switched to heavy, reusable sacks — lots of them.
Oh wow. I didn't know it was a jersey thing to have bags of bags.
i keep a few and take them when i go grocery shopping.

SPOKANE, Wash. — A ban on single-use plastic bags went into effect in Washington Friday, costing 8 cents for a recyclable one at the store. But where does that money go?

According to Washington’s Department of Ecology, businesses keep the entire 8 cents to recover some of the cost of providing the bags. Also, it’s to incentivize customers to bring their own reusable bags.

The ban applies to grocery stores, restaurants, retail and small vendors.

For businesses that choose to charge more than 8 cents, the department said it must be listed as a separate line item for tax purposes. So, if a store were to charge 16 cents, there would be two separate charges on the receipt: one 8-cent charge under the new law and a separate 8-cent charge at the store’s discretion.
https://www.kxly.com/plastic-bags-now-c … -money-go/

I probably wouldn't bend over to scrape a random dime off a parking lot. An 8 cent fee is only going to 'incentivise' the absolute poorest, just another red-hot poker up the ass of someone hanging onto a financial cliff by cracked fingernails. I hear it all the time in checkout lines, "oh I forgot my bags, yeah I'll buy some new ones" with completely unpained expressions. During the pandemic, I fell out of the habit of making sure to keep my reusables around because stores didn't allow them and am just now getting back into it.

My local store has gone to heavy duty plastic bags, way thicker than contractor bags, and probably far more wasteful to produce. These probably qualify as "reusable," but the store still charges for them and I haven't seen one instance of someone bringing them back for a second go. I would like to see the numbers as they come in on environmental impact over the course of some years.

Stereotypical of recent environmental legislation anyway, like the one against gaming computers of all things, nevermind rich people living in mansions with 30+ heated/AC'd rooms, plus vacation homes elsewhere. So many Americans still driving trucks who have no use for towing and cargo capacity, but watch out if your PSU is rated 30W too high or whatever, roflmao.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-09-30 12:13:10)


uziq wrote:

about the only score you’ve got over me is that i eat meat a few times a week. lol well done.
Does dilbert even have that? He lives in a country that benefits significantly, I would assume, from its billions-dollar meat production. Like it benefits from coal exports. And he benefits from oil stocks. Really precarious perch for someone who likes to lump other people in with the exploits of their countries (or even Jews worldwide with the crimes of Israel), and even with the policies of the countries they're visiting.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-09-30 13:55:51)


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

uziq wrote:

about the only score you’ve got over me is that i eat meat a few times a week. lol well done.
Does dilbert even have that? He lives in a country that benefits significantly, I would assume, from its billions-dollar meat production. Like it benefits from coal exports. And he benefits from oil stocks. Really precarious perch for someone who likes to lump other people in with the exploits of their countries (or even Jews worldwide with the crimes of Israel), and even with the policies of the countries they're visiting.
https://twitter.com/jasonhickel/status/ … _Sn2heHt7A

basically this tweet but plus australia.
Elon Musk has suggested making Taiwan a "special administrative zone" similar to Hong Kong, just days after floating a "peace plan" he said could end Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Musk - who is the world's richest man - said tensions between China and Taiwan could be resolved by handing over some control of Taiwan to Beijing.

"My recommendation… would be to figure out a special administrative zone for Taiwan that is reasonably palatable, probably won't make everyone happy," he told the Financial Times.

The 51-year-old was responding to a question about China, where his electric car company Tesla operates one of its super factories in Shanghai.
why is this guy like this? does he need any more money? he's really trying to sell-out the ukrainians and the taiwanese to balm his narcissistic ego.

sales for tesla in china jumped after elon gave his sop to the CCP. how cute.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
The hipsters have failed us, maybe we should hand over the world to a ruling class of STEM mega-brains.
Fuck Israel

uziq wrote:

Elon Musk has suggested making Taiwan a "special administrative zone" similar to Hong Kong, just days after floating a "peace plan" he said could end Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Musk - who is the world's richest man - said tensions between China and Taiwan could be resolved by handing over some control of Taiwan to Beijing.

"My recommendation… would be to figure out a special administrative zone for Taiwan that is reasonably palatable, probably won't make everyone happy," he told the Financial Times.

The 51-year-old was responding to a question about China, where his electric car company Tesla operates one of its super factories in Shanghai.
why is this guy like this? does he need any more money? he's really trying to sell-out the ukrainians and the taiwanese to balm his narcissistic ego.

sales for tesla in china jumped after elon gave his sop to the CCP. how cute.
chinese government was very pleased with his tweet.

Dilbert_X wrote:

The hipsters have failed us, maybe we should hand over the world to a ruling class of STEM mega-brains.
the idea that STEM people are intrinsically better at running societies is dumb. your beloved elon should be proof enough of that. he presents himself as the tony stark iron man of engineers, a 'business magnate', a man with his shit in order ... and what does that cash out as? him getting high with his hipster ex-girlfriend and tweeting woahbro.jpeg thoughts on twitter at 3am. him actively trying to derail development of public transport projects in the state of california, pushing fatuous hyperloops, despite the fact that we need to pivot globally to public transport to save our very planet, just so that he can continue to add to his hoard. amazing stuff. a leader of men!

you do realise that the soviet project was literally an attempt to throwover all the weight of the past, all that musty religion and tsarist claptrap, and instate a truly 'scientific' society governed by principles of reason? early marxian thought was entirely about trying to understand society scientifically. it tried to take economics, and history, very seriously with scientific approaches. the heroes of the soviet union were the modern ubermensch, transformers of nature, engineers. there's more soviet-era statues to engineers than just about any other caste or profession. how did all that 'scientific' central planning work out?

people can be genius-level scientists and hopeless outside of their field. let alone when it comes to dealing with complex human systems, as in politics, which are as much about compromise and arbitration as 'finding the right solution to the problem'. there aren't many absolutely, verifiably 'right' answers in politics, dilbert. it's not an apodictic science. managing a democracy isn't the same as solving quadratics.

examples abound. look at ben carson, recently in US politics. this guy was undoubtedly a top-tier neurosurgeon and a giant in his field. undoubtedly high IQ and undoubtedly gifted. not only was he a respected practitioner, he published multiple research papers that contributed significantly to the field. he was tenured at john hopkins, one of the great medical-scientific institutions in the world. a great scientist, in short. i don't think anyone is going to claim that neurosurgeons and neuro researchers 'aren't real scientists', like you tried continually with thatcher's chemistry BSc. ... and look at how fucking hapless he was, and is, as a politician. he's just a knuckle-dragging trump-train follower, coming out with the most preposterous statements. how can it be that a guy who is effectively Mozart when it comes to a scalpel and open cranium can be a passionate trump supporter in the political domain?

Ben Carson wrote:

“My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain".

“I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed”.

“Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”
forget carson. let's get down to the very fundamentals of science: logic and math. chess grandmasters should make great politicians therefore, right? like bobby fischer, or garry kasparov? i imagine they have more advanced problem solving and projection abilities of any human being on the planet. but wait ... bobby fischer was a paranoiac, a virulent anti-semite, and, for all his god-tier logician brains, he contributed immense amounts of money to evangelical churches. LMAO. i'm sure he'd make a brilliant president!


what you mean really when you say 'let STEM run things' is 'let MEEEEE run things'. and that's because you're a little manlet who has never been weaned off his mother's teet. you still genuinely believe you have the right answers to everything. you haven't had that basic early adolescent experience of a complex, manifold reality, existing entirely beyond yourself, contradicting your indulgence in the marsupial pouch. it's really very tragic to see, actually.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-11 04:33:13)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Could STEM people do any worse though?
Fuck Israel
erm, i don't know, why don't you ask the inventors of chemical and biological weapons and the atom and hydrogen bombs. mass man-man extinction sounds like a pretty bad outcome of STEM activities, to me. certainly more potential for harm than anything a classicist or poet cooked up.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, so much better to have people bash each other with rocks.

Also we've already proven that most genocidists have been arts hipsters who were angry for not having their art appreciated.

Imagine if people had bought some of Hitlers paintings.
Fuck Israel
some of the first genocides in history were devised by scientifically minded, 'rational' administrations. the herero genocide? the armenian genocide? the german and ottoman empires weren't staffed by 'frustrated artists', dilbert. the entire concentration camp system they adopted from the brits was devised by pretty level-headed military types. i don't think kitchener was an 'arts hipster' – in fact, he was a commander in the royal engineers. so you can thank engineers for having the idea of putting ordinary non-refugees into camps to suppress them and wipe them out.

and what about pol pot, who killed more of his own people, proportionally speaking, than any other genocidaire? he was functionally illiterate and purposefully targeted artists and intellectuals, lmao.

the idea that hitler devised the holocaust because he was 'angry' about not getting into art school is just laughable. more examples of your 'what someone liked when they were teenagers sets them in stone forever, because i personally have not had any personal development'. (or is it 'the hurts and slights suffered when young stay with you forever, because mine have'?) don't you think, erm, the experience of the great war and the consequences of the collapse of the german state would have had more of an effect on his political views? by all biographical accounts hitler was a directionless and adrift young man until the ready-made role of 'war veteran' and freikorps appeared to him.

the fact that hitler had highly efficient means of killing at his disposal is all thanks to geniuses like Haber, besides. at the very least you're going to have to concede that engineers like kitchener and chemists like haber have been handmaidens to some of the worst chapters in human history. not very noble. i'm not sure 'gladly murders in the name of nation' or 'blindly follows orders' are great qualifications for political leadership.

and the biggest ongoing genocide(s) today are being led by people like xi jingping. a chemical engineer. whoops. why didn't his education teach him proper conduct and to be a superlative leader? how could a chemical engineer become such a tyrant? if undergraduate degree is all, and any extra-curricular or post-educational influences are negligible, in your all-so-wise view? something on that chem-eng course must have taught him to be intolerant and inhumane!!!

your analysis, as per usual, is piss weak and laughable. i cannot believe we are doing this again. luckily i'm getting paid on the clock to counter your nonsense.

me: modern politicians with high-achieving scientific backgrounds are clearly capable of the worst sorts of triumpian idiocy.
dilbert: errr, HITLeR!!11111one

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-11 07:34:22)


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