I also believe the generally hierarchal thinking of white conservatives is also a contributing factor. Too many think they and their community are special because the global order, for a time, was dominated by other whites. I think a lot of young white men absorb the thinking that they are special, denied a birthright, and all of their problems are the result of other people.
*dilbert enters the chat*


I'll take communal showers when our government stops allowing the nestles of the world to pilfer our groundwater for pennies.
re: computer control, clearly the answer to reducing at-home power expenses. never mind the rich man keeping his 20 bedroom mansion lit and air conditioned.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
19 year old in Tennessee driving around shooting at random people while streaming it to Facebook.

Idaho’s Far Right Suffers Election Loss to 18-Year-Old Climate Activist … -election/

Imagine bringing a bunch of AR-15s to intimidate a bunch of 15-year-olds.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I enjoyed the Halloween movie but I now realize that there is a media super structure around making people feel like it is okay to kill people who slightly wronged you. I don't think we will be able to root it out since that pity machine prints money.

In the new Halloween movie a 21 year old white nerdy engineer guy with a shitty personality from the start accidentally kills a child and gets acquitted by a jury for it. He then spends the rest of the movie being bullied by the townspeople until he eventually builds himself up to take revenge on all of the people who wronged him by brutally murdering them.

This is incredibly problematic.

This movie promotes the idea to young white guys that the way to rise above the hardship that normal fucking people just power through everyday is by killing all of the people who wronged you. The Joker movie has this same problem though it also had a message regarding poverty and mental illness.

There is a lot of media that does the same thing. Breaking Bad for instance is another show where the downtrodden nerdy white guy gets revenge on all of the people who wronged him. Once you notice this sort of story framing the popularity of this sort of pity party media becomes disturbing. Crazy knowing that there are people who watch this stuff, get gassed up, and then do something evil to people who deserve a dressing down and not a brutal murder. And the media really shouldn't promote this idea.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Guy in the middle tricked some cops into coming into his house to shoot them with an AR-15. Smoked two before the third cop killed him. This is the killer's wedding photo.
Nobody could have predicated this.
imagine a black wedding like that. it would make fox news.

But guys, what about antifa? Antifa is the real threat. They have plans.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The guy who livestreamed him shooting up a supermarket in Buffalo plead guilty to state charges. 10 counts of first degree murder among many others.

The fact that the guy went there to smoke black people isn't the disturbing part to me since mass shootings are now a cross cultural thing. You get shooters of every race targeting whatever their preferred target group is. What annoys me about this story is that this guy was flagged for serious mental health struggles in high school and his family still thought there was no problem with him owning a lot of guns. This happens again and again with these mass shooters.

Making gun ownership part of political identity has been a disaster for Americans. And it is mostly a thing for conservative white Americans much to their own detriment. A lot of conservative white Americans don't take mental health seriously while also raising gun ownership to be a fundamental part of who they are. And it is resulting in their young becoming radicalized killers and their old putting guns into their mouths. A bizarre situation and I see no reflection on it from conservative media.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2022-11-28 17:46:35)

People basing their personalities on (and centering their personal lives around) politicized issues is an unmitigated American crisis. Imagine having a violent falling out over discovering your daughter voted for AOC. Walking up on someone at a supermarket and slapping them across the face because they're wearing a paper mask.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Who could have known that Canadians were the real threat to America?

In other news, refugee given asylum by Sweden stabs six people because France won't also give him asylum.
Fuck Israel

not sure where else to put this but wow:

Businessman found guilty of plotting to plant bombs in London … 1692384081

just the whole story.

that's some scooby-doo/batman stuff right there.

school literally just started

Texas elementary school students escape injuries after a boy fires a gun on a school bus … -102485323
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Damn. He could have got his teacher if he had better trigger discipline.

I suppose if an American teacher can't decide if they want to do gradeschool or high school, you could ask them if they'd rather be killed by a 7yo or a 17yo.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
People under 21 probably shouldn't have access to guns.

There I said it.
Fuck Israel
I am all that is MOD!

There was a mass shooting at a bar down the street last night. Retired cop came in trying to murder his ex-wife. Knowing the makeup of that bar, I'm surprised there was no hero firing back.

This bar has a sign that says "100% Sharia Law free zone".
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I saw the alert as it happened on /r/masskillers. The wife survived after he shot her in the face.

How was the hurricane?
I am all that is MOD!

Hurricane wasn't even the worst storm we've had this year. It did flood my pool equipment area though, so that was annoying.

it's a mystery to me what the actual utility of a "100% sharia law free zone" sign would be on an american bar. do a lot of fundamentalist muslims go to drink there and push their religion?

reminds me of the war on christmas.
I am all that is MOD!

It's virtue signaling to the types that patronize that bar. It's a biker bar frequented by weekend warrior riders who put on their best biker costumes, jump on their $25k Harleys with all the bells and whistles, go through the canyon then stop and have some drinks before hopping back on their bikes and ripping out of there.

I remember seeing a vanity plate that said "H84NOIL". It hurt my brain.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Two in a week. The new one wrote a manifesto. I wonder if the public will get to read it.
The cop probably didn't leave one. I think his wife knows everything he wanted to say when he walked into the bar.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX


It's virtue signaling to the types that patronize that bar.
Is shooting up the place virtue signalling of some kind?

I remember seeing a vanity plate that said "H84NOIL". It hurt my brain.
Nope don't get it.

As far as I know its legal to put any sign you like on the back of your vehicle, yet people pay the govt to make one for them.
Its a strange way of expressing one's individuality.
Fuck Israel

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A former student of mine got into a shootout yesterday. Neither side got hit. A house and a car for peppered though.

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