mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
Fuck yea corndogs

uziq wrote:

i know about 3 people who have died on motorcycles. one in a very unpleasant and drawn-out way. i'm sure they're fun but so is speedballing coke and heroin. avoid.
I took this into consideration before finally deciding to not get into motorcycles. Fuel savings would be nice, but not sliding under the tires of a semi trailer. Washington roadways being seasonally damp gave that an extra kick.

e: also gotten the macabre lowdown on all kinds of interesting injuries, motorcycle and otherwise, from family who worked EMT. all sorts of interesting stories to tell a seven year old. needless to say, at the very least I wouldn't have skimped on protective wear.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-09-01 09:07:25)

I am all that is MOD!

I don't think I'll ever get to a point where I view a car as more than a mode of transport where function far outweighs form, and therefore I never see myself buying a car with luxury accoutrements or high performance engines.

I totally want to buy a Mercedes Sprinter and turn it into a camper. It wouldn't fit in my garage and I'm not allowed to park it on the street though

uziq wrote:

how about taking a bus
How about FUCK THAT

Everyone I've ever seen on a bus or waiting for a bus in London looks miserable as fuck and I don't blame them

I never really liked having a bunch of people coughing on the back of my head in the best of pre-COVID times. I'd rather walk or ride a bike if at all possible than rely on public transportation.

Commuting with public transit around here might be viable up to shuttling between two neighboring cities. Otherwise, it just sucks up so much time that you better be able to do some of your daily work while sitting around. Key into Anytown, USA online and check driving vs. public transportation on google maps. Do you want to get to your destination in 15 minutes or 1 hour 45?

"Then live where you work," I mean ok if you can afford Seattle, go ahead.

And yes, I would like improved routes and schedules for people to whom they would be useful.

There's a 2016 Leaf S I'd consider right now, after research (I haven't put a lot of intense reading into buying an electric car), for under $20k. If I were currently looking. But it's all the way down in AZ. Be nice if more of these cars were in the price range of people who wince at anything above 3 grand. For them, beaters that struggle with emissions tests are sadly the way.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

Dauntless wrote:

uziq wrote:

how about taking a bus
How about FUCK THAT

Everyone I've ever seen on a bus or waiting for a bus in London looks miserable as fuck and I don't blame them
I'm sure there's a correlation between the price of the car and the miserableness of the person driving it.

Watch traffic for a while and tell me I'm wrong.
People think a fast car will get them places faster, an expensive car means people will defer to them etc.
An expensive car buys you literally nothing on the road.

I couldn't really care less about my car, mostly they've been bought pre-dented and it takes away a lot of heartache.
It needs so be solid and reliable and thats about it.
Fuck Israel

Dauntless wrote:

uziq wrote:

how about taking a bus
How about FUCK THAT

Everyone I've ever seen on a bus or waiting for a bus in London looks miserable as fuck and I don't blame them
people waiting for buses in london look miserable mostly because they're in london. the great wen's local climate leads to puckered faces.

that and their buses are normally late ... because historically the roads have been congested with wankers like dauntless.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Dauntless wrote:

uziq wrote:

how about taking a bus
How about FUCK THAT

Everyone I've ever seen on a bus or waiting for a bus in London looks miserable as fuck and I don't blame them
I'm sure there's a correlation between the price of the car and the miserableness of the person driving it.

Watch traffic for a while and tell me I'm wrong.
People think a fast car will get them places faster, an expensive car means people will defer to them etc.
An expensive car buys you literally nothing on the road.

I couldn't really care less about my car, mostly they've been bought pre-dented and it takes away a lot of heartache.
It needs so be solid and reliable and thats about it.
You mean people are more miserable the the more expensive their car is? No you're wrong

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

Watch traffic for a while and tell me I'm wrong.
Fuck Israel

I did, I was in Mayfair today and saw at least 30 high end cars, didn't see any miserable drivers but did see a lot of hot women passengers.
Beats taking the bus

Dauntless wrote:

I did, I was in Mayfair today and saw at least 30 high end cars, didn't see any miserable drivers but did see a lot of hot women passengers.
Beats taking the bus
yeah fuck the bus tbh.

Dauntless wrote:

I did, I was in Mayfair today and saw at least 30 high end cars, didn't see any miserable drivers but did see a lot of hot women passengers.
Beats taking the bus
what a revealing comment. you have to spend one-hundred grand to 'get hot women'.

that's honestly pathetic nick, hahahah.

i've never owned a car in my life and i bet i'm swinging a bat at the same quality of women as you.

it comes across as incredibly insecure.

what sort of fulfilling and happy relationship are you going to have with someone who is attracted to you because of a motor vehicle? that stuff is novel and funny when you're 21 and taking ditzy clutzes to mcdonalds drive throughs at 4am, but when you're in your 30s and your hair is starting to thin, it makes you look like you're really compensating for something.

the day i feel like i have to outlay half a house's worth of value on a car in order to attract women will be the day i know, deep down in my soul, that my value as a male is depreciating rapidly.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-04 00:51:21)


Nope. I didn't say 'I have to spend £100k to get hot women'.

I said if you're looking for correlation between expensive cars and their drivers (like Dilbert was saying), then that's the only thing I noticed. Correlation or causation, who knows? Maybe the drivers are smart, successful, possibly a bit more interesting than your average bus taking McDonalds worker and better at talking to women, or maybe all the women are cheap gold digging sluts, maybe both, probably a mix.

Oh and you can fuck right off with your swinging bat. You know quite well that you have master poke ball advantage being a white guy in Korea - we both know that was half the reason you went. If attracting women is how you measure your 'male valuation' then you're in for one hell of a rapid depreciation when you leave pal.

Funnily enough I managed to swing my bat at multiple women whenever I was in Korea and I didn't have a car either.

I chose my car because I like the car and enjoy driving, it's comfortable and feels like an experience or special occasion every time I get in it and go somewhere. Sometimes the roads are empty and I can go fast, it's a thrill - I enjoy it.

I met a girl on Friday night at a bar, we hit it off and I'm seeing her next week. I haven't mentioned my car and she probably won't even know about it unless we have multiple dates and we end up needing to drive somewhere.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
My comment mostly applies to the average person stretching themselves to buy a stupid car, that and lawyers and accountants who can afford nice cars tend to be miserable to begin with.
For the mega-rich an expensive car is a plaything, not the whole point of getting rich.
Your average moron who watches Top Gear and saves their pennies doesn't appreciate this.
When they blow a lot of cash on a car beyond their means, and discover it makes no difference to their life at all, I guess it makes them miserable.
Fuck Israel
i was addressing the part of your comment where you said that you noticed lots of people in nice cars with hot women. that's a sad reason to want a nice car. if you like driving then obviously that's something different, innit mate?

it's not controversial to say that pegging your attractiveness to the opposite sex on material things is loser-grade behaviour.

Yeh, and I was addressing the part of your comment where you said I need to spend £100k on a car to get women - which isn't true, innit?

Dilbert gave me an assignment which I carried out and that's the only irregular thing I noticed, I don't know what their reasons for wanting it were or what they peg their attractiveness on but I'd assume they all liked driving their cars.

Dilbert_X wrote:

My comment mostly applies to the average person stretching themselves to buy a stupid car, that and lawyers and accountants who can afford nice cars tend to be miserable to begin with.
For the mega-rich an expensive car is a plaything, not the whole point of getting rich.
Your average moron who watches Top Gear and saves their pennies doesn't appreciate this.
When they blow a lot of cash on a car beyond their means, and discover it makes no difference to their life at all, I guess it makes them miserable.
If anyone spends beyond their means and suffers financial fallout as a result then yeah, that's probably going to make them unhappy but that's not related to cars. I know a lot of people who spend a decent amount of their free cash on cars and it brings them lots of enjoyment. It can be a hobby just like any other. Plus at least cars have some practical use.

TBF, a lot of people are spending beyond their means just to eat and have a roof over their heads.
uzique became posh andrew tate fr fr
that doesn't even make any sense. wasn't that guy like a pro-kickboxer? that's not exactly my niche.

and isn't he the guy bragging continually about his bugattis and body-count? lmao.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-06 05:58:30)


uziq wrote:

that doesn't even make any sense. wasn't that guy like a pro-kickboxer? that's not exactly my niche.

and isn't he the guy bragging continually about his bugattis and body-count? lmao.
more about the body-count stuff and how to get da womens.
except his entire philosophy was oriented around material possessions and being a PUA to get women.

whereas i'm precisely saying that pegging your net worth to your sexual value as a male is a quick road to ruin.

just invest in therapy, bro.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The sad thing about the Tate situation is that he could have turned out better. His dad was one of the first black chess grandmasters.
Meanwhile his meat head of a son made a career out of checks notes getting hit in the head and chasing white women. Impressive level of disappoint I am sure.

uziq wrote:

except his entire philosophy was oriented around material possessions and being a PUA to get women.

whereas i'm precisely saying that pegging your net worth to your sexual value as a male is a quick road to ruin.

just invest in therapy, bro.
You think I need to bring my net worth into sexual encounters? I'm a BF2S Game Admin bro, that's all they need to know

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