i get the impression dilbert doesn't go out for a lot of meals with people or have many occasions to enjoy himself, taking photos.
Stop bullying Dilbert. He is living his best life just the way he likes.
Also my phone recommends the word "Dilbert" as I type stop bullying. See how much trouble you guys put him through. Even Google knows.
Also my phone recommends the word "Dilbert" as I type stop bullying. See how much trouble you guys put him through. Even Google knows.

The IT team doesn't know what is wrong with my laptop and have wiped all failed windows updates in the hope the next set of windows updates fixes the bugs the last set of windows updates installed.
Still waiting for an answer on why the tech support database has blocked me from logging in to keep track of tech support tickets.
I don't care really but my last memory stick, for which I had to put in a helpdesk request and supply a cost centre, has become corrupted so I need to put in another request and I can't remember the cost centre I used last time.
The company is super security conscious and every USB device has to be whitelisted on the network. If the network worked properly I wouldn't need a memory stick in the first place.
Still waiting for an answer on why the tech support database has blocked me from logging in to keep track of tech support tickets.
I don't care really but my last memory stick, for which I had to put in a helpdesk request and supply a cost centre, has become corrupted so I need to put in another request and I can't remember the cost centre I used last time.
The company is super security conscious and every USB device has to be whitelisted on the network. If the network worked properly I wouldn't need a memory stick in the first place.
Fuck Israel
At a large enough company I imagine IT would have mirrored the laptop to a working spare and given that to you as a loaner if the issue couldn't be resolved in a day.
Working summer school. It is amazing how you can literally stand over the shoulder of some of these kid's and type in the answers for them and they will treat you like you are a fucking asshole for it.
"(Student) you are way behind where you need to be. If you need help just ask me and I will help you. You see me literally giving kids answers to get them through. Take advantage of that. Otherwise you will fail and have to repeat the class and you don't want to do that. Don't waste time not working. Time is something you can't get back. Do you want help?"
Student: I don't need help
"Do you need help? You seem stuck on one part. I can help you get through it"
Student: I don't need help
(I start clicking the buttons and answering questions for them)
Some kids are super appreciative of the individual help I give them though. This job and probably being a cop eventually makes you conservative regarding personal responsibility.
"(Student) you are way behind where you need to be. If you need help just ask me and I will help you. You see me literally giving kids answers to get them through. Take advantage of that. Otherwise you will fail and have to repeat the class and you don't want to do that. Don't waste time not working. Time is something you can't get back. Do you want help?"
Student: I don't need help
"Do you need help? You seem stuck on one part. I can help you get through it"
Student: I don't need help
(I start clicking the buttons and answering questions for them)
Some kids are super appreciative of the individual help I give them though. This job and probably being a cop eventually makes you conservative regarding personal responsibility.

Don't fail social studies and I won't have to micromanage you.

People not appreciating your work, or telling you how to do your job, can be applied to a lot of jobs. That's not unique to teaching.
I looked it up. Seems like a valid variation, though it's the only one I saw that starts with 'C.' Peaked in the 90s, US.
By valid I mean it's listed.
We live in a world where a celebrity may very well give a child a QR code for a name. Cyle is really not that bad.
one of elon musk’s 15 children is named after a costco discount code. that aged well.
nothing screams ‘narcissistic sociopath’ like naming a baby AE 18446969 ROFL.
the funniest thing is, it’s not even the first of elon’s children to deed poll their name away from that autistic dumpster fire.
nothing screams ‘narcissistic sociopath’ like naming a baby AE 18446969 ROFL.
the funniest thing is, it’s not even the first of elon’s children to deed poll their name away from that autistic dumpster fire.
Last edited by uziq (2022-07-14 16:33:27)
kyle/cyle is an objectively shit name btw.
A Cyle could start a book blog called Cy-Fi though.
uziq wrote:
kyle/cyle is an objectively shit name btw.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-07-15 04:53:19)
Fuck Israel
The ad feeds on some of the ad-heavy websites I visit are now dominated by a hipster business run by a former snuggle-professional I used to know and her now husband.
Protip 1: Stalking has consequences
Protip 2: Snuggle professionals need to stop giving me their real name uninvited, seriously just stop
Protip 1: Stalking has consequences
Protip 2: Snuggle professionals need to stop giving me their real name uninvited, seriously just stop
Fuck Israel
you are such a fucking loser.
And there I was, expecting sympathy
Fuck Israel
i have sympathy with any sex worker who has to put up with you, there's sympathy enough.
I got flight shamed and called a yuppie at work today because I booked a week stay in NYC to visit friends. I flew to spain earlier in the year.
I guess my 2-3 return flights in a year are really damning us all
It really got under my skin lol
I guess my 2-3 return flights in a year are really damning us all
It really got under my skin lol
Last edited by Larssen (2022-07-28 06:09:11)
Do you want to hang out when you visit NYC?