The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Found an old picture of my cat showing off his one tooth.

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

3 months late.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I really respect people who have dogs. They require a lot of maintenance.
there’s a reason why young couples typically get a dog first. it’s a practice run.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Totally true. Cat people on the other hand are like the opposite of forming a couple. Owning a cat is a red flag.

If someone buys into some superstition that a cat is going to suck out your soul or acquaint a baby with Satan, that's a pretty big red flag too. Onto the nope lidy with people who burn books.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The people I have met online who own a dog seem the most put together.

The people I have met online who own cats are usually some sort of neuroatypical. Cats are the pets of incels, depression cases, and shut ins.

Misleading stereotype imo. How many dog owners do you know? I've met some who seem pretty psychopathic.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Dogs are the pets of outgoing people, fun people, and crazy people. We must eliminate the pitbull.
macbeth is basically right. dogs lead humans to socialize. even at the park when you're walking the pooch.

dogs by default force their owners to have outgoing lifestyles. someone who is walking a dog at least a few times a week is going to have a sunnier disposition than a shut-in with their felines.

anyone who denies this is exhibiting the scientific phenomenon known as 'cope'.

Important to remember that while dog people can be outgoing, it doesn't mean you won't find some that are rude with their dogs, disruptive to the neighborhood, or even cruel to the dog. I'm not sure if siccing your dog on a kid on a bike means you have a sunny disposition. Plenty of exceptions to take into account.

An animal kept chained up in the back yard at all times by neglectful owners to the point of yapping canine neurosis isn't really forcing anyone to do much of anything, apart from driving neighbors to don earmuffs. So many of those kinds of owners just tune that out completely.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very tolerant of dogs. Had several myself. It doesn't bother me personally to see them in stores. I've never seen a dog leap up and slobber on the produce. I've seen children wipe snotty hands, though.

I've known too many dogs and too many dog owners. Buying a dog for image is a red flag.

More outgoing people:

https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-n … gn-4655016

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-07-22 07:06:04)


I'm glad to see that mac is past wanting to feed dogs poisoned meatballs laced with bits of broken glass though. You are, aren't you mac?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire
You seem a little triggered

Some jerk buys a dog as a show piece, but doesn't care much for the dog or becomes quickly bored with them, ultimately adds "neglectful owner" to their epithet. Lots of same old stories in the surrender notes at shelters, so yes a little annoyed.

A dog shouldn't be considered a mere toy or accessory. Go get a haircut and a new wardrobe or something if you want to show off.

In normal, picturesque situations, I suppose balanced people can meet and chat at a dog park. But there is also garbage to circumnavigate. I know a few dog owners who have blacklisted certain parks because of the people and poorly trained animals there. Lots of dog attack stories. "I'm so sorry he usually isn't like this, but I'm still going to try and weasel my way out of paying your vet bills." Sounds like the place I want to hang out at.
Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
I know a lot of dogs that are red flags.

I know multiple single woman who really wanted a kid but couldn't get a husband/partner so they decided to get a puppy instead. I know multiple parents who's children wouldn't give them grandchildren so they got a dog around retirement age instead.

Does that mean all dog (owners) are read flags? Of course not. But it can.
a few of you guys have been paid off by the cat industry and it really shows. smh.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

RTHKI wrote:

You seem a little triggered
He needs an emotional support dog.
Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
Big Cat is taking over

OT, here's my dog completely ignoring the $150 bed we bought him:



SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Look at this guy. Has a dog, visits Europe, speaks French. The man speaks French. How many weirdo cat owners you ever see try to take a trip somewhere and meet new people?
Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
Rest assured I definitely don't know French. Just enough to say "I'm sorry I don't speak french" then wait a few seconds to see if the look on their face is horror or acceptance and attempt to continue the conversation from there.

I also grew up exclusively with cats and understand them. Cats don't give a fuck and that really offends some people but I personally love it.

Some people are super into the control aspect of owning a dog, as A Thing to exert dominion over for its own sake. I could see that as something Mac would get a kick out of, being the boss dog in a relationship with an animal. He may even find an emotional support dog helpful to cope with his fear of cucked soldiers.

There is a weirdly binary perception that people have of cats and dogs. People tend to overlook that both animals have personalities of their own that sometimes defy stereotype by varying degrees.

pirana6 wrote:

OT, here's my dog completely ignoring the $150 bed we bought him:
Grab a cat and a cat bed. The cat will stretch out on the dog's bed, and the dog will squeeze into the cat bed with an ever-suffering expression.

I've lost count of how many times this has happened.

e: barring a cat, a smaller dog

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-07-22 11:15:25)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I really resent having to learn the names of all of these animals the girls I meet own. Not a single one doesn't own a cat(s) and/or dog.
i feel like pet ownership became a conspicuous young person trend about 5 years ago.

quite obvious links to cost of living/cost of property crisis imo. lots of young couples who can't afford the family-sized home or the baby who opt to get a dog or cat, instead.

social media intensifies everything. 'doggos' are a currency on instagram and picture-sharing apps.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The 25 year old girl at work has an Instagram for her emotional support dog. What a character.

I am allergic to cats. They are cute in pictures and stuff. But they leave their dander everywhere and I yet to visit a place cohabited by cat that doesn't have a weird smell to it that the owner is oblivious to.

I don't understand why anyone would want a pet (cat) that is famous for being aggressive towards their owners.

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