didn't know that. yet more detail, as if we needed it.

'but how is this terrorism?'

All this rabid Trump stuff (as a putrid branch of old growth shock conservatism) has been setting off my alarm bells since forever, but I guess I've been exaggerating the cultural risk.

To be fair, some of the conservatives I've been drawn into conversations with are only hazily aware of current trends. "MTG, who's that? Hey, do you know what QAnon is?" as if I could answer those to the satisfaction they want.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The shooter dressed in women's clothing to escape the scene of the crime.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Getting a concealed carry permit is sort of like being transgender if you think about it. Trans people are all like "I don't feel comfortable in my own body" meanwhile people with concealed carry permits are like "I don't feel safe in my neighborhood".
not one of your greatest hits, i’ll be honest.

the shooter’s dad lost the mayoral election to a pro-gun control democrat mayor. interesting.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The shooter had an account with on a snuff forum. Documenting Reality. Posted a lot of really troubling stuff. Aside from being a hardcore racist, he also had checks notes a life size child sex doll. A poster on /r/masskillers (???) apparently remembered interacting with them on Documenting Reality.

Is this the master race I keep hearing about?
it’s the 4chan doomer-accelerationist thing. definitely incel adjacent and a potpourri of the alt-right’s worst tendency. accelerationism isn’t even like committed to trumpism specifically or anything, they just want to cause the greatest possible political harm to speed up the next great crisis. these people think the Joker is a deep and interesting character.
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The shooter had an account with on a snuff forum. Documenting Reality. Posted a lot of really troubling stuff.
squints m-m-macbeth, is that you?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am not an incel weirdo.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Getting a concealed carry permit is sort of like being transgender if you think about it. Trans people are all like "I don't feel comfortable in my own body" meanwhile people with concealed carry permits are like "I don't feel safe in my neighborhood".
I don't really see the connection.

Concealed carry is to me, anyway, preferable to open carry even where open carry is legal. I like though how you make this insinuation that it's some shameful thing, and then conflate it to transgender people. Go make out with Dilbert already. You can talk about how the trannies are creeping on bathrooms.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-07-05 16:50:12)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I support concealed carry but only for trans people who have shown a genuine need for protection.

Why do you always assume the worst of me?
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
The dissonance on the right to distance their beliefs from this pencil-necked, face-tattooed dweeb who doesn't fit the image they want of the straight-laced white guy is amazing. He's at a Trump rally and wearing a Trump flag and people claim "he could be mocking them" or "Ashli Babbitt was wearing a flag so he's making fun of her". Same thing with claiming antifa was at January 6 - I don't know a signal person on the left who would give one red cent to buy shit to pretend to be a Trumpist and make them look bad by association. Most people actively go out of their way to avoid providing monetary support to political causes they dislike.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There is a grim irony that the guy shot up a 4th of July event. The Vegas shooter attacked a country music concert. Great job owning the liberals at the patriotism parade.

DesertFox- wrote:

The dissonance on the right to distance their beliefs from this pencil-necked, face-tattooed dweeb who doesn't fit the image they want of the straight-laced white guy is amazing. He's at a Trump rally and wearing a Trump flag and people claim "he could be mocking them" or "Ashli Babbitt was wearing a flag so he's making fun of her". Same thing with claiming antifa was at January 6 - I don't know a signal person on the left who would give one red cent to buy shit to pretend to be a Trumpist and make them look bad by association. Most people actively go out of their way to avoid providing monetary support to political causes they dislike.
right-wingers love to call this section of their support base ‘lone wolves’, but an awful lot of these wolves come from the very same pen …

even if they aren’t organised as paramilitary or militia-type cells aka patriot front or proud boys, they very much are radicalised online in ‘cells’, in much the same way that radical islam would pick up lost young men filled with anomie by pumping them full of jihadi media and propaganda. these 4chan pepe le frog ‘lulz emperor trump xD’ guys might not tally with the typical image of a qanonist or trump supporter, but they’re fed all the same media and have fundamentally the same trigger points: women’s/trans’ rights (shading into misogyny and incel cults), concerns about great replacement/family planning/white western civ (shading into doomerism), ironic but not ironic racism and the usual brand of shock-jock humour you’ve always found on 4chan or right-wing media generally (being virulently racist or misanthropist is anti-woke ofc).

literally nothing about these people even overlaps one whisker with the concerns of ‘the left’ but every time one of these MAGA jihadis shoots up a parade they start talking about ‘deep state psy ops’ or ‘antifa plant’. lmao.

I am so tired of hearing people complain about wokeness, abstract and stretched label as it is now. They can't even define it if you ask for clarification. You'd figure that for something that occupies so much of a right-winger's political thought, they'd have looked it up in a dictionary.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Why do you always assume the worst of me?
You're the one who posts this stuff.

I support concealed carry but only for trans people who have shown a genuine need for protection.
Nobody else has a genuine need for protection?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You are right. I am glad I waited to respond to this after I got to work. I stopped at a Dunk Donuts this morning and there was this homeless man screaming while walking down the street. I had to walk faster to get away from him. When I left the Dunkin Donuts he was still outside screaming. I wish I had a gun for protection because the homeless man seemed dangerous.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

they very much are radicalised online in ‘cells’, in much the same way that radical islam would pick up lost young men filled with anomie by pumping them full of jihadi media and propaganda.
Experts in terrorism keep pointing out the similarities between Western white supremacists and jihadist violence. The modern white supremacists are now appropriating parts of the jihadist iconography and tactics too. There has even been cases of white supremacists moving to or from Islamic extremism. The biggest commonality between the lone wolves of both movements is an obsession with violence.

Anyhow, if you roll back the clock to 2007, you will see many posters here complain about "Muslim countries not doing enough to combat extremism." It is now very obvious why they couldn't. Too many people in those countries agree with the underlying ideology of Islamic extremism even if they don't agree with the violence. America has the same issue with right wing violence. We can't clamp down on all of it since too many Americans agree with the underlying ideas.

Now regarding white supremacists mass shooters. While I do believe they are genuinely racist I also suspect that a few would have committed a mass shooting and the white supremacists stuff is a shield to mask their personality and learning disorders. The Buffalo shooter was in special education and retained a grade. This latest shooter was recommended for special education services as a child but didn't get it. Dylan Roof was a high school dropout with drug convictions etc.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

You are right. I am glad I waited to respond to this after I got to work. I stopped at a Dunk Donuts this morning and there was this homeless man screaming while walking down the street. I had to walk faster to get away from him. When I left the Dunkin Donuts he was still outside screaming. I wish I had a gun for protection because the homeless man seemed dangerous.
c s b
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There you go again rejecting my lived experience

Your story, true or not, seems told with a certain mocking, minimizing intent. I fElT aFrAiD! What next for your frightening lived experiences, a clown standing behind you at checkout? A plastic bag blowing across the parking lot? Do better.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-07-06 06:31:00)


SuperJail Warden wrote:

Now regarding white supremacists mass shooters. While I do believe they are genuinely racist I also suspect that a few would have committed a mass shooting and the white supremacists stuff is a shield to mask their personality and learning disorders. The Buffalo shooter was in special education and retained a grade. This latest shooter was recommended for special education services as a child but didn't get it. Dylan Roof was a high school dropout with drug convictions etc.
well of course, there's always some salient factor(s) that pushes these individuals way over the edge; some deficiency in themselves, mental or sociological, or some outsider status. i feel like people are very blind about this when discussing 'the problem with islam', though. most moderate muslims don't recognise 21-year-old jihadists who want to cut off people's heads and commit massacres, either. or it's the same story: "he was such a quiet, sweet boy ... nobody suspected anything". i feel like muslims get held to very high standards on this stuff.

the recent uvalde shooting, whilst not explicitly ideological (so far as i've read), had similar serious problems with his parents. seemed like a total breakdown in his relationship with his mother, for one. do the media hound and scrutinise the white parents as they do the muslim family/community? of course not.

Macbeth, 2026, barricaded in his bathroom against a vengeful, raving, cucked soldier. The door doesn't look like it can take much more, and there is no alternative egress. The police are on their way, please stay on the line for another 15 minutes.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Good point. What kind of gun should I get?

There are threads with this already talked about. How much training above state minimums do you want to get in? Will you practice regularly? How do you want to carry it? How much weight/bulk do you want to bother with? Are you concerned about snagging it on clothing? You'll need a safe and the typical security devices. As a teacher, you're going to leave it home every day you go to work. Also, you shouldn't take it to places where you need to leave it in your car.

S&W 442 and some kind of pocket holster that covers the trigger guard, in a pocket that has nothing but the gun. Behaviors and practices should be covered in training. Grab a couple speedloaders while you're at it.

Saw this on other social media today getting torn to shreds. Visit the youtube link, comments seemingly, unironically rooting for it.

"Angry Democrat Klansmen." Can't you just tell how eager white supremacists are to sign up for the liberal Democratic agenda. Maybe it's so far out there on purpose, what with people across the country noticing it.

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