
I'm not saying you're defending billionaires. You just seem to prioritize complaining about the too-high incomes of people making far less.

Even if I wanted to claim you're at bat for the ultra-wealthy, it would be little different than you putting words into other people's mouths.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have only complained about the old and the police. I wasn't angrily writing about how the Amazon warehouse worker didn't use the right boxes or something.

Haha, nice deflection, but no.

I've got a friend who works the low levels at a facility, so I got a lot of second-hand learning about the work culture there. My complaints about the company are largely at the corporate level. There is no option for "extra packing materials" when you go to check out.

The most carefully packed items I've ever gotten are from places like etsy and ko-fi.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The baby formula shortage is not real. I see stacks of baby formula at the local Walmart all the time.

I'm not certain that a bunch of parents, retailers, and news people are all in on some conspiracy.

Is it always the same brands that you see, or is Walmart just getting whatever they can find? There's apparently been a lot of problems for babies parents who've had to constantly switch out formulas.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't know how feeding a baby works but I do know what a giant pile of baby formula looks like.

People shouldn't be using baby formula anyway. I was fed with formula and I am still angry about it.

Haven't we been here before on this forum, and quite recently.

I'm not sure what business it is of anyone else's if, for whatever reason, a mom can't or doesn't want to breastfeed. I know that pediatricians recommend breastmilk as the gold standard, but of course kids will go on to frequently eat McDonald's, chips, and soda. TV dinners later in life like a certain forum user we know.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I'm not saying we should ban baby formula.

Maybe not, but you're calling the whole formula shortage fake news just because you saw some random ones sitting around at a walmart. Were they even the same from one day to the next?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why are you denying my lived experience?

Remember the hand sanitizer, soap, and toilet paper shortages not long ago? Ended up seeing brands I'd never even heard of before in stock. People have had to do similar with formula, only for use with babies with delicate digestive systems. Have fun taking care of that.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
America has finally opened its market to foreign baby milk companies, previously it was closed.

A local company has gone from five days one shift per day to seven days three shifts.

It will be interesting to see if America puts the wall up again.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Gas prices are also fake news. As someone who drives a 4 cylinder japanese car and has a short commute a couple of towns over, the "high" gas prices don't seem oppressive.

The people who drive pick up trucks 50 miles to their jobs at the ammo factory have it bad but that is their own fault for making poor car buying choices. Same group of people who wouldn't breast feed a child.

Everything that doesn't affect you, a salaried government employee with no chidren, is fake news. Got it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There you go again denying my lived experience.

You're the one denying stuff. You saw a pallet of baby food at walmart, so now the formula crisis was fake news all along. Your commute is short, so now the people who have to budget a bag of potato chips aren't suffering from long commutes at $10/gal, while public transportation infrastructure sucks and apartments in the city are out of their price range. Nothing is real outside yourself.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6858|United States of America
As a gas efficiency nerd for the past decade, I was always irked by the amount of people who cruise at 90+ mph or accelerate sharply only to stop in a quarter mile. Same with the trend of buying crossovers and shit instead of a nice, sleek, 4-cylinder turbo. There's ways people can be more efficient but it's not their favorite thing to do, so they likely don't actually want to learn. Some people won't draft a semi their whole journey to get the aero advantage because they gotta be FIRST. It is unusual for me to pay $70 to fill up my tank, for sure, but it makes me awful glad that I'm not driving some gas-guzzler.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
77mph mpg > 55mph mpg
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

the people who have to budget a bag of potato chips
Are these the same people who took out a loan for an F350 because everyone else in the trailer park had an F250 and they had to go better?

I have exactly zero sympathy for people who buy monster trucks, drive huge distances then moan about the price of everything.
So many anecdotes, so little time.

The current price of petrol, which here is the equivalent of U$13.3/US gal, hurts me not at all.
Buy an efficient vehicle, drive less and/or shut up, I don't care.
Find something to do at the weekend besides driving would be a start.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-06-10 06:51:24)

Fuck Israel
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
In the same breath I heard someone complain about gas prices but say they still want a diesel pickup
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Food inflation is also fake news. The food in the teacher cafe is still the same price. The Walgreens near me still has buy 1 get 1 free deals on breakfast cereal and snacks with a Walgreens member card.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Food inflation is also fake news. The food in the teacher cafe is still the same price. The Walgreens near me still has buy 1 get 1 free deals on breakfast cereal and snacks with a Walgreens member card.
it’s not fake news. food is more expensive. there are companies which index this thing. that’s what retail inflation consists of. they track 100s of essential/staple goods. they are getting more expensive.

the world’s 2nd or 3rd biggest exporter of grain is currently being invaded by russia. grain is rotting without being exported. the cost of essential staples is increasing for multiplicand reasons.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
But Pop-Tarts was 2 for 1 just yesterday. Let them eat Pop-Tarts.

Dilbert_X wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

the people who have to budget a bag of potato chips
Are these the same people who took out a loan for an F350 because everyone else in the trailer park had an F250 and they had to go better?
No, this is not about poor people with loan money gas guzzlers, who would still be paying the price at $3/gal. Read post again. This is about Mac trolling on this latest spree of "formula is fake news, gas is fake news, food is fake news." Everything that doesn't impact him directly, is fake news. A desk cop dismissive of his credit card stuff got him fired up about the police here (dramatically flinging his evidence into the station wastebin, lol). Reminds me of when he had a bad time at the comic book store. A heck of a last straw anyway, don't you think? You'd think there would be a thousand better reasons for him to vent about cops nonstop.

If we question his hot takes, we're "denying his lived experience," rofl.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
everyone knows f1 is rigged look at last years finale

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