
Dilbert_X wrote:

The problem isn't alcohol its that they're turds.

Oligarch-Warlord Tony Blair wasn't a big drinker and look at all the people he killed.
Also dilbert: "this politician I don't like studied humanities. HMM, MUST BE A CONNECTION."

the good old days.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

The problem isn't alcohol its that they're turds.

Oligarch-Warlord Tony Blair wasn't a big drinker and look at all the people he killed.
Also dilbert: "this politician I don't like studied humanities. HMM, MUST BE A CONNECTION."
dilbert: LoL you must have HolES in your brain from taking drugs 5+ years agO!
also dilbert: so what if the senior-most executive team were blasted at work twice a week during one of the gravest crises to ever confront a peacetime country? everyone likes a drink.

dilbert: your problem is that you're selfish, care about no one else, and think partying is the top priority during a pandemic.
also dilbert: now now, let's not focus on the leadership of the country and its pandemic decision makers having dozens of alcohol-fuelled parties.

want to know how many covid regulations i broke because of my 'selfish' hedonistic impulses? ZERO.
downing st? the most fined address for lockdown breaches in the entire country.

you can't make this up. dilbert has shit for brains.

Last edited by uziq (2022-05-26 19:44:33)

so boris johnson was down to his last of 9 lives. he refused to resign after about 3 stages of it being the right/prudent/respectable thing to do.

a parliamentary enquiry had been set-up, with cross-party support, to investigate the matter of whether he knowingly lied to/misled parliament. that, under the ministerial code, is an offence for which one must surely resign.

well, turns out boris has just altered the ministerial code.

the same guy who ignored other parliamentary protocols and procedures, e.g. ignoring the concerns of the security services' vetting over 'lord siberia', and dismissing every ethical complaint that was made against those close to his inner circle.

utterly shameless. the country is literally being ran for the sake of one man's childhood dream and vanity.

Last edited by uziq (2022-05-27 07:26:22)


uziq wrote:

so boris johnson was down to his last of 9 lives. he refused to resign after about 3 stages of it being the right/prudent/respectable thing to do.

a parliamentary enquiry had been set-up, with cross-party support, to investigate the matter of whether he knowingly lied to/misled parliament. that, under the ministerial code, is an offence for which one must surely resign.

well, turns out boris has just altered the ministerial code.

the same guy who ignored other parliamentary protocols and procedures, e.g. ignoring the concerns of the security services' vetting over 'lord siberia', and dismissing every ethical complaint that was made against those close to his inner circle.

utterly shameless. the country is literally being ran for the sake of one man's childhood dream and vanity.
this wouldnt have happened if he let so many brown people in power.
err he quite consciously pushed out all the old mainstream tory politicians who would have stood up to him. and most of his sycophant cabinet are white.

i realise you’re doing a sub-dilbert bit though. it’s funny he gets especially annoyed at rishi sunak. dilbert being particularly affected by the budget of the UK.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Also dilbert: "this politician I don't like studied humanities. HMM, MUST BE A CONNECTION."
Pretty well everyone in the world has a drink on a Friday, pretty well no-one goes to Oxferd to skate through studying dross then slides easily into government with no talent whatever.

furziq wrote:

iTs teH dr1nkInG tHatZ thE ProbBlurm

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-05-27 20:19:54)

Fuck Israel
the sue gray report itself noted a conspicuous problem with drinking culture in the highest echelons of government. it recommended reforms to the use (and abuse) of alcohol in government. this reinforces a recent parliamentary inquiry about the drinking culture at westminster. this stuff has been in the news a lot recently.

bosses set the tone for workplace culture, which includes the permission/restriction to consume alcohol at work. again, the vast majority of workplaces tend to keep a line of division between the professional setting and getting blitzed, being sick everywhere, and getting into fights. probably for good reason. heavy drinking and alcohol abuse are generally not conducive to good performance, nor for preserving cordial and professional relations.

i still find it hilarious that you've been ranting for years at the performance of our leadership based on, er, their undergraduate reading lists ca. 20-30 years ago, but see no possible connection between poor performance, a lackadaisical attitude, and absent leadership (during a time of national crisis, no less) and them being pissed and hungover for 1/3rd of every work week. amazing. you truly are a top-rate goon.

Last edited by uziq (2022-05-27 20:29:06)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i still find it hilarious that you've been ranting for years at the performance of our leadership based on, er, their undergraduate reading lists ca. 20-30 years ago, but see no possible connection between poor performance, a lackadaisical attitude, and absent leadership (during a time of national crisis, no less) and them being pissed and hungover for 1/3rd of every work week. amazing. you truly are a top-rate goon.
Its their undergraduate reading list - and being praised and rewarded for doing fuck all but partying and networking - which sets the tone for the rest of their life.
Fuck Israel
i think you'll find the entitlement begins at those £40,000p/a preparatory and public schools. the ruling class aren't formed in the crucible of university humanities departments, dilbert.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Why do their always study the same subjects though?
Fuck Israel
i mean, they don’t. it’s historically specific to the UK. why did the imperialist/civil servant class latch onto classics and latin/greek over, say, engineering, as the imperialist ruling class in china have done, or law and business schools as pertains in the USA?

well, for that you need historical context: the public school system, victorian values and interest in classicism, the antiquated notions that public servants are served well by speaking latin and being fashioned as gentlemen (like their peers in high office across europe), the enduring influence of the civil service and her institutions (getting into the foreign office is a different matter to getting into the politburo or FBI). it’s a distinctly british and distinctly 19th century tradition.

none of which has anything to do with ‘hurr durr the humanities are intrinsically bad’.

Last edited by uziq (2022-05-27 21:23:03)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
The problem here is that some of these people liked a drink now and then

Fuck Israel
you’ve won so many arguments in D&ST by invoking the nazis. it works every time! wow. i bet you excelled in debate club.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i mean, they don’t. it’s historically specific to the UK. why did the imperialist/civil servant class latch onto classics and latin/greek over, say, engineering, as the imperialist ruling class in china have done, or law and business schools as pertains in the USA?
Because they're lazy morons?
Fuck Israel
nnnyes only engineers have to try in university. all other knowledge is a doddle. that’s why you’re so demonstrably an expert in history on this board, isn’t it?

you want to see lazy moronism? how about being unable to form an argument or apply some analysis without mentioning the nazis? lmfao you literally ridicule yourself.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Explain how so many lazy morons seem to coast through Oxferd and come out with a degree without having learned anything at all.

According to your argument this guy must be one of the best read top 1% of brains in Britain.


I bet he can speak conversational latin and shit.
Fuck Israel
sorry, but where have i made an argument that ALL oxford PPE or classics graduates are the 'best read top 1% of brains'? haven't made that anywhere.

you seem particularly dense on this point. oxford/cambridge, harvard/yale, etc, are simultaneously both centres of academic excellence AND establishment finishing schools. they accept the best and the brightest from around the world, have some of the best faculty, produce some of the best research ... but have also historically been destinations for the ruling class to amble by idly on their way to the corridors of power, business leadership, etc.

the fact you can't wrap your head around the idea that 95% of any given undergraduate cohort at, say, oxford or harvard will genuinely be very bright peopple doing their best with very stimulating subjects, whilst a small minority will be spoilt arseholes having everything in life given to them ... is genuinely troubling. it suggests you're on some sort of spectrum. yes, reality is complex and often contradictory. a place can be great and also shelter pockets of mediocrity, too. even more so when said mediocrity are the ones giving huge endowments and financial largesse to these institutions.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … hools.html

this story did the rounds recently in the UK press. the number of entitled ruling-class eton toffs going to oxford/cambridge halved last year, from 99 to 48. so even in the boom years, they were sending 100 students a year to oxford and cambridge. do you have any idea what a tiny minority of a minority that forms? use. your. thick. fucking. head.

Last edited by uziq (2022-05-27 21:49:05)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I don't really care about the quality of the faculty and what the dons get up to any more than I care if the board at BMW listen to Wagner or the Spice Girls.

Its the quality of the output which matters and Oxferd's output is rubbish.
How is it they give free degrees to obvious morons?
Fuck Israel
yes, oxford's output are rubbish based on your sample of ... old etonians in no. 10. great argument chap.

sorry, do better.

how do elite institutions give free admission and easy degrees to the ruling class? hmm. i'm sure you can think about this one. why do they admit the richest and most powerful people in society and cultivate them for their alumni networks? hmm i wonder.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Oksferd clearly accommodates hedonists and chancers.
Fuck Israel
you have a very creepy obsession with undergraduate degrees and institutions. was that when you peaked or something? most people move on and acknowledge that life turns many chapters after 18-21.

the private dining club hedonists at oxford are, again, a tiny minority of a minority. 100 old etonians and 75 old harrovians per year is not exactly characteristic of an institution of 12,500 undergraduates. you can math, right?

Last edited by uziq (2022-05-31 06:33:28)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Nope, just the creepy shitbags in govt who think they're better than me because they skipped through a worthless degree at a money-buys-success college.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
On topic: Is there any greater freedom than to buy a vacuum cleaner with more than 1400W of power?
Fuck Israel

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