SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
prostatitis. Anyone ever had this?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have one of these for breakfast every work day.
Should I be worried about my heart exploding someday?
I am all that is MOD!

25% of your daily sugar intake. You're going to become the fatty you're so afraid of marrying.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
What if the rest of my diet is sugar free?

I wish they had a low sugar alternative.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Actually they do have a sugar free alternative

Much fewer calories. Maybe throw in a banana for breakfast and successfully adult.

But what about my heart?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I ate a bunch of cake for teacher appreciation week and also Cinco de Mayo today at work on top of my usual french toast breakfast. I came home and weighed myself and I am only 148.

That can't be right. Am I dying?
Go Cougs!
+691|6452|Washington St.
"usual french toast breakfast"

wtf? How do you usually have french toast for breakfast? You get that if you go out for breakfast which is like a monthly thing at most. I think I go out for breakfast or brunch twice a year max
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The students have a choice for breakfast of French toast, pancakes, egg and cheese on a bagel, sausage egg and cheese on a bagel, bacon egg and cheese on a bagel, fruit, and cereal for breakfast. I often switch between French toast and the sausage egg and cheese for breakfast.

It is free for the kids but $1.90 is 5 French toast sticks or a breakfast sandwich which is a bargain IMO. I used to pay $5 just for a sandwich at Dunkin donuts.

You can get a literal five dollar foot long at a grocery store. I don't know why anyone keeps shelling out for McDonald's. Didn't even know DD had sandwiches ffs.

Lots of carbs on your school menu. Does one of the admins have a deal with a bagel company?

What are you like 5'9? 10? 150 lbs should be fine (maybe even a bit on the chunk), but obviously we don't have your body metrics in front of us. Go for a physical if you're concerned.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-05-06 14:02:58)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
What else could you feed kids for breakfast? Omelettes?

Avocado toast, obviously.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The school will go broke. We couldn't even keep the building staffed if we fed the kids avocado toast.

If I went to the store right now I could probably round up a bag of avocados for less than a bag of everything bagels.

Seriously though,

Americans: *bread every day, for multiple meals a day*
Also Americans: "Why are we so fat?"

I just thought your list of stuff was weirdly carb intensive, for an institution known for dumping student meals in the trash. Aren't schools trying to improve?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The school lunches are actually really varied and well prepared. I wish you could see them because I think you would be impressed and less pessimistic about it. The breakfast food is always the same though.

I think you've posted pictures before, and that they looked reasonable. The breakfast menu just threw me off. "Would you like the bread, the bread, the bread, the bread, or eggs & sausage?"
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6898|Oxferd Ohire
I take my weight every morning and it's pretty easy to determine why my weight is what it is. I'm at 165 which is 5 more than historic but meh. I call it bulking. It's from free food since Easter. The food should, should, stop. Cutting started today I hope.

P90X3 is going well enough. Still like doing that plus some extra weight training 3 days a week more than the longer p90x. Arms are improving which was my main issue.

I eat a lot of carbs. I love carbs. Have I eaten a loaf of bread before. Yes. Literally my title.

Last edited by RTHKI (2022-05-06 19:13:32)
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I bought two loaves of wheat bread from the CVS near my apartment. I try to avoid white bread.

I will not say no to a sourdough/gouda melt or a delicious side of olive bread, but probably good to keep track of your calories while you're at it.

I've found CVS foods to be a little on the spendy side. Do you coupon?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I only bought two loaves since they were on sale 2 for $5 with a CVS rewards membership. I might as well eat through my canned tuna and reduced sugar grape jelly.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I just weighed myself. 144 pounds. That's not good. I used to weigh about 150?

Sudden weight loss?
I am all that is MOD!

Do you weigh yourself consistently? I weigh myself almost every day and I fluctuate about 5 lbs depending on meals, water, etc. Maybe you're 150 after a big meal and fully hydrated, and 144 in the morning after you take a huge shit.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think I have restless leg syndrome. Do I qualify for some opiates?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6898|Oxferd Ohire
I woke up early yesterday for work. Decided to carry that over to today and wake up early to exercise before instead of after work. Went ok hope it keeps being okay. I don't like needing to workout right after work
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
One of my coworkers does this. He wakes up at 5 AM to workout. How is it working for you?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6898|Oxferd Ohire
Tomorrow is day 3. I'll get back to you. I wake up at 645 normally. Just making it 6.

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